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ATL Skill ATL Skill

ATL Skill Strands
Categories Clusters

Communicatio Exchanging thoughts, messages and information effectively through

n interaction

Reading, writing and using language to gather and communicate


Thinking Critical Thinking Analysing and evaluating issues and ideas

Creative Thinking Generating novel ideas and considering new perspectives

Transfer Skills Using skills and knowledge in multiple contexts

Research Finding, interpreting, judging and creating information

Media Literacy Interacting with media to use and create ideas and information

Affective Skills Managing state of mind

Managing time and tasks effectively

Reflective Skills (Re)considering the process of learning; choosing and using ATL skills

Social Collaboration Working effectively with others

 Novice/beginning—students are introduced to the skill, and can watch others performing it (observation)
 Learner/developing—students copy others who use the skill and use the skill with scaffolding and guidance
 Practitioner/using—students employ the skill confidently and effectively (demonstration)
 Expert/sharing—students can show others how to use the skill and accurately assess how effectively the skill is
used (self-regulation)

Integration of ATL's in Unit Planners at the exemplary (sharing) level:

*Are specifically identified and integrate meaningfully with engagements and assessment tasks.
*Offer students opportunities to develop responsibility for their own learning through independent practice.
*Include clear descriptions of how skills are explicitly taught and specific strategies are practiced.
*Support a clearly identified progression of learning across the MYP through their articulation with other subject groups, year
levels, or school-wide plans (documented in the school's ATL chart).
*Help students reach higher levels of achievement for the unit's objectives through related summative assessment task(s).

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