ImportantDistinguishclimateSoils PDF

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Summer Monsoon Season Retreating Monsoon Season

i) Wind is on-shore from S.W i) Wind is off-shore from N.E

direction. direction.
ii) Heavy rain, high humidity ii) Clear sky, high
temperature. temperature, high humidity,
oppressive salty weather, low
rainfall from Oto to Dec,
withdrawal of S.W Monsoon.
iii) Heavy rain almost whole iii) There is no rain in most of
country/ Cloudy sky/ rainfall the part of India but which
is from June to sept/ on-set wind pick up moisture from
Monsoon/ Strong pressure Bay of Bengal it brings rain to
gradient/ Orographic rainfall. coromandel coast/ Cyclonic

Retreating Monsoon North-East Monsoon
i) They originate from south- i) The Trade winds blow in
west monsoon which begin north-east direction in
to retreat in Oct- Nov. winter.
ii) They are the retreat of ii) It is mostly off-shore winds
south-west monsoon caused (N.E trade winds),but while
due to change in pressure blowing over Bay of Bengal it
condition followed by picks moisture and shed it on
southern Oscillation and coromandel coast.
apparent migration of the
iii) Creates cyclonic rainfall in iii) Creates orographic rainfall
Tamil Nadu coast. in Tamil Nadu coast.
3. Distinguish between S.W Monsoon and
Retreating Monsoon.
4. Distinguish between S.W Monsoon and
North-East Monsoon.
4. Tropical cyclone and Temperate cyclone
should be learnt from TEXT BOOK.

1. Distinguish between Bhangar and Khadar
From text book

Alluvial soils in lower course Alluvial soils in upper course
i) Soils are fine in texture. i) Soils are coarse in texture.
ii) Soils consist fine clay and ii) Soils consist sand and
silt, dark in color. pebbles, light in color.
iii) Very fertile mostly iii) Responds well with
replenished by annual flood. fertilizers for cultivation.

Alluvial soil in North. Alluvial soil in south
i) North alluvial soil known as i) Alluvial soil in south known
Inland alluvium/ Riverine as Peninsula alluvium/
alluvium. Coastal alluvium.
ii) Here alluvial soil differs in ii) Here alluvial soil is fine
texture from coarse grain to grain in nature, clayey in
fine grain along the upper composition.
coarse to lower coarse.
iii) Color changes from light iii) Color is dark as here
to dark. alluvial soil mixes with black

Transported Soil/Ex-situ Soil Residual Soil/ In-Situ Soil
i) These soils originate from i) These soils are formed by
the transported alluvium weathering of basaltic lava(
brought down by the rivers. Black Soil) or old crystalline
and metamorphic rock( Red
ii) These types of soil varied ii) These types of soils are
in texture from coarse grain mostly fine grained/
to fine grain. moisture retentive (Black
soil). But Red soil and laterite
soil are coarse grain.
iii) Color varies from light to iii) Soils are mostly dark in
dark depending on new or color.
old alluvium.
Alluvial Soil Red Soil
i) These soils formed due to i) These soils formed due to
transportation and weathering of old crystalline
deposition of sand, silt, clay and metamorphic rock
from upper coarse to lower
ii) Texture varies from coarse ii) Texture is coarse grain or
grain to fine grain. porous in nature and friable.
iii) Color varies from light to iii) Color is red.
dark yellow.

Alluvial Soil Black Soil
i) These soils are formed by i) These soils are formed due
transportation and to weathering/
deposition of sand, silt and disintegration of basaltic or
clay from upper coarse to lava rock.
lower coarse.
ii) Texture varies from coarse ii) Texture is fine grain/
grain to fine grain. clayey in nature and
moisture retentive.
iii) Color varies from light iii) Color is black due to
yellow to dark yellow. presence of iron.
Black Soil Red Soil
i) Black soil is formed due to i) Red soil is formed due to
weathering of basaltic rock weathering/ disintegration
of old crystalline and
metamorphic rock.
ii) This soil is fine grain/ non- ii) This soil is coarse grain/
porous/moisture retentive in porous/ friable in nature.
iii) This soil is black in color iii) This soil is red in color
due to presence of iron. due to presence of iron-

Sheet erosion Gully erosion
i) It occurs in gentle slopes i)It is process by which rain
and is the slow removal of a water, flowing in definite
thin top layer of soil when path removes the top soil
vegetation is destroyed. due to scooping out, causing
deep cut or gullies to surface
of the land.
ii) It creates rugged ii) It creates broken ground/
topography along river bad land topography near
valleys and east- west Chambal river valley.
coastal plain.

Regur Soil/ Black soil Laterite soil
i) Formed due to i) Formed due to
weathering/ denudation of disintegration of old
basic igneous rock crystalline and metamorphic
ii)It is fine grained ii) It is coarse grained
iii) It is black in color due to iii) It is red in color due to
presence of iron. presence of iron oxide.

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