Bikram Pal AMPL

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Appointment Letter

Ref. No. : AMPL/APPT/21-22/60000059

Date : 2 7 /08/2021

Bikram Pal

Bhabanipur, B i r b h u m
West Bengal, India, 731126
Employee Code: 60000059

Dear Bikram Pal

With reference to your application for employment in the Company and the subsequent interview you
had with us, we are pleased to appoint you a position with Ambey Mining Pvt. Ltd. on the following terms
conditions: -

1. Position
1.1 You have joined on 27/08/2021 in and shall assume responsibilities assigned to you in line with
your position.

1.2 Although the Company does not have any immediate plans to modify your defined job responsibilities
or alter your specific job assignment, the Company retains the right to make such modifications in the
future to satisfy ongoing business needs.

2. Compensation
Your Compensation has been outlined in the Annexure II to this Employment Letter. All Compensation
shall be subject to applicable statutory deductions.

3. Place of Posting, Training, Transfer & Legal Right

Your initial place of employment will be Begunia OC Patch under ECL, India. However, based on the needs of
Company, you may be transferred or may have to travel to other locations on work in India or abroad and
to any existing location, office, branch etc. presently situated or may be established in future. The
Company reserves its right to send you on training/ deputation/ secondment/ transfer/ assignments. In
such an event, you would be governed by the terms and conditions of service applicable to the new
assignment, as per Company’s norms.

4. Probation, Confirmation
4.1 You will be on probation for a period of 6 months days from the date of your appointment, where
after successful completion of the required probationary period and thereby would confirm your
appointment. The Company reserves the right to reduce, dispense with or extend your probation period
at its absolute discretion.

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4.2 (a) During the probation period or the extended period of probation, an Employee will be liable to be
discharged from the company’s services at any time with 15 Days notice prior notice and without
assigning any reason. An Employee upon resignation is bound to provide the company with 15 Days
notice during which period he / she may have to actually work.

(b) Upon confirmation, your services are liable to be terminated by the company after providing you 15
Days notice or payment of gross salary in lieu thereof, & you shall also be bound to provide the company
with 30 Days notice from Resignation date during which period you may have to actually work.

5. Medical Fitness
The Company has the right to get you medically examined by any certified medical practitioner during the
period of your service. In case you are found medically unfit to continue with the job, you will lose your lien on
the job.

6. Termination of Contract
6.1 Any of your statements/particulars furnished are found to be false or misleading,
6.2 Any omission of Code of Conduct
6.3 Absence without notice

6.4 Termination/Resignation
Your services are liable to be terminated by the company after providing you 15 Days notice or payment
of gross salary in lieu thereof.
You shall also be bound to provide the company with 30 Days notice period from Resignation date which
is subject to proper Knowledge Transfer.
However, in the event your employment is terminated not limited to on account of criminal activities,
fraud, misrepresentation or any form of misconduct, and activities of similar nature, your employment
may be terminated with immediate effect without notice or payment in lieu thereof. In such cases, the
Company further reserves its right to invoke other legal remedies/penal action against you.

7. Code of Conduct
This code of conduct shall apply to you, without the same being treated as exhaustive in nature and is
binding on all employees and any violation of the above clauses shall be considered as misconduct.

8. Leave & Attendance Policy

8.1 You will be governed by Company’s Attendance Policy and applicable work timing, as in force from time to

8.2 You will be eligible and entitled for leaves and holidays as outlined in the applicable laws.

9. Disciplinary Obligations
Accident Policy: Any accidents caused by you would invite penal or disciplinary action, including
termination of employment.

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Intoxication: If found intoxicated, penal or disciplinary action, including termination of contract can be

10. Retirement
The retirement age is 60 years. You will retire from the Employment of the company as due date in which
you attain 60 years of age. Company may grant extension purely at its discretion or due to the exigencies
of services subject to your remaining physically and mentally fit. Extension of service period cannot be
claimed as matter of right or precedent.

11. Property of the Company

11.1 Since the nature of your job might entail handling of equipments, machineries, etc., you need to
ensure it’s upkeeping besides usage of necessary Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for the sake of
safety. Any damage to the equipments& machineries during your work shift and violation of safety norms
will make you liable for payment of compensation thereof to the company

11.2 You shall take reasonable care in maintaining and protecting the assets and properties of the
Company, including, but not limited to its software, hardware, books, files, documents (stored in
whatever medium), laptops, that you may have access to by virtue of your employment with the
Company or that may be provided to you by the Company from time to time, for your use. On
termination of your employment and/or on demand, you shall take steps to return such assets and
properties back to the Company in the same condition as given, subject to normal wear and tear. Failing
this, the Company shall be entitled to recover such costs/ compensation as it may deem fit, keeping in
view the cost of such assets, and properties belonging to the Company.

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12. Deductions:
a. VTC/IME (If applicable) will be recovered at the time of F&F.

b. Medical Insurance Premium as per company policy may be deducted.

c. Individual Training cost: Company will provide Individual Up Gradation Training through
in-house or third-party service provider for skill enhancement and this variable training
cost will be deducted on monthly basis.
d. Deduction under Establishment & Maintenance (E&M) charge which is variable includes
following facilities.

i. Sharing basis bachelor accommodation

ii. Training Cost
iii. Electricity for accommodation, common area, recreation area etc.
iv. Mess infrastructure
v. Kitchen Supplies and equipment
vi. Cooks along with its support staff.
vii. Fuel supply for the kitchen.
viii. Site / Camp Establishment.
ix. Sanitation and Hygiene infrastructure
x. First aid services
xi. Security Services
xii. Other Misc. Expenses

Company reserves the right to revise E&M charge as and when

require. Thanking You,

For Ambey M ining Pvt.Ltd .

Asst. Manager - HR

Please sign and return the duplicate copy of this letter and Annexure –I & II as a token of your acceptance
of the terms and conditions mentioned herein.

I have understood the Compensation Policy of the company and I accept the same. Also this might change
from time to time.

I accept the terms & condition of contained herein.

Signature Employee’s

Employee’s Name :

Date :

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Annexure – I

General Terms & Conditions:

i) On cessation of your engagement for any reason whatsoever, you are to hand over charges of
your Office along with all documents, papers, Other Company’s property etc. which were under
your custody and you shall have to refund / deposit Company’s belongings.
ii) Any dues / advances payable by you to the Company on cessation of your appointment will be
iii) In case any information is found false or incorrect in your application, or any documents are found
incorrect or fake, your appointment will be deemed liable for termination without any notice
iv) Any changes in your personal information relating to residential address, telephone number,
mobile number, family details, etc. as per Employee KYC should be immediately informed to the
v) You would be bound by the rules, regulations, orders and the HR Policies of the company in force
and framed by the Management & Government time to time.
vi) That you will treat the affairs of the Company to you may be cognizant particularly, specifications,
rates and other business information as strictly confidential. You shall neither divulge any
information of our company to a third party nor part with / take out any record / document.
vii) That during the tenure of your appointment with us you are to devote your whole time, attention
and ability to the interest of the Company and you should not engage yourself in any other
business or job. Breach of this shall lead to termination of your employment without any notice
viii) You will have to undergo certain verification test, including but not restricted to test such as skill
etc from time to time.
ix) Other terms and conditions will be governed by the Company’s policies and intimate


Date :

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Annexure – II

Particulars Amount (in INR)

Annual CTC 351000

1. All Compensation will be paid by the Company in Indian Rupees, subject to statutory deductions, tax
deductions at source, Loans & Advances and other deductions as applicable as per your employment
with the Company.
2. Leave entitlement and applicability will be as per Company’s Leave Policy.
3. Mediclaim entitlement will be as per Company’s Medical Policy.
4. Establishment & Maintenance Cost as per company policy.

I accept the ANNEXURE – ‘II’ as mentioned & detailed above.

Employee’s Signature:

Employee’s Name :

Date :

Authorized Signatory Signature of the Employee:

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