Circular-Recommendations of Quality Circle Team For Safe Works

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संदर्भ/Ref:EIL/B224/ 06.12.

विषय / Subject: Recommendations of quality circle team for safe works

परियोजना / Project: HPCL Rajasthan Refinery Project, Pachpadra.


प्रिय महोदय / Dear Sirs,

This has reference to accidents reported at sites occurred during construction phase. The accidents
analyzed by the team and the recommendation suggested by team is mentioned below to avoid similar
incident at site.

1- Brief Description- A group of workers were engaged for structural erection & alignment related
works for shed over CDD Pit nearby Pipe rack-5. The structural portal which was assembled with two
vertical column, one tie beam and five numbers of purlin and was being erected by using the tyre
mounted crane, of capacity 110MT.
During this process suddenly tie Beam fell down from a height 2.5 meter besides a worker Resulting in
victim got panicked and tried to escape from that location. To save from danger, he leaned backward
and fell inside the CDD Pit which is approximately 6.0meter deep and sustained head & spinal injury.

 Erection of portals should be carried out by holding of connecting beam/structural members by
using adequate machinery.
 Safe working platform and required PPE's should be ensured.
 Systematic inspection process should be implemented.

2- Brief Description- A worker was sitting on the second landing platform of permanent staircase
instead of going to their work area. During this process, the Victim fell down from the second landing
platform of permanent staircase on grade level of Treated Water Pump House from 5.7meter height
and sustained severe injuries and attending doctor declared him dead.

 Before joining at the sites, skill assessment test shall be implemented to Safety personals/site
workforces/site supervisors for assessing skills/proactiveness/efficiency label.
 For improving safety perception level, special in house training session (i.e. BBS &hazard
identification) shall be conducted for supervising team.
 Handrails provision must be ensured in the staircase/landing platform before engaging workers
at the building.
 Behavioral Based Safety training shall be imparted with safety induction program to all
 To keep more surveillance for new workforces, a special identification tag/sticker to be pasted
on new workers helmet, after completing safety induction/medical fitness test.
 Before engaging workers, job related hazards to be discussed with workforces which can
create more awareness as well as feedback taken from workforces shall be improved moral
value of workforces.
संदर्भ / Ref: EIL/B224/

3- Brief Description- Three workers were engaged in concrete floor polishing work inside canteen
building area as per instruction of their supervisor. Some ACP boards were lying on the work area.
They planned to shift the ACP board aside with available work table fabricated with steel hollow
sections (used for cutting & fabricating the ACP Sheets) and fitted rolling wheels in all four legs of the
table, to move the ACP boards from one side to other side of the canteen building. After loading ACP
Boards on the table, workers tried to push the table but the table was not moving. The victim went
underneath the table to check the blockage/obstruction of the rolling wheels. While he was checking,
the whole table got flattened & collapsed on the victim, with entire load. The victim was rescued
&shifted to hospital. However, the attending doctor of hospital declared him brought dead.

 All site workers must carry ID card while available at project site premises. Gate pass of site
personnel tie up with safety induction & Sticker for "Safety Induction" to be pasted on the safety
helmet. Gate pass/entry, work permits to be ensured at site.
 Job procedure for material for material handling to be developed and handling/shifting of
Construction material to be done accordingly
 Skill/ Competency assessments to be established for Workmen & Job Supervisor.
 A fixed target of training man-hour w.r.t. Total Man-hour to be decided for conducting HSE
Awareness at site.

4-Brief Description-The reinforcement material that was transported from fabrication yard by Farana
Crane with two helpers. When the Farana Crane reached the entry gate of the Project site, it was
stopped by Gate Security Guard as there was another vehicle coming from inside the Project site. After
some time, gate security guard gave the clearance to the Operator to go inside the Project area. The
Operator started taking right turn from the roadside. During this period, Farana crane toppled on the
right side and fell on the lower abdomen portion of the operator. The operator rescued & shifted to
Hospital for treatment. Further victim was referred to Super specialty Hospital, wherein the attending
doctor declared him brought dead.

 Trailer/truck to be used for material shifting from fabrication yard to site.
 Competency of construction equipment operators to be evaluated and ensured.
 Approved job procedure, HIRAC to be communicated through job specific training, TBT, and
inspection to be ensured
 Area where Farana crane is to be operated shall be levelled and well compacted.

All RCMs are advised to ensure above recommendation/practices at their respective sites to avoid
recurrence of above incident/accidents and share the above incidents with workforce through TBT and
submit the scan copy of TBT records to us on or before 08.12.23.

यह आपकी जानकारी एवं आवश्यक कारर वाई केप्रिए है l This is for your information & necessary action please.

धन्यवाद / Thanking you,

भवदीय / Very truly yours,

(विविर कुमार वमश्रा / Sisir Kumar Mishra)

आिासीय विमाभ ण प्रर्ं धक / Resident Construction Manager

To : All Contractors
Cc : Shri. Reji Mathew / Shri. L V S Nageswara Rao / Shri. V P Karande, HRRL.
: Shri. K Y Mallesh, EIL – HRRP Site.
: FCB / BMR / RP / AR / SD / AG
: AKS / GB / SMN / SK / MT / SCK /SM NASI / GEK / PB / AG / DK / RKM / JV / RKB/ PRP/ PG
: Notice Board
: RCM / MF

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