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I'm sorry you don't know me I was just

scrolling through my suggestion list when I
come across your profile. It is so great to go
through your timeline but I will be rude by
sending you a friend request without your
concert,, but can I be your friend if you
don't mind... I'm sorry for intruding your
privacy please accept my apology

Hello Friend I don't know if you are

comfortable with this but I'm sorry for
interfering on your profile, I like how relaxed
and open you seem to be. Life is about
enjoying, laughing, connecting, and
connecting with people who are passionate
about life and everything in it. I like to live
an active life I don't know if we could be
friends?.. I really don't want to be rude to
send you a friend request without your
permission I don't know I’m trying to send
you friends request but my phone don’t let
me in if you can send me friends request or
message me on messenger Thank You

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