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to the data structure.

INTRODUCTION The first step in OOP is to collect all of

DCIT 50 Reviewer LESSON 1- 2 the objects a programmer wants to
manipulate and identify how they relate
(Ms. Angela Clarito)
to each other -- an exercise known as

LESSON 1: Overview of
data modeling.

Object-Oriented Programming

Data Modeling
Procedural Paradigm
(Procedural Programming) - is the process of creating a
simplified diagram of a software
is a style of programming in which the system and the data elements it
problem is broken down into a series contains, using text and symbols
called procedures. to represent the data and how it
● In this type of programming, you are
writing a sequential series of execution Physical Data Modeling

● The code execution is “Top to Bottom”

and you do not organize your code
logically, but instead you just execute
steps after steps.

Object-Oriented Programming

Computer programming model that

organizes software design around data,
or objects, rather than functions and
logic. An object can be defined as a data
field that has unique attributes and

Type of programming in which

programmers define not only the data
structures , but also the types of
Procedural Oriented Object-Oriented
operations (methods) that can be applied Programming Programming

Functions Objects

Follows a top-down Follows a bottom-up 6 KEY CONCEPTS OF OOP

approach. approach.
● Objects
No access specifier in Access ● Data Encapsulation
procedural specifiers like
● Class
programming. private, public,
protected, etc. ● Inheritance
● Polymorphism
Adding new data and Adding new data and
● Abstraction
functions is not easy. functions is easy.

Does not have any Provides data

proper way of hiding hiding so it is more Objects
data so it is less secure.
secure. Real-world objects share 2
characteristics: State and Behavior
Overloading is not Overloading is
possible possible. Stores its information in attributes and
There is no concept of the concept of data discloses its behavior through methods
data hiding and hiding and
inheritance. inheritance is used EXAMPLE:

The function is more data is more (DOG PIC)

important than the important than
data function State:
Unreal world Real world
Designing Designing large and Breed
medium-sized complex programs Hungry
Concept of procedure concept of data
abstraction abstraction Barking, fetching, Wagging Tail

Code reusability Code reusability

absent present Data Encapsulation
Examples: Examples:
Hiding the implementing details of the
C, FORTRAN, Pascal, C++, Java, Python, C#,
Basic, etc etc class from the user through an object's
method. In OOP, it binds the code and
the data together and keeps them safe
from outside interference

for the derived classes

Group of objects that has mutual
methods. Considered as the blueprint Abstraction refers to the act of
using which objects are created representing essential feature without
including the background details or
Being passive do not communicate with
each other but are used to instantiate
objects that interact with each other Its main goal is to handle complexity by
hiding unnecessary details from the
Concept of Class and Objects


● Ruby

● Scala


● Emerald
Programming languages designed
- variables in programming
primarily for OOP include:
○ Java
- are skills or things that it can do
○ Python

Inheritance ○ C++

Process of acquiring properties. In OOP ● Other programming languages that

one object inherit the properties of pair with OOP include:
another object
○ Visual Basic .NET

○ JavaScript
process of using same method name by
multiple classes and redefines methods


● Mobile applications (specially Android

Java Technology
● Desktop applications
Java is a relatively new programming
language. ● Web applications

At that time, and his team began ● Web servers and application servers
designing the first version of Java, aimed
● Games
at programming home appliances which
are controlled by a wide variety of ● Database connection
computer processors.
● Appliances
Java is Free.

Advantages of JAVA
James Gosling
● Platform Independent
Father of Java
● Security
Developed in 1991 by Sun Microsystems.
● Object Oriented Language
Acquired by Oracle and was developed
by James Gosling and his team. ● Robust

Version 1.0. The first version was ● Simple

released on January 23, 1996.
● Portable

● Multithreading
Green Team
● High Performance
Mike Sheridan

Patrick Naughton Disadvantages of JAVA

● Slow and Inferior

Etymology of JAVA
● Complex Codes

Why Use Java?

● Java works on different platforms

(Windows, Mac, Linux, Raspberry Pi,

● It is one of the most popular

programming language in the world

● It has a large demand in the current

job market

● It is easy to learn and simple to use

● It is open-source and free

● It is secure, fast and powerful

● It has a huge community support (tens

of millions of developers)

● Java is an object oriented language

which gives a clear structure to
programs and

allows code to be reused, lowering

development costs

● As Java is close to C++ and C#, it makes

it easy for programmers to switch to Java

or vice versa

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