Assigninent On Forensic Psychiatry

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branch o medicine
with the diagnots ) treat roent and
that dens

Preverttion Dental lness

forersic Rsychia try

forensi e pyehiatry the ba rch

medicine thot deals with disorders of the mind

and their bastc
Telation to legol pincpler.The
forensi c psychiaty includer:

psychiaut c disordere

2 Crimind responstbli ty
3.Civil vesponsi blity
pychiatic disordor
4 LawsS Telating to

5-Admision proceduies 4 patient in a Pychabnc

6.Civil vights e; the me ntally tll.
72. PSy chiotr's t
and Cour t

3:Crime and Psychiatric disorders

There GYe dose asSo crafons
between me
and psychiatric disorder S blee persorality disorde
Portlculorly antisocol personality, drug deperde nce
disordevS; schi2ophre nia , affective disorders and ep lepsy
Cornit fence baouc
’Hentally 1l people may
They do not understoand the imptcation
their behavior.
to delusions ond hollucnofios.
Abnormal mental stress
like conHusion
e Cite ment eLc.

’ Drug elated violen ce

2- Cioinal responsblrty
Accoding to Section 84 the Thdian
Code (8Go, Nothing fenle which i dore
by peison who, ot the 4frre
tíme ¢ dÕing lt , by veas on o
untundres ina poble 4 khowing the hature

the oct , he is what athe

that dorg
on tro ry
to law"

citeria ased to deterine crinninal Tesponibilkty :

’ M'oughtens rule
he (9.isible im pulse tert
’The Durham Aest Product Tule
Americon low nstîtute

'Noonte n's Tule

The Tu le States that the ?ndtvtdal at the
Eme d tho cimo did ot lenow the ature

1 he did know wher Re nay

qualty the oct
doing. Re did not corn preherd t Lo be wYong .Theye
quahty ule
ruley reffereiod to as noture

rom wrOng test.

ord right rom
Tresssi be Smpulse Act
ths ule, a person may
According tb
a resu lt
the but
known an act

los their adio

e mentol im painment control

|Duthom's Rule/ Product rule

hot ciminally Yesponsible
An acC usod
product e mentol
unlowful Oct Was the
casual Connecfoh betWeen
diseasedefect.In this , the
mental abnornoity ord the alleq2d cime
Should be establtshod.

American Low 1nstitue CALI) Tes t

person not YeponEe Yor

the tme Such
cotmmeol Conduct ot
me ntol disease
Conduct as result
appreciate the
either to
|locks adoq ua te Capotty his
to Conform
cotoinal? ty
the law,
Conduct to the Teg uiyement

3. Civil Tesponst bilkty Mentaly i) pers on

Management co propertY

The Court may an

appicat9on trom
ary relative direct ing uiry to as ce taih
person ir mind and incapable

mo naging9 property

Marriage Act C1455),

As pe the Hind u Viarriage
tndividua ohe e whom
kmaríage between
any tv

Uhe time morriage is

mind at
Way unsound
the eye g the
nul and Void
Consideicd period
Unsoundn esr
tor obBaining9
Con he sighted 9rourd
to divorce
he Othei porty
divor ce moY e
when lonncy
2 Yor
lesta men tary Capacity
the Indian Sucessr on Act
testamentay ca paci ty 4 the mental dlftu a
Person is Pre- condition for maing a vold wll
he testato mut be mafo ree trom Coer oh,
understording ord displairg Scunanesr 4
doctori ard nurser colled itnesr tYe i||
upon to

an aitrg perfon.

|Right to Vo te

A person d unsound mind Conno t Conter t

foi locfons tte pivllee

Conf'om to pree t
In Concluston (ung pracece must
legal stondar dr and Continuously yeonent itself to the
Standards . D only the
ver evolvt ng egal
legal ko wledge
nurse who Can into vpo10te
ond capo be to ho thot
while diopeh ing putient
ínfoima tion ond Cate.
l| turn tos
mony patentr
|4 Laws relating to PSychiatic Dsorder!
ín India
) Lows relating to psychicrts c
The Care and Treotrnen t legislattoh
(Mental Heolth leqtslaions)
-Choinl ResponsGlrti ey oimulaior
(Cn minal Lalws)
- civl sBatus provisiony Cci vil Lo w)

) Mento l health elated legisati ont

DMental health act L987
brns with disahlttoy Ac+

RehabiRtaftlon Counsl Thdia At 1942

ustice Act (4 s6
ityavil laws velattrg to
mentaly a persons
Tndian evidence Act

Law ontract - SOc 6ll2.

9 Right to Voto and s tand tor elecion- Act
A 326
4 te onstitu tion Tndi
tor t

9 Tos to men tay opaaty -Sec 54 Lrdian

Suc ce SSior

IN) Civil laws relatng bo Psychiatry

acured Person
9 Provision
anund mid 32F- 39
vespen sb&lty . Se
ttempt to Commi t Sutcide See 304 PC

V)sutcide and Tndi an lay

Sui cide not only of otnal
which person is unished
attempt lo do so

No shall
ferson he dapr ved
Act 2l the Consituti or Trdo.

Substancey Pct
vi) the Narcotc Dig and Ruchotropc
CAct 6t

6-ctl Rraht 4+ mentally tll

Due to global Bunon right ConceYr
have boen to Sojeguord the Rumah
effor mode

the men tally A person kiho is Suppared

igh 4
loolk of to the mentally peison Grd who

does rot take Cne ard sleus Cue lty may

ummaned by the Courti on vecoipt Suth ah
tom tho public olico.
also bcen povided fo
rigent rishrent Ras
tho who bjoct he mentlly nl toto phycical
ard mental rd'gnity bahile Rocpitd
Peychiatrict and the Court

Psychiatry has etabahed

and Psychiat rts Rave achieved
medical Specialty now

pur pos e asSsting

the statur export to
the law in pertorming tc Yole

aspects Psychiatry.
Tt daals with tre lagal
Con toct psychiaby ot many
Law Co rmeS in

Points; tor evampo ,adn SSian ment ally a

cÂmeommi tted by men ba l, 3l|

mental Rospital. ,Consent q ht to
frs n yoldty mariage
vcte drag dependen(e.

B:bliogra phy Nental
Heath ard
text booh
R.SreeVan'y A th

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