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Storytelling has always been fundamental as to how we think of the world and how we

should live our lives. Stories allow us to continue the legacy left behind by the predecessors

to the current era in many shapes or forms. It could be knowledge, culture, traditions, or even

myths. We as a human being are heavily influenced by stories we were told, it became the

roots of how we react or act to a certain topic or situations.

A non-business storytelling is more in the form of personal storytelling. It is often

inspirational, emotional, and powerful. These stories come in many forms ranging from jokes

to deep personal memories that might have taught the speaker a lifetime lesson. Additionally,

telling personal stories could also build stronger connections with the speaker and listener.

Another interesting idea of non-business storytelling is that it can come in a form of teaching.

In Thailand, one of the most famous stories for teaching is “ don’t play hide and seek in the

dark or else a ghost will come”. This story was possibly told to all children to prevent them

from hiding when it is dark. The ghost part that was added in the story was just so that

childrens would not dare to defy the story. Although, all the parents that told this story just do

not want their child to hide since they could have gone missing and it worked surprisingly

well. I could not imagine a single person who went into hiding after the sun sets after they

heard the story. This shows how vast a story can be used, and in this case, it is used as a tool

to prevent children from doing things that could harm them.

Another notable example of personal storytelling would be stories relating to myths. This

might be a story that the speaker has personally encountered or stories that they heard and

believed. This could be a story of a mythical phenomenon or even mythical creatures. The
story of naga is widely popular in Thailand, it is believed that this mythical creature brings

good luck and fortunes to whoever encounters it. Some have been telling stories that they

have seen one but we do not really know the truth since we did not encounter it by ourselves.

It could bring fortunes and good luck or maybe it might not, but that is not what is special

about these kinds of stories. Although it might not be true, what's special is the aftereffect of

these stories. It unites the people that believe in the story together, promoting communication

and collaboration. This just shows the various ways storytelling can be used, and in this case,

uniting people together. The other famous storytelling is business storytelling.

Business storytelling is often related to the brand or the organisation as a whole. A common

business storytelling in an organisation is to use it for the purpose of internal and external

communication, collaborating, and also marketing. It can be used to persuade peers, to sell to

clients, and to develop new marketing narratives. This could come in a form of

advertisement, it can communicate what the company wants to show to the customers. For

example, the advertisement could be used to showcase a large variety of options or features

of a specific product. Apple has created an advertisement for all of their products and

personally, I think that Apple has done a great job in introducing their products using

advertisements. For example, the new Iphone 13 advertisement would mainly focus on the

function of the phone’s camera since it is the selling point of the point. Additionally, it also

displays the durability of the phone by having it underwater, desert terrain, and even in the

air, allowing the customers to see the durability of the new Iphone 13. Another notable

example would be their Apple’s watch, since it is a watch suitable for an adventure lifestyle

but keeping a modern look. The advertisement shows the watch’s different features such as

blood pressure, heart rate, and even how many meters the watch could be used underwater.

Not only the advertisement could attract customers to buy the product, it could also attract
customers that are suited for Apple products to Apple. These types of customers could then

become brand loyalty to Apple. However, storytelling in a corporation might not always be

beneficial. This could be when an unfortunate story or experience has been told. In Thailand,

it is common for the managers to receive the credits that their employees did, although it is

the case for all corporations, it is still a large majority. If this story has been told from

employees to newcomers or even trainees, it could demotivate them and the company could

lose potential employees.

Business storytelling could also be linked with Roland Barthes’s concept of mythology.

Roland believes that myth helps to naturalise particular worldviews. In the workplace, it

could be, the harder you work, the higher the position you will receive. Although this is true

for the most part, it might apply to some cooperation and might not apply to other

corporations. This myth motivates employees to work hard, which is a good thing for the

company. Since there is more productivity and if the majority of the workers in the company

think like this, the company is sure to be successful since their employees are highly


All in all, personally I think that storytelling whether it is personal or business, is the best tool

for communication whether it would be forcibly or gently learning. It is more of a double

edge sword, if it is used in a good way, it will be beneficial but if it is used in a bad way, it

will negatively affect the people who have heard the story. For example, stories could be used

to trick people into believing in others for financial gain but it can also be used to nurture

people to think positively. I hope that the cultures and information provided by storytelling

continues in every part of the world, since that is what makes storytelling so interesting.

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