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PT. PH E O NW J G eneric M aintenance Strategy Personnel Transfer Basket

R e v is io n L o g R e g is te r

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PH EO NW J-U -GM S-0045 R ev 2 Page 2

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PT. PHE ONW J Generic Maintenance Strategy Personnel Transfer Basket

1. P u rp o s e 5 . M a in te n a n c e S tr a te g y

This document is a development of the PT. C o n d itio n B a s e d M a in te n a n c e (C B M )

PHE ONW J, Maintenance & Inspection 1) Pre-use inspection

Strategy and provides specific detail of the
maintenance and inspection requirements for Minimum activities to perform:
crane suspended personnel transfer basket. • Visually inspect safety load line when
attaching to the crane.
2. Scope • Physical check sidewall rigging, top and
The scope covers all Personnel Basket that bottom and floatation ring for wear or
are used at offshore facilities of PT. damage.
PHE ONWJ Operations for transferring, • Physical check tag line condition.
moving or transporting their workforce by 2) Time based inspection
personnel carrier. This is a more thorough physical and visual
It is assumed that the crane used with the inspection of the equipment:
personnel basket is already inspected and
certified. • Inspect for any corrosion attacks (which
accelerated by salty offshore environment)
to the top and bottom ring that holds most of
3. F u n c tio n the load.
To transfer personnel to-and-from offshore • Any aging indication because of UV, rough
facilities during daily routine operations and/or usage, etc.
weekly crew change. • Damage or crack to the floating ring,
Failure or consequential loss of its integrity shackles, etc.
could result in a fatality incident.
P la n n e d P r e v e n tiv e M a in te n a n c e (P P M )

4. R e q u ir e d P e r fo r m a n c e 1) Recondition
a) R e lia b ility : 100% If any of the inspections found a damage, worn
This is high as failure of the equipment to out, aging personnel basket, the equipment
perform has a potential fatality incident. shall be repaired immediately. A replacement
shall be ready in case the unit need to be
High reliability is achieved by establishing a taken to a workshop for repair.
thorough inspection before each usage, time
base inspection, and repair any damage
immediately. M a in te n a n c e / In s p e c tio n S c h e d u le

b) A v a ila b ility : 100%

CBM/pre-use inspection daily
This is high to fulfill on demand requirement of CBM/Time base inspection 3-months
its function for personnel transfer to-and-from PPM/Recondition On condition
offshore facility and sea vessels.
To assure Personnel Basket availability thru 6. R e q u ir e d R e s o u r c e
out PT. PHE ONWJ offshore facilities when
inspection result requires a replacement plan, A qualified person in accordance with API
the Personnel Basket is put in Warehouse as RP#2D or an offshore mechanic technician,
Insurance stocked item. who has crane license, is assigned to perform
the maintenance and inspection tasks.

PHEONW J-U-GMS-0045 Rev 2 Page 2

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PT. PHE ONW J Generic Maintenance Strategy Personnel Transfer Basket

7. R e la te d S ta n d a r d s / R e fe r e n c e

American Petroleum Institute RP-2D

Global Drilling Safety Leadership Initiative,
Gulf Coast Subcommittee, RP#6.

Billy Pugh Co, Inspection Replacement.

PHEONW J-U-GMS-0045 Rev 2 Page 3

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PT. PHE ONW J Generic Maintenance Strategy Personnel Transfer Basket


U ppe r M a s te r

L in k

S h a c k le

L iftin g S lin g &

S h o c k C o rd
L ow er

M a s te r lin k

U p p e r R in g

R ig g in g

R opes

L a gu a g e

A re a

T a g L in e

S te e l B a n d

S te e l L o w e r

B a s e R in g
F lo a t a t i o n

R in g

T a rp a u lin

PHEONW J-U-GMS-0045 Rev 2 Page 4

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PT. PHE ONW J Generic Maintenance Strategy Personnel Transfer Basket

PHEONW J-U-GMS-0045 Rev 2 Page 5

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PT. PHE ONW J Generic Maintenance Strategy Personnel Transfer Basket

P e r fo r m a n c e S ta n d a rd

8. M a in te n a n c e & In s p e c tio n

Inspection shall include the following items:

a) attacks (which accelerated by
C o r r o s io n

salty offshore environment) to the top and

bottom ring that holds most of the load.
b) UV (blistering, discoloration,
d e g r a d a tio n

or cracking) of sidewall rigging line/ropes.

c) Rope rigging contacts on the bottom ring
will and accelerated by the ring
w o rn o u t

corrosion that has rough surface.

d) Potential dam age or on the
c r a c k in g

floatation ring due to operations impacts

e) D e fo r m itie s , c ra c k s , heat anddam age

on the upper and lower master

w o rn s p o t

f) A g in gand certain improper event could
damage the lifting sling.
g) Ultraline polypropylene fiber rope rigging
, and cut. Oil
c o u ld te a r s , c r u s h e d s p o ts

and dirt will also reduce the life of the

h) Tag line damage due to a g in g .

i) Steel banding that connects lower ring

and floatation ring could c ra c k , c o rro d e d

and . Personnel Basket cannot

b r e a k in g

float properly if these ring separated.

j) Shackles cracking due to repeat loading
k) Possible torn herculite cover and broken
rubber of stabilizer (which is safety feature
made up of three shock cords wrapped in
herculite casing and helps preventing the
basket from collapsing as it surge up and

PHEONW J-U-GMS-0045 Rev 2 Page 6

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