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Registration Assistant (G4)

09 March 2023

Written Examination
Registration Assistant (LICA) position (6 positions)

Please read the instructions carefully:

- This is an anonymous test. Please do not write your name in or on your written test or include any other
information that would reveal your identity.
- You have up to 90 minutes to complete the examination (Responses received after the assigned time
will not be considered).
- Please answer all questions in English (Drafting skills will be taken into consideration in scoring).
- The passing score is 25 out of 50.

- You must complete the test without assistance by third parties.

- Please respect the confidential nature of this test by not discussing, disclosing, or sharing its contents
with others.
- By participating in the test, you accept the above instructions.
- By returning your response, you are certifying that you are the person who was invited to take the
written test and that no one has assisted you in any way. You further certify your understanding that any
breach of these instructions may result in your exclusion from the selection process and may constitute

Candidate details:

Date of examination Thursday, 9 March 2023
Registration Assistant (G4)
09 March 2023
Question 1 (15 points):
- What is the definition and importance of registration?

-the registration definition:

- Registration is the recording, verifing, and updating of informations on persons of concern to UNHCR
with the ain of protection and documenting them and implementing durable solutions.

The importance of registration:

-Registration is a protection tool , it’s a fundamental component of international protection and it is the
right of person who may be of concern to UNHCR to be registered.

-Registration helps protect against refoulement, arbitrary arrest and detentaion by making pepole known
to UNHCR and thehost government as person of concern.
-Accurate registration is also essential for appropriate Durable Solutions.

-the registraton of pepole , which icludes detailes of the resons they have sought aslym is essential for
identifing those for whom resettlement or local integration, rather than repartriation , are the most
appropriate solutions.

-Registration is crucial for identifiying those who at risk and those who have specail needs.

-It helps individauls famililes and other groups of refugees get basic access to the rights services, and
assistance they needs.

-UNHCR advocates that all refugees and asylmm seekers be registerd indivdualy in order to be protected
by UNHCR saftey net.

-Registration is a continuous process as we should always conduct the refugeesinformatons and update
them on regular basis so as to provied them with the suitable assistancie ans protection.
Registration Assistant (G4)
09 March 2023
Registration Assistant (G4)
09 March 2023
Question 2: (10 points)
- Discuss in your own words the importance of prioritization in registration and the profiles of
applicants who should be prioritized and why?

- Those who have priority in registration are the groups at risk and the vulnerable groups , and the
profile of applicants should be registered first :
- Unaccompanied children.
- Separated children.
- Unaccompanied minor Girls who are survivors of GBV.
- Pregnant Unaccompanied minor girls.
- Child Mother.
- Woman survivors of GBV.
- LGBT cases.
Registration Assistant (G4)
09 March 2023
Question 3 (10 points):

- Define the terms unaccompanied and separated children and state the difference between them.

Unaccompanied children: are children who have been separated from both parents and or other relatives
and who are not being cared for by an adult who, by law or custom is responsible for doing so.

Separated children: are those who are separated from both parents, or from their previous legal or
customary primary caregiver, but not necessarily from other relatives, Separated children may therefore
include boys and girls accompanied by other adult family members.

The difference between the definitions are the Unaccompanied children lives without any one form them
families but the separated children lives with caregiver, relatives , and adult from his member family.
Registration Assistant (G4)
09 March 2023
Question 4 (10 points):

- While working on a case for a male applicant, he mentioned that his wife is living in Egypt, and
that they had disagreements and she left him, and he doesn’t know her whereabouts now. He
heard that she is registered with UNHCR, he provided her full name and asked you to check if the
is registered and give him information about her, what will you do in this case?

- I will inform the husband that this information is confidential and that no one can ever see it, and
that all data and information about all registered people with UNHCR strictly confidential, and I
will end the interview but if the husband refuse and insists on his request , I will inform my
manger immediately .
Registration Assistant (G4)
09 March 2023
Question 5 (5 points):

- In your opinion, what standards should apply to the nature of contact between persons we serve
and UNHCR registration staff?

- Operational standards for registration, documentation and population data management


- Standard data set to be gathered and verified about individuals of concern as part of registration
and data management activates.

- Standard generic process for undertaking registration and population data management

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