15 - Hanif H.M - XI Ai 1

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Name of institution:

Carica Sumbing Segar OAFINDO

Arranged by:









Jalan Kadar Maron, Temanggung, Mil Box 56221, Telp (0293) 4901639
School year 2021/2022
We express our gratitude to the presence of God Almighty. Where has bestowed his guidance and gave
us the opportunity to complete this PKL (Field Work Practice) report that we have made. This report was
prepared to fulfill one of the requirements in completing PKL (Field Work Practice) for students,
especially from SMK NEGERI 1 TEMANGGUNG. This work practice is one form or effort in establishing
good cooperation in the economic field for the middle class community by knowing the financial
statements of a company in Wonosobo. By doing so, we hope that this work practice will provide many
benefits and motivations for us students in particular and for readers. On this occasion, the authors
would like to thank the parties related to street vendors. who has given us moral support and guidance.
We express our gratitude to:

1. Mrs. Aster Aswiny, S.Pd., M.Pd (Principal of SMK N 1 Temanggung)

2. Anna Juzanah's mother, S.P. (Head of Agroindustry Department)

3. Mr. Fatoni, S.E.S.P. (Vice Head of Industrial Relations)

4. Parents who always support us

5. All parties who have assisted in the preparation of this report.

The arrangement of this PKL report has been made as well as possible and to the maximum extent
possible, but we are aware that there are still many shortcomings in it. Therefore, if there are criticisms
or suggestions which are constructive for us, the authors will gladly accept them.

A. Background
Professional expertise as requested by the workforce through a direct work process in the field of work in
the business world with careful guidance and supervision. Education in schools is still in the form of theory
and job training on a small scale and with relatively little frequency. Therefore, to meet the need for a
skilled workforce, which is able to handle work on a large scale, an education in the workplace or in
industry/companies and agencies is currently being implemented, with the Field Work Practice system,
which is a complementary and complementary mix between education in schools and professional skills
gained through work experience in industry/companies and agencies.

B. Purpose
1. Provide training to students to cultivate mental attitudes, talents, and vocational goals.

2. Achieve an ability in link and match between the abilities given at school and the real abilities that exist
in industry/companies and agencies.

3. Students can learn about the types of positions, job descriptions, job requirements, working
environment conditions and job prospects in industries/companies and agencies.

4. Learners can know about job market information.

5. Produce graduates/graduates as a workforce that has professional abilities with a level of knowledge,
skills and work ethic in accordance with the demands of employment in industry/companies and agency

6. Provide recognition and appreciation for professional quality work experience.

C. Benefit
a. For the world of work (Home Industry)

1. Obtain an educated workforce in accordance with the field of work and provide benefits that are not
fully binding.

2. Provide opportunities to participate in national education and increase Human Resources (HR), and be
able to collaborate with schools.
3. Obtaining information about the ability of the workforce as a result of Field Work Practices, which can
be used as a selection medium in the context of "Recruitment" of workers, so there is no need to do self-

4. Giving satisfaction to the world of industry/companies and agencies, because they have received
recognition that they have participated in determining the nation's future through the Field Work Practice

b. For student

1. Gaining work experience in the field

2. Gaining skills to carry out work programs in home industries and large companies that are used as places
of practice

3. Embedded a high work ethic

4. Gaining a form of real experience and various problems faced in the world of work

5. Have a sense of responsibility in carrying out work and maintaining his profession
A. Prakerin Place Profile
OAFINDO is a company engaged in the food sector in Wonosobo Regency. OAFINDO comes from 2
words, namely Oaf and Indo. Oaf comes from the Dutch language which means smart person while Indo
means Indonesia. OAFINDO was founded in 2011 by Aditya Ragil Utomo, Chafid Fahmi Nuril Umam, and
Afriawan Wahyu. At first the company was named OAFFOOD which eventually changed its name to
OAFINDO, because OAFINDO's business is not only focused on food but its business is more general. The
first product OAFINDO produced was chocolate banana chips, then over time OAFINDO produced carica.
OAFINDO produced Carica on November 5, 2014 so that this date is used as the birthday of Carica
Sumbing. Carica in syrup was first made in Mlipak, Wonosobo. The trademark for carica in syrup was
chosen with the name "Carica Sumbing" to make this carica in syrup something different and an
attraction. The research on the carica in syrup formula was carried out at home with an initial number of
2 employees. The initial packaging of carica in syrup was in a glass jar, but as the times progressed,
OAFINDO also produced carica in syrup in large and small cups to keep up with the trend. For the
marketing of Carica Sumbing itself 80% is done online and the rest is done offline.

B. Carica Fruit Description

Carica fruit is a mountain papaya fruit that grows in the Dieng Plateau. The location of the carica fruit is
clustered on the stem branch at the end. Carica fruit has a smaller size than papaya fruit. The ripe fruit is
oval in shape with five corners extending from the base to the tip so that it resembles the shape of a star
fruit. The skin of the immature carica fruit is dark green with a smooth skin surface texture and will turn
yellow when the fruit is ripe. Carica fruit skin is thick and has a lot of sap. The flesh of the fruit is hard,
yellow to orange in color with a slightly sour taste but has a fragrant and distinctive smell. In the flesh of
the fruit there is a cavity filled with seeds which are covered by a white, clear, and watery membrane.
The seeds are red when the carica is unripe and will turn black when the carica is ripe. Carica seeds are
numerous and dense (Hidayat, 2000). The Carica plant or commonly called the Dieng papaya or Dieng
gandul has the Latin name Carica pubescens or Carica candamarcencis. This plant is still a close relative
of papaya (Carica papaya), but has its own characteristics. Carica plant age is relatively long, which can
reach 15 years.

C. Implementation
1. Implementation Time Practice/Internship: 2 months
2. Accepted on: March 1 to April 23, 2022

3. Place of Practice Name of agency : "CARICA SUMBING SEGAR OAFINDO" Agency address :
RT.17/RW.09, Purwosari, Reco, Kertek, Wonosobo Regency, Central Java 56371.

D. Description of industrial practice activities

1. Procurement of raw goods

Bauh carica is obtained from farmer collectors from various areas in the Dieng plateau, this carica fruit
comes 3 times a week or adjusts the production stock. If there is a lot of production and to achieve the
target, the procurement of fruit is carried out more than 3 times a week. The sugar used is refined sugar
obtained from a trusted sugar supplier. Plastic cups, glass jars and BTM were obtained from the shop.

2. Sorting

Sorting is the selection of crops that are carried out to separate good crops from bad or damaged crops.
Carica fruit is grouped into ripe, half ripe, unripe, small, and rotten.

3. Weighing

Weighing is a process to determine the weight of the raw material to be produced using a sack/rough
scale. If the carica fruit to be weighed is placed in the crates, the final weighing result is reduced by the
weight of the crates.

4. Stripping

Peeling is a process to separate the inside of the carica fruit from the skin. Peeling raw materials is
recommended to use gloves because carica fruit contains sap which can cause itching on the skin. Things
that must be considered when peeling carica fruit is that the knife used must be really sharp because it
will affect the surface of the fruit when peeling. A knife that is not sharp will cause the surface of the
carica fruit to be rough and unattractive. In addition to removing the skin, peeling is also done to
remove white spots on the fruit. If this white spot is not removed, it will cause a convex carica. In
addition, the green part of the carica meat is also removed. If not removed will cause carica to be bitter.

5. Cleavage and Scraping

The cleavage is done vertically or longitudinally. The tool used for cleavage is a sharp knife to make it
easy and fast. Scraping or separation of fruit seeds is done using a tablespoon with the aim of cleaning
the seeds containing the white seed coat until there is absolutely nothing attached to the fruit flesh. This
part of the seed is accommodated in a sieve so that it will release the water contained in it which is
called carica fruit juice which will be used later as an additive for making syrup or as a filler for carica in
syrup. The thing that must be considered when scraping is to use gloves so as not to come in direct
contact with the pulp because if there is continuous direct contact it can cause allergies to dab soap. In
addition, the carica that has been separated from the pulp should not be combined with the pulp
because it can cause the carica meat to shrink.

6. Slicing
The purpose of slicing is to uniform the size of the carica fruit flesh from the cleavage. The carica fruit is
cut into small triangles, for the carica in syrup, the carica in syrup is large in size. The carica fruit is cut
into large triangles. At the time of slicing the carica flesh, it was grouped based on the good, shrinking,
green, and defective fruit. Defective and green flesh of the fruit is not processed but discarded. Carica
meat that has been sliced must be processed immediately because otherwise it will cause the quality of
the carica flesh to decrease.

7. Soaking in a solution of salt or lime

The use of salt serves to remove the sap that is in the carica fruit flesh. Meanwhile, lime or CaCO serves
to improve the texture of the carica fruit flesh so that it is not mushy after blanching.

8. Washing

Washing is done to remove the bitter taste that comes from the sap and the remaining salt and lime
(CaCO). Washing is done with clean running water.

9. Blanching

Blanching serves to deactivate enzymes that cause changes in the quality of food ingredients and
functions for gas between cells. Blanching is done with boiling water for 30 seconds. The water used for
blanching is replaced after 5-6 times of blanching.

10. Shelter

For good container small cup or large cup based on the weighing. For containers in glass jars based on

11. Syrup making

The ingredients used in making syrup are clean water, granulated sugar, and BTM.

12. Cup closing (Regret)

Before closing the cup, the syrup is filled first, then the syrup is filled to the brim. Then the cup is closed,
when closing the cup there should be no air in it because it can be a medium for microbial growth so
that it can cause convex carica in syrup. The pad when sealing the temperature used should not be too
hot because it can cause the carica cup to break. The temperature should also not be too low because it
can cause the cup to not close tightly.

13. Sterilization

Sterilization using hot or boiling water for 10 minutes then immediately do sokling.

14. Shocking

Shocking is the process of lowering the product temperature after the sterilization process which aims
to prevent further heating which results in overcooking the product and killing heat-resistant microbes
(shock therapy). The cooling process is done by soaking the product in cold water for some time until
the product temperature really drops.

15. Final sort

Final sorting is the process where the critical point of HACCP becomes. Final sorting is done by pressing
the carica cup to ensure that the carica cup does not leak.

16. Cutting

The sealing process on the carica cup packaging leaves an untidy impression that needs to be trimmed
using a cutter. This process is important so that the packaging is neat and increases consumer

17. Incubation

The incubation process was carried out in a dry and ventilated room for 1 week. This process aims to
test the durability and safety of the product.

18. Labeling

Labeling serves to include clear information about the packaged product. Included on the packaging
label are the product name, company name, production address, composition, P-IRT or BPOM number,
halal label, company logo, presentation method, expiration date, and net.

19. Packaging

Packaging aims to facilitate product distribution and increase product attractiveness. Carica in cup
packaging is packaged in 4d, 6d, 12d, 12db, 6k, 12k, and jar packages

A. Conclusion
Based on the field work practice at Carica Sumbing Segar (U.D. OAFINDO) which was carried out for
three months, namely October 1 - December 25, 2021, the conclusions that can be drawn are:

1. Students can act more creatively, actively, independently, and ready to face the world of work after
completing this field work practice.

2. This field work practice serves to enrich students' knowledge of the real world of work, which cannot
be in school

3. Students can familiarize themselves with working conditions and the work environment according to
their competence

4. Field work practice also functions so that students can know about the application of agricultural
product processing technology in industry.
5. Students can know about how the production process in the industry takes place

6. The production process followed by students at Carica Sumbing Segar (U.D.OAFINDO) during field
work practices can be concluded as follows:

a. Work on the production process is carried out in a team, as well as with the division of tasks that have
been determined

b. Each processing process is carried out in accordance with applicable standards

c. Carica fruit management process through several process stages, namely: fruit sorting, weighing,
peeling, scraping, size reduction, soaking in salt solution, washing, blanching, container, syrup making,
cup closing, sterilization, shocking, final sorting, cutting, incubation, labeling, packaging

B. Suggestion
Based on the experience of Field Work Practice (PKL) which has been carried out for 5 months, the
authors submit the following suggestions:

1. For students who carry out Industrial Job Training (PRAKERIN) activities, the most important advice is
to maintain the good name of the school where the company conducts Industrial Work Practices
(PRAKERIN) activities and comply with the existing regulations in the company, Improve the discipline of
existing regulations in the company environment.

2. For companies, regulations and SOPs for employees are tightened, the products made by the
company are beverages that are consumed. Always keep clean

3. For the school, it is better if students who will be sent to the company to participate in PRACTICE are
equipped in advance about the work to be carried out in the company, so that students or students feel
ready both mentally and physically.

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