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GREEN TREE’S” (Nature)

In the place where soft waters flow, (A)

A peaceful heaven underneath the emerald tree, (B)
Nature's lullaby in the soft breeze's tow, (A)
A whispered word, and calm decree. (B)

The rocks, like poets, tell tales worn with age, (C)
Carved by the river's patient, constant song, (D)
In echoes, find the wisdom of the sage, (C)
A timeless conversation that flows along. (D)

Beneath the green tree’s embrace, (E)

Where sunlight flow through the leaves like gold, (F)
A sacred refuge, nature's quiet grace, (E)
In every work, stories to be told. (F)

Oh, whispering place, where the state of being calm starts, (G)
In nature's library, the language of hearts. (G

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“Harmony of Dawn”

Amidst the dawn, where morning paints the sky (A)

A board of soft color, a gentle start (B)
The sun arise, a golden counterpart (B)
Awakening the world with a warm sigh (A)
The flower’s blooms, and a rainbow nearby (A)
Each draw of god create a work of art (B)
Nature’s creation, a masterpiece in part (B)
A flower set, as daylight draws nigh (A)

The whispers of the wind through leaves that play (C)

A fine melody, a breath of air (D)
A sonnet woven through the branches sway (C)
The stars emerge, their cosmic tales declare (D)
In nightly silence, in the Milky Way (C)
Nature, written everywhere (D)

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