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PRINCIPLES OF MANAGEMENT METHODS – informational/system/ a business.

formula/procedural resources Management of financial
Definition of Management and Business: resources is one of the main
concerns of business
Management is defined as the systematic A BUSINESS HAS BASIC MANAGEMENT managers and owners.
process of Planning, Organizing, Staffing, FUNCTIONS  Materials are all of the tangible
Directing, and Controlling (POSDC) all -Planning things being used by organizations
activities and resources in an organization -Organizing to run their businesses; these are
for effective and efficient realization of -Staffing the physical resources of the
specific objectives. -Directing company in the forms of land,
-Controlling building, machines, equipment, raw
-Evaluating materials, and supplies. Proper
Business is defined as an organization of
people with varied skills. It uses property or Management of physical assets is
A BUSINESS HAS BASIC BUSINESS very important in running the
talents, to produce goods or services, which FUNCTIONS
can be sold to others for more than their business.
-Production/Operation  Methods are also very important
cost to gain profit or an enterprising entity -Marketing
engaged in commercial, industrial, or inputs. The company needs relevant
-Finance ideas to run the business well.
professional activities to meet their -HRM (Human Resource Management)
objectives. Methods, also known as
 Businesses can also be non-profit
informational resources, are
EVERY BUSINESS ASPIRES company assets being used by the
organizations that operate to fulfill a -To effectively and efficiently attain
charitable mission or further a social managers for managing the affairs of
organizational goals and objectives the Organization. Business ideas
cause. -To produce products or services
 Whether the purpose is for-profit or
such as; plans, strategies, tactics,
non-profit, both needs careful policies, rules, procedures, and other
THE INPUTS information are gathered and used
management process to attain  Men become part of the
specific goals. by the organizations for their
company as the human advantage.
resources, which belief to be
THE CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK OF the most valuable assets of
BUSINESS MANAGEMENT The Five (5) Basic Management
every organization because Functions
they are the one who controls  Planning – is the process of
 INPUTS (Men, Money, Materials, and process all other
Methods) establishing goals and a suitable
resources to accomplish the course of action in anticipation of
 These inputs are called as resources company goals or purposes.
which managers use: future trends so that the desired
 Money is also a major and result for achieving those goals will
MEN - human resources significant input of business be realized.
MONEY – financial resources because the company makes  Organizing – is the process of
use of it as the primary fuel to engaging two or more people in
MATERIALS – physical resources run the business machine. working together in a structured way
Money or financial resources to achieve a specific goal or set of
is the main reason why there is goals. It is designing the relationship
between jobs, personnel, and discipline and separation of organization The Foundation
physical factors. members.  Knowledge, Skills, and Attitude
 Staffing – is the process of filling the (KSA) represents the strength of any
positions provided in the organization. Managers and members
organizational structure to of the Organization's workforce must
accomplish the tasks effectively. Effectiveness, Efficiency, and Goals possess the right knowledge, skills,
 Directing - is the process of or Objectives and attitude to obtain true success.
influencing people and motivate  Effectiveness – means the ability to
them to work willingly and effectively determine appropriate objectives, The External Environment Forces
and perform essential tasks. "DOING THE RIGHT THING." The The external forces might directly or
 Controlling - is the process of performance is said to be effective indirectly affect the performance of the
ensuring that actual activities when the job was done exactly Organization; for this reason, Management
conform to planned activities. It following the information specified in must be keenly aware of these external
means keeping all efforts within the the plan and was finished within the forces and must incorporate these concerns
channels prescribed by the specified budget and time allotment in their decision-making process. During
Management.  Efficiency – means the ability to the environmental scanning process, the
minimize the use of resources in company must assess the internal strength
achieving organizational objectives, and weaknesses of the company in contrast
The Four (4) Basic Business Functions: "DOING THINGS RIGHT." The with the opportunities and threats to the
1 Production/Operations Department – is performance is efficient when the external environment (SWOT ANALYSIS).
in charge of the transformation process that task was done following the plan in a  Political – legal Forces – Business
converts raw materials and other inputs into minimize budget and a shorter firms' operations are also much
finished products in the form of goods or period. affected by legal and political factors
services.  Goals or Objectives – the purpose in their environment, which directly
that an organization strives to or indirectly have an impact on the
achieve; organizations often have operation of a business firm. These
2 Marketing Department – perform a group more than one goal. Goals or are various laws, ordinances, and
of activities designed to facilitate and objectives are fundamental elements regulations. The following examples
expedite the distribution and selling of of organizations. are Minimum wage law, Price control
goods or services produced by the
laws, Tax laws, Patent law, Tariff
Organization to satisfy customers' needs
rates, Employment laws, Business
and wants.
License or permit, Occupational and
safety laws, Social welfare laws,
3 Finance Department – is concerned with
Environmental laws, and other local
the procurement and administration of
funds. With the view of achieving the The Outputs  Economic Forces – Focuses on
objectives of the business. Products – are all of the tangible finished how individuals or groups of people
goods produced by the Organization. produce, distribute, purchase, and
4 Human Resources Department – is use various goods and services.
responsible for the recruitment, selection, Services – are all of the intangible products The indicators are the following:
training, and development, compensation, produced by the Organization. Unemployment, Debt, Inflation,
integration, and maintenance as well as Interest rates, Income decline,
Money supply, Value of peso,  COMMERCE - It refers to the a. Recreation- includes motion
Investment level, etc. These exchange of goods and services, picture production and distribution,
economic factors are a vital source with the movement of goods from theaters for drama, television, and
of information for making business the point of production to the point of many others.
decisions. consumption. b. Personal Services- include
 Socio-Cultural Forces – Describe  INDUSTRY- Primarily concerned businesses such as hotels,
the characteristics of the society in with the creation of form utility or the restaurants, laundry shops, parlors
which the Organization exists. The production of goods that are used and barber shops, and many others.
indicators are the following: Level of either by the consumer called
education, Lifestyle, Taste, and consumers good, or by other It must be noted that these broad
preference, customs, Beliefs, industries in the further production of classifications are not mutually exclusive.
Attitudes, Buying habits, Mobility of other goods called producer's Some businesses that do not fall clearly into
population, Religious beliefs, Fad or goods. one classification or another but may
fashion or social trend. overlap into two or three groups.
 Technological Forces – The sum INDUSTRIES ARE GROUPED INTO:
or total of the knowledge we have of Example: Transportation may be classified
ways to do things. It includes a. Genetic- from the word "genesis" or as commercial if it ended in the transfer of
techniques, and it includes the vast beginning, include agriculture, goods, but if the bus was used to transport
store of organized knowledge about forestry, and fish culture. a passenger from one place to another,
everything. But its main influence is b. Extractive- Characterized by the then it is considered service.
on ways of doing things, on how we extraction of goods from natural
design, produce and sell goods as resources. Include mining,
well as services. Reasons why People Go Into Business
lumbering, hunting, and fishing.
 Ecological Forces – These are A.Social Approval- the businessman
c. Manufacturing- involved in the
Climate and Weather conditions that has a high social standing in the
changing of raw materials or
directly affect the business community. People look up to
secondary products into more useful
operations such as; global warming, successful people in the business.
forms. The changing from a basic to
natural calamities, and catastrophes. a more advanced. Examples are B.Profit- the major factor of
 The negative impact of the external food, beverage, tobacco, textiles, motivation for going into business.
forces can be greatly reduced if the etc. Individuals enter into these activities
company has an advance forecast d. Construction- may range from the because of the anticipation of a
about the effect of these forces. building of multi-billion-peso "reward" in the form of monetary
Consequently, the company can highways, airports, houses. benefits.
make use of their strength to
encounter the threats of the external  SERVICES - It caters to the personal
forces. Scanning of the environment needs of people, or with the C.Personal Satisfaction- this
will also open the doors of rendering of personal service. personal Satisfaction comes about
opportunities that can be used by Businesses engaged in service are from the social status conferred on
the managers of business not involved in the buying and selling those engaged in business. It
organizations for their advantage. of goods or the manufacture of satisfies his creative urge, desire to
products. witness the fruits of his endeavors,
The Major Types of Business and search for self- fulfillment.
D.Livelihood- People go into management how the different established trading communities in
business to earn a living. theories of Management evolved until the Philippines.
it becomes the current principles that  The famous Galleon Trade between
E.Power- Some people enter the are being practiced today. Manila and Acapulco in Mexico in the
business because they expect to rise 18th century did little for the
to positions of prestige, power, and Business and Its History development of the Philippines
leadership. The successful  Barter System is an age-old method because the one who obtained the
businessman wields power in the that was adopted by people to profit were the Chinese. Most of the
community, exercise influence with exchange their services and goods. cargoes originated from China with
the money or productive facilities  The Code of Hammurabi (2000B.C.) Silk as the main item were traded.
under his control, and command had provisions for government There were also precious metal works
authority over the subordinates commercial transactions. from India and Persia.
working under him.  The Roman Empire had a clearly  Though the business transaction was
defined wage system while during the done here in the Philippines, the
F.Protection- Quite often, middle ages, devices of business Filipinos were only the laborers. It
individuals inherit a business, control like accounting and business was the Spaniards, and the Chinese
instead of suffering loss by selling functions like insurance and banking played as distributors or
the business. They decide to run the data. entrepreneurs. This went on until
business.  The commercial revolution of the 1898.
G.Service to the Community and 15th and 16th centuries. The influx
the Employees- Businessmen have of luxuries such as spices, silk,
perfumes, and other items from the CAPITALISM
become more conscientious hence
the desire to promote the social East, and realization by Europeans
 Businesses in the Philippines and
welfare of others. Many businesses that there are material things in life
worth buying and enjoying, gave rise other countries of the free world are
render service in the community and Capitalistic in Nature. This means
provide employment opportunities. to an unprecedented increase in trade
and commerce. The demand for that society entrusts the workings of
goods developed and had to be the business process to the guidance
satisfied. of the private businessman.
 The industrial revolution gave rise
to mechanical inventions. Mass
production gave rise to expand
industry and trade. The techniques
and methods of business activity  Capitalistic means:
were developed and polished.
1. Private Ownership. A large part of
MANAGEMENT HISTORY the community’s goods is owned by
History of Business in the Philippines individual persons or private corporations
 The history of business management  Arab traders were our visitors in the and not the state.
can be traced from many years back, 9th century, while the Chinese took
over most of the Philippine trade in 2. Production for a private account.
but in this module, we will just identify
the 12th century and even Means that the earnings from the business
the brief origins of business
go to private individuals or group.
3. Voluntary Savings and the Classical Management or  The Time and Motion Study
institution of bank credit Traditional Theories formulates the best and fastest
methods of operation for every part of
A. Scientific Management Theory the job or the “one best way” for a job
 Theory and its Importance to be done.
Theory explains the relationship This started with the growth of
between two or more facts or events. factories owned by private  He also introduced the Differential
 An example is the Theory of individuals where the government Rate System, which encouraged
Evolution of Man by Charles Darwin; did not interfere in business employers to pay more productive
he explained how man evolved. activities. workers. According to him, such a
From Ape to what we are today.  As a result, the capitalists exploited system would increase production
 Another example is the Theory of their workers, suppliers, and (Example: Sales commission above
Law of Supply and Demand in consumers. Working children and the quota).
Economics. It states that as the price the old ones were forced to work up
of a good increase, the demand for a to 18 hours a day with very low
good decrease because a price  Henry Gantt - an industrial engineer
increase reduces the purchasing who is an associate of Frederick
 Forerunners of Scientific
power of consumers. Taylor in several projects. He decided
to abandon the Differential Rate
 Robert Owen - he was one of the first
System due to its small effective effect
industrialists to recognize how the
 Why is Theory Important? on production.
growing factory system was
A Theory is important as it provides demeaning to workers as he saw in  He introduced a motivational scheme
guides in Management. Theories can be factories, such as the employment of where a bonus is given to supervisors
used as inputs for effective Management. young children (as young as 10), 13 whose workers achieve their daily
There are many theorists in Management hours workdays, and miserable standard. He believed that this would
that are being used by organizations today. working conditions, he became a motivate supervisors to train their
A wise manager knows the most reformer. workers to work better.
appropriate theories for different situations.
 Owen believed that production and  He also introduced the charting
Theories were developed towards effective
profit would increase if the conditions system for production scheduling, the
Management and productivity.
of the workers were improved. He Gantt Chart.
Three Classification of Theories in
executed several reforms and argued
for regulated work hours, child labor
laws, public education for children,  Frank and Lilian Gilbreth - This
1.Classical Management or company- furnished meals at work, husband and wife team researched
Traditional Theories and business involvement in fatigue and motion. Frank found out
community projects (community that a reduction in motion is also a
2.Behavioral School Theories service). reduction in fatigue.

3.Quantitative Management Theory  Frederick Taylor - he is called the  The couple claimed that motion study
or Management Science “Father of Scientific Management.” He would uplift the morale of the workers
is an engineer who researched on due to its physical benefits and
Time and Motion Study.
reflection of management concern for 7.Remuneration production efficiency and work
workers. If the workers can lessen the harmony.
movement from one place to another, 8.The Degree of Centralization
it would improve the output.  Because of this, it motivated some
9.Scalar Chain individuals to introduce better
B. Classical Organization Theory concepts of Management. They
10.Order applied both psychological and social
This theory is concerned with the 11.Equity factors in managing people.
development of management principles to
increase the productivity of complex 12.Stability of Tenure of Personnel
Two Approaches to Behavioral School:
organizations like factories. Such principles
serve as guidelines for managers. The 13.Initiative
A. Human Relations Approach - The
Basic Principles of Management that we will human Relations movement believed that
14.Esprit de Corps
discuss came from the theories in classical the key to higher productivity in
organization theory. organizations was increasing employee
Max Weber - He developed a theory of satisfaction.
Forerunners of Classical Organization
bureaucratic Management that provided a  Elton Mayo and his associates
strictly defined hierarchy with specific conducted research called
Henri Fayol - considered the “Father of regulations and lines of authority. Hawthorne Studies, where they
Classical School” that is for being the first to examined lighting conditions at a
place the system on it.  According to the bureaucratic theory, workplace and wages. They
bureaucracy is the basis for the concluded that financial incentives did
 He believed that managers are made, systematic formation of any not improve productivity.
which means Management can be organization and is designed to
learned. ensure efficiency and economic  The researchers believed that the
effectiveness. It is an ideal model for special attention given to workers
 He developed the 14 Basic Principles management and its administration to during the experiments motivated
of Management. bring an organization’s power them to improve their productivity.
structure into focus.
The 14 Principles of Management  They concluded that workers would
are:  His model has contributed to the work harder if Management was
Management of giant corporations or concerned about their welfare, and if
1. Division of Work multinational companies. supervisors gave them special
2.Authority and Responsibility
THE BEHAVIORAL SCHOOL THEORIES  This theory became known as the
3.Discipline Hawthorne Effect.
A. The Behavioral School
4.Unity of Command  Elton Mayo and his associates further
 This emerged due to the limitations of
the Classical or Traditional Theory. concluded that informal workgroups,
5.Unity of Direction like associations and friendships, had
Behavioral School Theorists believed
that Classical Theory failed to attain the strongest influence on
6.Subordination of Individual Interest
productivity, stronger than applied today. However, both In the systems theory, organizations are
Management. researchers and practitioners are seen as systems composed of a set of
now giving more attention to the interdependent parts that coordinate their
(Example; Bad influenced friends urging interaction of the organizations with efforts to achieve common goals.
classmates to cut classes to watch a their external environment.
movie.) Organizational systems operate based on
The contemporary approaches to four elements:
B.Behavioral Science Approach management include:

This is where Behavioral Science Theorists 1. The Contingency Theory

relied on the scientific method in studying
people in their work environment objectively 2. The Systems Theory
and not where their personal beliefs affect A.Contingency theory of Management
the result of the research. The scientific
 Contingency theorists argue that each
method is a collection of facts through
observation and experiments organizational circumstance is
unique, and as a result, management
THE QUANTITATIVE MANAGEMEN approaches should be selected and
APPROACHES applied based on the specific
 3. Quantitative Management Theory
situation at hand.
a.Inputs - organizational resources,
 The contingency theory, therefore, e.g., raw materials, human resources,
 The emphasis of quantitative financial resources, information, and
management theory is the application supports the view that "there is no
one best way to manage" and equipment.
of quantitative or mathematical
approaches to the solution of emphasizes the use of any
b.Transformation processes - the
management problems. management approach - scientific,
conversion of inputs into outputs
behavioral, and quantitative -
through managerial functions,
 Like statistical analysis (Statistics), provided it is suited to the
technological operations, and
Linear Programming, Production organizational situation and helps
production activities.
Scheduling, and Financial Analysis. managers to manage more
effectively. c.Outputs - the results of the
 The problem with management transformation processes, which
science is it is not accurate to place  This theory implies that managers
include profits/losses,
the attitudes or behaviors of workers can make decisions based on the
goods/services, and so on. Some of
in the form of mathematical models. situation at hand rather than a "one
these outputs, like, for example,
Contemporary management size fits all" method. A manager takes
products and services, are returned to
approaches: appropriate action based on aspects
the environment for use by other
most important to the current
organizations and individuals.
 Classical, behavioral, and scientific situation.
management approaches tend to d.Feedback - the environment's
focus more on the internal workings reactions to these outputs are relayed
of organizations. The contributions of back to the system.
each school of thought are still being B.System theory of Management
CLASSIFICATION OF SOCIETY: 2. To make the social structure more
 A systems approach allows organized and directed towards achieving
managers to assess their 1.Economic resources – can be run thru desires mission and vision
Organization’s interaction with the feudalism, communism, socialism,
larger environment. capitalism 3. Combination of individual functions in the
 An open system is an organizational community to fulfill their needs.
system that interacts with its 2.Religious belief – Slam, Buddhism,
environment, whereas a closed Christianity, Catholicism 4. The catalyst to a better-civilized group
system is one that does not do so and competitive environment
3.Language usage – English, Spanish,
and is therefore self-sufficient. French, Chinese, etc. 5. Organization as a primary changing tool
 However, in reality, an organization for better-civilized nations.
cannot be a closed system because, TWO TYPES OF SOCIETY:
for survival, an organization has to
interact with its environment. 1. Simple Society:

 Simple organizational structures;

clear and does not have many
procedures, open discussion,
relationship based on family and not
Factors that contribute to the formation of
organizations in society
2. Complex Society:
1. Need to achieve desired goals
MANAGEMENT & SOCIETY  Not unique and difficult to identify
Social Responsibility individual’s involvement in the 2. Need to have better administration and
& Ethics of the Firm society, loose and structured specialized task or job
Management and Society relationship among members, 3. Need for responsibilities to have better
systematic and organized lives
Definition of Organization: interaction, using high technology,
organizations take over the role 4. Need to have leadership in society
 An organization is a collection of
played by individuals to develop the
people working together in a
nation. 5. Needs in several aspects such as
coordinated and structured fashion to
security, defense, politics, and socio-
achieve one or more goals.
Organizations Role in the Society economic well-being
Definition of Society:
1. Organizations exist to allow the 6. Need for control in society
 Society is a group of individuals that accomplishment of work that could not be
have common features in many achieved by people alone. As long as the
goals of an organization are appropriate, Organizations and People
society will enable them to exist, and they
can contribute to society
1. Organizations are influenced strongly by 1. The economic factors include inflation, example is the Securities and Exchange
the people that form part of them. They can interest rates, unemployment, and demand. Commission (SEC)
take part in the personality of the people
within them, and their attitudes, perceptions, 2. The technological factors refer to the 2. Interest groups are groups organized by
and behaviors affect how an organization methods available for converting resources their members to attempt to influence
will operate. into products or services. organizations. An example is the Philippine
Chamber of Commerce (PCC)
2. Organizations require management. 3. The socio-cultural factors are customs,
mores, values, and demographic 3. Labor includes all workers who provide
3. Organizations use management to characteristics of the society in which the the service or produce the products. Labor
accomplish the work that is required to organization functions. is especially a concern when it is unionized.
achieve the goals.
4. Owners are individuals, groups, or
organizations that have a significant stake in
NATURE OF ORGANIZATIONAL 4. The political-legal factors refer to the Organization. An example is a
ENVIRONMENT government regulation of business and the stockholder.
relationship between business and
1. The external environment is everything Government. 5. Strategic allies are two or more
outside an organization that might affect it. companies that work together in joint
(PESTLE I Factors – political, economic, 5. The international factors refer to the ventures
socio-cultural, technological, legal, extent to which an organization is involved
environmental, international) in or affected by the business in other
2. The internal environment consists of
conditions and forces within the  Board of Directors:
Organization. (5 M’s-Manpower, Money, Task Environment:
Method, Material, Machinery) A board of directors is required only of
1. Competitors are other organizations that organizations that are incorporated;
compete for resources however, many other firms have them. The
THE EXTERNAL ENVIRONMENT board of directors is elected by the
2. Suppliers are organizations that provide stockholders and in-charged with
 The general environment is the support for other organizations overseeing the general management of the
nonspecific dimension or forces in its firm. To ensure that it is being run in a way
surrounding that might affect its 3. Regulators are units in the task that best serves the stockholders’ interests.
activities. (PESTLEI) environment that have the potential control,  Employees:
regulate, or influence an organization’s
 The task environment consists of policies and practices When the Organization’s employees hold
specific organizations or groups that the same values and goals as its
are likely to influence an organization. Types of Regulators: Management, everyone wins. However,
(regulatory agencies, interest groups, when managers and employees work
labor, owners, strategic groups, 1. Regulatory agencies - created by the toward different goals, everyone suffers.
allies) Government to protect the public from The composition of the Organization’s
certain business practices or to protect employees is changing, and managers must
General Environment: organizations from one another. An
learn how to deal effectively with these 7. Protect people from harm. 3. Provide the fringe benefits as mandated
changes by law.
8. Operate ethically and with integrity.
 Culture: 4.Provide the right working conditions like
9. When self-interest and common good are proper ventilation, clean workplace, and
The culture of an organization is the set of at odds, chooses the common good. safety place/measure.
values that helps its members understand
what the organization stands for, how it
does things, and what it considers essential. SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY IN BUSINESS B. To Investors or Shareholders,
An influential organizational culture can  SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY - Means
shape the firm’s overall effectiveness and the moral obligation of a company 1. The primary responsibility of business to
long-term success and help employees to concerning the welfare of the society its owners is to protect their investments or
be more productive. or stakeholders. The business has to ensure the security of their investments.
Impacts that organizations have on the assume concern for the health of the
world: community in which it operates. 2.Provide an adequate return on
 In the current practice of capitalism,  STAKEHOLDERS – are people or
as organizations grow, gaining groups of people who have an 3.Use their financial resources to provide
financial sustainability, influence, and interest in what is going on in the goods or services and efficiently use their
impact on society, they tend toward Organization. Which composed of the financial resources.
self-protection and self-interest. following;
Employees 4.Furnish the owners or investors with
 Every Organization should make it Owners/shareholders/investor correct information, specifically the financial
their core operating principle to make Government report.
the world a better place. Management Consumer
should consider their Organization on Supplier C. To the Government,
each of the following dimensions Community
working fully to foster these Financial Institution 1.Pay the right taxes.
WHAT ARE THE SOCIAL 2.Following the rules and regulations
1. To further people’s knowledge and RESPONSIBILITIES OF BUSINESSMEN
capacity for insight. TOWARDS THEIR STAKEHOLDERS? 3Providing the right information

2. Assists those who need help—affordably, A. To the Employees,

effectively, and compassionately. D. To the Suppliers,
1.Provide the right compensation as
3. To be of service to others. mandated by the law– the firm must be fair, 1.Paying obligations on time
4. Fosters people’s capacity to work and live and payment must be equal to the job
at their best. 2.Maintain a good relationship
description and job specification.
5. Foster individuals and collective liberty. 2.On-time salary, not exceeding 16 days in
E.To the community,
case of force majeure.
6. Use natural resources wisely and without
waste or harm to the environment.
1.The firm is required to provide a job 6.The right to clean environment the general beliefs, values, and customs of
opportunity. society.

2.The firm is expected to get involved in the PURPOSES OF SOCIAL 4.DISCRETIONARY RESPONSIBILITY -
local community or participate in civic RESPONSIBILITY Purely voluntary obligation of a firm. This is
programs, give donations or charitable ingenuity given by the firm to the society.
projects. 1.To alleviate the standard of living of the
community, particularly the employees. ETHICAL ISSUES IN BUSINESS
3.The firm must keep the environment clean Definition:
or protect the environment and make the 2.Promote and improve the community
community a better place to live. where the business is, especially helping  Ethics - came from the Greek word
community thru donating, charitable works, “ethos,” which means character or
F. To the Financial Institutions involved in the social program, and custom refers to distinguishing
providing jobs. disposition, character, or attitude of
1.Pay the financial institution on due time or specific culture or group.
agreed with the date. 3.To maintain an orderly legal society:
paying taxes and provide the right of the  Etiquette- is a prescription for
2.Must not breach contracts to maintain workers. socially acceptable behavior.
4.To improve the public image of the firm.
Provide excellent services, good quality,
and reasonable price and good service  Business Ethics- the study of what
G. To the Customers, constitutes right and wrong, good or
5.It is an ethical thing to do a) pay the bad human conduct in a business
supplier on time b) give correct and context.
1.Provide good quality of the complete information of the investors.  Business ethics covers all areas
product/service encompassed by business
TYPES OF SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITIES: transactions. The ethical conduct of
2.Provide product safety. business persons may be measured
1. LEGAL RESPONSIBILITY - The firm against how the following are
3.Provide adequate goods or services at a must follow the laws, thus fulfilling its
fair or reasonable price. adhered for:
statutory responsibilities. Legal
responsibilities are defined by the •Laws and regulations promulgated
Government in-laws that Management is by the Government; and
WHAT ARE CONSUMER RIGHTS? expected to obey.
1.The right to basic needs •Specific ethical conduct is not yet
2.ECONOMIC RESPONSIBILITY - A passed into law.
2.The right to safety product business firm must first make a profit to
satisfy its financial responsibility to continue list of concerns relating to laws and
3.The right to redress in existence. regulations requiring ethical behavior is
provided as follows:
4.The right to be informed 3.ETHICAL RESPONSIBILITY - the 1.Product, safety, and quality;
organizations or Management are to respect
5.The right to choose 2.Fair employment practices;
3.Fair marketing and selling practices; efficiently. Controlling compares the  Standards refer to the criteria of
events or the accomplishments with performance. For example, in
4.The use of confidential information for the original plans and makes planning sales targets for college
personal gain; necessary corrections when the textbooks, both the sales manager
circumstances differ from the plans. and the sales representatives should
5.Community involvement; plan together with the standards of
 To make it simple, you, as a production to ensure realistic goals.
6.Bribery; and manager, must-see if what happened
7.Illegal payments to foreign governments was what was supposed to happen. 2. Measurement of Performance. If
to obtain business. the results are equal to the
Ethical Codes: standards, there are no problems,
but If performance is below
 Codes of ethics are documents that standards, then the sales manager
specify practices that are unethical has to find out the possible
and which the company expressly deviations and then take corrective
forbids. action. If the return is very high, the
 Examples are kickbacks, payoffs, manager may have made an
receiving gifts, falsification of underestimation. Say the quota is to
records, and false claims about the sell 2,000 books, but it turns that all
product. STEPS IN THE CONTROL PROCESS the sales are over target.
 A code of ethics is a formal -Controlling is a process of measuring and
document that provides clear correcting actual performance against 3. Take Corrective Action. This action is
direction to Management and standards established by the organization. It to stop deviations (differences). However,
employees in the performance of includes the restraining, checking, and the work to be taken depends on three
their duties. motivating influences exercised by the factors: the standard, the accuracy in
 “Ethics is an important aspect of management. measuring deviation, and the analysis made
managing a business. Thus, its by the person or device investigating the
practice should be expected from the -The purpose is not only to prevent failures causes of variations. Standards can be low
firm’s Management and rank-and-file but also to improve performance. or high.
employees.” -Planning and controlling is like a Siamese
twin that cannot be separated from each  Measurements can be defective and
other. Plans without control will fail. inaccurate. Managers or supervisors
could use poor judgment in
determining the corrective action to
Introduction: 1. Establishment of Standards of be done. Nevertheless, in the case
Performance. of production standards or targets,
 Controlling is the last function of
management. The other essential deviations can be corrected
functions- planning, organizing, You must first set the standards to be employing mechanical process or
staffing, and directing must be put in followed by the members of the team. The quality control. The machine
control to achieve the objectives of criteria or objectives must be clear, specific, automatically rejects substandard
the organization effectively and measurable, and acceptable by workers or products.
employees involved.
FEATURES OF AN EFFECTIVE confusion, frustration, and perhaps, non- of, and providing direction for the people
CONTROL SYSTEM compliance. who work in the organization.

1. Accurate and Adequate Data. Data 5.Flexible and Acceptable. The control
are essential in any control system. system is a dynamic process and conforms
They pinpoint the causes of to the changing internal and external
deviations. If data are inadequate and environment of the organization. Flexibility
inaccurate, the control system cannot is of essential factor. The control system
correctly solve the problems. Wrong should also be acceptable by employees.
data result in the wrong solution.

2. Timely and Relevant. Data should be

appropriate to enhance the effectiveness of
any control system. It is challenging to solve
problems if data are not relevant to the
issues. Likewise, if the corresponding data
are not available on time, managers cannot DIFFERENT CONTROL AREAS BASIC TYPES OF CONTROLS
act on the issues. Managers should also IN THE FIELD OF BUSINESS The basic types of controls include
have enough time to respond quickly to Financial Controls, Production Controls,
problems. FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT- pertains to and General Management Controls
activities that are involved in raising money
and using it properly. The objective here is FINANCIAL CONTROLS
3. Economically and Organizationally to maximize the earnings of the owners.
 Financial Controls are observed in
Realistic. The cost of installing a control
Financial Statements, Budgets
system should be less or equal to the PRODUCTION MANAGEMENT- refers to
and Audits
benefits generated. A control system which the creation of goods and services to satisfy
is more expensive than its benefits is a human wants and other needs. Production A. Financial Statements. These
losing venture. Also, a control system Management involves planning, indicate the flow of goods and services
should be compatible with organizational organization, coordination, and control of to, within, and from the organization.
realities. For instance, employees should resources to maximize the creation of Such flow is analyzed in terms of
understand the relationships between products and services and to minimize the money.
performance and reward. They are costs of production
naturally eager to achieve realistic MARKETING MANAGEMENT- is the art 1. Statement of Financial Position or
standards if there are corresponding and science of choosing target markets and Balance Sheet. This tool shows the assets,
incentives. getting, keeping, and growing customers liabilities, and net worth of the organization.
through creating, delivering, and
4. Unbiased, Measurable, and communicating customer value. 2. Income Statement. This toll shows
Comprehensible. The data should not be records of the income and expenses of the
biased, must be measurable, and easy to HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT- organization. Profit or loss is determined by
understand so that it will not create (HRM) is the function within an organization comparing income and expenses.
that focuses on recruitment of, management
3. Ratio Analysis. The ratio is a
relationship between two numbers.

 Ratios provide the information needed

to measure progress towards the
objectives and to evaluate the
financial performance or condition of
the organization. The ratio is obtained
either by comparing the present to the
past performance of the company or
by comparing it to others within the
same industry.

Example: Liquidity Ratio = Current

Assets - Current Liabilities

4Break-Even Analysis. - shows the

relationship between total revenue (price x
quantity) and overall cost. Managers can
determine when TR=TC. The break-even
point means sales = costs.

B. Budgets. A budget is a statement of

sources of funds and the corresponding
planned activities to be funded in a given
specific period. It serves both as a plan and

C. Audits. This is to check the accuracy of

the data being used in the control system.
Audits are formal investigation, which is
intended to verify if records, reports,
statements, and other relevant information
are correct. Another purpose of audits is to
determine if such information or data
conform with the rules and procedures of
the organization. Audits are conducted by
insiders and outsiders to check financial and
management practices

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