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Development Effectiveness Briefs N°2 / 2018

Are Psychometric Tools a Viable

DEBrief Screening Method for Small and
Medium Enterprise Lending?
Evidence from Peru

Micro, small, and medium-sized enter-
✓ Conventional credit screening prises (MSMEs) are key drivers of Latin
is not suited for micro, small, and American and Caribbean economies,
medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) accounting for the majority of business-
without credit histories or collateral. es and employment. Nonetheless, they
tend to stay small and have low produc-
✓ Psychometric tools that tivity, in large part due to the region’s
assess applicants’ personality huge financing gap – estimated at $1.2
and character offer a viable trillion in 20171 – that leaves MSMEs
alternative for evaluating MSME without access to the critical capital
creditworthiness. they need to grow.

✓ With support from the Inter- Why is this the case? Conventional
American Development Bank (IDB) methods for assessing creditworthi-
Group, a Peruvian bank piloted the ness are typically not suited for MS-
Entrepreneurial Finance Lab’s (EFL) MEs, many of which are sole propri-
psychometric credit scoring tool etorships without credit history or
with 1,909 MSME loan applicants. collateral which places them at an au-
tomatic disadvantage when applying
✓ The EFL tool was especially for loans. The information that banks psychometric credit scoring tool with a
effective at helping MSMEs without need to assess their growth potential large bank in Peru looking to expand its
a credit history increase loan access and risk profile tends to be scarce, un- MSME portfolio. Previously tested in Af-
without worsening the bank’s reliable, and difficult to obtain at a low rica, this was the first time the EFL tool
portfolio-wide repayment trends. cost. Likewise, relying on credit scores was applied in Latin America and the Ca-
is not always possible because some ribbean on a commercial basis. As part of
✓ Applicants without credit histories countries lack well-developed credit this pilot, IDB Invest provided a risk-shar-
who met the EFL tool’s score bureaus. The average credit bureau in ing guarantee to the bank to cover a por-
threshold were nearly four times the region complies with only half of tion of its new credit exposure.
more likely to access loans within best practices and covers 43% of the
six months versus those who scored adult population.2 Starting in March 2012, small business
below the threshold. owners who applied for working capital
One way to fill in this information gap at loans (average size of $3,855 with terms
a low cost is through the use of psy- of up to 18 months) were screened
chometrics to assess applicants’ by both the EFL tool and the
personality, intelligence, and bank’s conventional screening
character. Employers have used method, which included as-
psychometric assessments exten- sessing their credit score and
sively in hiring with strong results. a site visit to the company. If
Tests to gauge general intelligence, their EFL tool score met a certain
integrity, and conscientiousness, along threshold defined by the bank, they
with work sample tests, have proved to were offered a loan. They could also be
be the best methods for predicting overall approved using the bank’s conventional
job performance.3 There is an excellent op- screening method. Since Peru has one
portunity to apply similar principles in the of the most comprehensive credit bu-
credit arena to assess potential borrowers’ reaus in the region, covering 100% of
ability and willingness to repay loans. the adult population, everyone has a
credit score. However, for people with
THE PILOT no – or no recent – credit track record
IDB Invest and the Multilateral Investment with a formal financial institution, their
Fund (MIF) worked with the Entrepre- score is based on demographic infor-
neurial Finance Lab (EFL) to pilot EFL’s mation rather than credit history.
DEBrief Development Effectiveness Briefs N°2 / 2018

credit scores, or potentially poor repay-

ment behavior, among applicants with-
out credit histories. For applicants with
credit histories who were more likely to
take out a loan only from the partner
bank, results show that they had lower
Equifax credit scores three to four years
later compared to those who were reject-
ed by the EFL tool and were less likely
to get a loan over that same timeframe.
These lower credit scores may in part
stem from applicants with bad credit his-
tories receiving loans based on their EFL
score alone. It is also possible that the
partner bank did not prioritize monitor-
ing and collection efforts for these clients
due to the IDB Invest credit guarantee
that was part of the pilot.

THE STUDY without credit histories, of which 72% Overall, the findings clearly reinforce the
Based on the pilot experience, a study who met the EFL threshold accessed importance of gaining more comprehen-
was carried out to answer two key ques- a loan within six months versus 18% of sive information about potential borrow-
tions: (1) Did the EFL tool increase loan those who scored below the threshold. ers for assessing risk, making accurate
use for applicants in the six months Interestingly, they were not necessar- lending decisions, and expanding cred-
following the loan application? (2) ily getting loans from the partner it supply. The EFL tool proved to be an
How effective was the EFL tool bank running the pilot but rather effective alternative for helping MSMEs
at screening good credit can- were using their fresh loan ap- without a credit history increase their
didates? Researchers analyzed proval letters to shop around for access to finance in the short-term with-
data on formal credit usage and better terms from other banks. In out worsening the repayment trends of
credit scores from Equifax Peru. contrast, for the subgroup of ap- the bank’s portfolio. Twenty percent of
The credit score rating (as of April plicants with credit histories, the use applicants (about 380 MSMEs) would
2016) of applicants who were offered a of the EFL tool had no significant effect not have received a loan offer from the
loan based on their EFL tool score was on overall short-term loan use. partner bank based on its conventional
compared to those who did not meet the screening method alone. However, for
EFL score threshold. applicants with a credit history, the tool
cannot be a substitute for traditional
The bank screened 1,909 loan applicants screening methods that weed out people
using the EFL questionnaire from March with a history of poor loan repayment.
2012 to August 2013. The data collected
during this timeframe and analyzed by Given the unmet need for greater access
the researchers includes the EFL score to financing among MSMEs in the region
and the screening date, as well as the – and the untapped business opportunity
applicant’s age, gender, business sales, they represent for lenders – psychomet-
Figure 1: Short-term Loan Access (within six
and sector. The study divided the sample months of application) ric credit scoring tools offer a practical
into two subgroups: those with a credit solution for both banks and potential bor-
history (“thick” credit bureau files) and Regarding the effectiveness of the EFL rowers, particularly in countries where
those without a credit history in the for- tool in screening good credit candidates, well-developed credit bureaus are in the
mal financial system (“thin” credit bureau there is no evidence of lower Equifax process of consolidation.
files). At the time of application, 22% of
MSMEs had either never received formal Additional Information References
credit or had not formally accessed cred- DEBrief preparation: Irani Arráiz, Norah Sullivan, 1
IFC (2017). MSME Finance Gap. Assessment
it within the last five years. and Patricia Yañez-Pagans of the Shortfalls and Opportunities in Financing
MSMEs in Emerging Markets.
This brief summarizes the findings of the study by 2
World Bank Doing Business (2018).
KEY FINDINGS Arraiz, Irani, Miriam Bruhn, Claudia Ruiz Ortega, 3
Schmidt, F. L. & Hunter, J. E. (1998). The validity
Taking into account the full sample, 78% and Rodolfo Stucchi (2018), “Are Psychometric and utility of selection methods in personnel psy-
of applicants who scored above the EFL Tools a Viable Screening Method for Small and chology: Practical and theoretical implications of
threshold accessed a new loan from a Medium Enterprise Lending? Evidence from Peru”, 85 years of research findings. Psychological bulle-
financial institution within six months which is part of IDB Invest’s Development through tin, 124(2), 262–274.
the Private Sector Series.
following the pilot loan application com-
© Photography: iStock Photos, IDB Repository
pared to 59% of applicants who scored For more information please contact:
below the threshold. The effect was even
greater for the subgroup of applicants

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