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Grade 5 – Holiday Work

Heritage – Social Studies

1. List three stages of human development.
2. At infancy, a baby is given ________ to strengthen and protect it.
3. Why is it important to immunise babies?
4. A family consist of ___________, ____________ and _____________.
5. Identify three types of families.
6. What is child-headed family?
7. What causes a single-parent family?
8. What is internal migration?
9. List the types of migration.
10.List any five push factors and any five pull factors in relation to causes of
11.Identify any three positive and three negative effects of migration.
12.Suggest any three solution to problems that are caused by migration.
13.What is conflict?
14.What causes conflict at home and at school?
15.How can conflict at home and at school be solved?
16.What effects come with conflict in the community?
17.List any three languages in Zimbabwe?
18.Identify any four African marriage cultural practices.
19.Which marriage practice has been borrowed from the English?
20.Christians practice ___ for those who want to marry.
21.State any three ceremonies or rituals performed in Zimbabwe.
22.Who helps deliver children among the Ndau?
23.List any three diseases prevented by immunisation.
24.What is adolescence?
25.Name any practice for girls who reach adolescence in Zimbabwe.
26.List any three changes in boys at puberty.
27.List any three changes in girls at puberty.
28.What is courtship?
29.Identify any practices done during courtship.
30.List any three indigenous marriage customs.
1. A family member is any person who belongs to a certain group of people
related by _____________.
2. Name any four totems that you know.
3. Match the totems and their symbols in the table below.
Symbol Totem
4. Bird Dziva/Siziba
5. Elephant Soko
6. Buffalo Nyati
7. Monkey/Baboon Nzou
8. River/hippo Shiri
9. Inheritance marriage is no longer common nowadays
10.Give one reason why people would marry through forced marriages.
11.Write the name of the gift that goes to the girl’s parents with her
whereabouts after eloping.
12.Write two examples of gifts that can be given to a bride and groom at the
13.Write one role that is done by madzisahwira at a funeral.
14.Identify three roles usually done by people at a funeral.
15.Write two things that children should do to keep their communities clean.
16.List down any four names of God in the Indigenous Religion.
17.What does the name Nyadenga means?
18.How do people worship the Supreme Being in ATR?
19.Name any three artefacts of worship in the Indigenous Religion.
20.__________, ____________ and ________ are places of worship in the
Indigenous Religion.
21.Why do people sing and dance in the Indigenous Religion?
22.Who normally wears special attire in the Indigenous Religion?
23.What is Chisi?
24.What is believed to happen to anyone who breaks the concept of chisi?
25.Who is the founder of the Indigenous Religion?
26.List down any two special holidays in Christianity.
27. Draw the Christian symbol.
28. Who is the founder of Islam?
29. Which city is considered as holy in Islam?
30.State the name of the holy book in Islam.
1. What is a computer?
2. Name any three examples of computers that can be found in the home.
3. ____________, ______________ and ___________ are examples of
input devices.
4. ___________, _______________ and ________________ are storage
5. Give two examples of output devices.
6. Explain any three advantages of using computers.
7. Why should we not eat and drink in the computer laboratory?
8. Give one other rule to be followed while in the computer laboratory.
9. List down any four computer faults.
10.Name the following computer parts/devices.

a. ______________________________

b. __________________________

c. ___________________________
d. _______________________________

e. _______________________________

11. What the following abbreviations stand for?

a. ICT - _____________________________________
b. USB - _____________________________________
c. www - ______________________________________
d. pdf - ________________________________________
e. CPU - ______________________________________
f. PC - ____________________________________
g. CD - _____________________________
h. DVD - ________________________
12. write down the meaning of the following computer short cuts. The
first one has been done for you,
a. ctrl + c = copy
b. ctrl + i = ______________
c. ctrl + p = ______________
d. ctrl + u = _____________
e. ctrl + b = ______________
f. ctrl + v = ______________
13. Briefly outline how can insert a table in Word.
14. How can one save a document to Desktop in Word.
15. Which program software can be used to create posters, calendars etc?
1. (Eye/Mouth) is an important part of the human digestive system.
2. Teeth in the mouth help to_______ before it is swallowed.
3. The digestive juice found in the stomach is called ___________.
4. Name any one part of the body that is NOT part of the human
digestive system.
5. List any three eating disorders.
6. Which eating disorder is caused by overeating?
7. Why is saliva an important part of the digestive system?
8. Starving oneself so as to lose weight causes ____.
9. When someone develops the habit of overeating and forcing
themselves to vomit the food, she/he is suffering from _________.
10.What is a balanced diet?
11.Iodised salt is salt which contains _______________.
12.Complete the following table.
Disease Nutrient missing
Night blindness

13. This condition is caused by lack of ___.

14.Which food nutrient is contained in the following foods?
a. bread - __________
b. eggs - ___________
c. carrots - __________
d. rice - __________
15.Gut worms are ___________. (virus/parasite)
16.____________ lives in people’s intestines.
17.List three examples of gut worms.
18.List any five symptoms of gut worms in people.
19.List three ways through which gut worms enter the human body.
20.Write down four ways of controlling gut worm infection.
21.Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) are diseases that can spread
from person to person through __________________.
22.Write down any two STIs.
23.What are the signs that show that you have been infected by the
following Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs):
i. syphilis –
ii. gonorrhoea –
24.List some four ways that can be used to control Sexually
Transmitted Infections (STIs).
25.HIV stands for ____________________.
26.AIDS is caused by a virus called _______________.
27.People who are found to have HIV are said to be HIV _____.
(negative, positive, possessed)
28.Explain any four ways through which HIV/AIDS can spread.
29.Write down any three things that can be done to prevent the spread
30.Say whether the following statements are true or false.
a) All thin people are HIV positive.
b) AIDS is caused by a virus.
c) An HIV positive person is about to die.
d) Avoid using syringes and razor blades that have been used
by others.
e) HIV can be spread by greeting and touching each other.
1) What is Agriculture?
2) Do you think Agriculture is important to the community? If yes, list at
least five things that get from Agriculture in your community.
3) How do farmers obtain money?
4) What is the importance of rearing farm animals?
5) Name two jobs that people can get from agriculture.
6) Tools are classified/grouped according to their____(shape, uses, name)
7) Three classes of tools are _____________, ___________ and ________.
8) Draw and label any two cutting tools.
9) Draw and label any three digging tools.
10) Draw and label any two watering tools.
11) List any three safety precautions that should be followed when
using/handling digging or cutting tools.
12) What is weather?
13) Define the term atmosphere.
14) List the four components of the soil.
15) Name one organism found in the soil.
16) Give one example of a gas found in the soil.
17) The three main types of soil are ___________, __________ and
18) Give two characteristics of sandy soils.
19) Describe two differences between sand and clay.
20) What is a fertiliser?
21) The two types of fertilisers are __________ and ________.
22) __________ fertilisers are obtained from decaying remains of
plants and animals.
23) Two examples of inorganic fertilisers are ________ and ________.
24) Explain any three advantages of using organic fertilisers.
25) Match the fertiliser to its type by ticking the correct one.
Fertiliser Organic Inorganic
Compound D
Green manure
Ammonium Nitrate
Cattle manure
Muriate of potash

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