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Hello, it's enchanting to meet you all!

Did you have a good body posture?
Two Type of Body Posture

What is Dynamic posture is how you

hold yourself when you are

body moving, like when you are

walking, running, or bending

over to pick up something.
Static posture is how you
hold yourself when you are
not moving, like when you
are sitting, standing, or
Posture is how you hold sleeping
your body
It is important to make sure that you
have good dynamic and static posture

key to good posture .

Good posture is the position of your spine. Your spine has

three natural curves at your neck, mid back, and low
back. Correct posture should maintain these , but not
increase them. Your head should be above your
shoulders, and the top of your shoulder should be over
the hips
benefits of
good posture
#1. Increased Confidence #2. .More Energy
Confident posture were much more Good body alignment may help you
likely to have confidence in their remain focused and energized at work.
thinking and performed better on Whether you’re delivering packages or
tests. Feeling more confident in your caring for patients, correct posture can
ideas at work will ultimately help you allow you to power through the day more
succeed. easily.

#3. Greater Self-Esteem and

#4.Easier Breathing
Better Mood When the body is aligned correctly,
Reduce depressive feelings and
it’s easier to breathe. Slouching can
improve your self-esteem and mood.
reduce lung capacity, leading to
Feeling good about your professional
shortness of breath.
life often starts with feeling positive
about yourself.
#5.Less Frequent Headaches #6.Reduced Risk of Injury
Bad posture creates tension in the Proper posture can help you avoid
upper back, neck, and shoulders, injury, especially to your back,
leading to headaches that manifest shoulders, arms, and wrists. One of
as throbbing pain in the base of the the most common reasons people see
skull and sometimes the forehead a doctor or miss days of work is back

#7.Boosted Productivity
If you’re in pain, injured, or fatigued, or if you lack self-confidence, you will
likely have trouble staying focused and productive at work. Because
improving your posture can positively impact your mental and physical
health, it enables you to be a more productive member..
effects of
poor posture
Effect of Bad Posture

Potbelly Back Pain


Cause neck, shoulder,
and back pain Misalign your
Make it harder to musculoskeletal
breathe system

Wear away at your

Make it harder to How can Posture spine, making it more
digest your food Effect my Health ? fragile and prone to

Decrease your
Affect your balance
Affect how well flexibility
and increase your risk
of falling your joints move
causes of poor posture
Over-use of technology like mobile phones, televisions, computers, and tablets is
particularly concerning as it can worsen your posture in a number of ways.
If you text on your phone often, you may develop “text neck”a condition caused by
Use of
flexing your neck forward too often. If you sit on the couch watching television for
technology many hours each day, you may develop stooped shoulders and lower back
problems. If you often sit in a chair without ergonomic support, your posture may
eventually worsen.

Muscle tension If you have certain muscles that are much stronger or much weaker than others, it
can encourage poor posture. For example, if your abdominal muscles are weak
or muscle from an insufficient amount of exercise, you may come to rely on back muscles for
weakness stability, leading to back pain.

If you have suffered from an injury, some of the muscles around the injury site may
spasm to protect the part of your body that is vulnerable. This is a normal
Injury physiological response designed to keep the injured part of your body stable.
Unfortunately, the muscles that are spasming frequently can eventually weaken,
which results in a muscular imbalance that may affect your posture.
If you wear shoes that are poorly fitted, your gait may be adversely
Poor Footwear affected. It may cause you to walk in an unusual way, placing undue strain
on your ankles, hips, or knees. This can eventually lead to poor posture.

Spending too long sitting each day can be very detrimental to your
A sedentary posture. If you are forced to spend many hours sitting down each day
lifestyle at work or school, do your best to spend the rest of your day moving

being in a stressed or anxious state can change how a person uses their
Stress and body. Stressed and anxious people tend to take shallower breaths and
anxiety have more contracted muscles. Unfortunately this can lead to poor
A person’s body
type depends on
What does the distribution of
‘body type’ muscle mass and
fat. Some people
mean? are long and lean,
while others are
Body types

Ectomorph: This is when
the body is lean and
slender and tends to
have less body fat and
muscle. People with this
body type can often find
body types it challenging to gain
weight in the form of
muscle or fat. Fashion
models are an example
of this body type.
Endomorph: This is when Mesomorph: This is
the body has more when the body is
stored fat, lots of athletic and strong.
muscle, and gains weight People with this body
easily. People with this type are neither
body type are not always overweight nor
overweight. Football underweight. Swimmers
lineman and Marilyn and volleyball players
Monroe are examples of
are examples of this
this body type.
body type.
Pear or triangle:
People with this
body shape have
narrower shoulders
than their hips. A
body shapes person tends to
distribute most of
their weight in the
buttocks, lower hips,
and thighs.
Inverted triangle: This is
Rectangle: This is
when the lower half of
when there is no
the body is smaller than
the top, with shoulders
major definition at the
wider than the hips. waistline and hips.
People with this body People with this body
shape tend to gain shape have similar hip
weight in the upper body and shoulder width,
and stomach areas. They and the body tends to
also tend to have larger be in equal
chests and narrow hips. proportions.
Hourglass: This is Oval or apple: This is
when both the top when the top and
and bottom halves of bottom halves of the
the body are equally body are narrow.
broad. People with People with this body
this body shape tend shape tend to carry
to have a smaller weight in the chest and
waist than the chest stomach areas and
and hips. have slender legs.
Be mindful of your posture
How can I during everyday activities, like
watching television, washing
improve my dishes, or walking

posture in Stay active. Any kind of exercise may

help improve your posture, but

general? certain types of exercises can be

especially helpful. They include yoga,
tai chi, and other classes that focuses
on body awareness. It is also a good
idea to do exercises that strengthen
Wear comfortable, low-heeled
shoes. High heels, for
example, can throw off
Maintain a healthy weight. your
Extra weight can weaken balance and force you to walk
your abdominal muscles, differently. This puts more stress
cause problems for your on your muscles and harms your
pelvis and spine, and
contribute to low back pain.
All of these can hurt Make sure work surfaces are at
your posture a comfortable height for you,
whether you're sitting in
front of a computer, making
dinner, or eating a meal
How can I improve my posture when sitting?
Switch sitting positions often
Take brief walks around your office or home
Gently stretch your muscles every so often to help relieve muscletension
Don't cross your legs keep your feet on the floor, with your anklesin front of your knees
Make sure that your feet touch the floor, or if that's not possible,use a footrest
Relax your shoulders they should not be rounded or pulledbackwards
Keep your elbows in close to your body. They should be bentbetween 90 and
120 degrees.
Make sure that your back is fully supported. Use a back pillow orother back support if
your chair does not have a backrest that cansupport your lower back's curve.
Make sure that your thighs and hips are supported. You shouldhave a well-padded
seat, and your thighs and hips should be parallel to the floor
Tha n k yo u f or . . . ... . . .
list en in g! Group 3
Leader: Jocson, Francis C.
Patria, Maria Jenica
Limoran, Jennyviev
Presa, John Carlos


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