Adult Development

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Adult Development

Adult Development
- Adult development theory is described as stages of growth where individuals begin viewing the
world from a more multidimensional perspective and acquire a more complex understanding of
themselves and others.

- Adulthood is more than physical maturation but is defined through stages of adult development

Levinson's Theory of Adult Development

Levinson published The Seasons of Man's Life in 1978 where he described the stages of adulthood
development. The stages are described by life structures and cognitive growth. Levinson proposes that
young adults perceive dreams of their future selves as motivation for their life choices of marriage,
education, and careers. Once these goals are achieved they are modified according to how they meet

Levinson's stages are punctuated by transitional periods lasting around five years and periods of stability
that last about seven years. He defines these stages according to specific age ranges outlined as follows:

1. Early adulthood transition lasts from ages 17 to 22 when an individual leaves their
home and family and establishes their independence. During this time, people begin
making decisions about their careers and education. This stage is considered
transitional from adolescence to adulthood.
2. Entering the adult world occurs from ages 22 to 28. During this time, people begin
solidifying their goals and decide on a career. People may begin dating and forming
intimate relationships leading to marriage.
3. Age 30 transition happen from ages 28 to 33 and is defined as a period of reflection
and reevaluation. People will reassess their choices and make decisions guided by
their attitudes and perceptions towards their relationships and careers.
4. Settling down happens from ages 33 to 40 when people become more involved with
the community. People will reinvest in their families and commit more to their
5. Midlife transition lasts from ages 40 to 45 and is marked by a period of reevaluation
of family and career. Sometimes, people make sudden changes and vocalize past
regrets about pursuing interests and talents. This time is marked by a sudden
realization of one's mortality and results in a cognitive shift where the meaning and
purpose of life are evaluated. This is often referred to as a midlife crisis where there
is a desire to achieve or gain the things that had been previously desired.
6. Entering middle adulthood occurs from ages 45 to 50. During this time, people
commit to decisions and act on choices made based on the reflective period in the
preceding stage.
7. Late adulthood happens from ages 60 to 85 and is broken up into two periods, the
stable period and the transitional period.

Levinson also indicated that each stage consists of two types of periods:

 The Stable Period, in which a person makes crucial choices in life.

 The Transitional Period, in which one stage ends and another begins.

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