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Norodin E. Tumagantang II
Medical Clerk
Davao Doctors Hospital – Department of Internal Medicine

Medical Center. No medical illness such as asthma

INTRODUCTION____________________________ and diabetes and no history of previous myocardial
According to American Heart Association,
transient ischemic attack is characterized as
brief episodes of neurological dysfunction due to focal infraction or stroke. She does not have any food and
cerebral ischemia that is not associated with drug allergies and she was vaccinated with Pfizer 2
permanent cerebral infarction. The previous definition doses. The patient claimed of taking herbal
of transient ischemic attack requires that all medication (MG Panyawan) for 2 years.
neurologic signs and symptoms resolve within 24 h Her family history revealed that her father
without evidence of brain infarction on brain imaging. was hypertensive and had history of stroke. In
However, this definition is no longer accepted since addition, her daughter has history pulmonary
this definition is too broad and some cases of tuberculosis in 1986 and his grandson also had
transient ischemic attack shows imaging pulmonary tuberculosis in 2018 which were both
abnormalities on MRI. Risk factors for transient completed the 6 months treatment. The patient
ischemic attack include diabetes, hypertension, old denied family history diabestes mellitus, bronchial
age, smoking, obesity, alcoholism, and unhealthy asthma or malignancy.
diet; with hypertension being the most important risk She is a housewife. A previous smoker with
factor. This medical emergency needs urgent 22.5 pack years and previous alcoholic beverage
evaluation with imaging and laboratory studies to drinker.
lessen the risk of subsequent strokes. The review of systems was significant of
polyuria and polydpsia. No fever, chronic cough,
CASE_____________________________________ hemoptysis, night sweats, weight loss, polyphagia,
This is a case of 72-year-old female who numbness of extremities, anorexia, agnosia and
came in to the emergency department of the Davao palpitations. At the ward, the patient denied
Doctors Hospital due to right sided lower extremity headache, dizziness, shortness of breath, chest pain,
weakness. A day prior to the admission, the patient and abdominal pain.
was apparently well. She did not feel any headache, Upon physical examination, the patient was
dizziness, nausea and vomiting. She just stayed at noted to be awake, comfortable, sitting and not in
home. distress. She is afebrile with normal heart rate,
Less than 6 hours prior to admission, around respiratory rate, and O2 saturation of 99% a room air.
12:05 am patient was in bed when she noted sudden However, her blood pressure is elevated at 160/80
right sided back pain with as pain scale of 10/10 mmHg. The patien’s BMI was 24 and can be
radiating to the right arm. This was also associated classified as Overweight based on Asia Pacific
with inability to lift her right leg. However, no other Classification. Complete neurologic exam was carried
associated symptoms noted such as headache, facial out to this patient and she was well oriented with
asymmetry, slurring of speech, nausea or vomiting. person, time, and place and followed commands; her
The symptom only lasted for less than 10 minutes. Glasgow Coma Scale was 15. Cranial nerves are all
Due to the alarming syptoms, she was then brought intact, 5/5 motor strength on all extremities and no
to San Pedro Hospital where her blood pressure at sensory deficits on extremities. Babinski sign was
that time was at 189/97 mmHg. No medications given. also negative and no dysmetria and
Due to nonavailability of room, she was advised for dysdiadochokinesia were noted. Table 1 shows the
transfer and eventually, she was brought to the Davao complete physical examination done on this patient.
Doctors Hospital and was admitted.
Her past medical history is significant of SALIENT FEATURES________________________
hypertension for 10 years with a usual blood pressure • 72-year-old, female
of 140-160/70-100 mmHg. She was prescribed with • Right sided back pain, PS 10/10, radiating to
unrecalled maintenance medication. However she the right arm
was noncompliant. She also had cataract surgery on • Inability to lift right leg
both eyes around 2010 at the Souther Philippines • No headache, slurring of speeach or facial
• Hypertensive (160/80 mmHg) Table 1. Complete Blood Count upon admission
• Overweight Result Normal Values
• No tachycardia, no tachypnea Hemoglobin 141 g/L (H) 120-140
• GCS 15 Hematocrit 0.39% 0.37-0.45
• Intact cranial nerves RBC 4.36x10^12/L (L) 4.5-5.0
• No sensory deficit WBC 10.85x10^9/L (H) 5-10
• Negative babinski Neutrophils 0.66 (H) 0.55-0.65
• No dysmetria Lymphocytes 0.29 (L) 0.35-0.45
• No dysdiadochokinesia Eosinophils 0.01 (L) 0.02-0.04
Basophils 0.01 0-0.02
1. To consider Transient Ischemic Attack Platelets 127X10^9/L (L) 150-400
2. Hypertensive Cardiovascular Disease
3. Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 Table 2. Other laboratory tests requested for the
4. Pulmonary Tuberculosis – Suspect patient upon admission
Result Normal Values
The impressions above were made based on HbA1c 8.20% (H) 120-140
the history and physical examination of the patient. Creatinine 110.2 (H) 50.4-98.1
Transient ischemic attack was considered due to the EGFR 43 4.5-5.0
brief onset unilateral weakness that lasted for less ALT 55 5-10
than 10 minutes. Unilateral paresis is the most
NA 137 mmol/L 136-145
common symptom in patients with transient ischemic
attacl. Hypertensive cardiovascular disease was also K 3.70 mmol/L 3.5-5.1
added since the patient already had this for 10 years. Ca 2.35 mmol/L 2.1—2.55
The Diabetes Mellitus and Pulmonary Tuberculosis Mg 0.79 mmol/L 0.7 - 1
were also included and were further investigated.
Other diagnostic Radiologic studies such as
DIAGNOSTICS TESTS___________________ chest x-ray and head CT scan were done on this
Upon admission, diagnostics tests were patient and the result are presented below (Figure 1
performed on this patient to establish the origin of the and 2).
symptoms. Presented below were the results of the
laboratory tests and imaging studies performed on
this patient on the day of admission. The complete
blood count showed an slight deviation in hemoglobin
level and red blood cell count. However, significant
increase in white blood cell count and neutrophil
counts were noted with decrease in lypmphocytes
count. In patients who had an acute onsent of
ischemia, neutrophils and lymphocytes value are
deviated due to the ongoing inflammation (Wang,
2021). In addition, the neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ration
can also be a prognostic marker in patents with acute
ischemic stroke. The decrease in platelet of the
patient may be due to the impairement of liver
functions and this needs to be further investigated.
Result of the whole abdomen ultrasound will be
discussed on the next part.
Table 2 shows the rest of the laboratory tests Figure 1. Chest X-ray image upon admission
done for this patient, HbA1c level was significantly
increased (8.20%) and also the creatinine level which The chest x-ray showed normal heart size
can also signify compromise in the kidney functions. and calcifications in the aorta. In addition,
These laboratory test results were further investigated reticulonodular opacities and round lucencies were
and the results will be discussed on the next part. also noted in both upper lobe with irregular pleuro-
apical thickening. The impression were suggestive of
chronic inflammatory lung disease compatible with
PTB, bilateral pleuro-apical thickening, aortic complaints. The vital signs were all stable except for
atherosclerosis and degenerative joint disease. an increased in blood pressure (140/80 mmHg).
Figure 2 shows the head CT scan of the Capillary blood glucose result at 5pm and 9pm were
patient which was performed less than 6 hours prior 348 and 240, respectively. The physical examinations
to admission. Findings were compatible with chronic were unremarkable. Complete neurologic
lacunar infracts in the right corona radiata and examinations were also made once again and it
lentiform nucleus. Cavum septum pellucidum and revealed a GCS of 15, the patient is oriented to
atherosclerosis were noted. In adiition, cerebral person, time and place and followed commands. The
atrophy which is not unusual for the patient’s age was cranial nerves were all intact. Motor strength were 5/5
also seen. on all extremities and no sensory decifits noted.
The result of the lipid profile, fasting blood
sugar, and blood uric acid of the patient is presented
on Table 3.

Table 3. Total Cholesterol, Triglycerides, Glucose

(FBS), Blood Uric Acid level on the Hospital Day 1
Result Normal
Total 132.69 mg/dL 0-200
Triglycerides 111.50 mg/dL <150

Glucose, FBS 123.82 mg/dL 80-116

Blood Uric Acid 6.22 mg/dL (H) 2.6-6.0
Figure 2. Head CT image upon admission

FINAL IMPRESSION_________________________ The glucose level of the patient is significantly

increased and this confirms the diagnosis of the
1. Transient Ichemic Attack
2. Hypertensive Cardiovascular Disease Diabetes Mellitus Type 2. Her blood uric acid level
was slightly elevated.
3. Diabetes Mellitus Type 2
4. Pulmonary Tuberculosis – Suspect Electrocardiogram was done also to the
patient the result showed a normal sinus rhythm.
PLAN_____________________________________ Utrasound of the abdomen was also
performed on this patient and its showed a hepatic
The patient was given intravenous fluid in the
form of PNSS at 80 cc/hr. Her diet was advised to be cirrhosis, renal cyst on the right meddle pole, and
renal cortical calcification on the left superior pole.
low salt, low fat, and diabetic diet. Capillary Blood
Glucose were also performed three times a day and This imaging should be correlated on the other
laboratory results.
at bedtime. Additional laboratory tests that were
requested include lipid profile and fasting blood The decrease in the platelet shown in the
complete blood count of the patient was probably due
glucose and sputum AFB testing.
The patient started her Insulin Glargine to the hepatic damage that compromises the function
of the liver. According Mitchell et al, 2016,
(Toujeo) 12 units SQ OD on that day of admission
together with Insulin Glulisine (Apidra) 4 units SQ TID thrombocytopenia is the most common hematological
abnormality found in patients with liver disease. The
For the medication reconciliation, thmbocytopenia is the result of the decrease
production of the thrombopioetin (TPO) by the liver
Atorvastatin 80mg 1 tab PO OD at HS, Clopidogrel
75mg 1 tab PO OD, Aspirin 80mg tab, 1 tab PO OD, due to the cirrhosis (Hayashi et. al, 2014) The
increase in creatinine shown in the complete blood
Pantoprazole 40mg 1 tab PO OD pre breakfast,
Losartan 100mg 1 tablet OD were included. count may be due to the compromised function of the
kidneys which showed renal cortical calcification and
COURSE IN THE WARD______________________ cysts.
The patient failed to submit a sample of her
Day 1 sputum the sputum AFB and sputum gene xpert were
not carried out
During the day 1 of hospital stay of the
hospital stay of the patient, she had no any subjective
cigarette smoking, alcoholic beverage drinking, and
unhealthy lifestyle. Among those aforementioned,
Day 2 hypertension is the most important risk factors for an
On the second day of admission, the patient individual and for the population (AHA/ASA, 2009,
did not show any signs of recurrence of the neurologic Navis et al, 2019).
symptoms. Her vital signs were stable. Thus the Based on the history of the patient, she have
patient was discharged. He was also given take home a long standing hypertension for 10 years, as
medications which are listed below. previouslt mentioned hypertension is the most
important risk factor. In addition, her age, diabetes,
Table 4. Take home medications given to the patient history of smoking and alcoholism had a major
upon discharged. contribution to the transient ischemic attack.
1. Metformin (Glucophage tab 500 mg)
2. Linagliptin (Trajenta tabl 5 mg) Pathophysiology
3. Atorvastatin Ca (Avamax tab 40 mg) The pathophysiology of transient ischemic
attack varies depdending on the underlying cause. In
4. Aspirin (Aspilets tab 80 mg)
patients with small vessel ischemic disease, transient
5. Clopidogrel bisulfate (Plavix tab 75 mg) ischemic attack is the result of either lipohyalinosis or
6. Amlodipine besylate (Amvasc-BE tab 5mg) small vessel arteriolosclerosis. In cardio aortic
embolism, the thrombus that is formed in the
DISCUSSIONS_____________________________ fibrillationg atrium or atrial appendage travels to the
brain and causes occlusion of cerebral artery. Finally,
Transient Ischemic Attack in patients with large artery atherothrombosis, the
transient ischemic attack is caused by either
Definition and Etiology intracranial or extracranial atherothrombosis. The
Originally, the transient ischemic attack is sudden onset of the neurologic symptoms is due to
defined as brief focal cerebral ischemic event with the a lack of blood flow distal to the site of arterial
symptoms lasting <24 hours with episodes lasting stenosis or an artery to artery embolism.
less than 1 hour. However, the AHA/ASA released a
revised definition as this old definition was too broad Approach to Patient with Transient Ischemic Attack
and several studies have shown that up to 50% of Commonly, patient with transient ischemic
classically defined TIAs showed brain injury on attack have brecovered with their symptoms by the
magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). The newer time they arrived in the emergency room. When the
definition of transient ichemic attack is "a transient patient present with symptoms suggestive of cerebral
episode of neurologic dysfunction caused by focal ischemia, a comprehensive history should be carried
brain, spinal cord or retinal ischemia without acute out to establish the onset, duration, timing, complete
infarction." The transient loss of cerebral blood flow neurological symptoms, associated symptoms, and
can be due to small artery occlussion, cardio aortic alleaviating or aggravating factors. Emphasis should
embolism or large vessel atherosclerosis (AHA/ASA, also be given to the presence or absence of
2009). nonspecific symptoms common in TIA mimics. The
physician should also try to identify any of risk factors
Epidemiolgy associated with transient ischemic attack. Family
In the United States, the incidence of TIA in members who witnessed the the event can be of great
the has been estimated to be ≈200 000 to 500 000 help in describing symptoms that the patient may
per year, the population prevalence is 2.3% which is miss. Symptoms of transient ischemic attack has brief
approximately 5 millions individuals. The incidence of onsent and include a neurologic deficit or loss of
transient ischemic attack increases dramatically function.
increases regardless of race and gender. Table 5 shows the clinical symptoms of
Furthermore, transient ischemic attack were proved transient ischemic attack versus its mimics. Unilateral
to be more prevalent in Mexican Americans paresis is the most common symptoms in patients
compared with non-Hispanic whites at younger ages with transient ischemic attack and also in transient
(45 to 59 years) but not at older ages (AHA/ASA, ischemic attack mimics.

Risk factors
Risk factors for all transient ischemic attack
include hypertension, diabetes, old age, obesity,
Table 5. Clinical symptoms and its percentage in
transient ischemic attack and its mimics Table 6. The ABCD2 Score
Clinical Symptoms % of TIA % of TIA Clinical Factor Score
mimics A: Age >/= 60 years old 1
Unilateral paresis 58 29.1 B: SBP of >140 mmHg or DBP of >90 1
Memory loss 2 to 12 18 to 26 mmHg
C: Clinical symptoms
Headache 2 to 36 14.6 to 23
Unilateral paresis 2
Blurred vision 5.2 21.8 Speech deficit
Dysarthria 20.6 12.7 D: Duration
Hemianopia 3.6 3.6 >60 min 2
Transient monocular 6 0 10-59 min 1
blindness D: Diabetes mellitus 1
Diplopia 4.8 0
The sum of all the category is the ABCD2
Physical examination should be performed to score. An ABCD2 score of 0 or 1 has 0% 2-day risk
be able to identify the presence of motor weakness of stroke, 1.3% for scores 2 or 3, 4.1% for 4 or 5, and
and speech deficits as these two are highly 8.1% for 6 or 7.
suggestive of transient ischemic attack. Cranial nerve For the patient, her ABCD2 score was 6 so
examination can identify important findings such as her 2 day risk of stroke is 8.1% which is higher.
mocular blindness and diplopia. Motor strength on all
extremities should also be assessed. Presence of Management
sensory deficit should also be noted. Cardiac The main goal of of treatment of transient
examination and carotid auscultation for a carotid ischemic attack is to decrease the risk of subsequent
bruit are very important in patients with transient stroke. Early treatment after a transient ischemic
ischemi attack. stroke can significantly reduce the risk of early stroke.
Diagnostic evaluations are carried out to In addition, management of transient ischemic attack
prove the vascular origin of the symptoms, to should focus on treating underlying etiologies.
determime the underlying vascular mechanism, to In a large Chinese (CHANCE trial) and the
exclude other non-ischemic origin, and to identify multinational POINTE trail, they found out that aspirin
prognostic outcome categories. Based on the and clopidogrel was found to prevent stroke following
Guidelines of AHA/ASA, neuroimaging wihtin 24 transient ischemic attack better than aspirin alone.
hours of symptom onset where MRI and diffusion- Failure to respond to the combination of aspirin and
weighted MR imaging are preffered. Hoewever, if clopidogrel is significantly associated to
these wo are not available, head CT scan is the polymorphism in CYP2C19 that leads to poor
alternative. Cardiac assessment should be carried out metabolism of clopidogrel into its active form. This
with ecectrocardiogram (ECG), electrocardiography mutation is common, particularly in Asians.
(2D-echo), and CT angiography. Routine blood tests
such as complete blood count (cbc), FBS, lipid profile, REVIEW OF MEDICATIONS USED______
PT/INR, liver function tests, kidney function tests 1. Metformin
should also be performed. Drug class
2. Linagliptin
Risk stratification 3. Atorvastatin
The risk of stroke after a TIA is approximately 4. Aspirin
10-15% in the first 3 months, with most events 5. Clopidogrel bisulfate
occurring in the first 2 days. This risk can be directly 6. Amlodipine besylate
estimated using the well-validated ABCD2 score. The
ABCD2 score is widely used as a scoring tool to REFERENCE
determine the risk of stroke following transient 1. AHA/ASA Definition and Evaluation of
ischemic attack. Table 6 shows the ABCD2 scoring Transient Ischemic Attack
system. It is the modified version of the ABCD scoring 2. American Family Physician (AFP). Transient
and it has prognostic signficance taking in to Ischemic Attack: Part I. Diagnosis and
consideration the age, blood pressure, clinical Evaluation. Accessed thru
presentation, diabetes mellitus, and duration of
sysmptoms. ml
3. Harrison’s Principle of Internal Medicine 20th
Edition, Chapter 420, Page 3097
4. Hayashi H, Beppu T, Shirabe K, Maehara Y,
Baba H. Management of thrombocytopenia
due to liver cirrhosis: a review. World journal
of gastroenterology: WJG. 2014 Mar
5. MIMS Philippines
6. Mitchell O, Feldman DM, Diakow M, Sigal
SH. The pathophysiology of
thrombocytopenia in chronic liver disease.
Hepatic medicine: evidence and research.
7. Panuganti KK, Tadi P, Lui F. Transient
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Sep 29. Accessed thru
8. Wang C, Zhang Q, Ji M, Mang J, Xu Z.
Prognostic value of the neutrophil-to-
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patients treated with intravenous
thrombolysis: a systematic review and meta-
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