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Hi. My name is Vedran.

I'm 18 years old and I have an idea for a project that would improve quality of
life of elderly residents from Čakovec. The idea is to make an application form for anybody that can
help the elderly who maybe don’t have a family buy groceries, spend time with them, talk to them
and in that way make their day easier or more fun.

The purpose is to help the elderly in need. The main participants would be young people, but overall
anybody could fill out the application. The project would take place as soon as we get people's
attention and get more than just a few participants. We will organize hangouts where elderly people
could get the time to spend with younger generations. They can play bord games, do some fun
activities, or just talk. I think that any of the things listed will mean a lot to the elderly. We will also
organize a separate group of volunteers who would help the elderly with groceries, daily tasks or
something else that they need help for. This project will not only make life easier for elderly people
but will also improve connection between generations and elderly people can spread knowledge or
tell stories about how something was like in the past. This project can have both short-term and
long-term benefits because this will help elderly now, but I also could become more popular and
more accepted by society in the future.

So basically, I need the money to promote my project and to get young people interested to start
volunteering. I also need help with publishing the application form and figure out how will we find
people who need help. Because of their age they might not know how to apply if we use social
media or something like that. This project is important because it can improve lives of elderly people
in our community.

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