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Prepared By: Jake D Calongcong, RCrim, MSCJ, CSP, CCS, PhD (units)

Direction: Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. It deals with the identity, location and arrest of a person who commits a crime and
simultaneously identify, collect, preserve and evaluate evidence for the purpose of bringing
criminal offender to justice.
a. Investigation c. Investigative process
b. Criminal investigation d. Criminal inquest
2. After identifying, collecting and preserving information gathered about the crime, the
investigator shall _______________ such information to determine whether it can stand
prosecution and trial.
a. Recognize c. Preserve
b. Collect d. Evaluate
3. Which of the following is not one of the form of information the investigator obtained from
regular, cultivated or grapevine sources?
a. Sensory c. Concrete
b. Written d. Physical forms
4. Through this tool of criminal investigation tangible things maybe, used to detect crimes,
identify the criminals, facilitate, and assist the investigator in its task in achieving the objectives
of criminal investigation.
a. Information c. Instrumentation
b. Criminalistics d. Interview/Interrogation
5. Which phase of criminal Investigation that the investigator apprised the person of his right
under Republic Act 7438?
a. During the identification of criminal offender
b. During the arrest, detention and interrogation of the offender
c. During the gathering of evidence to prove the guilt of criminal offender
d. During police line-up
6. What specific offence has been committed? Who committed it? When it was committed?
Where it was committed? Why it was committed? And how it was committed? This are
called_______________________ of criminal investigation.
a. Cardinal Points c. Golden Rule
b. Three I’s d. Bridges burn
7. One of the stages of criminal investigation is the identification of criminals, which can be
done in any or a combination of the following, except:
a. By confession or admission by the criminal
b. By corpus delicti
c. By circumstantial evidence
d. By eyewitness
8. Coerced and uncounseled statements are considered involuntary or forced confession which
are usually an:
a. Judicial c. Prosecutorial
b. Extra judicial d. Admission
9. After apprising him of his rights under Republic Act 7438, Lauro Galit who was invited and
interrogated for the crime of murder executed an extra-judicial confession acknowledging his
guilt to the crime charged. What is the effect of such confession to his case?
a. It can be used as evidence against him
b. He will be convicted for the crime of murder
c. He waived his rights to prove his innocence
d. His case will prosper
10. Which of the following is not an element of corpus delicti?
a. Proof of the occurrence of certain event
b. Person’s criminal responsibility for the acts
c. Additional evidence of a different character to the same point
d. Proper chain of custody
11. An act or declaration made in the presence and within the hearing or observation of a party
who does or says nothing, when the act or declaration naturally calls for action if comment is
not true.
a. Admission by Silence c. Admission
b. Res inter alios acta d. Negative pregnant
12. In this process, written confession of the accused is used as a script in describing events of
the crime. This strengthens the prosecutor’s case and serves to convince the judge that the
accused was not maltreated nor affected by sinister psychological influence.
a. Mental reconstruction c. Reconstruction
b. Crime reenactment d. Physical reconstruction
13. Statement no. 1. Confession is a voluntary statement, either oral or written, made by a
person charged with the commission of a crime which he admits participation in, or commission
of, the criminal act. It cannot be implied, it should be direct and positive acknowledgment of
guilt. Statement no. 2 Admission is a statement by the accused regarding facts pertinent to the
crime. It tends, in connection with the proof of other facts, to prove the suspect’s guilt. It can
be implied.
a. Statement No. 1 is true while statement no. 2 is false
b. Statement No. 1 is false while statement no. 2 is true
c. Statements No. 1 and 2 are both true
d. Statements No. 1 and 2 are both false
14. Which of the following need not be present in order to prove the guilt of the accused by
means of confession or admission?
a. Confession must be supported by corroborative evidence
b. Corpus delicti must be established separately
c. Confession must be voluntarily and freely given
d. Confession must be ratified by the judge or the fiscal
15. Assume that you are an investigator who investigates a murder case perpetrated by an
unknown suspect. A person in the name of Ruel, a call center agent, saw the crime and he is
willing to identify the suspect. Which of the following methods will you not utilize to establish
the identity of the suspect?
a. Verbal Description (Portrait Parle) and Rogue’s Gallery (Photographic Files)
b. General Photographs and Cartographic Sketch (Artist’s Assistance) [Composite Artist]
c. Police Line-up
d. Systematic interview that may lead to the identity of a known criminals
16. You are an investigator, investigating a suspected rape-slaying case which was allegedly
witnessed by a certain person who volunteered to identify and testify against the perpetrator.
What are the factors that you should not consider to determine the accuracy of his
identification of the suspect?
a. His ability to observe and remember the distinct appearance of the suspect
b. The prevailing conditions of visibility and observation when the crime was committed
c. His state of mind when he witnessed the commission of the crime
d. The lapse of time between the criminal event and when identification was made
17. Circumstantial Evidence is an evidence that indirectly proves a fact in issue through an
inference which fact-finder draws from the evidence presented. It is sufficient to produce the
conviction of the accused if:
a. There are more than one circumstances present
b. The facts from which the inferences derived are proven
c. The combination of all the circumstances is such as to produce a conviction beyond
reasonable doubt
d. All of the above
18. You are an investigator who investigates an alleged robbery with homicide case perpetrated
by an unknown suspect. Since there are no witnesses to the crime the following may give you a
hint to identify the suspect, except one.
a. Motive and opportunity
b. Declaration and acts indicative of guilt, preparation for a commission of crime and possession
of fruits of a crime of the perpetrator
c. Modus Operandi, associative evidence and criminal potentiality
d. Knowledge, skills, tools or facilities that could easily be adopted to criminal use by the
19. Person who by social or professional position possesses or has access to information of
continuing interest, and who willingly provides information to the police either in response to a
specific request or his own initiative.
a. Incidental informant c. Automatic informant
b. Casual informant d. Recruited informant
20. Covert observation of a person, place, or things by human or technical means to acquire
a. Surveillance c. Mobile
b. Stationary surveillance d. Technical
21. In this method of shadowing, operatives are station at a fixed point assuming that subject
followed the same general route each day.
a. ABC Method c. Combined Foot- Auto Surveillance
b. Leap Frog Method d. None of the above
22. Sometimes called “roping”. An investigation technique whereby the operative conceals his
true identity and adopts an assumed role to obtain information or accomplish a specific
a. Undercover assignment c. Work assignment and social assignment
b. Dwelling assignment d. Personal contact assignment
23. You are an investigator tasked to investigate a suspected murder case which the there is no
known suspect, no witnesses nor any other circumstantial evidence, except physical evidence.
Where can you get these pieces of evidence that may lead you to the identity of the suspect?
a. The Crime Scene c. The Suspect
b. The Victim d. All of the above
24. You were an investigator who tries to reconstruct the crime scene. What are the
components of the crime scene situation which you would analyzed?
a. Suspect arrival at the scene and place of entry
b. Movement of suspect from point of entry and his contact with the victim
c. Place of exit
d. All of the above
25. What is the type of reasoning whereby the collected information is analyzed carefully to
develop a theory of the crime.
a. Inductive c. Systematic
b. Deductive d. Logical
26. Statement no. 1. In the reconstruction of a crime, the investigator rational theory of the
crime may, begins with deductive logic and later on inductive logic; Statement no. 2. A rational
theory of crime is more than a learned guess, but less than a certainty, but have very high order
of probability.
a. Statement no. 1 is true while statement no. 2 is false
b. Statement no. 1 is false while statement no. 2 is true
c. Statements no. 1 and 2 are both true
d. Statements no. 1 and 2 are both false

27. Statement no. 1. In Physical of reconstruction, the physical appearance of the crime scene
is reconstructed from the description, of the witnesses and the indication of the physical
evidence. Statement no. 2. In mental reconstruction after physical reconstruction, conclusions
are made about the consistency of the accounts of the various witnesses. No assumption is
made without supporting evidence.
a. Statement no. 1 is correct
b. Statement no. 2 is incorrect
c. Statements no. 1 and 2 are both correct
d. Statements no. 1 and 2 are both incorrect
28. After reconstructing the crime scene, the following are the minimal requirements to be
observed by the investigator to insure admissibility of photographs in court.
a. The object which is represented should not be immaterial or irrelevant
b. The photograph should not unduly incite prejudice and sympathy
c. The photograph should be free from distortion
d. All of the above
29. Why does the dead body of the victim of violence needs to be photographed after its
removal from the crime scene?
a. To have a set of view showing the relationship of the body with the surrounding
b. To identify the victim and have close-up picture of the wounds
c. To provide reserve picture in case of loss or damage
d. All of the above
30. Photographs to be taken at the scene of the crime except what?
a. Over-All and environment’s photograph
b. Photographs of articles of evidence and photographs of the deceased
c. Photographs of the scene of the crime operatives showing their identity
d. Special techniques photograph of the body after removal


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