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This section discusses and describes the outcome from the data analysis which uses

T-test that produced the results from the two groups of samples, the control and

experimental group. In addition, this section will also imply the results whether the

neem tree extracts have a significant impact towards cabbage aphid control.


Null Hypothesis (H0): There is no significant difference in the mean reduction of

aphid population between the treatment group using Neem tree extracts and the

control group (no Neem treatment).

Alternative Hypothesis (H1): The mean reduction of aphid population in the

treatment group using Neem tree extracts is significantly different from the mean

reduction in the control group (no Neem treatment), indicating that Neem tree

extracts have a measurable impact on controlling aphid infestation.


A total of six (6) cabbages were tested to conduct this research, and were all

infested with aphids. Three (3) of each cabbage were being used as a controlled and

experimental group, Row 1 Controlled group, Row 2 Experimental Group. The

control and experimental group will both undergo a pre-test and post-test to show

significant difference and to know if neem tree extracts is effective on reducing the

cabbage aphids.
Table 1. Results during PRE-TEST of the Control Group Row 1

Cabbage No. of aphids

Cabbage 1 30

Cabbage 2 50

Cabbage 3 60

TOTAL: 140

Mean/Average: 46.67

Standard Deviation (SD): 15.28

Table 2: Results during PRE-TEST of the Experimental Group Row 2

Cabbage No. of aphids

Cabbage 4 40

Cabbage 5 70

Cabbage 6 50

TOTAL: 160

Mean/Average: 53.33

Standard Deviation: 12.22

Table 3: Results during POST-TEST of the Control Group Row 1

Cabbage No. of aphids

Cabbage 1 70

Cabbage 2 100

Cabbage 3 90

TOTAL: 260

Mean/Average: 86.67

Standard Deviation (SD): 15.28

Table 4: Results during POST-TEST of the Experimental Group Row 2

Cabbage No. of aphids

Cabbage 4 10

Cabbage 5 20

Cabbage 6 15


Mean/Average: 15.00

Standard Deviation (SD): 5.77

Table 5. Significant difference of the Control and Experimental Group

Group Test Mean SD T value Degrees F - value

Control Pre-test 46.67 15.28 -1.20 2 0.317

Control Post-test 86.67 15.28 -4.32 2 0.043

Experimental Pre-test 53.33 12.22 -0.75 2 0.523

Experimental Post-test 15.00 5.77 -6.58 2 0.021

To obtain the significant difference of each group and to know whether the null and

alternative hypothesis is accepted or rejected we will use the value 0.05. (insert rrl)

In the table 5, the control group during pre-test has a F-value of 0.317. 0.317 > 0.05,

meaning, it accepts the null hypothesis and rejects the alternative hypothesis. In

addition, in the control group during post-test has a F-value of 0.043. 0.043 <

0.05 meaning it rejects the null hypothesis and accepts the alternative

hypothesis. The experimental group during pre-test has a F-value of 0.523. 0.523 >

0.05 meaning, it accepts the null hypothesis and rejects the alternative hypothesis. In

addition, in the experimental group during post-test has a F-value of 0.021. 0.021 <

0.05 meaning, it accepts the alternative hypothesis and rejects the null hypothesis.

In our discussion presented, the researchers can truly say that there is a significant

difference of the two groups: the experimental (with treatment) and control group (no

treatment) towards controlling aphid infestation on the cabbage. During its post-test

where intervention is being presented the (controlled group accepts the null

hypothesis and rejects the alternative hypothesis. While the experimental group

during post-test accepts the alternative hypothesis and rejects the null hypothesis.
This indicates that the two groups are significantly different with each other and

neem tree extracts can truly help and is effective towards controlling the aphid

infestation on cabbage.

In the study of (insert RRL) in our results here, it is the same where they examine the

effectiveness of neem tree extracts as an cabbage pest control there is a significant

difference in the concentration of neem extracts towards controlling cabbage aphids.

During there post-tes


In the data presented in the results and discussion, the use of neem tree extracts as

a pest control towards cabbage aphid infestation has a significant effect and can

truly help towards controlling aphids. With the significant difference of the two

groups: control (no treatment), experimental (with treatment) during the intervention

or the post-test, the neem tree extracts is a great way and has a big potential for

eco-friendly pest controller to prevent and manipulate cabbage aphid population.


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