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Nuclear Energy and Technology 3 (2017) 297–301

Testing of the ICMS input data diagnostic system at unit 1 of

Novovoronezh NPP II
A.V. Semenikhin a, Yu.V. Saunin a, M.M. Zhuk b,∗
a JSC “Atomtechenergo”, Novovoronezh filial “Novovoronezhatomtechenergo” 1 Yuzhnoye shosse, Novovoronezh, Voronezh Reg. 396072, Russia
b “Novovoronezh Nuclear Power Plant”, Branch of JSC “Concern Rosenergoatom” 1 Promyshlennaya zona Yuzhnaya, Novovoronezh, Voronezh Reg. 396071,
Available online 16 November 2017

A real-time in-core monitoring system (ICMS) input data diagnostic system was tested for the first time during the commissioning of
Novovoronezh NPP II’s unit 1. The system was developed by specialists of “Novovoronezhatomtechenergo”, the Novovoronezh filial of JSC
“Atomtechenergo”, with participation of the Kurchatov Institute National Research Center’s experts. The purpose of the diagnostic system
development is to provide for the continuous monitoring of the input data validity in connection with the fact that new and upgraded ICMS
designs include the performance of protective functions based on local in-core parameters.
Issues are formulated to be addressed in the development of the ICMS input data diagnostic system, the structure of the developed system
is shown and basic data on its operation is given. The paper presents the key system test results which have confirmed that the system is
capable to detect in real time the measuring monitoring channels with invalid readings and display respective diagnostic information.
The considered ICMS system may serve a prototype for the development of similar systems, to be completed with novel functions, in
measuring channels of the NPP monitoring and control systems to enable an integrated real-time analysis of data for identification of the
causes for, early detection and prediction of developing defects.
Copyright © 2017, National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute). Production and hosting by
Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license. (

Keywords: In-core monitoring system; Measuring monitoring channels; Diagnostic system; Invalid readings.

Introduction tio (DNBR). This leads to greatly increased requirements to

the ICMS maintenance activities, including periodic opera-
Apart from information functions, the in-core monitoring tional checks and tests, specifically for the validity of the
system (ICMS) for new and upgraded NPP unit designs with input measurement data coming to the ICMS input [3,4].
VVER reactors also performs safety functions [1,2]. These The input data validity check is one of the most important
functions consist in generation and transmission to the ini- primary processing functions in monitoring and control sys-
tiating part of the control and protection system (CPS) of tems. The ICMS designs include functions for checking the
preventive and emergency protection signals based on in-core input data validity but they are limited because they do not
local parameters such as the maximum linear power density use to the full extent the structural features of data measuring
per fuel element and the departure from nucleate boiling ra- systems and monitored processes. Meanwhile, data validity
checking algorithms based on these features are applied ex-
∗ Corresponding author.
tensively, in particular, in the ICMS physical tests during the
E-mail addresses: (A.V. Semenikhin), NPP unit commissioning and operation [5]. Physical ICMS (Yu.V. Saunin), ZhukMM@nvnpp1.rosenergoatom.rus tests are full-scale tests conducted, subject to regulatory re-
(M.M. Zhuk). quirements, to confirm the functionality of the system and its
Peer-review under responsibility of National Research Nuclear University compliance with the design characteristics.
MEPhI (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute).
Russian text published: Izvestiya vuzov. Yadernaya Energetika (ISSN
Presently, the requirements to the use of online monitoring
0204-3327), 2017, n.3, pp. 88–97. (OLM) technologies for the NPP instrumentation and con-
2452-3038/Copyright © 2017, National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute). Production and hosting by Elsevier
B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license. (
298 A.V. Semenikhin et al. / Nuclear Energy and Technology 3 (2017) 297–301

trol (I&C) systems maintenance have already been actually (SPND) currents and the parameters involved in the calcula-
defined [6,7]. Therefore, activities are under way and differ- tion of the reactor plant weighted average power.
ent methods and techniques are proposed to implement OLM All checks to assess the validity of the measuring chan-
technologies at NPPs [8–11], including for the VVER NPP nel readings need to be performed in stabilized states of the
ICMS [12]. With regard for these requirements, a real-time monitored facility proceeding from the statistical processing
ICMS input data diagnostic system has been developed by method used. One can find out if the stabilized state condi-
specialists of “Novovoronezhatomtechenergo” (NVATE), the tions are fulfilled using the selected stability criteria of typical
Novovoronezh filial of JSC “Atomtechenergo”, with partici- parameters for each reactor plant operating mode.
pation of the Kurchatov Institute National Research Center’s The methods to assess the measuring monitoring channel
experts. The development of the system was based on a large readings for validity used in the development of the diagnostic
scope of experimental data obtained by the authors as part of system were tested repeatedly as part of the ICMS physical
the ICMS physical testing at VVER NPP units of different tests during the commissioning and operation of VVER-1000
designs. units of various designs [5]. Dedicated software is used at the
The first ever full-scale test of the developed diagnos- present time to process the test results [13,14]. For validity
tic system was conducted during the commissioning of assessments, the presented system used operating algorithms
Novovoronezh NPP II’s unit 1. The paper presents the basic of this software modified, however, for online applications.
details of the system, the results obtained and its potential Messages on detected invalid readings of the analyzed
uses. monitoring channels are displayed in a generalized format
with color indication, this enables the system operation re-
Issues addressed in the development of the input data sults to be easily perceived. Besides, there is also a format
diagnostic system with detailed information on the analysis results for analyzing
the causes for the invalidity.
The key objective of the input data diagnostic system de-
velopment is the establishment of an automatic real-time diag- Diagnostic system structure
nostic system. This requires the development and implemen-
tation of algorithms that make it possible to automate some The ICMS input data diagnostic system consists of a com-
of the procedures performed by attending personnel in the puter (laptop) connected to the ICMS via the local network.
process of the ICMS periodic maintenance and status check- Fig. 1 presents a block diagram of the ICMS input data diag-
ing in accordance with operating regulations. The attending nostic system which provides for a graphic representation of
personnel actions during the performance of required proce- the system and the interactions among its key components.
dures for their formalization and algorithmization involved the The computer is fit with the MS Windows 7 operational
following steps: system and special-purpose software, Diagnostika SVRK,
which is the key component of the system and consists of:
– determination of the operating mode in which the reactor
plant is; – the executable file Diagnose.exe;
– determination of the state that meets the input data validity – the BD_SVRK.accdb database with information on param-
diagnostics and checking requirements; eters and settings for processing;
– checking and assessment of the parameter monitoring – setup files of the ∗ .ini and ∗ .txt type for storing information
channels for the validity of readings which meet the di- on the reactor plant operating mode determination and the
agnostic conditions in a particular reactor plant operating selection of the time interval for the calculation;
mode; – diagram templates for the rapid plotting of dependences
– output of required information messages to attending per- needed to analyze and assess the behavior of the monitored
sonnel on checking and diagnostic results; ICMS parameters;
– archiving of current diagnostic results. – text files with stored data processing information;
– binary files – archives of the values obtained from the
The system shall start to perform diagnostic procedures ICMS.
which consist in assessing the validity of the measuring chan-
nel readings with the “hot state” or “reactor at low power Diagnostic system operation
level” mode when conditions are fulfilled for the primary
coolant temperature monitoring channel checking with cal- Following the receipt of data from the ICMS, the diagnos-
culation of additive corrections. Channels for monitoring of tic system buffers it. The buffer operates based on the first-in-
general technological parameters can be also checked in this first-out (FIFO) principle and may have any size. Normally,
mode of the reactor plant operation, e.g., the pressure drop 600 data deliveries are fair enough which corresponds to the
in the reactor coolant pump set (RCPS), the RCPS supply time of the received data storage (10 min). This value is sub-
frequency, the RCPS power and others. During operation at ject to change depending on the pre-commissioning results.
over 10% of the rated power, conditions are already fulfilled Data needs to be buffered for checks on a set of values and
for the channels to monitor the self-power neutron detectors not on point data.
A.V. Semenikhin et al. / Nuclear Energy and Technology 3 (2017) 297–301 299

Fig. 1. Block diagram of the ICMS input data diagnostic system.

Based on the buffered data, the system determines the reac- the stability of readings in the channels for monitoring such
tor plant operating mode. This procedure is needed to start the parameters. There is a set of monitored parameters for each
required monitored parameter validity assessment algorithms. mode. The stability of readings for monitored parameters is
In accordance with the process peculiarities, the following determined based on the buffered data.
operating modes can be identified: The stability condition for readings is different in the case
of discrete and analog parameters. If there was a change in
– not determined (ND); a discrete parameter reading within the given time interval,
– cold state; the reading is considered stable. For an analog parameter, the
– hot state or reactor at low power level; stability condition in the considered time interval is assessed
– reactor plant power below 10% of rated value; from the rate of its change and based on the mean-root-square
– reactor plant power over 10% of rated value. deviation value. These parameter characteristics shall not ex-
ceed certain values. The algorithm for the approximation of
If the reactor plant operating mode is “cold state” or “ND”, the linear dependence parameter values are used to estimate
the diagnostic system does not start any task to assess the the change rate. Fig. 2 shows the respective system interface
status of the monitoring channels checked. When the oper- window.
ating mode is “reactor power below 10% of rated value”, Where the stability conditions are fulfilled for the current
tasks are started to determine the validity for the readings state of the reactor plant, calculations are started to assess
of the primary coolant temperature monitoring channels, the the validity of data in the monitoring channels being checked.
RCPS pressure drops, the RCPS supply frequencies and other Where invalidity signs are revealed, the group, in which the
general technological parameters. When the mode is “reactor monitoring channel with invalid data is detected, is shown in
power over 10% of the rated value”, checking of the SPND red in the generalized format (Fig. 3).
current monitoring channels and the parameters for the reac-
tor plant weighted average power calculation is added. In the Real-time diagnostic system test results
“hot state” or “reactor at low power level” mode, the primary
coolant temperature monitoring channels are checked with During the commissioning of Novovoronezh II’s unit 1, the
calculation of additive corrections. Checks similar to checks developed ICMS input data diagnostic system was installed
for the “reactor power below 10% of rated value” are per- for the first time at the facility it had been designed for and
formed in this mode. Readings for the coolant temperature was therefore tested in full-scale conditions. The tests have
monitoring channels in the primary coolant’s cold and hot shown that the diagnostic system is serviceable and fits for its
legs, the reactor power readings in the neutron power moni- purpose while making it possible to detect on a timely basis
toring equipment monitoring channels, and the reactor power more than one defect. In particular, the readings for one of
values calculated in the ICMS using different techniques are the RCPS-1 pressure drop monitoring channels (monitoring
used to determine the reactor plant operating mode. channel code: 11JEC10CP802BXQ3) were found to be in-
The validity of the measuring channel readings is assessed valid based on a symptom of noncompliance with the mode
by the Diagnostika SVRK system only in the steady-state value during tests at the stage of reaching 50% of the rated
mode of the reactor plant operation. The required condition power level. The reading for this channel with RCPS-1 in
is determined by monitoring a set of specific parameters for operation was about 0.002 MPa. The reading of the remain-
300 A.V. Semenikhin et al. / Nuclear Energy and Technology 3 (2017) 297–301

Fig. 2. “List of stability determination paremeters” window.

Fig. 3. Diagnostika SVRK generalized format showing groups with invalid readings.

ing monitoring channels for this parameter was 0.630 MPa the second rack of software and hardware complex for pro-
(see Fig. 3). It turned out that such an apparent defect had tection (SHC-P) set 1. The invalidity was identified from the
not been identified by standard ICMS check and reject pro- symptom of the readings deviation from the parallel RCMS-
cedures. Concerning this monitoring channel, it was further 2 pressure drop measurements in the other SHC-P racks in
recognized by the ICMS developer that such readings in this excess of the permissible value.
operating mode were really invalid and it was required to Invalid RCMS-2 pressure drop readings led to DNBR cal-
withdraw them from further processing. culation for this SHC-P rack with an error 5% greater than for
During tests at the stage of reaching 90% of the rated the other racks. With no measures taken to remedy the defect
power level, invalid readings were detected by the diagnostic and to stop its further development, there would be a delay
system in the RCPS-2 pressure drop monitoring channel in in this SHC-P rack with the alarm generation in response to
A.V. Semenikhin et al. / Nuclear Energy and Technology 3 (2017) 297–301 301

DNBR decrease to below the permissible value, which did data handling technique as part of the ICMS commissioning
not happen only thanks to DNBR being sufficiently great. tests at the power levels of 50, 75 and 100% Nnom .
This invalid RCPS-2 pressure drop reading not rejected was Provided it is further tested successfully during long-term
used at the upper ICMS level in the power calculation for leg operation as part of Novovoronezh II’s unit 1 and in other
2 based on the primary circuit parameters. So the power value VVER units to be commissioned, the system may be rec-
for leg 2 was erroneously 8% greater than the expected read- ommended as a standard system for improving the operating
ing in accordance with the current operating condition. This reliability of the ICMS and the unit as the whole thanks to
error led further to an erroneously 0.7% overestimated value the automation of a range of routine ICMS maintenance and
of the reactor weighed average power. The presented chain of support procedures.
algorithmic dependences shows to which consequences just a The system may serve as the basis for the development of
single invalid value in the ICMS input data may ultimately similar systems, to be completed with novel functions, to en-
lead. After invalid readings were detected for the RCPS-2 able an integrated real-time analysis of data for identification
pressure drop monitoring channel, a recommendation was is- of the causes for prediction and early detection of develop-
sued to withdraw these readings from the upper-level calcula- ing defects in measuring channels of the NPP I&C systems
tions, as well as to take technical measures consisting in the [15,16].
blowdown of the pulse-forming lines and the adjustment of
the zero value. References
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