Maths Matrix

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“nen Slaton of Selected Problems A ATABENIAC = Bee. % 3 AB=if=t = 1ALIBL=t 3 1Abe0 A“, 1, Since Aisnon sing, Ate Oaadhence 4 exis, Now AA" =1 = det (AA) meee) et AGE A at 3 etary a7 HELD 5 pg (cbt) san var na) a i, a0 = (a Bea Amu (AB o ‘Wing a Ainpace of in (1) we get (a Aaa) =i A, 1A“, Ald AN.) AAI") by pemlipyng by A (a). A) 140A) = matixmulgcatonsesoitve AT Kaa a) 1a a "al a a4) =1A-E A "Aaa. alata a @ Sine Ais oesingul bert Ale 0 Hence dividing bth sites of) byl Al, we peta. A= 4"? A. vusuy aaa oe xxiv) | 3 4 84 uo oxi] 2 27 ' id | (| 6-12 6 m)/7 9 2 lia? 1 aaa P43 ai tool 0-11 il 120 . 2 0) ras wn] bast ai 6 suai a saw 1 2 fomenun onal 4 al wus : aff pe 2. Al= poet A= | Let Band be two square maties ofthese ode a non-singular matrix A Prove et thes aa that AB=AC > BoC. wo) SRS wa ‘9, Let Aand Be two square matrices of orden. If AB = then prove that BA FG 7 soe 0. ase mart is nonsingular if and ony if there exists another square matrix Buch tat 6 6 “6 1. Sow ai Aisne sig mai ene) (4) 2 {2 Let Asnd Bbe square matrices of eederm and be nor singular, prove that! Al =| AB a | th rmeewtancamcaganga eo) 1. Ais ig at eho ALA? A 1 ony bee cow 3 tate sasahees}1 6 1 fean!| cob Soe 110 oc ap % oo iv wo] 2 en tan 3 6 a hone semen we tar EAA DERE, ed fone sine 0) wo we) io cut we 0) seen a sa 7 md a0 0) [ oe sno 07 renmeacn’i| ae car oboe eee 0 he pdf nme macs mas at Bf hen mu Be gsr mares Sole. ete te to mais Aa Bb wn ven AB=0. Ins topove tat A= and 18120 e207 ex. Hence tom te ive equton ABO, A ut Ai ma ef ees = Agu eA hen 4 ess ese om he equton AB=0, ef AYAB*O = IB=O > 80. Bu Btn oral a, There neces !41=0 Thoth Aland a=. "Ths means hath te mares Aad Bae gl, mason nnd $205 A=0 = Avo. ——— iss sts atototte manic ef? 2 mtctmmeniha) | fetvety fe teem ad Aad AIA 2 Pde aja be mae a sina] fr23) wefae ae] off 2 ‘| mires was ; rae , i 1s 2 2. Find te inves of felon ) | ro) o ay om] i) cn 23 was 679 102 w}2 30 O34 1] oot rag tid coup] 223 49. vas @fo 2a aor 2 ras co}o 1 « 224 123 ain} a4 212 13s awa 46 132 14s oxip| 326 o10 24-3) 0 @o}3 1 4 21 21.4 cain] 362 a2 All -lAll FA awa 0 A . sm 123 seneotnenarsh=|3 4S a Poe ate ay as gfelo6-92-2020. x36-39)-207 30+ 21-28) Sse Hel Sonn a8 Aion bene A Now tenance ei Aa I respecte LB. 3 To ok le oI" nmcnnente tenn especie ie. 3.8.-8 role I |e sfemesries yanecta ese id wf Ale Pe sh respectively 24-2 ewe ea se pias) esa Ine atamic +S 012 + 3. ind the iene ofthemarnicA=| 1-2 3 and 02-3)-10-94 21-8) 9+8-10=-2(¢0. Since Ale, + Aismoesingl and hence A ex Now the ofc fb ements fhe isto of Aare Pye ae oom So Webave A=} 8-5, narod cei I 3 f-[E tpemenis ctrl ecmoto wie A, SETS sewers 3k neta ec ohare neo feet EG a4 Heoce lj A=tansporof B=] 8-6 2 34 LD Now, coed ind 0 + tA Finite int and merc ofthemars| sin | atte veo AA veya samme | ‘] weds Hf aaa hasty behety? peeps Baasty ateyty? men of step [faye # poy ay? sey otayt ay? Bayt Pay) stay! LITA Neon ogre mati hea) 64 eymmetri. WA-A'isashemaymmetrc. LaPaAsdandQ=4-s TROP AAA =A SAY eA sAwAG A =P. sya Oana AAA AT =H Aa {A-A)=-9, Decomposition Semele oy eta ar can be expres ‘eAbeamor nition mdi Xa nwarel + Aad g_, a ! aay Symmint Stw Sine aves © mer elasaelien 2 Xisymmeti 1 1 and PLU Aa Anam Yisshew-symmetic. [Now fom (1), A= X + Vand ese the es ons, Toprove tte eeesention i usgue,tA=P + Qe anther such epresenition of A were is symmac and shew yan. ‘We want to show th P= X and Wehwe A’ =(P+0/ <7 + =P-Q, =P =Pmni=-0. taxelasaye| deasay AnX + Y where X issymmetic and skew-symmetric. INCI0 A, Bare symmetric mates then @As Bisemmetie (©) ABis symmetric if AB = BA (©) ABs BAis symmetric and AB- BA's skew-symmetric. Proof: Sine Aan Bae sya matics, we ave, A= Aand = B @laraaea, Then Po(As B28 A+B, Am Aand = 3 transpose of a Matrix symmetric and Skew-Symmetric Matrices aia Et ten yt or . 13] ag peounieta|4 5/0041, 5 5 es samen ben A willbe xr mati andthe. ene een eds tert tse eet ran =A wee Aan Bare confor for aon. lB As Boley 6b, +4) (Us Brooysbphete glad +0 ()RowraeABj 4 wea and Barecoforma forthe pots * Les A=(as Jad B=(b be them xn andn x p mations respective. Dev A (e045 itbe hens and pn macs pei Nev AB-leIibglcivteeg = $a, anditisam x pm im” 09 locate Seite Bre] ten sh 2hombet hg peveeceeehtaeseh adele alancatatt Popa aba Simin est en (AB) =C where ‘Tesla pout of hese wo Set of element: sans, ‘Therefore om (and, we ge (ABY =A ‘Testteent of thorm scale vrel rae for the rapes ofe produc aw mik=L2S..p ® (= Note: 1 can similar be proved tat (ABCY'= (ABIC]'=C(ABY =C'8'« IngownfA, 8.6. K, Ubcaforale mines. ee BC RLY ER CHM (9) MA. square mates then Al =IA'L We koow tht + deeminat remains unshared when res and columns te nechanged si ene theres 3.3 | symmetric and skew-symmetric matrices ‘Srmmetrie matrix : Definition: A square mare Aa, | sido Se sme Andes Vay "Ay Le, De relent se same ashe.) element Thusinasymmericmatixay = oral, jiesays 2524) =05-835 22 fa * 5) ahs ForexamplifA=|4 Bf], den ale Ais syne ‘Skev-symaee mates: Definition: 4 sguaye mars A=) sa ob sew sgmmeric FA=~A' Le Foy =~ Les thee cement the nepeve of e .9™ =a, 2 2a, =0 Theefore he logan cements of ew symetric mai are always er, oae Focotamplethematis| “a0. ¢ fsskew-ymmetic, be 0 an ares a : So oar 84a a0 pos ness » rat ys agracnes 3b oem 0 es soeafe [aise te pono Felaet ag oo wea el apres coat oveit ve? sepals soy 0200 ptt owe emi, wae [ovat oroy? C+ se typoe! off sy 40 ro OL2S AS Opove ce fa Ale a-vta are aFa-aro-at Lee oe Fre a Serena aed Selans of Set Problems oe oF EM given femint-|< 0 e/a? os a © Jobe ge Bemmiamade oe le 8 Et eo le » 0 4 oe eeeeee a 1) ho) arenes ip & in 0 138 ass] oF a op 1 ae at 1a Jo asp 28) jo up ye 1, Me ven determinant | 15, Te sven determina. 1 oP at sytea? tartar ayes? ciate tareiy 42s a, dayes? artsy gPaytea! gear wma atay? Bog 9-0 Ja2abe ace nob aa ab-be BP -ca Been nab a? be 1. Prove tat atastat betcase deveatas atest deseasad bet cata 8 Show tat ta? 40? $e sabe é e strove] cf teed? a? e dab-ct Papget teenth sescasad aficvcarah a2sdtect tescerad deseata beret abe Pee aman mronte| arise atested ese] faa atsbisc? a ebrec atebtoct! stationed 1 2 “ ba web ote- sen eo emt ont a owe | 1. Stow] @-9? 0 Gn /=24B-wo ake A llusars byccreays bes ceandw nee + bet 6, weet bet, a lore? op | bie y ti» w wows c elaly x alelw wy Peter det set bee canis 7 Pe Peat atet eta a ma radtieviueot] tt : te mer ace tx c+} Wat alan heater ot SFelterieelabsa Hest jecaly|e x @ bec eve ae we ee seal] ee a 0B ae nbe+ beat esas ab wet ne EE wa acote| sano ane Bast tee Beat sb +e coe weer oor] Soin Teg dexemiat | -€ bor (3 tera) = PiitttweDaeminats * 38 o ny af fey t Ao ately afely x al ex off xy Ponies Saas mean Bec ciect anys oer en args erate Party! @ con) 84, ere lows 1 esih-a)_covtra) + eck Prvestar|cos(a-B 1 ast) =. cafe) owG-) Soe The given teint asa sina | [cosa coup oat elemp snp 0/x|sina sin siny|=0 cay tiny of] 0 0 0 (a-2? (a-y? (-9" +s. Bp] O-9? O-pt 6-9 cot (ey eo sept oo determinants nd fit ae Soh The ven deers ePatares? aPatgey? at -taredt ier eer on Pratt Page e-tart weft t oa ide yt Pa illery 2 y Prodct of wo Deminats * St mire 4 fy fo eas 26 n nporartesit ‘ ° ay te ah 4 a emit iY Toprovethat| a Py “|; mo sector te, ls hs G Te eae he 2 a Cn i he capil ers eth iso he coreapndng al ters. 1 ie bye=® oO aS ap) & & ee 6] la a as! 11 pees ere aes Ota oe a bh alla @ 4% oe 0 aA = eC) ah BB HEC a ya WA =bB tC, arb HEC, einig £8 a. ao nayAy + bby Cy tay +b ~2C a ‘ wads HB, Hie ABB HAC =A +88 =0 Bs teal tic eaespasn seston! = ayhs BB #464 meaty +8862 54,8 +6503 Th A Bae fons ire ayy +88, +403 =O ty A, bet ebay % apie: tye etme ma nae I* _ Penman [oS 8 massager Heed 20 +Cdy BDF 20d “ATDERE y ae at (ae cnet AB) HE AHED a8. ple mining. 24E 9 dy rk, yA dy-¥ | jay éy-IB ba pay dy¥8y dy ¥y nein we A-ha yhahy -0 Tefen (.8, = > 8 8 : ce proved * 25 | orig tle ‘Meteo ade i betwen), Maly exces ferent tahdccnodngcemne way agate Tani fox nen Shiny mig eed ovo. wth ec, on Mises tose that i i et the second element of the fist column of A305) SESE rennet) of ed and Be nserver ety oe cement com = La] sc namie 4 . neat Speen tbe Pus oo PC : Wats tt Ban yale ei dente Be wwe che Dero SiC asn taCa tals tot ba ‘enw abe fC, orp becomes see Line, 08 ecg ROLAD, no a ss24 me sa Solos ceed See Sunes ooo elected Problems arn detne, [us 2. | t00 the numer oy Rs 2 Product of two Determinants 21 | theorem The detereant of heprduct of wo square matics of rdern sequal ote produ fhe datonants of heruaces ABI =IAN Bho A Bar tw ure mares of thesome order “Te esa follows at once fom he defnion of the product of two maces ven efor und he aren on the mulplcon of vo deteinants wich we ar Et eo ‘Bot before tht we al consider Laplace's npn fhe ermine Definition: Minor Lt Abesn xn matin and Dbo arr submatixof A Then! is cabal nmi Of Af order rT ernst of the sabatix 1 of Aone by Ee heroes and clumas of Ain which th elements oF D oseur, i cali the emplemestay miso oD [ena hob m Fereampl et A> " fee rome cs misma, beconpemeniay inrat|? "lal ® "| aes seers sacra]? fol" | 22 | Laplace's expansion by the minor of rst columns ‘We wil giveth roof ofthe theorem at wil ely ate tbe tere ad explin i ty means of an example ‘Ten 1AI=ES1D1ADI vere Disa rir of Arma frome lms of efit estes of Aand Ip teks conplencoary mint. Te summation is extended overall th possible rr a aon clement othe fit clues an the piso mins rare cutng san ove ber or an ol uber fiercanges of ajucenows Ui acento ing th soba Dito the fit rows ofA oe so ce ce net Safar oe pts 943 : Ht oe el a4 fa ‘els a ‘ee 4 He al oe vet B= 0,84 #0.4C 0.04 "0. wowed! told Heft a] enya WB + C)=AB SAC ACA BE=AC + BC be feo) ren Sfescelo 7 ava} { gfeye 2 sie ° ad rove at(ABC = AC) Pas Ae nua}? 0 a}a— 0.2 3 aay [aa rove tht (ABIC = ABC), 2. pes(A+ 9 asamatic whee 4 {2 7) so} 24 newt ctosi e aiegun A Baha ot- Rion te? oa ok 2% Sort deete engined BenpriTAB=B4=°. vat Se Li of (A~B(A Biove? Ae ee ee, wield Loft ene Apter + 28 oo st 0 0 se 142k te bat et a0 9 A=] 0 3% 0 faadate| 0 3 0 | wherenisasveiegee ow aca of Joveeet apt ine 1 ¢na1bA ® se te{? temas here isthe wo-owed uit marie adn isa postive nego, cos asin fi sin cosh conte sina take coke sae J tesiow sea wrens postive neg, {34 IF Aand Bbemsowed sque matics which commate adn bea postive lng prove tte bisomil een (A+ 5" =A" + CABS. "CA" ote rs sowing ety intone et se A= AB chen ache sB= A feeone fore = A ABAD AED ip Kas 00 0 ete ete i=? raps ta ie era eg aH aD ABABA sarcas"s o ) a ae tov ht te et iste ern = cy inte, eer efor eer postive ingen. ina ec 1. Wie ato ote onthe pdt of wo mais Aand Is AB=BA eve ays? 12 Fndtwo mae And But AB BA ‘Ao in wo matics Aun such but AB=Obut A 0, B20 {Ut Aicay xn maith ht AB sed BAe ot eid how that Bis 4 Aand ro mao ssh da ABand A+ Bar bh defined, Show tat A B® ‘guaremanzrofesane ore, (ie Solas [Sh Se) sana suaf) 23 ae ode anise si 7 7 | «Jaan 42s. ans . 45 {ind Apand waa show that AB A 24 Alpen + 2 Find the poet mari of te es 2-1 0 Bo rad red a1 tf oe srtannennns| 3 and show tat ape pa, |? wwaa|4 5 6/atae| 0 lr as ia emf | edt {Sng AB an B40 show that AB BA, Se a ae sonnei ; ‘} baa BAwbere A) sso=| 22-1 30 4 2 wsacael 4 Tl insca 20-30. eat a 1a a Wael? 1 aha-}2 1 aa al ole i 3s 4 0 Show that AB = AC hough 8+ ee 3 se in Ai iemptet A ter ‘sn weve 84 (308-9 = BBB =F Detiton mats Ais clea ipotent mati if ete exist pose genta ls en pose inege sch that A" =O.hen ms calle he deol We niet mae A ees, Staw tbe mari, its ere o 0 07 women 2 le : lf 13 a 1 ape a44 a3 11 3)70 0 o7 fo 0 o ef 5 2 613 3 9 leo 0 0-0 2a s}l1 13} |o 00 ‘Tiere Ais nips ric ad i 3 he et postive impr such 4-0, Ais ipo mate inden. Piareae “(Ee1 el fects ‘Nowe suppose tht threat re fon =m, [SE Sr ]snmaree [sccm mee] Hl nin sa casi +e ae ae seis: 2) [cmstcome rier smene { cost sa sian a -sinim +a coin +a ‘Tustisreatismefien =m +11 ise forn =m. Buttes iste fern =1 2. Hee he etre forall paid inepersn. (488, IPAand Baremaricssuchthar AB = Ben show haforeer postive ese (AB =8tA (a)caDy =A°8" ‘Sat, Weal rove the eu induction. (Foen=L wehave AB! =AB=BA=B'A Hee eet sue oem =. Fax =2, ABP =(AB)B=(BA)B~BAB)=B(BA)=B74 the resutis re fern =2. Lets now oppose dt he sue tue form =, stat AB = BA. We wat ahow tht AB" = BA ens A 44 sas9 8-600 9 ed Prethat he pr ofthe mses : cara ent owe met) [ats Tn lets “ee nazmmacvhendent beryl f sa epithe esi ve Gan pvc din cs dingo 8s conto ctu tongrinasng exten dcrtontvatean [ORS N ees, Seantensostoansseg [tom gen d-0cxdsn gs 0-8 eden dem(8-0) sinbsingc-@ ve {2 S}eoue-neo trentento | i Vcasgsind cosOsin eos dine sin? sin” Le, M0-piemaddmtile of sano mpl + BS. YA RCo dmemarices sucht se So Hee we id ht Aisa «3 mae. Bisa3x3 mae and ia 3x1 mate Associative bw iste fr AC. me NowABele tint Meebo gt feel stds + 17 Unesco kstys wna] slant y+ eae by 6 4das+ H+) thy + gethay+by 4 Hes act fet et sear! by? bea? 42h + 20+ 2pm + 6 hand Barenved sare mares show tat (A+B Abs ABS BAe BE (Wy (AB =A? ABBA (i) (A BKA=B)= A = ABs BAB Soe () Webare, ase (A+ BKA+ B= AA B)> BA By dbo lav AAS AB+BA BB =A? + AB BA B iit sd) can be proved. (= Note: 11A8 = BAe, when A sod Beomsse We 1 Oe apaa 24803? a-aiaa 2908 (64 BUA ~ 8-48 Bnet A ear a > er PhondBare macs conformable for malian sow Bat (OAB=(AB) (i) M-B)=—(AB Sol 6) Wehase, “A+ AB=(-A)B+ AB 5 OB=(-AB+ 48 = O=(-AB+AB = (aaa, Simi) canbe rove [2 {amet erase snsoon? tomer? ih[e ¢ pen agtdr eo, Toate ott iat a0) +3a7bA, ‘Definition : A matrix A such that A? = Ais called idempotent. ven ‘Again (al +00) es Ne 7 sae Ban ent SP acolyte 6 440) pe NonseCHBEA PE wept M40? Sle AB fekadom Joh2 bor 2 aod ote ‘rie 1) an), we ve AB) ‘Sinai (B+ CD = BD + CD. when Disa px mai (3). co 48 > ta. Pd ABwen A=] Bhat? Sih Tham of coum A The ube rosin Be ‘Aan Barecnfra re rot 48. Now dis dx marian Bis 43 mit Thee AB wil be 43 mats 6 8 bo 2 as 0 es sa it ud put we ste nb fama B =a amber of ows hic dt Hine aia At Lt, web A ApseotMonces + 15 aaa seaga-] 1 2 3 an find AB and BA and show that ABB 23 ais 0 Sola Weta, ABs] 102 3ia|-1 21 a1 alloo2 [2sened “ras32¢40 — nossiea2 Hisaep+s0 13422430 L0+21+32 CD14iN420 COS+2+20 CHOsI+22 2 234 123 a2 1245440) 1943-2401 14433402 oj saszitn rasa t4ezssr2 02+01-21 03s02+21 04403622 eo achoftheproduct tice Band Bio 3oder bate corespoding lets of tes ates a ea. ABBA i rove that A 44-510, 12:2) [isses 2e2s4 24442 lk]2 1 2|alrvase asisa aezer 2 agi wie scasinn aos ame towing ten ot tsb) fam ea a ta Od Und Lee ‘esx tat above stem fm any unos is quant tothe single matrix cqaion AX = “Th cen be vei by mukpying AX aed eating the sel oB 1.14 theorem 17 Aisa squire marie of onder mand 1 wt matrix of the same order then Aisthea “his los iy mth product of wo maces 123 Loo smtads|a 4 slind=|o 1 0 567 oor 11420630 10424430 10420034 Talla] 31440450 30461450 3.044.045 $146087.0 $.066147.0 $:0560+74 123 ofa 6 ston 567 Siiary =A (on Aes xn mati, A, 15 gers fr ution 9 Commutative law a peneral AB's ot al BA ‘and Bae conformal for ana int Bae conformal for he proc AB and BA when hey ore matrices of the mx ‘Ths hes been seated by he example 20 page 10 (i Asctive aw Aan Bare conoma or cosfomar epdt nat ern Pes AB Band Cae peo #13 Proof: Let A.B be tem x pan pqmatice ade gh B=LbghC =e) ete A Band te cota tho A fa] : iy say t= 23 Gehan Wetodthat(AB. (hy lism pean nd seein pq matin herr) and C ae confocal orth rout (AB and (ABIC sum 9 ats Hence (ABIC =U) {Bos }LElSmr} moe s Senta as be FoL2Boot rein ast ter £4] bg ath 2 om fOL2 Rg edt (BC) [8 Jinan qmail ice Ais am mai rf A snd(BC) re conor fre odet ABC) and ABC) sam gi (ay)*16;1 (ees ee(toadme Bot JALRInt Sim Aan= 2 02 Tenn Ato tinea A Resection A AoA Caen nemar nae iste a Bae orl cof aon Sen AOAC) = ABA rot: (aA tet rxpenen prion nent) oduct AB Band Care eee o-“suueeuiee Were ae NiptaotBences #1 es rece f 12) BL. Consider te prod of inmates p2s4] [ae 234 er ate #9 FB) yal alt 2 sfantpe|-2 ot 017%) lao ra 2. oo 4 Here itwilbe sen hatter rete cles in Aad eros in Bcherefre 3 a4e Tons st Sepa Alle Sry tere tensa Bader a era yet htc int floasnseie tine Sramaaeetaetateras be sede dtd) a1 44 9-16-10 23413 2 sre proe yet 2)+4a302+ 0641228 Siatcy etedae 2) Sede ZaleA aS Be DBA 2 2-340 6s000 443-2] [4 6 5 : 2) 42432104 0-6 46-10 -fi-aso se040 242-9 |-)-1 3-5 ee imneaeteeeet Toise deosd aeivef [2 3 3 fal pms Sas pias weed S}[2 9 pe alt a2 [a alla s posed 30602. enya] 777 mcenee arp it Una ise 4 2snsn pact ABS Set onl fa 44 came cass orors rea 1135 i tara cee Ad Ment, ie testes thera a ee seer are PA cae ometem ont Ano atiemranent {ya ay ed wre Ba teed ee ee caumintemnmancere ta ramonics[s Spel’ 6] at tenet emcees mine ee we tt 8b ABO hc wile ised by sept etamgle ak te un AB =O not ey ingly att st oe fe ory pea Cs) AB AC osnrncestng B=C. vanaae 2 tues @ 230 au il 22 2) 5 ry rwitminsieac[? 2 2] 2 Jontso seo) 3 0 : ealeueteer eal ee sBaAC bao pene tst oeal ina 1 Matcquton to refuse ecb tena ra esi Aa cual =e eran eecaeaee he in of spo oe ene ei ay ym near ogsions in ery nest nd compat frm ee EXERCISE 1 (a) ese ciel ee that reads 20 rade duke is o4t cada 3 «fo tsé fetdecinn A-One a acne benlnalbn em Sesto at ere stm cna nsw dX TASA (OIDAR=A Tiratansmt nay np a4 9. Aad Bbeswo xmas, prove (A jonin tbe setofallm x nates. > Asles CB), 3 AOE Bo AaB 1.10] Mutilation of Two Mattes et Aad oe mai ic to mi tony Hee i ae? ones iho coders Ba leak teens + 9 ‘max ABs noth sun thing abe product marie BA Inthe rod AB the mai As the prefer an Be peacion Silly ithe roc BA the mst Bi he plat nd Abe pti. ee = ‘Te roduc of wo maces Aand Bi defined onthe flowing pipe (The root ABis tind isn ntti mabe of clumas of Ais pelo ramber of rows of (i) The prodvet BAis dened ifn nly it mabe of columns of Bis opel tote umber of owe of A. In oer words, the poet of two matices is eine if and only if the number of lass of rfactor isthe same asthe nero ro of posto. ‘To sch marie ae sai tbe conformable formulate sostines simply confor ‘The elements ofthe podut max ae computed at nthe case of a roduc SE ezerminnts. Ths is explained inthe next aisle 1.11 | How to compute the product of to matrices A and 2 Aste ht the prodsct AB esiged and et C= AB tac su dena hin et wal ming ep pti We cmp setts mn fbi be bg Mai beer cording eet fe il Bad sex tl bt cea et mn pei ate Aa ‘ye cnt ot Av beng sac oe ico Bs Tine wileG l dane be emf st may Silay donee ero ee fi wf th te corpendy cons incon ais txcmtonm afte rent eden ct itn ‘corresponding elements of the j* column of B Tere eon teen ft of oan [atAct)bem>nmaicni en pat Ten peel ted Atco tis) eeeeaeE eyta-esta sib ~+0ube (etna dain iam mein Bans pic et sant mets Tle ee ge iyaiamn aon Bans pms ABilbcom pm eo +24 ft 1 sjowseeorl er weithe]y ot ies oe ny have te sane nabs Lr vpmcteintnasca ne soo acim tHe if 8] ante Le te fe veo fan te 2] tes He 2 2] ta cache so] ace anbe tonto 13 [gba Lo or henna: Yn cfr ton pebabenad a BeBek wom xa mao. vA land Bh Te Then Ae Bolag) ol bers, a ation of mbar is cormuave oli)oteg = BOA ity be ere cb 1 Assia fo aon UsbscnkeBs0. te koe) Bel JndC of ]bem as ‘repro me tt ene hye ae mbes a arsenate Nendo okey] +1 Bley} oy yl ies, +6 3 0 4 m. co ames amir ety 1700 il wa of ner mn Het let Aey teams rer Thea Av Dolo, #0)nly)=4 ie 0+ An[D*a5)=l6y]=A ARC are conformal for dion, ten bce thy te) igorsl nes * 7 ‘tus tbe rll mit oie sine x nats teint elementfor dion ithe set ofall mais. I Existence of the te rbanne ofthe mati Ais defied or te mars (-¢y Jad iden “Tous ]isa mai of xderm Obviously Ai the ate avers of Aise AsAaley Hap 1=O 0 wich isthe ies element for mai aon i. Canelaton las fA B.C are treem xn mies. ther WAtC=B+C > and(i)C+A=C +B > ive inverse; Let A=[ayJbea aris oforderm xno dy A ows ‘has is proved. Siar) canbe proved. ‘VL Commutative la for salar malipliation = By dein 1A» A ‘Torte commuative awd for salar mapiaion. “VIL Dstetive laws: Fk is conto’ ond A and B are Maa Bate RBand + Bea AB. LatAm snd Bb, Then KAS B)=la, +15) ay + Py) =Uiag +18) thay} +(e, J=Hfag + Kb) net Al, (A+B lag} (by HE=Lay +55 age byAl=(ba,) (bby) ag + Hy 1A 1 wom maces then = ote: Fagin tesa sac r VIM, To prove () (p-+4)A= pA +44 (id (pa)A= p(@A) where p and g are scalars and is any mx matrix, Proof (Let A=(a, Jbe anym xn mats Then (p+ 9)A=(9+ gay ]=l9 +095) (pay + 42g) =Lp0y + (gay ]= 9A + oA i) We nave, (pa)A (Pay 1=Lr9a 1= Play a me oo: sa we ° ° ° yaivascalamai ee i) Tanglor ai? sramavi A=(ag #6000838 PPE ingly nr main: avon (0 ee tio rs tem ef mepperemui oa Sen ty 0 0 ty tm 000 0 Oe ty ower acc Asie rai oc alover ie a mens above te isp ago #622 he ra! fom fave tanga ais a 0 0 sO fee a [on aa “0 14 [he operations fat Agra ‘we rceettdelop ibe get mates, ie. wae ging fame act ty wich be mates Aad Bese be abe, sabre, mpi and divided. “tno contains operon of matics hve been nodoed thatthe mates ‘bonne an ler stem. ofrales isoaly 15 | Equaiy of two matrices ‘omc Ald Bo een aki (eerie mrt a nae ey bh of ont (0 yy eta i ji. dene oop hots nate 16| smote Let Aland By be to mati of te aes, sane sunbed andthe Aad Blows mane EE ote © Defnion: The mati € = + by ial eam emacs Aan 2 Tati 10yToloy +8 Hise at he ata il be nm cn matic ‘Thee of ome oft sear mai of te are sh tat ay lant testa econepadng cma grennaee ioe mammenaseeftt te fo]yfh be hs) ayn eal'Lon te bp [etn athe tects ay thy aati tty unre examples oft io of maton ah flowing of ols ables ule =] aoe? eee tae a1 -a)if a3 2| foe aes te2 Orso si" 240 os 5-3 i 013 o 2 1} 10 1-2 vt ‘Foi Wecxnatl mutes of ioc ses Two matics weeded corms orate 17 | salar tipiation Let Abeany mem mai and kany nmber €F. Definition : The produ ofamn mati Aand salar quanti kisam xn mas shoe ever element he product of the coreaponing element ofthe mati: A andthe Salar gut, danced by Hh or A ‘Thsif A=Lay beam xn matin and k Fen KA =U) Remember: When we molly a derminant by a umber X, we meliply ach lemea! fey one row o one clu by & Bat whee we muiply amas by woumber ‘neve tom all elements by O12 o2 4 234 468 Forexample if | ben 2 “oa CT sn 1a 9 6 6 18 (Cor: The marx ~A's obsined by == se cemeat sin tething mei a snes ie asa he ein me sec etm Te oe wi toy Shame ye ‘i + wc Forages mi ech element bas sn Resa eset ube il "ge pss of We eens ae ps soo gen by stays) Citeccatencoordmts ee riasSoeand decent uf a aie coe er mais cg htt esse mea let Ed ssp we Eee rete a _— 13 sped types of aries eee beet scr engnetmn en sg nm ote Et at eee emma, ae “ae agen: eet, a Ea epson immer say team cae UL vce cy en In other words, a square matrix. = ze hi esi isnteqlio te nab of colunas, be tates * 3 ie tif oder 33 and my be ete I “Sie we may ave uni ates of reat ores sch rea) [s al: raed Slo 0 0 pene tes aa mo pe so oN aoe. welt 2 memset olen Slew (Ro nr: Amati fm alent arg in 2 0m oy alle Tm aera eglsatow narix ora mungoca ow corsa mai Tas, eee “Gi Com are Aman ofr elon ranged ins cobsnalyiscaeds cic or conn ei Tis ann x1 ma ‘Tus| 0, |isncolume mai (ip Sab o Black matrix : Tie mauix one by oniting ete ome ows or otatna mama Ais known te sub lok mars of “Tos if wo om — ows and plums fom a atx Aof Oem =. We sha gee square rv ma of Af ee Ms) Diagonal matrix +A eure mut whose al elonets except te diagonal chmmmeate toy Lev, ~Oforali jiscaledadagonal mari 200 oreiample| 0 30 {isa diagonal mais oo 4 = Note: “cen cram Ty et ra lingual mane be salar mari ft gs! (contents) ou 1. age Maen 1 dct oft Desens rene Ma iz er an Skew: Syne Mat etna Ma : ‘conn nt Ma (A Rass teeta Tamron ‘ne ues enon ttn of ee ates jenayasoerton teeny Operon A Senay te eta ele “Cima epence rnp feo 1 tne Tans i igen end ge Vs { Dapaintin Mores 14 Qua Forms APN Appin of Qua For o Page. hae 230 Mas +961 ones on oa nest as 1s. ieee 135.226, 2.282 229 293.296 1 Algebra of Matrices 141 Introduction Inthe previo cas, we ave red abot mates and tc usefulness sega the soln of liner eqns, However, inthis hp, we proved to revise the neces) Sefton and cable popers which wl b parc wef athe study of ‘sem finer equations It ishowever sasued tht we ar ocunted wih eterinats sthelpoperie, 12 | petiniton Amie is rectangular ary of embers write inthe fom. fn aa ty an] wher a te rea or complex aumbes. ‘Wes denote th set ofl umber elo complex nme by F. ‘his ric has cows and ec rw consi of x mumbers Le. the mati has 2 columns Inthe sboveaanemet alhorizotal lines corespod to rows and vera lines nip a columns For hi resionwecalitamn max over F. Thus xn maui er Fis mata n which hearers and colunas ad each element F. ‘Theindvidul mumersin thea are called the components or elements of he ain ‘Ter are the dierent systems feces the aumbes consti mtx mel HOT ‘ese ee weal adopt he stent the eft as in the mati bow, “oloct any ptr else of mats, we shal employ two suits which wil espe spel the roa te column in which itappesrs Fer example, inthe element 0 Paramus 2 —— Matrices Paramount Publications B-2, Uday Place, Govind Mitra Road, Patna—4

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