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Experiment -1

Student Name: Aman Shahwaz UID: 20BCS4239

Branch: CSE Section/Group: CC-2(B)
Semester: 5 Date of Performance: 5/08/22
Subject Name: Microservices architecture and its implementation lab

1. Aim/Overview of the practical:

To make a static website using AWS cloud services.

2. Task to be done:

Create a static web page and host it using S3 bucket using AWS cloud services.

3. Pre-requisite:
• AWS account
• HTML template

4. Steps for experiment/practical:

To configure an Amazon S3 bucket to function like a static website:

a) Create a S3 bucket

i) Choose Create bucket.

ii) Enter the Bucket name.
iii) Accept the default settings and create the bucket, choose Create.

b) Enable static website hosting

i) In the Buckets list, choose the name of the bucket that you want to enable static website
hosting for.
ii) Choose Properties.
iii) Under Static website hosting, choose Edit.
iv) Choose Use this bucket to host a website.
v) Under Static website hosting, choose Enable.
vi) In Index document, enter the file name of the index document, typically index.html.
vii) Choose Save changes.

c) Edit block public access settings

i) Open bucket that you have configured as a static website.
ii) Choose Permissions.
iii) Under Block public access (bucket settings), choose Edit.
iv) Clear Block all public access, and choose Save changes.

d) Add a bucket policy that makes bucket content publicly available

After editing S3 Block Public Access settings, add a bucket policy to grant public read access to bucket.
When we grant public read access, anyone on the internet can access our bucket.

i) Under Buckets, open bucket.

ii) Choose Permissions.
iii) Under Bucket Policy, choose Edit.
iv) To grant public read access for your website, copy the following bucket policy, and paste
it in the Bucket policy editor.
v) Choose Save changes.

e) Upload an index document

i) Enable static website hosting for your bucket.

ii) Choose Upload, and follow the prompts to choose and upload the index file.

f) Test website endpoints

i) Choose Properties.
ii) At the bottom of the page, under Static website hosting, choose your Bucket website
endpoint. Your index document opens in a separate browser window.

g) Clean up

Delete the AWS resources that we allocated so that no longer accrue charges. After we delete AWS
resources, now the website is no longer available.

5. Output:
Learning outcomes (What I have learnt):


2. CSS

3. Java Script

4. AWS S3 bucket services

5. Hosting static webpage using AWS

Evaluation Grid (To be created as per the SOP and Assessment guidelines by the faculty):
Sr. No. Parameters Marks Obtained Maximum Marks

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