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a7 "WHY ARE WEAK FORMS USEFUL: * Weak toms help 40 promote lawn. and, consequently, to rave a netinal ation. * They are used ia formal and informal speech. Hence, Knowing abavt weak and strong forms helps to umdortind native English speaners. ‘WHAT WORDS HAVE= WEAK FORMS “Sentences ot utterances are composed by content words ar lexical words and_punction words or grammatical words, * Content words cary mecuting and the mein information, They fnclude_noun, adjectives, verbs, the majority ot adverbs. They have only tong founs.(tull, pronunciation). * function words have guammcilical funchionx and carry, little information.__ _- Hi includes determiners, conjunctions, pronouns, prepositions, auxiliary verbs, some adverbs, = They have wear foun and : = They are generally pronounced with Wear forms (unstressed pronunciation, for example: ao fav brn _ stizaxg anju nav at/ _ "WHEN ARE FUNCTION WORDS PRONOUNCED WITH STRONG “FORMS: * There are three cages that influence funchon words and mane thar im ; EOC AL pT ey are accented 4o put emphasis. TC eve spout you. /at du: Kat! albautyu/ They, show contrast This letter is or Doan, it isn’t tor Jane Foxe lela Qo'dson at aunt a dgetn They are quoted _Tsaid "you" fan Seq jus / They are isolated e Who will golve the problem? You? “hv: wal solv da ‘problem jus? They are negalive forma of auxiliary verbs and verb to be : T don't line geatood. Jax deunt lark ‘siztud/ ARAL > Fynction words ae at the end of a phrase. or santence.le.g, prepositions and auriliary) __ What are you looting at? = ymust stop non @ /wola ju lowty etl They are standing next to us. -Surely, °*,must ~—_/8e1 8 steenday nest 1a as/ PIRI LE ERE a first of 4wo consecutive auxiliary verbs without a main verb. - Nobody _would have done that. Ioavbadi wadav daun set} | -T would have. | Tat woud ev/ Coordination op prepositions (Ho... 0m, Sores. to about) He travels to and from London a lot [hn ‘4reve\z Las an from. ‘Inndan 9 lot! Changes in weak forms betore. vowel porns Did _you gee the elephants? _ 1 Idadjy_siz gi _elrpants / Yes /no questions auxiliary and modal verbs Can you open the door forme? 0 fan ju ‘aup.n_da_dos tom / + QueStion ta bra got FSM {ju 'dgunt get tt dot jul convent __|_ before consonant sounds before vowel sounds __| [Bi bepore vowels _@ [totersto an urepecitied quantity + oo a eth Pe ‘ a s Pbutt fb tna conjunctions _|than__/&tamf_ | —____|that__/2et/__| relative pronoun or conjunction and /an,n, nd/_ | | (Pie kaa be eee tor tha? Tart bepore vowel sound prepositions | tram. Teram/ | | Of fai, fal aetose "the" | \ to Hal, Au/ before vowel sound | me Ima] you /jul yout Jail he dnl hig Axil pronouns him | am/ she | /pa/ her Tha 3:'/ | we | /ws/ | us| fas/_ | them | /Sam/ { am fam, - fg} fs m are___/a’,a/__ at! before vowels was {warf were /wat/ be | for/ iS = been, /bin/ — fhave | /hev, aviv /- has | /haz,2,9/ Avxiliary had | thadjd/ | verbs do | /ds,d/ | Aulbepore vowels does | /derzs/ | shall | /fol,si/ will | /wel/_ 5 Existencial there} there | /5a/ Toma ee Anee is /8a2/ can could must would. “/ead! imosmast |mast!-beCore vowel sound ghoul Ss “SOME WORDS AND THE LA: STRONG@ FORMS: SOME TS pronoun —* Some prefer summer, Isnrn/ determiner as members of a Certain group Some fans tried to buy the tienets, /snm/ that t determiner -» Did you see that 10? /dgot/ demonstrative pronoun » Loos at that! /Seet/ Hever adverb of place » The bank it over there. /See'/ Transcribe the allowing sentences and yustity. why the function words are pronounced with weak or strong forms, 4. Th turn out that it was possible. 2. Where are you rom? Dee 3.A: Can you give this flowers 4o Amy “rom Paul? B: To Paul? A? No. They're prom Paul 10 Amy. . 4.. ‘There is litle dime jo lose Come on, we must hurry. “Don't panic, we'll easily. get there by daxi. Tye ust rung for one now. ‘Thad told Jepprey weld be there on time. Judging prom the trapfic this morning we should be leaving more ar less now. You never hNow what can happen on the way. ~ You hnow what Jappey says though, he dacided that he would do exactly what he always wanted on this holiday. So no rush, no hassle, no pressurizing. A: Yes, but if Walre not there by ten, that's precisely how he'll be feeling. And unpredictability of the trappic is the flaw in your plans. B.Do stop meddling with deptray's affairs; I'm sure he can manage perfectly well on bis own, 5. There's no place line home, ae 6. This 19 the car that was looked at. 7. There are some pactages outside of the house. B.aihich company would you line 4owork at? 8: T'd love to work at the BBC. \ 4. You Must give me more money AO. A: Excuse me. Did you order ice cream or Came” 8 LT ordered ice Cream and cane, 4A. These isn't any, is thee? A2. A Do you thins we cag dot? 6 1 now we can. 4ZaWhat do you do? __ 8: Lwork ag an engineer inthe NASA. 44, A? Which has been best? seve 8: 1 think it has been best loving and letting her go. AB. AvIim fired gp this. 1 You should change. $0 you ghauld. AG. A: He's too sriany, and tired. B: He must eat mote to be healthy, A: He certainly rust. 17a: T bought you tenets to Parts B: That's the best gift ever. 18. A: 1 want to buy a car. 8: Ls a good idea, but you can't apford rt 49. A You now John ig head over heals for Eva. B: He has been acting strange for a while, 20. No, it's not her, She! She's the wornan that stole my, bag. 24. You jove me!? That can’t be, Nou ignore qe most op the time, 22. a: T'm going to. visit my friend Riley this summer @: Really? That's great. where does she Iwer A: He lives in Minnesota. 23: Excuse me. 1s Anis bus trom Cordoba or te Cordoba” 24: A* Wi, You arrived earlier than me. B: You jold Me the meeting started at 4. A: No, T 4old you was going do Hart about 7

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