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Mol Biol Rep (2012) 39:8813–8819

DOI 10.1007/s11033-012-1744-3

NAT2 polymorphisms with oral carcinoma susceptibility:

a meta-analysis
Xian-Lu Zhuo • Jun-Jun Ling • Yan Zhou •
Hou-Yu Zhao • Yu-Feng Song • Ying-Hui Tan

Received: 20 December 2011 / Accepted: 7 June 2012 / Published online: 22 June 2012
Ó Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 2012

Abstract Published data have implicated NAT2 poly- Introduction

morphisms as risk factors for various cancers. A number of
studies have focused on the association of NAT2 poly- Oral carcinoma is one of the ten most frequent cancers
morphisms with susceptibility to oral carcinoma and have worldwide and complex interactions between many genetic
yielded inconclusive results. The aim of the present study and environmental factors are considered as its major cause.
was to derive a more precise estimation of the relationship. Increasing epidemiological evidence suggests that cigarette
We first carried out a deliberate search in the databases smoking and alcohol [1] consumption as well as betel quid
without a language limitation, covering all papers pub- chewing [2] are probably important etiological factors
lished up to Dec 2011. A total of seven case–control studies contributing to oral carcinoma. Some environmental
including 1,379 cases and 1,868 controls were selected and chemical pollution, widely spread carcinogens, is difficult to
the relevant data were extracted for systematic meta-anal- be degraded in the environment and thus might have a long-
yses. No significant association was found for the overall term effect on human health. Nevertheless, though many
data (OR: 1.04, 95 % CI: 0.79–1.39). In subgroup analyses individuals exposed to environmental risk factors and/or
according to ethnicity, slow acetylators might increase oral with extensive tobacco, alcohol consumption and betel quid
cancer risk among Asians (OR: 1.38, 95 % CI: 1.04–1.82) chewing, oral cancer develops only in a small proportion of
but not Caucasians or Mixed races. The data suggested that exposed people, indicating that genetic factors might play a
NAT2 polymorphisms might be a low-penetrant risk factor critical role in the carcinogenic mechanisms.
for oral carcinoma in Asians. Oral tissue is prone to be influenced by external toxin
due to its direct exposure. Previous molecular epidemiol-
Keywords NAT2  Oral carcinoma  Meta-analysis  ogic studies investigating biomarkers have focused on the
Polymorphism  Susceptibility research of inter-individual variation in human cancer risk.
Recent evidence [3, 4] indicates that carcinogen-metabo-
lizing genes and DNA-repair genes may play critical roles
in determining individual susceptibility to cancers. Sus-
ceptibility to cancer is determined by the activation of
X.-L. Zhuo  Y. Zhou  Y.-H. Tan (&)
Department of Stomatology, Xinqiao Hospital, enzymes involved in carcinogen activation or deactivation.
Third Military Medical University, Chongqing, China Polymorphisms in these genes encoding the enzymes,
e-mail: possibly by altering their expression and function, may
increase or decrease carcinogen activation/detoxication and
X.-L. Zhuo  H.-Y. Zhao  Y.-F. Song (&)
Affiliated Hospital of Guiyang Medical College, modulate DNA repair.
Guiyang 550004, China Xenobiotics can be bio-activated into ultimate carcino-
e-mail: gens by phase I enzymes and subsequently detoxified by
phase II enzymes, such as CYP1A1 and GSTM1 respec-
J.-J. Ling
Department of Otolaryngology, Southwest Hospital, tively [5]. Polymorphisms of these genes may be associated
Third Military Medical University, Chongqing, China with cancer risk. Acetylation is an important route of

8814 Mol Biol Rep (2012) 39:8813–8819

biotransformation for these chemicals. In human, the N- Accordingly, the following exclusion criteria were also
acetyltransferase 2 (NAT2) gene encodes phase II enzymes used:
that play an essential role in the metabolism of aromatic,
1. The design and the definition of the experiments were
heterocyclic amines and hydrazines via N-acetylation and
obviously different from those of the selected papers.
O-acetylation [6]. Alteration of NAT2 acetylator status
2. The source of cases and controls and other essential
caused by polymorphisms in NAT2 gene had been thought
information were not offered;
to decrease enzymatic activity and result in absence of
3. Reviews and duplicated publications.
efficiency in detoxification, thus leading to an increase in
cancer susceptibility [7]. So far, several NAT2 genetic After searching, we reviewed all papers in accordance
variants have been identified in human, in which NAT2*4 with the criteria defined above for further analysis.
has been regarded as the most common allele that is linked
with rapid acetylation. Also, NAT2*11A, NAT2*12A, Data extraction
NAT2*13A as well as NAT2*18 have been classified as
rapid alleles. Conversely, the rest of the alleles are con- Data were extracted and entered into a database. The extrac-
sidered as slow alleles [8–10]. tion was performed by two reviewers independently. For
Previous published studies have focused on NAT2 conflicting evaluations, an agreement was reached following a
genetic variation with respect to oral cancer and have discussion. If a consensus could not be reached, another author
yielded conflicting results. Whether NAT2 polymorphism was consulted to resolve the dispute and then a final decision
is a risk factor for oral cancer remains uncertain. As a was made by the majority of the votes. The extracted infor-
single study may have been underpowered in clarifying the mation was entered into a database. Carriers with at least one
association of NAT2 polymorphisms with oral carcinoma of the high-activity alleles were identified as rapid acetylators
susceptibility, in the present study we performed evidence- and individuals carrying both two low-activity alleles were
based quantitative meta-analyses of the published studies classified as slow acetylators. For data not provided in the
to derive a more precise estimation of the association. main text, the relevant information was obtained by contacting
corresponding authors as possible as we could.

Materials and methods Statistical analysis

Literature search strategy for identification OR of NAT2 polymorphisms and oral cancer risk was esti-
of the studies mated for each study. For detection of any possible sample
size biases, the OR and its 95 % confidence interval (CI) to
We carried out a search in the Medline, EMBASE, OVID, each study was plotted against the number of participants
Sciencedirect, Google Scholar and Chinese National respectively. A Chi-square based Q statistic test was per-
Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI) without a language formed to assess heterogeneity. If the result of the hetero-
limitation, covering all papers published up to Dec 2011, geneity test was P [ 0.1, ORs were pooled according to the
with a combination of the following keywords: NAT2, fixed-effect model (Mantel–Haenszel). Otherwise, the ran-
Nacetyltransferase 2, oral, head and neck, carcinoma, dom-effect model (DerSimonian and laird) was used. The
neoplasm, tumor, cancer and polymorphism. significance of the pooled ORs was determined by Z test.
We evaluated potentially associated publications by Publication bias was assessed by visual inspection of
checking their titles and abstracts and then procured the most funnel plots [11], in which the standard error of log (OR) of
relevant publications for a closer examination. Moreover, each study was plotted against its log (OR). An asymmetric
the reference lists of the selected papers were also screened plot indicates a possible publication bias. The symmetry of
for other potential articles that possibly have been missed in the funnel plot was further evaluated by Egger’s linear
the initial search. The following criteria were used for the regression test [12]. Statistical analysis was undertaken
literature selection for the further meta-analysis: using the program Review Manager 4.2 and STATA 11.0
software (Stata Corporation, Texas).
1. Studies concerning the association of NAT2 polymor-
phism with oral carcinoma;
2. Observational studies (case–control or cohort studies);
3. Papers must offer the size of the sample, odds ratios
Literature search and meta-analysis databases
(ORs) and their 95 % confidence intervals (CIs), the
genetic distribution or the information that can help
A total of 27 studies were searched and screened for
infer the results.
retrieval, of which seventeen irrelevant studies were

Mol Biol Rep (2012) 39:8813–8819 8815

As shown in Table 2, the distributions of NAT2 geno-

type classified as rapid or slow acetylators according to the
primary literature were also presented.

Test of heterogeneity

The data in Figs. 2 and 3 concerned the association

between NAT2 polymorphism and oral carcinoma risk. As
shown in the figures, we analyzed the heterogeneity of slow
versus rapid acetylators and the P values were less than 0.1.
Thus, random-effect models were used.
Additionally, I2 value is another index for the hetero-
geneity test [23], with value less than 25 % indicating low,
25–50 % indicating moderate, and greater than 50 %
indicating high heterogeneity. In Figs. 2 and 3, the I2 was
66.1 %, suggesting statistically significant heterogeneity
Fig. 1 The flow diagram of included/excluded studies
between the studies. Accordingly, random-effect models
were utilized.
excluded. Then, three studies were excluded because the
To reduce heterogeneity, data were stratified according
data concerning oral cancer were combined with pharyn-
to source of controls and ethnicity. As shown in Fig. 2, the
geal cancer [13, 14] or combined as head and neck cancer
data were separated into hospital-based and population-
[15]. Lastly, seven case–control studies [16–22] were
based subgroups. The heterogeneity was still evident in the
selected (Fig. 1). All the included seven studies were
hospital-based group (P = 0.043) and population-based
written in English and the genotype distribution of the
(P = 0.029), respectively. However, when data were
controls were consistent with Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium
divided according to ethnicity, we found that the hetero-
in the primary literature.
geneity was significantly reduced or removed in Asian
Of the included studies, three studies were conducted on
group (P = 0.34), Caucasian group (P = 0.165) and
Asians [19, 20, 22], two on Caucasians [16, 18] and two on
Mixed races (P = 0.065), suggesting that ethnicity might
mixed races [17, 21].
be a main reason for the heterogeneity.
We established a database according to the extracted
information from each article. The relevant information
Quantitative data synthesis
was listed in Table 1. According to the lists, the first author
and the number and characteristics of cases and controls for
For slow versus rapid acetylators, the data available for our
each study as well as other necessary information were
meta-analysis were obtained from seven case–control studies

Table 1 Characteristics of studies included in the meta-analysis

First Publication Number of Number Type of controls Age range (mean), year Country
author year cases (male/ of controls
female) (male/female) Cases Controls

Katoh 1998 40/22 72/50 122 Non-cancerous controls (hospital- NA (61.7) NA (62.4) Japan
Chen 2001 240/101 395/157 552 Community control (population- 18–65 (NA) 18–65 (NA) USA
Hahn 2002 62/32 47/45 92 Healthy blood donors (ethnically- 24–90 (61.5) 19–67 (45.1) Germany
matched; population-based)
Marques 2006 193/38 168/44 212 Controls (Age-,gender-, 23–79 (56.6) 23–79 (56.6) Brazil
skin clor-, matched; hospital-based)
Majumder 2007 198/112 302/87 389 Controls (hospital-based) 25-88 (55) 25-80 (49) India
Buch 2008 154/43 302/114 416 Controls (age-,sex-, zip code-, 23–81 (58.7) 27–84 (58.7) USA
matched; population-based)
Balaji 2012 86/71 46/86 132 Controls (hospital-based) NA (53.08) NA (55.07) India
NA not available

8816 Mol Biol Rep (2012) 39:8813–8819

Table 2 Distribution of NAT2 acetylators among oral cancer cases and controls included in the meta-analysis
First author SNP sites studied Genotyping Cases Controls
Rapid Slow Rapid Slow

Katoh NAT2*4; *5; *6; *7; *14 PCR-RFLP 55 7 115 7

Chen NAT2*4; *5; *6; *7; *12; *14 PCR-RFLP 143 198 250 302
Hahn NAT2*4; *5; *6; *7; *12; *13; *14 PCR-RFLP 35 59 35 57
Marques NAT2*4; *11 PCR-RFLP 202 29 174 38
Majumder NAT2*4; *5; *6; *7; *12 PCR-RFLP 107 190 137 205
Buch 111T [ C; 190C [ T; 191G [ A; 282C [ T;341T [ C; PCR-RFLP 113 84 192 224
411A [ T; 481C [ T; 590G [ A; 759C [ T; 803A [ G;
845A [ C; 857G [ A; 859T [ C
Balaji 481C [ T; 590G [ A; 857G [ A Taqman 57 100 65 67

Fig. 2 Meta-analysis with a random-effect model for the association of oral cancer risk with NAT2 polymorphism (slow versus rapid; stratified
by control sources). HB hospital-based, PB population-based

of 1,379 cases and 1,868 controls. The overall OR for the slow The pooled ORs were 1.38 (95 % CI = 1.04–1.82) in
versus rapid genotypes was 1.04 (95 % CI = 0.79–1.39) Asians, 0.76 (95 % CI = 0.48–1.21) in Caucasians and
(Fig. 2). Results suggest that individuals who carry slow 0.91 (95 % CI = 0.53–1.56) in Mixed races, respectively.
acetylators may not have increased or decreased oral cancer Results suggested that slow acetylators might increase oral
risk compared with those who have rapid ones. cancer susceptibility among Asians but not Caucasians.
Considering the possible impact of ethnic variation on In the subgroup analysis by source of controls, the data
the results, we further conducted subgroup analysis con- regarding the two groups showed no significant associa-
cerning Asian, Caucasian and Mixed races, respectively. tions respectively.

Mol Biol Rep (2012) 39:8813–8819 8817

Fig. 3 Meta-analysis with a random-effect model for the association of oral cancer risk with NAT2 polymorphism (slow versus rapid; stratified
by ethnicity)

Sensitivity analysis Discussion

When the random-effect model was changed as fixed-effect In the present study, the results of meta-analyses showed
model, the significance of the overall data was not statis- that individuals with NAT2 polymorphism might have
tically altered (data not shown). Moreover, we also con- associations with increased susceptibility to oral cancer
ducted one-way sensitivity analysis [24] to evaluate the among Asians but not Caucasians.
stability of the meta-analysis. Interestingly, when the study A previous meta-analysis [25] regarding prostate cancer
conducted by Buch et al. [16] was deselected, I2 reduced to suggests that NAT2 polymorphism may increase suscep-
40.0 %, with P value more than 0.1. When the remaining tibility to prostate cancer in Asians. Similarly, another
six studies were deleted respectively, I2 varies from 61.0 to meta-analysis [26] concerning laryngeal cancer indicates
71.8 %, with P value less than 0.1. However, the statistical that slow acetylators may increase laryngeal cancer risk in
significance of the results was not altered when any single Asians. Nevertheless, slow acetylators only increase blad-
study (including Buch et al.) was omitted (data not shown), der cancer [27, 28] and breast cancer [29, 30] risk for
confirming the stability and credibility of the results. individuals who have a heavy smoking history. While for
lung [31] and gastric cancer [32], the data failed to show an
Bias diagnostics evidence of NAT2 polymorphisms increasing cancer risk.
Thus, effects of NAT2 genetic variation varied on diverse
Funnel plot was created for assessment of possible publi- carcinomas.
cation biases (Fig. 4a). Then, Egger’s linear regression test The underlying mechanisms by which NAT2 polymor-
was used to assess the symmetry of the plot (Fig. 4b). The phism influences cancer risk are not fully understood. The
data suggest that the funnel plot was symmetrical NAT2 gene is located on chromosome 8p22, encoding a
(t = 0.36, P = 0.735), suggesting that the results of these 290-amino-acid protein [33]. NAT2 catalyze the detoxifi-
meta-analyses are relatively stable and the publication cation and/or activation of aromatic and heterocyclic amine
biases may have little influence on the results. carcinogens by two pathways. The metabolism reaction

8818 Mol Biol Rep (2012) 39:8813–8819

Evident heterogeneity was observed in this study. Thus,

random-effect models were used. To diminish the hetero-
geneity, data were divided according to control sources and
ethnicity, respectively. In control source subgroups, the
heterogeneity still existed, implying that source of controls
was unlikely to be a reason for the heterogeneity. Never-
theless, reduced or removed heterogeneity were observed
when the data were separated by ethnicity, indicating eth-
nicity as a major factor contributing to heterogeneity.
Notably, the study conducted by Buch et al. [16] presented
statistically significant data (OR = 0.64; 95 % CI
0.45–0.90), resulting from a higher difference in the fre-
quencies observed between cases and controls, and an
inversion in the frequency of rapid acetylators compared to
slow acetylators in cases (57.4 and 42.6 %) than in controls
(46.2 and 53.8 %, respectively). The discrepancy might be
due to the limited sample sizes. In the sensitivity analysis,
we found that data from Buch et al. might contribute to the
marked heterogeneity. However, the statistical significance
of the results was not altered when this study was omitted.
Therefore, the study conducted by Buch et al. was not
excluded from the present analyses.
Publication biases were assessed via funnel plot and its
symmetry was further evaluated by Egger’s linear regres-
sion test as shown in Fig. 4. The data of Egger’s test suggest
that publication biases may exert little effect on the results.
Some limitations might be included in this study. First, in
Fig. 4 Publication bias tests (a funnel plot; b Egger’s linear
regression test) this meta-analysis, most published studies and papers written
in English were searched. Some related published or
unpublished studies that might meet the inclusion criteria
may result in the detoxification by N-acetylation, or bio- were missed. Therefore, inevitable publication biases might
activation by O-acetylation often preceded by CYP450 exist in the results. Second, the data were stratified only by
hydroxylation [6]. Genetic variation of NAT2 may lead to race and control source, not by age, smoking habit or other
differences in the rate of arylamine metabolism and con- environmental factors because insufficient information could
sequently cancer risk [34]. be extracted from the primary manuscripts. For Asians, only
Considering that the same polymorphisms may play data regarding Japanese and Indians were included. Further
different roles in cancer susceptibility among different studies concerning Chinese, Thais and other Asians were
ethnic populations and the frequencies of single nucleotide warranted. Third, hospital-based controls were used in sev-
polymorphisms might be different among different ethnic eral included studies. Hence, non-differential misclassifi-
groups which might contribute to the possible presence of cation bias might exist. Furthermore, the number as well as
heterogeneity between the studies, we stratified the data the sample sizes of some included studies is rather small, a
according to ethnicity. Consequently, data suggest that number of further studies with large sample sizes are
slow acetylators might increase oral cancer risk in Asians required. Additionally, gene-gene and gene-environment
but not Caucasians or Mixed races. The difference might interactions should also be considered in the further studies.
be owing to the differences of genetic backgrounds and the In summary, the results of the present meta-analysis
environment existed among different races. suggest that genetic variations of NAT2 may be a risk
Smoking is a commonly accepted risk factor for cancers factor for oral carcinoma among Asians.
and has been thought to interact with gene polymorphism
Acknowledgments This work was supported by Initial Fund for
in oral cancerigenesis [35]. However, insufficient data
Doctors of Guiyang Medical College (2009–14) and China Postdoc-
regarding smoking and NAT2 genetic variation were toral Science Foundation (20100471772).
available from the primary literature. Thus, the possible
association could not be evaluated in the present research. Conflict of interest None declared.

Mol Biol Rep (2012) 39:8813–8819 8819

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