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UNIT -IV INTEGRATED MANAGEMENT OF NEONATAL AND CHILDHOOD ILLNESSES (IMNCI) INTRODUCTION: gy for managemes ‘manner which are responsi developing counties by improved performance of ing countries ds ‘+ IMNCL isan integrated approae whole child, It Focused primarily onthe most com “+ IMNCL aims to reduce deat and development among un + Reduve monality + Reduce frequency and severity most common causes of chil css acting y 10-05-2023 BENEFICIARIES OF IMNCI: determine bascine morality among chikdren under Sys of ape. (NMR.IMR,USMR) + Care of young infants for new bom (under 2months) ermine prevalence of evr, nse stools, sugh and any oer illness (morbiity weeks price o day of field survey among children under Sys ofa Young children 2months-5yrs) de GOAL: + To asses effective programme coverage for specified disease condition (cough with Fast ‘rcahing) occurring in t80 wexks prior w day of ikl survey + To assess current status of child survival indicators and pr ty and pathway analysis of events prior to death and recovery jes in intervention and compassion level wement practices at houschold, community evel and heath a 1g competences of heath care provider. (doctors ath J, non convestional service provider) MENTATION OF IMNCI: proach to child health and development the national utincs 1 ounces avaible drops pices we used by the population pares tar enough ofthe ight low-cost avaleble re hr sick wo Be wate in an ot (COMPONENTS: «+ Health worker component- case management «+ Health service compone {ty component - improvements i? ih care practices disease, for es or hospitals sithincommuitios For pret Aen andr gting cil 10-05-2023 PRINCIPLES: ll sick young infants up wo two months must he assessed for bacterial * all sick children 2months wo Syrs must exami indicate the need for referral or admission to * all young infants and child 2months-5 signs are used based on evidence of drugs sensitivity and specificity to detect disease + A combination of individual signs leads wo an infants or child's classification rather than digress G TO COLOR Cope - teaches the mother how to care fr er child at TRAINING IN IMNCI ‘Training is at 2 levels * inservice taining forthe existing staff + Preservice raining CARE OF CHILDREN ACCORDING TO IMNCI + Coxmncling for exchative brea foing + Cow, shin sod eye care. + Recopeetce of ilinew i newborn and management and referral + heemamraion + Home visti the post ata period + 2MONTHS-SYRS ‘malaria, measles, acute ea infection, ‘NT PROCESS: ‘The charts describes the following steps THE CASE MANAGEME, OT Rec a Checking for bacterial infection/jaundice igo roe Assessment of sick young infant upto 2 months jaundice MRS nema oe eT ee IN CASE OF DIARRHEA ask AreEL

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