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What are some tasks that nurses do?
- Clean and dress patient wounds
- Monitor and report changes in patient condition
- Ensure exam rooms have appropriate supplies
- Administer medications
- Ordering tests and preparing patients for tests
How to become a nurse in Viet Nam ?
Training and education
-> bachelor’s degree (three / four years)
1. What are some tasks that LPNs (Licensed practical nurses), RNs (Registered nurses), NPs
(Nurse practitioners) do ?
2. What are the differences in education between the different types of nurses ? What else do
they need to perform their jobs ?

Some tasks that nurses do

LPNs check a person’s fundamental health and are often in charge of taking care of any cuts
or or scrapes that a patient might have
NPs have many of the same tasks as doctors including prescribing medications
RNs give medications and vaccines, and they also create treatment plans for patients
Some tasks that nurses do
- Licensed practical nurses (điều dưỡng thực hành) check a person’s basic health and are
often in charge of taking care of any cuts or scrapes that a patient might have
- Registered nurses (điều dưỡng chính qui) give medications and vaccines, and they also
create treatment plans for patients
- Nurse practitioners (y sĩ) have many of the same tasks as doctors including prescribing
Differences in education between the different types of nurses
At each level, nurses need to have a license
NPs generally have master’s degrees
RNs need a bachelor’s degree
LPNs generally only need a high school diploma and a year of additional educational
Patient flow : dòng bệnh nhân (-> How the patient progresses through the intake process
(admitting, assigned to a room, pre-op, surgery, post op, recovery, discharge)
License (adj) : được cấp phép
Electronic health record : hồ sơ điện tử
Task: nhiệm vụ

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