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We conducted several manipulations of mechanical restraint properties during the course of treat-
ment for two profoundly retarded adolescents who exhibited both self-restraint and self-injurious
behavior. In study 1, a combination of prompting, differential reinforcement, and stimulus fading
reduced one subject's self-restraint, which consisted of holding rigid tubes on his arms. Subse-
quently, stimulus control of both self-restraint and self-injurious behavior was transferred to tennis
wrist bands. In study 2, a second subject's self-restraint-placing his hands in his pants-was
immediately eliminated by the use of air splints. Additionally, differential reinforcement and air-
pressure fading resulted in the complete mobility of his arms and a substantial increase in appro-
priate behaviors. Results of this investigation suggest that stimulus fading and transfer may be
valuable components in the elimination of self-restraint.
DESCRIPTORS: self-restraint, restraint fading, self-injurious behavior, stimulus control, re-
tarded individuals

Self-injurious behavior (SIB) refers to behavior ing masks, helmets, and wrist and/or leg ties.
that results in physical injury to the individual's Although it is generally agreed that such devices
own body (Tate & Baroff, 1966). In general, self- are sometimes necessary to provide immediate pro-
injury is chronic and repetitious, occurring at fre- tection, their persistent use has been associated with
quencies ranging from several times per week to several risks. Because protective devices generally
hundreds of times per hour over a sustained period immobilize the injurious limb, their prolonged use
of time. Although self-injury occurs in normally may result in demineralization of bones, shortening
developing children (deLissovoy, 1961; Kravitz & of tendons, and/or arrested motor development
Boehm, 1971), the prevalence and severity are (Lovaas & Simmons, 1969). Additionally, physical
generally greater among the developmentally dis- restraints may reduce the frequency of social inter-
abled (Green, 1967; Maisto, Baumeister, & Mais- actions between the person restrained and his or
to, 1978; Schroeder, Schroeder, Smith, & Dall- her caretakers (Rojahn, Mulick, & Schroeder,
dorf, 1978). 1980), and may interfere with adaptive behaviors
In an effort to prevent permanent disabilities (Favell, McGimsey, Jones, & Cannon, 1981).
that might result from chronic SIB, many children Several investigators have reported that some
are required to wear restraint devices (Paul & Ro- self-injurious individuals appear to enjoy their
manczyk, 1973). The most commonly used re- physical restraints (Frieden, 1977; Jones, Simmons,
straints indude rigid arm splints, camnisoles, fenc- & Frankel, 1974; Myers & Deibert, 1971; Tate,
1972). In fact, Favell and her colleagues (Favell,
This research was supported in part by grant HD16052 McGimsey, & Jones, 1978; Favell et al., 1981)
from the National Institute of Child Health and Human have demonstrated that the opportunity to self-
Development and a foundation grant from the Pew Me-
morial Trust. restrain can function as a reinforcer. In some in-
We thank Mike Kalsher for his assistance in conducting dividuals, self-restraint can be so potent a reinforc-
this study. Brian Iwata is now at the University of Florida er that it becomes the predominant behavior, with
and Glynnis Edwards is now at the University of Kansas. restraint removal being actively resisted. In such
Reprints may be obtained from Gary M. Pace, Center for
the Study and Treatment of Self-Injury, The Kennedy In- cases, access to physical restraints contingent on
stitute, 707 N. Broadway, Baltimore, Maryland 21205. increasingly longer periods of noninjury has been
382 GARY M. PACE et al.
shown to result in reductions in both self-injury Observation Procedures and Interobserver
and time in restraints (Favell et al., 1978; Foxx & Agreement
Dufrense, 1984).
Despite the contributions of the above research, SIB was scored whenever Jack's teeth were in
contact with his hands, arms, or shoulders, or
self-restraint remains a relatively understudied phe-
nomenon. In this investigation we examined sev- whenever he scratched his hands or legs. Self-re-
eral properties of restraints, restraint fading, andstraint was defined as physical contact with at least
stimulus control in two individuals who exhibited one restraint. During each session, an observer re-
both self-restraint and SIB. Both studies 1 and 2 corded the occurrence or nonoccurrence of SIB and
represent systematic attempts to eliminate or re- self-restraint during continuous, 10-s intervals
duce self-restraint while maintaining low rates of (Powell, Martindale, & Kulp, 1975), which were
SIB, using a combination of restraint fading and signaled by a cassette tape. The percentages of
differential reinforcement. intervals of self-injury and self-restraint were cal-
culated individually by dividing the number of
positively scored intervals by the total number of
STUDY 1 intervals and multiplying by 100 (Bailey & Bos-
METHOD tow, 1979).
Subject and Setting Interobserver agreement was assessed during
Jack was an 18-year-old profoundly retarded occurrence, of the sessions across all conditions. Overall,
male with fetal alcohol syndrome, who had been and nonoccurrence agreement were cal-
institutionalized since 3 years of age. At the time the on an interval-by-interval basis by dividing
of admission, his SIB consisted of hand, biceps, ments number of agreements by the number of agree-
and shoulder biting, and hand and leg scratching, Mean plus disagreements and multiplying by 100.
agreement for SIB was 98% overall, 74%
which began when Jack was 9 years old. for occurrence, and 98% for nonoccurrence. Mean
During the previous 9 years, several unsuccess- agreement for self-restraint
ful attempts to reduce Jack's self-injury were un- for occurrence, and 82% forwas 99% overall, 88%
dertaken, including medications, behavioral treat-
ment (e.g., differential reinforcement of incompat-
ible behavior, extinction), and various forms of Procedure
protective equipment such as wrist restraints tied One to eight sessions were conducted daily.
to a belt, a large collar worn around the neck and These sessions were designed to sample behavior
extending out beyond the shoulders, a helmet with throughout the day in both individual and group
a dear plastic face guard, and 47-cm rigid tubes settings. All individual sessions were 15 min in
that extended from the shoulders to the hands and duration, whereas group sessions varied from 5 to
were held in place by Jack. These tubes made arm 15 min. However, any session could be terminated
flexion and hand biting impossible. At the time of sooner if Jack's behavior reached a predetermined
his admission to the hospital, Jack was self-re- criterion. The termination criterion was established
straining in rigid tubes 24 hours a day. by a pediatrician at Jack's admission and docu-
Sessions were conducted in two settings: an in- mented the degree of injury or the nature of the
dividual therapy room (3 M2) equipped with a responses that would require the immediate ter-
one-way observation window and a group therapy mination of a session. Jack's behavior attained the
room (15 m X 8 m). Both rooms contained tables termination criterion during two sessions (see probe
and chairs, toys, and other educational materials. sessions).
Three to seven patients and two or three staff Baseline. The experimenter periodically pre-
members were present in the group environment sented toys to Jack, allowing him to engage in
at any given time. isolated or cooperative toy play or to move freely


I Self-Restraint

-J Setting 1


Setting 2

I I I I I I I I I ,'
I t ,I I I ,
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 1 6 12 24
Figure 1. Percent intervals of SIB and self-restraint for Jack during baseline and treatment conditions across individual
and group settings. Numbers across the top of the upper panel correspond to the length of Jack's arm restraints.

about the room. All instances of SIB were ignored Prompt plus reinforcement for restraint re-
and praise and physical contact were provided con- moval. As in baseline, Jack was placed in a play
tingent upon toy contact (Iwata, Dorsey, Slifer, condition with an experimenter. However, in this
Bauman, & Richman, 1982). In an attempt to condition, the experimenter either prompted the
encourage Jack to remove his restraints, toys were removal of the restraints or provided praise and
chosen that required arm movement (e.g., a push physical contact contingent upon the absence of
button music box, a ball, stacking blocks). restraints approximately once every 60 s.
GARY M. PACE et al.

Prompt reinforcement for restraint removal, in self-injury. In fact, the data in Figure 1 reveal
and restraint fading. Jack's restraints were re- that SIB was reduced to near baseline levels fol-
duced in length from 47 to 5 cm in a series of lowing the introduction of the wrist bands. The
eight steps over a period of 22 days. No specific immediate increase in self-injury when the bands
rules were used to determine the length reduction were removed (second probe) suggests that the wrist
at each step or the criteria for moving from one bands had acquired stimulus control over SIB. This
step to the next. As in the previous condition, Jack transfer of control from restrictive to symbolic re-
was prompted to remove his restraints, and rein- straint was also reported by Foxx and Dufrense
forcement was provided for the absence of restraint (1984). They successfully faded the size of held
and SIB. However, when Jack's restraints were objects and substituted eyeglasses as an appropriate
reduced to 5 cm in length, they no longer restricted restraint for a self-injurious client who found self-
movement and he was no longer requested to re- restraint reinforcing.
move them. Over the next several sessions, the 5- Perhaps the most significant finding was that
cm cuffs were covered with fabric and then faded the SIB remained at low levels and Jack remained
to tennis wrist bands. restraint-free for 2 years following discharge (Fig-
Probe sessions. Two probes, one during baseline ure 1). The absence of restraints allowed Jack to
and one during restraint fading, were conducted qualify for a new educational placement, where he
while the rigid tubes or wrist bands were not avail- has acquired a number of self-help and academic
able. Each session was terminated within 2 min skills. During this period, Jack continued to wear
because Jack's behavior met the predetermined the wrist bands 24 hours a day.
termination criterion. These data demonstrate how a combination of
Follow-up. These sessions were conducted in differential reinforcement and restraint fading can
the individual treatment room at 1, 6, 12, and 24 result in the elimination of rigid restraints, while
months following discharge. During these sessions, maintaining low levels of SIB. Jack's fading pro-
Jack continued to wear the wrist bands, and toy cedure was gradual in that only a few centimeters
contact and the absence of self-injurious behavior of the restraints were cut at any given time. Quite
were reinforced. possibly, though, the ability of the restraints to
A multiple baseline across settings design (Baer, prevent or interfere with self-injury may not have
Wolf, & Risley, 1968) was used to evaluate the been a gradual process. That is, as long as the
effects of the experimental conditions. tubes covered the elbow, they prevented SIB; how-
ever, immediately upon falling below the elbow,
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION they allowed complete mobility of the arms. In a
Figure 1 shows a somewhat inverse relation be- sense then, this procedure may have involved only
tween Jack's self-restraint and his SIB during base- one fading step-elbow covered to elbow free.
line. When given the opportunity to restrain, Jack In Jack's case it was not dear when this critical
engaged in high but variable amounts of self-re- point occurred. When his restraints were too short
straint and low amounts of SIB; when restraints to cover his elbows, he pulled them up and bent
were not available (probe), SIB occurred during his arms so that they remained over the elbows,
100% of the intervals. thereby preventing arm flexion. As the restraints
Upon the introduction of the prompt and dif- were cut down further, it required more effort to
ferential reinforcement procedures, self-restraint keep them over the elbows and Jack occasionally
decreased to near zero levels within 25 sessions in would allow them to fall to his wrists. Over a
the individual setting and immediately in the group 3- or 4-day period, Jack's restraints began to be
setting. These decreases in self-restraint, however, down more than up. At this point (when the re-
were associated with increases in SIB. The addition straints were 5 cm), the restraints were narrowed
of restraint fading to the prompt and differential so that he could no longer pull them up over his
reinforcement did not result in a further increase elbows. Jack spent a few days pulling the splints

as far up on his forearms as possible and then first week of life. His SIB, which consisted of vig-
allowed them to rest at his wrists. Once the re- orously scratching the skin behind each ear, was
straints were faded to doth wrist bands, Jack was reported to have begun when he was less than 1
never observed to pull the elastic bands up over year old. Bart had been reported to engage in sev-
his elbows. eral forms of self-restraint, induding putting his
hands in his pockets, inside his pants, under his
STUDY 2 thighs, and behind his back. At the time of ad-
mission, Bart was restrained in rigid elbow splints
The rigid tubes that Jack used to self-restrain that prevented arm flexion.
readily lent themselves to physical fading through The settings were the same as those reported in
a gradual reduction in length. However, restraint study 1.
fading is generally not considered when an indi-
vidual's self-restraint involves a device that cannot Apparatus
be gradually reduced in size. For example, many The pneumatic splints were 38 cm X 17 cm
self-injurious clients restrain by wrapping their arms at deflation and were covered with a protective
in clothing, placing their hands in pockets, sitting nylon mesh. They extended from Bart's shoulders
on their hands, or holding their hands together
to his wrists. The splints were inflated with a rub-
(Silverman, Watanabe, Marshall, & Baer, 1984). ber blood pressure bulb, and air pressure was mon-
In these cases, it may be possible to transfer control itored with a sphygmomanometer (Ball et al.,
to an alternative mode of restraint that can more
1980). All measures of air pressure were taken
easily be faded. with the arms at fill extension.
A restraint device that has been successfully fad-
ed in self-injurious individuals who do not self-
restrain is the pneumatic air splint (Allen & Harris, Observation Procedures and Interobserver
1966; Ball, Campbell, & Barkemeyer, 1980; Paul Agreement
& Romanczyk, 1973). An advantage of air splints SIB was scored whenever Bart's hands were in
over rigid restraints is that, although the latter can contact with his ears. Self-restraint was defined as
only be faded along one dimension (length), the at least one hand in his pants. Toy contact was
former can be faded across two dimensions (air defined as at least one hand in contact with a toy.
pressure and length). Furthermore, the pressure in Measurement was the same as that used in study 1.
the pneumatic splints can be adjusted to provide Interobserver agreement was assessed on self-
an almost infinite number of fading steps from injury, self-restraint, and toy contact during 57%
complete limb immobilization to free movement. of the sessions. Overall, occurrence, and nonoc-
In study 2 we attempted to transfer control from currence agreement scores were calculated on an
a form of self-restraint that could not be easily interval-by-interval basis as described in study 1.
faded to the pneumatic air splints. We then at- All agreement scores for self-injury and self-re-
tempted to reduce the restraints by fading the air straint were 100%; agreement for toy contact was
from the pneumatic device. 94% overall, 85% for occurrence, and 71% for
The effect of air splints on self-injury, self-re- nonoccurrence.
straint, and toy contact were evaluated using a
multiple baseline across settings design. Procedure
One to eight sessions were conducted daily. All
sessions, individual or group, were 15 min long.
Subject and Setting Although a specific termination criterion was es-
Bart was a 1 5-year-old profoundly retarded male tablished (see study 1), Bart's SIB never attained
with Down syndrome and recurrent middle ear it and therefore no sessions were terminated pre-
infections, who had been institutionalized since the maturely.
386 GARY M. PACE et al.
|30mm/Hg|2s5 20 | 15 1 10 | 5 1 0 1 5 1 4 13 121 1 1 <1 1 2 ------I
0 Self-Restraint
A Toy Play





80 90 100 110 120

Figure 2. Percent intervals of SIB, self-restraint, and toy contact for Bart during baseline and treatment conditions.
Numbers across the top of the upper panel correspond to the resting pressure in Bart's air splints.

Baseline. Bart's rigid elbow splints were re- mm/Hg in six steps over a period of 63 days. As
moved for all baseline sessions. As in study 1, the in baseline, praise and physical contact were pro-
experimenter maintained dose proximity to Bart vided contingent upon toy contact, and all in-
and allowed him to engage in toy contact or to stances of SIB were ignored.
move freely about the room. Praise and physical Probe session. One probe was conducted during
contact were scheduled to be provided contingent air splint fading in which the splints were removed.
upon toy contact. All instances of SIB were ig- All other aspects of the air splint fading condition
nored. remained unchanged.
Air splint fading. Bart was restrained in air
splints at 30 mm/Hg, which prevented arm flex- RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
ion. The air pressure of the splints was gradually Figure 2 shows that the removal of the rigid
reduced (in 5 mm/Hg increments) from 30 to 0 restraints (baseline) initially resulted in a high level

of SIB, followed by continuous self-restraint with Our postdischarge plan was to continue to fade
no toy contact or SIB. The introduction of the air Bart's splints to 0 mm/Hg and then to begin to
splints resulted in an immediate elimination of self- fade their length (as in study 1) on an outpatient
restraint and a concomitant increase in toy contact basis. Following discharge, the staff at Bart's in-
in both settings. No SIB was observed during any stitution continued to use the air splints at 2 mm/
of the air splint sessions. Self-restraint and self- Hg and the differential reinforcement procedure.
injury remained at zero throughout the first five However, they encountered several problems with
fading steps. When the air pressure was reduced the pneumatic devices (e.g., leaks, misplacement
to 0 mm/Hg, Bart began to self-restrain and sub- of the inflation apparatus) and, within a few weeks,
sequently ceased to engage in toy play. Although decided to return Bart to the rigid restraints he
no SIB was observed in the formal sessions, low wore prior to admission to our program. Subse-
levels were reported throughout the day while Bart's quently, the staff implemented a fading procedure
splints were at 0 mm/Hg. When the splints were whereby they gradually bent and shortened the
reinflated to 5 mm/Hg, Bart's self-restraint im- rigid restraints. Bart's restraints have been bent
mediately decreased and his toy play increased in from 180 degrees to approximately 115 degrees.
both settings. In five subsequent steps, Bart's splints Although SIB and self-restraint are possible, they
were faded to less than 1 mm/Hg. Periodic SIB are reported to be occurring at low rates.
and self-restraint were again observed outside the
sessions and the splints were inflated to 2 mm/
Hg prior to discharge. GENERAL DISCUSSION
It is noteworthy that we were able to transfer The combined use of restraint fading and dif-
control from one form of restraint to another. Dur- ferential reinforcement eliminated self-restraint and
ing baseline, Bart kept his hands in his pants al- maintained SIB at very low levels in two severely
most constantly. However, once the air splints were self-injurious individuals who engaged in high levels
introduced, he immediately took his hands out of of self-restraint. Jack's restraints were faded from
his pants, although it was possible for him to self- restrictive tubes held over the arms to elastic wrist
restrain when the splints were fillly inflated. When bands that permitted complete mobility. Bart's self-
the splints were removed (probe) he engaged in restraint (placing his hands in his pants) was trans-
his previous form of restraint. This finding suggests ferred to an alternative restraint, air splints, which
that in those cases where self-restraint does not were successfully faded from a pressure that pre-
immediately lend itself to fading, the topography vented arm flexion to one that provided no ob-
of self-restraint may be modified to one that can servable resistance to arm movement.
be more easily faded. The present data suggest that when choosing
We attempted to determine objectively (i.e., with protective equipment for a self-injurious client, one
a goniometer) the degree of arm flexion and the should consider a restraint that may be systemat-
behaviors that were possible at each level of infla- ically eliminated. The pneumatic devices are a log-
tion. However, due to Bart's general reluctance to ical choice for individuals who engage in head or
bend his arms, we were unable to obtain these face hitting because the air pressure can be easily
measures. Nevertheless, at discharge Bart seemed monitored and gradually decreased to allow fiull
to enjoy virtually complete mobility of his arms mobility. The air splints are not without disadvan-
and was engaging in several self-help behaviors for tages, however. Bart's splints developed numerous
the first time in his life. For example, at 5 mm/ leaks, necessitating frequent checks of the devices
Hg Bart began eating independently for the first and a large supply of pneumatic restraints. It is
time and would occasionally touch the top of his not dear what effect these problems had on the
head. Clearly, Bart could scratch his ears at these present data, but it is likely that restraint fading
pressures, but he rarely did. would have been more rapid and perhaps more
388 GARY M. PACE et al.
complete if reliable devices were used. (We have REFERENCES
recently obtained a device-the adjustable arm
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