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Dear younger self,

I am writing to you from 4 years passed by. It was just

yesterday that you were just a 7th grader from your school and
just graduated as a class valedictorian from your elementary
education. The pressure was there and it was hard to maintain all
the expectations they have for you. It’s easier said than done and
I’ve only really figured this out now. It can be hard growing up
feeling like you’re odd one out, that you like different things or
may have different views to them. It could have been a wonderful
junior high school life for you if only you enjoyed your life well
by being just the ordinary student living the best of his life
hanging around with friends every weekend. I should have a
made life easier for you and not just pure pressure in all your
academics. High school life should be the best stage of a teen life
to explore and gain new friends. Nonetheless, I am very proud of
all your achievements and to what you have become right now. It
was never too late and you still have the chance to continue to be
the best version of yourself without stressing too much on your
mental health. Focus on things that make you happy and just
enjoy the journey of your teenage years. I am will always be
proud of you no matter what.



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