ANHCC - WEEK5 - WRITING-đã chuyển đổi

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Common wording:
Discuss the advantages and disadvantages.
What are the advantages and disadvantages?
Do the advantages of this trend outweigh the
• Introduction
• Main paragraph 1: Advantages
• Main paragraph 2: Disadvantages
• Conclusion
An introduction paragraph consists of 3 parts:

1 2 3
An introductory Thesis Supporting
sentence/ A hook statement ideas that will
to grab the be in the essay.

What is a good introductory sentence and

thesis statement?
A good thesis statement

- is a statement, rather than a question

- usually the last sentence in the introduction
A successful
is written in your own words, thesis
not a quote from the prompt given statement
provides the readers with the main idea
of the essay/ the writer’s opinion
Sample introduction


(Introductory sentence) People have/ hold different views

about how to find a job/ about the way to find a job.
(Thesis statement) While those who support finding a job
through a job advertisement and internet job search
websites have their own good arguments, I firmly believe
that asking for personal recommendations is the best way.
Sample introduction

(Introductory sentence) Whether living in town or city is better for

bringing up children is a matter of great concern. While many families
prefer cities, many other parents believe that a small town is a better
choice for their kids. (Thesis statement) I agree that a small town is a
better place to raise a family than a big city. (Supporting ideas that
will be in the essay) I think that small towns are safer than cities, the
people are nicer, and life is less expensive.
Introduction template
1. Over the last/past few weeks/months/years, [topic] has become a matter
of great concern/ attracted attention of a large number of people/ has
become a hot topic/ has ignited heated debates/ has caused heated

2. Opinions on this are largely divided/ People have different views about
(whether or not) + [question]

3. While many argue that [view 1], I am more convinced that/ I am in favor of
[view 2]
While those who support [view 1] have their own good arguments, I firmly
believe that [view 2]
Common techniques to support
•Facts from surveys/study
•Explanations in other words
•Opposing ideas
Common techniques to support
Sample paragraph using facts from a survey

One major advantage of working in a small company is job satisfaction. When

working for a small company, because of its size, employees often feel that they
are making a bigger contribution. At a large company, however, workers often feel
like they are simply anonymous individuals. In a recent nationwide survey,
employees at both small and large companies were questioned about their overall
job satisfaction. Over half of the small company employees responded positively,
citing the fact that they believe they play key roles at their companies. In contrast,
fewer than a third of the workers at large companies believed that their
contributions were of importance. This clearly shows how employees at small
companies feel more valued than employees at large companies.
Common techniques to support
Sample paragraph using examples

Another way in which large companies are better than small ones is that large
companies provide their workers with more opportunities for advancement.
Since there are more positions available at large companies, the workers can get
promotions much faster than their counterparts at small companies can. For
example, workers at large companies might get three or four promotions during
a several-year period while a worker doing the same job at a small company
may get just one promotion. Naturally, these promotions come with higher
salaries and more benefits, so they can help to advance workers' careers. Thus,
large companies offer many more promotion chances than small ones do.
Common techniques to support
Sample paragraph using explanations

Sample 1– Many parents in full-time Sample 2– Grandparents are the

employment prefer to leave their best people to look after children
children with grandparents when they for very obvious reasons.
are at work because they feel their
Grandparents really love their
child will be safer with someone from
within the family circle. In other words,
grandchildren and would never
they do not trust a stranger to look harm them. Also, the children
after their child and feel confident that really love their grandparents and
no harm will come to the child whilst feel comfortable with them.
being looked after by grandma or Finally, grandparents have lots of
grandpa. For example, a 2013 study experience taking care of children
from Cambridge University showed that because they are old and looked
62% of working mothers prefer a after children for many years
member of the immediate family to
provide care when they are at work.
Common techniques to support
Sample paragraph using opposing ideas

Last but not least, university students should be given numerous chances to
improve soft skills. Some examples of soft skills are delivering a presentation,
working in groups, making a phone call with customers, etc., some of which
are essential in certain jobs in order to complete the tasks successfully.
Therefore, if universities do not pay enough attention to such skills, most
graduates will not be able to find satisfactory positions in the workplace,
leading to a higher unemployment rate.
Structuring your concluding paragraph

1 2 3

Topic sentence:
sentences: Closing sentence:
repeat the ideas
summarize the connect back to the
in your thesis
main points in the introduction
body of your essay


- Restate thesis
- Summarize main points
- Point readers to the next logical step.

It has recently been announced that a new movie theatre may be built in your
neighborhood. Do you support or oppose this plan? Why? Use specific reasons
and details to support your answer.
Sample conclusion

I believe that a new movie theatre is a fine idea. I support it because of the
changes it will bring to our citizens and our towns. I believe that the reduction
in crime, the increase in employment, and the improved infrastructure will
make our town a nicer place to live.


- Restate thesis
- Summarize main points
- Urge readers to do something

Some people prefer to eat meals at restaurants, while others like to prepare and cook
food at home. Which do you prefer? Use specific reasons and examples to support your
Sample conclusion
Both eating at restaurants and cooking at home can be satisfying. Both can taste good
and be enjoyed with family and friends. However, I prefer cooking at home, because of
the money and health issues, and I strongly believe it is advisory that everyone eat in
more often.

Furthermore/ Also

for example
In contrast/ However

Also/ Furthermore

In conclusion


help, assist, support

advantageous provide opportunity
beneficial give sb a chance, benefit
advantage, benefit,
helpful, useful enhance, improve
plus point,
important, necessary encourage sb to V
supportive allow, enable sb to V
ideal develop, boost


handicap (to make something

disadvantage drawback
disadvantageous more difficult)
harmful/damaging hinder/ inhibit/ limit
minus point
useless/worthless negatively affect
difficult interfere
problem, obstacle,
problematic prevent/stop sb from Ving
difficulty, handicap

Common wording of thesis statement

• In my opinion, this is a situation which can present both benefits and
drawbacks for …….
• In my opinion, notwithstanding some detrimental effects, this situation
(development) presents a greater number of beneficial ones.
• In my view, this situation can present more benefits than drawbacks for (the
society, community, students, the countries…) concerned. (by Pauline)
• In my view, this situation can present more challenges than benefits for (……..)
concerned. (by Pauline)
• In my view, this situation can present as many benefits as drawbacks for (……)
concerned. (by Pauline)
USEFUL LANGUAGE Paragraph transition

The main/major/ significant/evident/obvious advantage of … is …

One reason why … is advantageous lies in …
Pros Another reason is that it would benefit …
One/another/ an additional advantage … is …
What makes … important … is …
The main/obvious disadvantage of … is …
One/another/an additional disadvantage of … is …
The main obstacle created by …. is …..
Despite these plus points, some drawbacks of … do exist.
Cons Although … has many advantages, there still exist some noteworthy
However, … is not completely beneficial; there are some negative aspects
that should be taken into consideration.

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