English Words

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wield - manui,

to tackle - a aborda,
rely - se bazeaza,
struggle - lupta, se zbate,
though - desi,
through - prin,
attend - a se prezenta, asista la, a frecventa,
closure - inchidere,
scope - scop,
overwhelmed - coplesit,
tremendous - extraordinar,
curse - blestem,
on demand - la cerere,
hitchhiker - autostopist,
shattered - spulberat,
awareness - constientizare,
aware - constient,
swivelling - pivotant,
homogeneous - omogen,
amongs - intre,
among - pe vremea, printre,
wool - lana,
canopy - baldachin,
goggles - ochelari de protectie,
yelling - urland, strigand,
decade - deceniu,
lead - conduce, duce, plumb,
cognizant - constient, stiutor,
shrunk - micsorat,
persuade - convinge,
edgy - nervos,
vows - juramintele,
mandatory - obligatoriu,
muffled - inabusit, infofolit, invelit, infasurat,
fog - ceata,
commitment - angajament,
cohesive - coeziv,
scavenger - gunoier,
cues, clues - indicii,
foremost - cel mai important,
bookshelf - raft de carti,
wrist - incheietura,
thoughtful - grijuliu,
yarn - fire,
enrich - imbogati,
hammer - ciocan,
catchy - captivant,
the verge - marginea,
farewell - ramas bun,
postpone - amana,
goosebumps - piele de gaina,
yawning - cascat,
waist - talie,
grumpy - morocanos,
i urge you - te indemn,
a warrant - un mandat,
quirks - ciudateniile,
laid out - culcat,
fret - toci,
bunch of words - gramada de cuvinte,
yield - randament,
threshold - prag,
dangling - ametind,
pitfalls - capcane,
bloat - baloneaza, umple cu aer, afuma peste,
roughly - aproximativ,
wiser - mai intelept,
wonderlust - pofta de minuni,
outbreaks - focare, inceput de epidemie, rabufneala,
cull - ucide,
mighty - puternic,
yawning - cascat,
blush - inroseste,
reckless - nesabuit, nechibzuit,
rumors - zvonuri,
cockroach - gandac de bucatarie,
cucked someone - a aruncat pe cineva,
sued - dat in judecata,
hatch - trapa,
eyelash - gene,
to bind - a lega,
depth - adancime, profunzime,
highlight - a scoate in evidenta,
held - tinut,
held up - retinut,
thermal springs - izvoare termale,
snuck - furisat,
snuck out - s-a strecurat afara,
conned me - m-ai cucerit,
afford it - a-si permite,
ounces - uncii,
pump it up - da mai tare,
drooling - saliva,
overdo it - a exagera,
genuine - veritabil, autentic,
got rid - am scapat,
sip it - sorbi-o,
sip - inghititura, sorbitura,
ignition - aprindere,
wrist - incheietura,
hubble - razboi,
throb - zvacnire, palpitatie,
pant - gafait,
cues - indicii,
iron clothes - calca hainele,
straw - paie, pai,
recline - inclina, se propti,
lever - parghie, levier,
faith - credinta, promisiune solemna,
slur - insulta, vorbire neclara,
thirsted - insetat,
veins - venele,
boondocks - balta,
gravel - pietris,
dwell - locui,
rash - eczema,
rage - furie,
grunts - mormait,
lukewarm - lipsit de entuziasm,
intruder - intrus,
errands - comisioane
puke - vomitat
to imitate - a imita,
squirm - se agita,
witness - martori,
robbers - talhari,
itching - mancarime,
screw you - du-te dracului,
geese - gaste,
slumber - dormita,
pathway - calea,
disregard - nesocotire,
raise me - ridica-ma
stood - statea in picioare,
glamorous - plin de farmec,
somber - sumbru,
blanket - patura,
worthwhile - merita,
masquerade - mascarada,
spark - scanteie,
tutus - fuste de balet,
adjust - regla, ajusta,
grunt - mormait,
baffles me - ma deranjeaza,
bulging eyes - ochi bulbucati,
liver - ficat,
cough - tuse,
glance - privire,
whale - balena,
ebb - reflux,
wrist - incheietura,
perks - avantaje,
savage - crunt, salbatic,
soil - sol,
fad - moft,
scrumptious - delicios,
glitch - eroare,
the dent - adancitura,
bricklayer, mason - zidar,
greedy - lacom,
seesaw - balansoar,
copper - cupru,
sconces - candelabre de perete,
wainscoting - lambriuri,
brass - alama,
bohemian - boem,
mellow - cumintit,
dusky - semiobscur,
cumbersome - greoaie,
wacky - ciudat,
arises - aparea,
nevertheless - cu toate acestea,
likelihood - probabilitate,
against - contra, impotriva, in vederea, in contrast cu,
terse - concis,
uphold - sustine,
grief - jalea, mahnire
bandaid - plasture
buckle up - inclestati-va

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