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Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department Page 0

“Enhancing Campus Efficiency:

Developing a Web-Based Appointment
System for PDSA Services at Liceo De
Cagayan University”

A Research Proposal
Presented to the
Faculty of the Senior High School –
Main Campus Liceo de Cagayan
Cagayan de Oro City


In Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements for the Senior High School
Information and Communication Technologies




Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department Page 1


Chapter 1 - Introduction 3
Background of the Study 3
Statement of the Problem 5
Statement of Objective 7
Significance of the Study 9
Conceptual Framework 11
Scope and Limitation of the Study 12
Definition of Terms 14

Chapter 2 - Review of Related Literature and Studies 15

International Literature/Studies 15
Local Literature/Studies 21
Synthesis and Relevance to the Proposed Study 24

Chapter 3 - Methodology 25
Research Locale 25
Research Design 26
Process Model 28
System Architecture/Conceptual Design 30
Flowchart Diagram 32
User Flowchart 32
Admin Flowchart 33
Current System Flow 34
Proposed System Flow 35
Minimum Hardware Requirements 36
Developmental Tools 36
Network Requirements 37

References 38
Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department Page 2

Table Pages
1.1 Minimum Hardware Requirements 36
2.1 Developmental Tools 36
3.1 Network Requirements 37

Figure Pages
1.1 Conceptual Framework 9
2.1 Iterative Model 28
3.1 System Architecture 30
4.1 User Flowchart 32
4.2 Admin Flowchart 33
5.1 Current System Flow 34
6.1 Proposed System Flow 35
Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department Page 3


Background of the Study

In the context of Liceo De Cagayan University, efficient communication

between students, parents, and teachers is paramount for academic success. According

to the Mathletics Team (2016), the PDSA (Prefect of Discipline and Student Affairs)

services are integral not only for maintaining school policies but also for fostering a

conducive learning environment. Unfortunately, a significant challenge has emerged –

the recurrent forgetfulness of students regarding their PDSA appointments, leading to

missed opportunities for essential communication.

The aftermath of the pandemic has exacerbated this issue, with face-to-face

appointments proving inefficient and burdensome due to high transportation costs and

slow manual processing systems. The outdated school systems, particularly the

reliance on walk-in appointments, contribute to overcrowding, causing inconvenience

for all stakeholders. The absence of an effective scheduling system exacerbates the

problem, as students and parents face frustration in attempting to schedule

appointments, deterring meaningful engagement with teachers.

Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department Page 4

This situation not only hampers academic success but also affects the overall

well-being of students. As asserted by The Mathletics Team (2016), parent-teacher

communication is crucial for a student's welfare, and the PDSA plays a vital role in

shaping character and ensuring adherence to rules. The current drawbacks, including

missed appointments, and the lack of a streamlined scheduling system, result in wasted

time and missed opportunities for both students and parents.

To address these challenges and enhance campus efficiency, our study focuses

on the development of a web-based appointment and notification system for PDSA

services at Liceo De Cagayan University. Drawing inspiration from the need for

technological innovation highlighted in the Mathletics Team's insights, our proposed

system aims to streamline communication, eliminate the issue of forgotten

appointments, and alleviate the burden of manual scheduling processes. By integrating

technology, we aspire to create a more effective and user-friendly platform that fosters

seamless interactions between students, parents, teachers, and the PDSA. This

endeavor aligns with the university's commitment to providing a conducive and

progressive learning environment for all stakeholders.

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Statement of the problem

The current appointment system for PDSA (Prefect of Discipline and Student

Affairs) has some drawbacks that need to be addressed to improve its efficiency

and effectiveness.

Student Population. One of the major challenges faced by the PDSA office is

the large student population of over 4500 students in the Senior High School main

campus. This poses a significant challenge in terms of monitoring the students and

handling concerns or problems due to the population of the students. The large

student population can make it challenging to ensure that all students follow the

curfew and arrive on time for their appointments. Therefore, the PDSA office

needs to find ways to effectively manage the large student population, such as

implementing an online information board where students can access basic

reminders and information.

Students' appointment lapses. The lack of an appointment system for PDSA

aims to address the issue of students forgetting their appointments. By

implementing this system, the organization can improve the overall effectiveness

of scheduling and ensure that all appointments are attended on time, leading to

better student engagement and productivity.

Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department Page 6

Lack of Reminder Systems. The lack of reminder systems can lead to

students forgetting their appointments. This can result in missed appointments,

reduced student engagement, and decreased productivity. While the appointment

system aims to address this issue, there is still a need for a reminder system to ensure

that students attend their appointments on time. Therefore, the PDSA office needs to

implement a reminder system that can notify students of their upcoming appointments

through various channels such as email, text message, or mobile app notifications. By

doing so, the PDSA office can improve the overall effectiveness of scheduling,

increase student accountability, and enhance satisfaction levels.

These challenges can hinder the effectiveness of the appointment system and

the overall operations of the PDSA office. Therefore, there is a need to improve the

appointment system to ensure that it is efficient, effective, and meets the needs of the

students and the PDSA office.

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Statement of Objectives

General Statement of Objectives

This study aims to enhance the campus efficiency at Liceo De Cagayan University

by developing a Web-Based Appointment and Notification System for PDSA (Prefect of

Discipline and Student Affairs) Services. Specifically, the objectives include:

Specific Objectives

● To design an efficient and user-friendly online appointment system for

PDSA services at Liceo De Cagayan University. This involves creating a

responsive web application and mobile app that allows users to

conveniently schedule appointments and select preferred time slots.

● To develop the appointment system using an iterative process model that

encompasses planning, initial planning, requirements analysis, design,

development, testing, evaluation, and production stages.

● To test and evaluate the appointment system to ensure its efficiency,

user-friendliness, and effectiveness in reducing challenges and enhancing

the overall service experience for students and staff members.

● To deploy the appointment system and provide training and support to users

to ensure a smooth transition from the traditional walk-in system to the

digital appointment platform.

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● To maintain the appointment system and continuously improve its features

and functionality based on user feedback and changing needs.

● To ensure a smooth transition from the traditional walk-in system to a

digital appointment platform, the study will concentrate on user experience

design, system functionality, security, and scalability. Additionally, it will

evaluate how the installed system affects user satisfaction, operational

efficiency, and the overall service experience. The aim is to provide insights

and recommendations for the effective implementation of the appointment

system, contributing to the improvement of PDSA services at Liceo De

Cagayan University through careful testing, analysis, and feedback

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Significance of the Study

This study holds considerable significance for the senior high school students

of Liceo de Cagayan University-Main Campus. The implementation of a Web-Based

Appointment System for the PDSA services provides a convenient and efficient way

for students to fulfill their requirements without the need to endure long queues at the

PDSA office. In the backdrop of challenges highlighted in the background, such as

missed appointments, the significance of this study becomes even more apparent.

Specifically, the significance is underscored by the following points:

● Convenience for Students: The introduction of a virtual appointment

system streamlines the process of handling student requirements,

offering a more convenient alternative to the traditional walk-in

approach. Students can schedule appointments through online

platforms, reducing the need for physical presence and minimizing

waiting times.

● Formal and Organized Grade Consultations: The absence of a

formal system for grade consultations is a gap addressed by this study.

The Web-Based Appointment System facilitates an organized setting for

grade consultations, ensuring that students have a structured platform

for discussing academic matters with their teachers.

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● Effective Time Management for PDSA & Teachers: The study's

results will empower PDSA and teachers to manage their time more

effectively during virtual appointments. This ensures a streamlined

process for processing necessary documentation, contributing to a more

organized and efficient workflow.

● Efficiency for Students: The proposed Web-Based Appointment

System benefits students by providing allocated time slots for

appointments. This not only facilitates efficient communication with

teachers but also saves students time and energy that would otherwise

be spent waiting in line.

● Parental Time Allocation: Parents also stand to benefit from this

system, as they can allocate their time more effectively. Virtual

appointments eliminate the need for parents to wait in line, allowing

them to manage their schedules more efficiently.

In summary, the significance of this study lies in its potential to transform the

appointment and communication processes within Liceo de Cagayan University-Main

Campus. The envisioned Web-Based Appointment System has the capacity to enhance

overall efficiency, convenience, and satisfaction for students, teachers, and parents

alike, aligning with the university's commitment to providing a progressive and

conducive learning environment.

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Conceptual Framework

Figure 1.1 Conceptual Framework

This conceptual framework focuses on optimizing PDSA service scheduling.

Through a dedicated web-based platform, we streamline the process by inputting

parent and student information, including preferred schedules, and provide

confirmation messages via email. The system includes an integrated notification

feature through email, SMS, and the web platform, aiming to enhance accessibility

and communication efficiency for PDSA services.

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Scope and Limitations

This study is dedicated to the development and implementation of a web-based

appointment system designed specifically for grade consultation at Liceo De Cagayan

University. The primary respondents for this study include students, teachers,

administrative staff, university (PDSA) staff, and parents. Addressing challenges

highlighted in the background, such as missed appointments and the absence of a

streamlined scheduling system, the core objective is to enhance the overall experience

for respondents. The envisioned web-based appointment system aims to provide a

more convenient, efficient, and timely method for all stakeholders to schedule grade

consultation appointments.

The study's scope encompasses several key elements. First, it focuses on

understanding and addressing the needs of the targeted respondents, recognizing their

diverse roles within the university community. Second, the study seeks to alleviate

challenges faced by stakeholders in scheduling grade consultation appointments by

introducing a user-friendly web-based system. Third, the benefits extend to Liceo De

Cagayan University by aiding in planning and conducting grade consultation programs

while addressing potential complications, including system inefficiencies and

communication problems. In alignment with the university's commitment to a

progressive learning environment, the developed system aims to contribute to a more

effective academic support structure.

Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department Page 13

A noteworthy aspect is the emphasis on parental engagement. The web-based

appointment system is designed to offer parents an efficient way to actively participate

in their children's academic support journey. This aligns with the broader goal of

fostering effective parent-teacher communication, as highlighted in the background


It's crucial to acknowledge the study's limitations. The developed system is

tailored to the specific needs of Liceo De Cagayan University, and therefore, the scope

is confined to addressing challenges within this university context. Consequently, the

findings and recommendations may not be universally applicable.

In summary, this study delineates its scope by targeting specific stakeholders,

aiming to enhance the grade consultation appointment system within Liceo De

Cagayan University. Through a tailored solution, the study endeavors to improve

efficiency, convenience, and communication, contributing to the university's

commitment to providing an effective and conducive learning environment.

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Definition of Terms

● Scheduling system - Refers to a system that is used to schedule appointments or

events, typically using a calendar or other scheduling software.

● Web-based application - a software program that runs on a web server and can be

accessed through a web browser over the internet. In our study, we are developing

a web-based appointment and notification system for PDSA services at Liceo De

Cagayan University.

● Mobile application - a software program designed to run on mobile devices such

as smartphones and tablets. In our study, we are developing a mobile app as part of

the appointment and notification system for PDSA services.

● Notification system - a system that sends alerts or messages to users to inform

them of important events or updates. In our study, we are developing a notification

system that can remind students of their upcoming appointments through various

channels such as email, text messages, or mobile app notifications.

● Iterative process model - a software development methodology that involves

repeating a cycle of planning, designing, developing, testing, and evaluating until

the desired outcome is achieved. In our study, we are using an iterative process

model to develop the appointment and notification system.

● User-friendliness - the quality of being easy to use and understand by users. In our

study, we aim to design an appointment and notification system that is

user-friendly to ensure that students and staff members can use it with ease.
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This chapter enhances the credibility of the study through an extensive

review of relevant literature and related studies concerning the web-based

appointment system. The carefully curated selection of literature spans from 2019

to 2023, reinforcing the paper's credibility and indicating its contemporary


International Literature/Studies

North, F., Nelson, E.M., et al. (2021) highlight the prevailing trend of

web-based bookings in the travel and entertainment sector, emphasizing the

underutilization of such systems in healthcare appointment scheduling. The Mayo

Clinic has pioneered an electronic health record system that seamlessly integrates

appointment scheduling with patient access to medical records, presenting an

opportunity for patients to engage in self-scheduling. This innovative approach,

discussed in their study titled "Impact of web-based self-scheduling on finalization

of well-child appointments in a primary care setting," showcases the potential of

web-based appointment systems in enhancing patient autonomy and streamlining

healthcare processes.
Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department Page 16

Liang, Y., and Zhao, L. (2019) shed light on China's medical resource

challenges arising from population growth and systemic issues. They explore the

transformative impact of Internet Medicine on addressing these challenges through

the digitization of medical health data. In the context of the intelligent

"doctor-patient" appointment system, the authors propose a solution to the

mismatch of medical resources. By leveraging digitized health data, this system

facilitates the immediate identification of the most suitable doctors, steering away

from the traditional practice of overloading expert resources. The study, titled

"Intelligent Hospital Appointment System based on Health Data Bank," provides

insights into how web-based appointment systems can optimize medical resource

allocation and improve patient-doctor matching.

Pankaj, S., Tomar, A., Poojashree, Y., Saurabh, J., Bhatambrekar, S., &

Awasthi, S. (2022) present an online appointment application that focuses on the

security and efficiency of doctor-patient interactions. The web application allows

doctors to register and manage patient appointments, serving as a case study to

evaluate its efficacy compared to other doctor-patient appointment systems. The

study explores the potential advantages and security features of this system,

contributing to the growing body of knowledge on web-based appointment systems

in healthcare.
Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department Page 17

Akhtar, A. R., Chamarhti, V., Kishore, G., and Jain, M. (2022) discuss the

development of an appointment management system through an online platform.

The web application facilitates easy scheduling for patients based on doctor

specialization and offers additional features for both patients and doctors.

Emphasizing the elimination of manual appointment management, the study

showcases the utilization of client-server architecture and web technologies in

enhancing the user experience. This work adds to the understanding of how

web-based appointment systems can streamline healthcare processes.

Work, M. S. (2022) focuses on the design and testing of a prototype for a

web-based online request system for appointment and scheduling in radiology

services at Kasturba Hospital, Manipal. The study aims to integrate this system

with the existing framework, emphasizing user acceptance and the potential

benefits of a web-based approach. The research contributes to the broader

understanding of web-based appointment systems, particularly in the context of

specialized medical services like radiology.

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Bokolo, A., Maureen, G. P., & Majid, M. A. (2021) evaluate a web-based

agent appointment scheduling system for student-lecturer appointments in

Malaysian universities. The system employs a multi-agent architecture to automate

the scheduling process, enhancing efficiency. While the study acknowledges the

system's positive aspects, it also highlights limitations, paving the way for future

improvements. This work contributes valuable insights into the potential of

web-based appointment systems in educational institutions.

Zamri, K. N. N. B. K., & Ishak, W. H. W. (2022) aim to enhance customer

service during the COVID-19 pandemic through the development of a web-based

appointment management system. Considering environmental conditions and

appointment rules, the system offers 24/7 scheduling and receives positive

feedback for its usability. The study anticipates cost savings compared to

traditional staffing methods, contributing to the understanding of web-based

appointment systems in the context of healthcare challenges.

Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department Page 19

Abu et al. (2022) emphasize the significance of appointments in fostering

positive customer experiences in service delivery. The study, focusing on an online

student appointment system for university administration, underscores the

advantages of scheduled appointments over walk-ins. It highlights the benefits of

web-based applications in facilitating administrative processes, catering to the

needs of both users and administrative staff. By delving into the realm of university

administration, the study adds depth to the understanding of web-based

appointment systems beyond healthcare, showcasing their versatility.

Akingbade et al. (2022) address the challenges associated with manual

methods of making appointments in healthcare settings, particularly the long

queues and waiting times. The study, focusing on a web-based online doctor's

appointment system, explores the stress and inconvenience caused by traditional

queuing systems. By identifying the benefits of transitioning to online platforms,

the researchers highlight the ease of booking appointments and the potential for

stress reduction. This work contributes valuable insights into the transformative

impact of web-based appointment systems on patient experiences.

Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department Page 20

Jebamani et al. (2022) propose a web development solution to streamline

hospital appointment scheduling. By introducing a distributed resource allocation

algorithm, the study aims to enhance the efficiency of the appointment process,

benefiting both patients and doctors. The paper emphasizes the importance of

regulating patient knowledge based on various factors, including doctor availability

and specialist schedules. With a focus on ASP, Visual Studio.NET, and MS-SQL

SERVER technologies, the study showcases the potential of web-based

appointment systems in automating day-to-day hospital activities.

Pişirgen and Peker (2021) introduce Bookazor, an appointment booking and

scheduling web-based application with applications in parlors, hospitals, and

architecture within a defined geographic area. Emphasizing the use of technologies

like CSS, HTML, and JavaScript, the study underscores the role of Firebase in

fetching data for appointment scheduling. By incorporating functionalities like

analytics and crash reporting, the system provides a comprehensive solution for

users. This work contributes to the understanding of web-based appointment

systems in diverse service sectors.

Attanayake and Thilanka (2021) advocate for the efficiency of web-based

Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department Page 21

management systems over manual processes in the workplace. Focusing on the

implementation at ATI, Galle, the study highlights a 20% reduction in the time

required to complete tasks. This work showcases the broad applicability of

web-based systems in improving workflow and efficiency in various organizational


Local Literature/Studies

In the study conducted by Azarcon, P.T., Becarme, J.B., et al. (2022), the

focus was on revolutionizing the process of locating a doctor and scheduling

appointments through the development of a mobile application, known as "Doctor

Queue" (DoQ). This innovative system aimed to provide a simpler and more

convenient alternative to traditional methods of obtaining referrals, such as relying

on recommendations from friends or family, visiting hospitals in person, or making

phone calls. Recognizing the contemporary preference for web-based applications,

the researchers utilized a mobile app accessible to both doctors and patients. Users

could effortlessly select a doctor from a list and schedule appointments, thereby

streamlining the entire process. Additionally, the study aimed to enhance the

efficiency of hospital waiting rooms by implementing a productive queuing

system, and assigning queue numbers to further reduce waiting times.

Ignacio, C., and Punzalan, D.L. (2023) emphasized the widespread use and
Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department Page 22

benefits of web-based applications in various organizational settings. The

development of "INCOURT," a web-based court reservation application for

Barangay Kalaklan, Olongapo City, illustrates how technology can enhance

efficiency and inclusivity. This system caters to both players and barangay

administrators, enabling seamless court reservations without the need to physically

visit the location. The adoption of web-based applications, as demonstrated by

INCOURT, showcases the broader trend of organizations leveraging technology for

improved service delivery.

Mayor, J. J. M. (2021) highlighted the prevalence of online appointment

systems, especially in healthcare settings, to enhance efficiency and minimize

patient waiting times. The study focused on the appointment system implemented

at the EC Health Medical Clinic and Diagnostic Center, emphasizing its role in

optimizing patient services.

In the research by Mendoza, S., Padpad, R. C., Vael, A. J., Alcazar, C., &

Pula, R. (2020), patient satisfaction and comfort were central to the design of the

"InstaSked" web-based appointment scheduling system. The goal was to address

the dissatisfaction caused by long waiting times in traditional appointment systems.

InstaSked aimed to cater to patients, medical secretaries, doctors, and management,

providing a comprehensive solution to streamline the entire appointment process.

Ampuan, A. D., & Delena, R. D. (2022) identified a lack of an efficient

Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department Page 23

appointment system at the Office of the President, resulting in wasted time and

delayed tasks. Their implementation of a web-based appointment system aimed to

improve client waiting time and overall efficiency, with a high level of user

satisfaction reported.

Yandug, J. S. G., & Santos, C. A. S. (2020) presented a Simulation Driven

Appointment System Model for a License Processing Office in the Philippines,

focusing on reducing waiting times and enhancing efficiency through simulation

and system improvement.

De Guzman, M. R. Q., Ordoñez, J. L. N., Somocierra, R. O., & Fuentes, G.

S. (2021) sought to improve the outpatient department's appointment system by

introducing an online scheduling system. This system aimed to benefit both the

hospital and patients, providing convenience, reducing waiting times, and easing

the appointment process.

Montes, et al. (2023), in their study on a web-based registration and

assessment monitoring system for TESDA, aimed to provide convenient services

through an online platform, aligning with the trend of modernizing service


Capistrano, E. P. (2021) emphasized the increasing pressure to design

Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department Page 24

sophisticated e-commerce channels to support the evolving Philippine business

environment. This aligns with the proposed study's goal of developing channels

and platforms that meet the demands of the current times, providing quality and

convenient online services.

Rocamora, L. J. (2022) reported on the Department of Foreign Affairs' plan

to simplify the passport appointment system. The proposed online system aimed to

make passport application and renewal processes easier and more convenient for

Filipinos, addressing the criticisms of the existing cumbersome system. This

development resonates with the broader theme of leveraging web-based platforms

to enhance user experiences in various sectors.

Synthesis and Relevance to the Proposed Study

The international and local literature/studies collectively underscore the

significance of web-based appointment systems in various sectors. From healthcare

to government offices, these systems offer efficiency, convenience, and improved

user experiences. The proposed study on a web-based appointment system aligns

with these findings, aiming to contribute to the existing body of knowledge by

addressing similar concerns of inefficiency, long waiting times, and the need for

convenient, online solutions. The insights gained from international and local

contexts provide a comprehensive understanding of the challenges, benefits, and

potential improvements associated with web-based appointment systems,

informing the proposed study's design, implementation, and evaluation.

Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department Page 25


This chapter outlines the methods and procedures for designing the overall

system that the study would develop. The topics that have been covered are

research approach, research design, process model, research locale, conceptual

framework, flowchart, system requirement, system flow diagram, and wireframe.

Research Locale

This study will be conducted with Liceo de Cagayan University's parents,

students, and the university's PDSA (Prefect of Discipline and Student Affairs).

The interview will be conducted at the PDSA office with the PDSA senior high

school head. The surveys will be conducted online to be answered by the parents of

the senior high school students at Liceo de Cagayan University. The researchers

chose the following methods of data gathering to ensure that the needed

information was obtained. This study will be conducted in the first semester of the

academic year 2023-2024.

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Research Design

Developmental Study

This study adopts a developmental approach with the primary goal of

creating and implementing a web-based appointment system tailored for PDSA

services at Liceo De Cagayan University. The focus of the study includes user

experience design, system functionality, security, and scalability to facilitate a

seamless transition from the traditional walk-in system to a digital appointment

platform. The research emphasizes an iterative process model encompassing

planning, initial planning, requirements analysis, design, development, testing,

evaluation, and production stages.

The study's timeline spans the first semester of the academic year

2023-2024. Data gathering methodologies will involve interviews with the PDSA

senior high school head and online surveys targeting parents of senior high school

students at Liceo de Cagayan University. The gathered data will undergo analysis

techniques to unveil patterns and relationships, ensuring a comprehensive

understanding of user satisfaction, operational efficiency, and the overall impact on

the appointment system.

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The study acknowledges its limitations by focusing solely on the unique

needs of Liceo De Cagayan University. This targeted approach aims to minimize

potential complications, including system inefficiencies, communication problems,

and implementation overload. By tailoring the research to the university's specific

context, the study ensures relevance and practicality in addressing the identified


In summary, this developmental study employs a systematic and iterative

process to create and implement a web-based appointment system, emphasizing the

university's unique requirements. The research design underscores a commitment

to enhancing efficiency, convenience, and communication within the PDSA

services at Liceo De Cagayan University.

Process Model
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Figure 2.1: Iterative Model

● Planning: The researchers identified the problem of inefficient communication

between students, parents, and teachers, and defined the objectives and scope of the


● Initial Planning: The researchers created a project plan, identified the resources

needed, and established a timeline for the project.

● Requirements, Analysis, & Design: The researchers gathered and analyzed the

requirements for the system, designed the system architecture, and created a

detailed design document.

● Development: The researchers coded the system, integrated the different

components, and tested the system to ensure that it met the requirements.
Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department Page 29

● Test: The researchers tested the system to identify and fix any bugs or issues that

may arise.

● Evaluation: The researchers evaluated the system to ensure that it met the

objectives and requirements of the project.

● Production: The researchers deployed the system to the production environment

and made it available to users.

System Architecture/Conceptual Design

Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department Page 30

Figure 3.1: System Architecture/Conceptual Design

The system architecture includes the following components:

● User - The user component is the front-end interface that allows users to

interact with the system. It includes web pages that display information and

forms that allow users to input data. Users can view their appointment

schedules, request appointments, and receive notifications about their


● Administrators - The admin component is the back-end interface that

allows administrators to manage the system. It includes web pages that

display information and forms that allow administrators to input data.

Administrators can view appointment schedules, approve or reject

appointment requests, and send notifications to users.

Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department Page 31

● Database - The database component is the back-end storage system that

stores and retrieves data. It includes the database management system and

the database itself. The database stores user information, appointment

schedules, and notification settings.

● Web-based Appointment System - The web-based appointment system is

the middle-tier component that processes user requests and generates

responses. It includes the business logic and application code that

implement the system's functionality. The system component communicates

with the user and admin components to manage appointment scheduling

and notifications.
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Flowchart Diagram

Figure 4.1 User Flowchart

The user flowchart is a visual representation of the steps a user takes when

interacting with the system, from login to appointment confirmation.

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Figure 4.2 Admin Flowchart

The admin flowchart shows the steps an administrator takes when managing the

appointment system, from login to approving or rejecting appointment requests.

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Current System Flow

Figure 5.1 Current System Flow

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Proposed System Flow

Figure 6.1 Proposed System Flow

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Minimum Hardware Requirements

The hardware specifications listed below are based on what the researchers used in

developing the system.

Name Specification

Motherboard Any modern motherboard with at least 2

RAM slots

Graphic Processing Unit (GPU) Integrated graphics card or any dedicated

graphics card

Processor (CPU) Intel Core i3 or equivalent

Power Supply 500W or higher

Random Access Memory (RAM) 4GB or higher

Storage 500GB or higher

Monitor Any modern monitor with at least 720p


Developmental Tools

The software specifications listed below are based on what the researchers used in

developing the system.

Components Specifications

Operating System Windows 10 or higher, macOS 10.13 or

higher, or any modern Linux distribution

Database Microsoft SQL Server 2017 or higher,

Oracle Database 12c or higher, or any
modern relational database management
system (RDBMS)

Analytics Software Google Analytics, Piwik, or any modern

web analytics software
Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department Page 37

Security Software SSL certificate, firewall, antivirus

software, intrusion detection and
prevention system (IDPS), or any modern
security software

Network Requirements

These are the following network requirements used.

Type Requirements

WIFI 3-8 Mbps internet connection

Cellular Data 15 MB (Web browsing)

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