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1) Write the 3rd person singular of the following verbs:

1. drink: drinks 6. have: __________

2. say: _________ 7. teach: __________
3. hate: __________ 8. do: __________
4. eat: __________ 9. catch: __________
5. drive: __________ 10. write: __________

2) Circle the correct form of the verbs in the Present Simple Tense (Affirmative).

1. Tim (studies / study) Chinese.

2. My little sister (is / are) three years old.
3. Teresa (watch / watches) French films.
4. My friends (get up /gets up) at 6:00 o’clock.
5. I never (does / do) my homework at the weekend.
6. Carol, Sarah and Jessica often (go / goes) to the movies.
7. Bill (play / plays) tennis every Sunday morning.
8. Her friends (live / lives) in London.
9. The weather (are / is) windy and cold today.
10. The classroom (is / are) next to the laboratory.
11. They (is / are) from Germany.
12. Vincent and I (is / are) cousins.
3. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
1. We _________ (have) two big dogs.
2. My mother and father _________ (get up) very early to go to work.
3. Tamara and Kate __________ (learn) Russian.
4. The English book __________ (be) on the desk.
5. My sister __________ (live) in a beautiful flat in Liverpool.
6. We ___________ (make) clothes in a factory.
7. My aunt Liz __________ (fly) to Paris once a year.
8. John never _________ (leave) the country.
9. My students __________ (have) milk and biscuits for lunch.
10. I want to buy new shoes but they __________ (be) very expensive.
11. Paul never __________ (wash) his car!
12. You __________ (be) the new classmate.

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