Language For The Fluency-Based Strategy Part-2

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Language for the

“Fluency-Based Strategy”

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1. Choose an opening phrase

& the first prompt

● Ok then, I guess, I could start

off by answering who the person

● Alright then, in response to the

first question of who the person

● So, to begin with, in reply to the

initial point of who the person

● Ok, I’ll start the ball rolling by

touching on the matter of who
the person is…

● Right then, I’d like to get

cracking by pointing out who the
person is…

1. Choose an opening phrase

& the first prompt

● So, I suppose, I should commence

with the first aspect which is
who the person is…

● Initially then, I’d like to get

started by looking at who the
person is…

● So, to start with I’ll talk about

who the person is…

● So, I guess I could kick off by

stating who the person is…

● Ok, so my first point here would

obviously be who the person is…

2. Add a second linking phrase

& add your content sentence

● …and I think I would have to

● …and I’d probably select…
● …and the one I’d pick is…
● …and I’d have to go for…
● …and my choice is going to

=> Your opening sentence

"Ok, I’ll start the ball rolling by

touching, on the matter of who the
person is, and I’d have to go for
Jackie Chan."

3. Develop this first sentence

further using a simple linking

➢ because,
➢ for the reason that,
➢ actually,
➢ who is ,
➢ which is (was),

➢ where,
➢ in fact,
➢ although,
➢ particularly,
➢ especially, etc.

4. Select second pointing

phrase and the second prompt
● Going on to my next point which is
why he is famous …

● Continuing then with the next

point of why he is famous ...

● Now with regard to the next

question of why he is famous ...

● Next then in response to the

point of why he is famous ...

● Regarding the theme of why he is

famous ...

● Now on the subject of why he is

famous …

● Now concerning the matter of

why he is famous ...

5. Add a second linking phrase

(similar to your first point)

● …and what I’d like to add here is


● ...and what I need to emphasize

here is that…

● …and what I ought to stress here

is that…

● …and the thing that needs to be

highlighted here is that…

● …and what I have to mention here

is that…

before explaining
the needed point


All of these linking structures

end in “that”

=> making a complex sentence

structure by adding a simple

Example for the second point

"Now concerning the matter of

why he is famous, and the thing
that needs to be highlighted
here is that he is a
world-renowned martial arts
film star as well as a successful

Develop this response further

by a simple linking structure

“ In fact, he was probably the

first Chinese actor to achieve
blockbuster success in
Hollywood ”

● because,
● actually,
● who is ,
● which is (was),
● for the reason that,

● where,
● in fact,
● although,
● particularly,
● especially, etc.

6. Select third pointing

phrase and the third prompt

● Progressing to the subject of why

I would like to meet this
celebrity …

● Moving onto the business of why

I would like to meet this
celebrity ...

● Drawing attention to the matter

of why I would like to meet this
celebrity ...

● Proceeding with the issue of why

I would like to meet this
celebrity ...

● Moving forward onto the area of

why I would like to meet this
celebrity ...

7. Add second linking phrase:

● I would like to explain that…

● You really have to understand


● I suppose I should underline the

fact that…

● What I’d like to make clear is


● What I’d like to shed on here is


8. Develop this further using
a simple linking structure:

“ So if I had the chance to

meet one of my childhood idols,
it would be a dream come true “

● because,
● for the reason that,
● actually,
● who is ,
● which is (was),

● where,
● in fact,
● although,
● particularly,
● especially,
● so

Example for the third point

“ Moving onto the business of

why I would like to meet this
celebrity …what I want to
make clear is that … I have
always been a big fan of
martial arts movies…so if I
had the chance to meet one of
my childhood idols, it would be
a dream come true. “

9. Add the fourth pointing

phrase and the fourth prompt

● Finally, then, if there’s time, I

could deal with the last
question of what you would
like to do if you met this

● To end with, If I still have

time, I could take care of the
final question of what you
would like to do if you met
this person…

● As a final point, if time

permits, I’d like to bring in
the point of…

● To cut a long story short, as

my very last point, with
reference to the question of
what you would like to do if
you met this person…

10. Add second linking phrase

● I would like to explain that…

● You really have to understand


● I suppose I should underline the

fact that…

● What I’d like to make clear is


● What I’d like to shed on here is


● Really, I should mention that…

Final structure (no content)

● "I guess I could begin by saying

something about what the sport
is, and I think I would have to

● Going on to my next point which is

how often I play it, I really need
to add that…

● And now with reference to why I

like it, the point f want to make
here is that...

● And so finally then, if I have

time, in answer to the question of
whether it is popular in my
country, really I should mention
that ..

Sample Answer (1st & 2nd point)

"l guess I could begin by saying

something about who this person is,
and I think I would have to choose
the superstar Jackie Chan from Hong
Going on to my next point which is
why he is famous, I really need to
add that he is a world-renowned
martial arts film star as well as being
a successful director. In fact he was
probably the first Chinese actor to
achieve blockbuster success in

Sample Answer (3rd & 4th point)

And now with reference to why I

would like to meet this celebrity, the
point I want to make here is that I
have always been a big fan of martial
arts movies, so if I had the chance
to meet one of my childhood idols, it
would be a dream come true.
And so finally then, if I have time, in
response to the question of what I
would like to do if I met him, really
"I should mention that I would
probably ask him to teach me a few
special Kung Fu tricks and I would
possibly invite him out for dinner at
a classy restaurant or something like

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