Kolkata The Statesman 15TH JANUARY 2024 Page 7

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The need to promote



inter-faith harmony
All things considered, the results
recorded in the Bengal Olympic trials
held on Saturday may be regarded as sat-
isfactory, and as comparing very
favourably with those of other provincial
meets. The best performances were those
of T.K. Pitt and W.R. Hildreth in the two
sprint races, the latter establishing what
is claimed to be a new Indian record, by
BHARAT DOGRA religion which has greater compatibil- It is by now widely known that in doing the 220 yards in 22 1/5 seconds. In
ity with peace, human welfare, gen- Gaza the emergence of Hamas was the trials at Madras, Allahabad, and Nag-

n the midst of several conflicts der justice, inter-faith harmony and supported by Benjamin Netanyahu pur no one did better than 24 seconds, so
and tensions in the world, the rationality. and some other Israeli leaders as a that the Bengal representative is almost
compelling need to promote Of course rejection of religious counter to left and secular forces certain to be picked for the All-India
inter-faith harmony and under- fundamentalism should never be con- among the Palestinians. team, and on a cinder track should be
standing is increasingly realized. Such fused with the rejection of religion, as Thus what we see in country after able to better the timing recorded on Sat-
promotion increases possibilities of religion for many people has many country is that Muslim religious fun- urday. T.K. Pitt also won the quarter mile,
durable peace among various com- positive aspects aligned with ethical damentalism grew either when funds and the fact that he finished strongly in a
munities and often also among sever- life, philanthropy, kindness, taking and support became available for this shade over 50 seconds suggests that, on a
al countries. Religious fundamental- care of those in distress, compassion, from resourceful or powerful coun- more perfect track such as will be used at
ism is characterized by a rigid and mental and spiritual peace, reducing tries, or else militants among funda- Paris, he is capable of something
narrow understanding of religious attachment to consumerism and vol- mentalist forces were directly recruit- approaching 49 seconds. N.O. Murray's
texts and precepts, leading to sectari- untary simplicity or austerity. This in ed or supported to be used against left time for the mile - over five minutes - was
an views and frequently to avoidable fact is the proper role of religion which and secular forces. very poor, and would not do credit to the
conflicts with people of other faiths or is highly compatible with the welfare As powerful Western countries average school sports in England. No
sects. of humanity and in fact all forms of supported many corrupt dictatorships good miler, unfortunately, has been
One main problem created by life. Some of the best and greatest and monarchies in Muslim countries, unearthed in any other province so far.
religious fundamentalism is that this scholars of religion have in fact devot- the youth had to find some channels The Madras trials brought to light quite a
discourages human understanding on ed themselves to the interpretation of of opposition. As the left forces faced good long distance runner in N.
the basis of rationality due to very religion in such contexts, clearing too much repression, the secular Varadarajalu, of Bangalore, who, if he
rigid adherence to what was written many misconceptions and contribut- paths became more risky. For those could improve on his time of just over 54
or spoken several hundred years back, ing much to welfare at several levels. forms of violence. This violence may used by the USA and its CIA, using still keen to oppose the corrupt and minutes, would not be far from Alfred
and may have had a very different Some other religious scholars have be directed against people of other Pakistan in the important role of inter- oppressive dictatorships, the funda- Shrubb's old record of 50 minutes 40 3/5
context compared to the situation gone a step ahead to also speak of a faiths, or even against those people of mediary, to collect Islamic militants mentalist conservative forces could seconds.
existing today. society based on justice and equality, their own faith who do not agree with from all over the world to fight the provide some protection and hence
Secondly, and related to the first as well as resisting injustice to create their view of religion. Soviet army in Afghanistan which had the forces of resistance also found a NEWS ITEMS
factor, is the tendency for this irra- such a society. Those who follow this Thus while fundamentalist and come there to support a communist more convenient channel in funda-
tionality to very easily turn against
people of other sects and faiths, par-
approach may be devout followers of
their religion but at the same do not
sectarian elements of all religions gen-
erally have violent tendencies and are
government at its invitation. This pro-
vided the biggest opportunity to these
This explains how Islamic funda- THE KUMBH
ticularly in the hands of mischievous
elements. This can lead to entirely
hesitate to reject any isolated highly
objectionable passages found in some
harmful for peace, social harmony
and democracy, in recent times more
militants from many countries to get
modern, deadly weapons as well as
mentalism could spread at a fast pace
in many parts of the world, with some "MELA"
avoidable conflicts and violence; we religious texts. attention has been focused on Islamic the training to use these weapons of the most powerful Western coun- ALLAHABAD, JAN.14
can see too much of this in the pages A serious problem with religious fundamentalist and sectarian forces effectively. After their use for ousting tries playing an important supporting Mr. K.N. Knox, the District Magis-
of history. fundamentalists is that while they are including the militants among them. the Soviet army was fulfilled, these role in this, although later they were trate of Allahabad, has issued the follow-
Many well-intentioned people very insistent regarding the greatness What is more important is to militants were by and large left free to also forced to fight such forces. At the ing notification with reference to the dif-
had reasonable hopes that in modern of their own religion, they can be very know how many of these militants roam to many places including their same time, powerful Western coun- ficulties connected with bathing at the
times several factors would combine hostile towards other religions. They with fundamentalist beliefs increased original countries and spread violent tries have also played an important Kumbh Mela, the first big day of which is
to reduce the prospects of religious have a tendency to falsely interpret in several countries in the middle of disruption there. role in supporting (and getting sup- today:- "For many weeks past the state
fundamentalism and in some sections history and to mix up mythology with several modern influences. Partly this In Iran the democratically elected ported by) fundamentalist forces of of affairs at the junction of the Ganges
of human society this has already history in arbitrary ways in order to increase reflects a reaction against patriotic Prime Minister Mohammed several other religions too. and the Jumna has been causing great
happened. However, looking at the spread hostility against other religions some harmful aspects of modernity Mossadegh was ousted by the USA People should realize how they anxiety to the authorities and to all those
world we see that on the whole trends based on falsehoods or twisted half- which damage social relationships in and Britain when he tried to protect have been opportunistically used by who are interested in the Adh Kumbh
of religious fundamentalism have truths. significant ways, but there are other the national interests of Iran. In his various forces in narrow ways for their Mela. The stretch of sand which lies
shown surprising strength and Common people of various faiths factors too. place they brought back the monar- own interests, and come to the below the Fort is very contracted, and the
resilience right up to the 21st century. are perfectly capable of living in har- One of the biggest sources of chy of the Shah of Iran who estab- enlightened, welfare-oriented, liberal current of the Ganges has been reducing
Why and how this happened is a mony with people of other faiths, funds for the spread of Islamic funda- lished a regime characterized by sup- path of religion that emphasizes it day by day. Local residents whose
subject for detailed study, but what quite often happy to do so, but the mentalism over the years came from pression of people and torture. It was peaceful co-existence, while giving up memory carries them back for two or
must be clear is that while religious fundamentalist and sectarian ele- Saudi Arabian royalty, while this roy- the repressive rule of this regime the sectarian and rigid, narrow path. three decades have stated to the magis-
fundamentalism may be strong, it is ments often try to create problems alty got special support from the USA. which created the conditions for the In addition they should promote trate that the condition on the bathing
not desirable. What the world needs and obstructions. In many countries the fundamentalist arrival of the regime of fundamentalist inter-faith harmony for the unity of side is more dangerous than they can
instead is inter-faith harmony, and Hence it is clear that, from the forces could be strengthened because forces. their nation and indeed for the unity ever remember.
fundamentalist, rigid understanding point of view of peace and welfare of of the financial support received from In Afghanistan it was the highly and welfare of all humanity.
of one’s religion is not compatible with humanity, fundamentalist and sectar- Saudi Arabia or some of its allies who corrupt and inefficient regimes sup-
the promotion of inter-faith harmo- ian elements of all religions can create had plenty of oil money at their dis- ported by the USA which created the (The writer is Honorary Convener, Campaign to
Save Earth Now. His recent books include
ny. We need a more enlightened and serious problems, and almost all of posal. conditions for the return of the fun- Protecting Earth for Children, When the Two In the course of an address at the
liberal understanding and practice of them are associated with various In due course this money was damentalist forces led by the Taliban. Streams Met and A day in 2071.) Westbourne Park Chapel pleading for a
new international mentality, Sir George
Paish said that although French mentali-
IT CAME TO MIND | MANISH NANDY ty was wrong, the disaster caused to
France by the war was much greater than

Square pegs and round holes the French Government dared tell even
its own people. Europe, he said, was now
faced with complete bankruptcy. Ger-
many and Russia were hopelessly bank-

square peg in a round hole ious eastern Indian may talk a lot, but we think is wrong or a rejoinder to rupt and all the indications were that
means someone who doesn’t do they truly share what is important what we believe is right. It is more France would be bankrupt this year. Sir
quite fit in. Like an unquali- in their life? I have spent years in evaluation than assimilation, more of George believed that Britain could sur-
fied man in a job or a cultivat- Kolkata and known highly talkative forging a strategy than absorbing a mount the situation, but there must be a
ed woman in crass company. But the barbers who talked of their wayward viewpoint. If only we could keep our change from the old mentality of nation
metaphor applies just as well to a per- neighbors; in my short stints in mind clear like a blank slate, we would distrusting nation. He was convinced
son dying to connect meaningfully Dublin, friendly cab drivers have possibly find something to accept or that Continental nations would not
with another person – a person who regaled me with stories of misbehav- empathize with rather than reject as change their mentality until they saw
would understand and respond well ing millenials in the backseat. Such trivial or combat as incorrect.Why do there had been a change in this country.
– but ends up sadly in a banal conviviality is amusing, perhaps even we do that? Because we are afraid of
exchange. They talk about trivial
things, carry on a courteous but
affable, but does it offer what our
heart craves?
disclosing our vulnerability. We have a
mortal fear that, if others know of our INDIAN STORES
inconsequential conversation that
satisfies neither, and go their separate
What our heart wants is a real
exchange. We want to exchange real illastration by : Debabrata Chakrabarty
sadness and solitariness, our foibles
and failures, our hardships and DEPARTMENT
ways, unfulfilled and frustrated. thoughts and feelings. An idea that warmth of brotherly banter. We want a we know. Our friends, our colleagues, heartaches, we would seem weak and DELHI, JAN. 14
My father had some English col- has troubled my mind or excited my connection. We want to lighten our our neighbours, our relatives, even not fully in control. A child connects The report on the administration of
leagues and friends. He taught us that imagination. A feeling that is gnawing hearts by telling another human what our brothers and sisters. We can’t trust deeply with his mother because he the Indian Stores Department for the
when somebody asked, “How do you at my heart. Those are the things I has made us happy or sad. We want them enough to share the problems runs to her anytime he is hurt; he isn’t months of January, February and March,
do?” the correct response was “How want to share with a caring person. A to share what has made a difference in that are gnawing at our guts. When afraid to seem weak or defenseless. If 1922, and of the financial year 1922-23, is
do you do?” I was outraged and told person who will listen patiently and our lives. our talk edges closer to something we can shed our instinctive fear, talk published. During this period the pur-
my father so. If anybody was to ask perhaps even agree. Even if she dis- What stops us? What prevents our that means a lot to us, we shrink back and listen to another person fully, with chasing activities of the department were
how I was doing, it was both polite agrees, she will listen to the end and conventional, casual conversations and turn the discussion into some- the intent of connecting with another confined to buying textile goods for the
and sensible to tell the person how I tell me gently why she thinks differ- from graduating to a deep, rich, thing safer. Our instinct is to not let human, we are likelier to take the first Army and certain other departments of
was doing. It made no sense to ently. A person who will understand meaningful discussion? anyone in on what is eating us up step toward a genuine conversation. the Government. These operation were
respond to a question with another when I talk of my disagreement with Of course, there are little prob- because it exposes too much of our- My friend from Brazil, Marian, of considerable extent, the total value of
question. If the second question was my partner, my disappointment with lems with words and language selves. Can we let a colleague know talks of the time she talked openly purchases made having amounted to Rs.
to show some interest in the other my son or my disillusionment with because we all come from different this? She may one day use it against with a friendly but foolish interviewer 59,27,000 during the period January to
person’s well-being, it was undercut my boss. He may not see things in cultural backgrounds. But we also me. Should we share this pain with a only to be shortly told that she was March, 1922 and to Rs. 164,78,000 dur-
by a patent reluctance to reveal the exactly the same way, but he will try to know how well blind and deaf people cousin? He may pass it on to others ‘too emotional’ for the job. She also ing the financial year 1922-23. In the
state of my well-being. I believe my see the way I see them. find a way to share their thoughts and who are either less discreet or more had the opposite experience with a course of these operations new sources
father was both impressed and frus- These are what we want from a feelings. It helps if we learn to speak curious about my failings. It may be counselor who commented that her of supply were discovered and utilised.
trated by my logical bent and tersely conversation. A bit of talk about the clearly and precisely; it reduces the jealousy or schadenfreude.The far extraordinary capacity of self-disclo- Purchases were affected in accordance
commented that that, perversely, was weather is normal. A reference to the chance of misunderstanding. Yet that greater problem is our bottomless sure was both an asset to her and a with strict business principles, and were
the English protocol. day’s heady headline is understand- is hardly the principal barrier. The real preoccupation with ourselves. When gift for people who enter her orbit. We made more cheaply than would have
Not just the reserved English, able. Even a joke or two is welcome. problem lies elsewhere. somebody speaks, we seldom listen need to take the risk Marian did. been the case had not Indian markets
what amazes me is how essentially But at the end of all that, we want to A major problem in taking our wholeheartedly. We are already sort- been resorted to.
uncommunicative is the rest of share something important. That goes conversation to a higher level is our ing what we agree with and what we (The writer is a US-based international
development advisor and had worked with
mankind. Even the fraternal Irish, the
garrulous Italian or supremely gregar-
beyond polite palaver or benign blab-
ber. Or even a little beyond the
inbred distrust of other people. Not
just of strangers, but also of the people
dislike. Worse, we are not so much lis-
tening as preparing a riposte to what
the World Bank. He can be reached at
mnandy@gmail.com) JAPAN'S
The latest news from Tokio regarding
1 2 3 4 5 6 a man of property first to execute ankles possibly set charged after a
reconstruction work in Japan shows that
ACROSS (8) crook? (4) bells off (8) scrape (8) the Board of Construction is to take up
7 8 9
YESTERDAY'S SOLUTION 15 Grab a nap, having 25 Particle split by 4 Continue to desire a 17 One helping a the practical charge of reconstruction
7 Rubbish people necked last of beer head of licentious woman? relative to cross work for Tokio and Yokohama under the
L A ND L A D Y OB T A I N working away at (6) thermodynamics in (6) last section of
10 11
Oxford? (8) 16 Big old gun city abroad (6) 5 Flute Lance played bypass (8)
control of the Cabinet, and there is an
A A U R L U U advisory committee of reconstruction
B A T HROO M M I DR I B 9 Having sex without member of the 2 Chattering pirate’s could create noisy 18 Competitive games
I I E P O N E I affection ultimately clergy picked up (6) first to be saved by blasts? (10) on the rise, leading composed of eight prominent men,
12 13 14
is sickening (6) 19 Spooner says Le navy chopper (8) 6 European article to fits of bad besides the Cabinet Ministers, such as
10 Conservative leader Pétomane’s an published about temper (6)
breaks soft strike object of historic revolutionary Pole 20 Toxic gas from
the leaders of the political parties, the
15 16 17
T I F F A R A B I S T DOWN influential members of the House of
deal (4) interest (8) (8) behind engulfing
I E S T R Y 11 To mate with pint, 21 Johnny Morris 8 Drop of sherry’s almost all of pub (6) Peers, the Privy Councillor and the direc-
getting drunk could finally to meet PM more than enough 22 I take digs from tors of the leading companies. The plans
19 20 21 22 be one (10) in 1971 (6) 1 Old film star that for a little taste (6) granny that’s
S Y R I A L OO K A L I K E 12 A kid with a chilled- 23 When people must Banksy might do in 13 Teenagers offensive all round!
and schemes for the new cities have been
K A T F L T V T out demeanour take on board one a toilet? (6) vandalised houses (6) for some time under discussion, and they
23 24
A UN T I E RO O T B E E R (2,4) or some disparaging 2 Topless dress? close to Muslim 24 Drug that’s fine will shortly be put into execution. Mean-
14 Succeed in remarks (10) Rather! (1,3) settlements (10) being taken in while, pending the new scheme, the peo-
marrying aristocrat, 24 Prison in Texas 3 Trousers round 15 Supporters one church (4)
ple of those cities have built their tem-
25 26
porary abodes on the ruins, and business
is being carried on almost under normal
NOTE: Figures in parentheses denote the number of letters in the words required. (By arrangement with The Independent, London) conditions.


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