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Technological University of the Philippines

College of Industrial Technology

Name: Shiela Mae D. Salvilla Instructor’s Name: Ms. Jen Andador
Course: BETMT Year: 2nd Yr. Section: A Schedule: Time:

Learning Activity No. 2

Title: VOM Familiarization

I. Course Outcome Objectives

At the end of the laboratory activity, the students should be able to:

1. Familiarize themselves with the controls and scales of the VOM.

2. Identify the functions of the operating controls.
3. Read the various scales present in the VOM.
4. Recognize the importance of the VOM for electrical and electronic works.

II. Materials, Instrument and Software Simulation Needed

Analog Multi-Tester
DC Source
- 1 pc. 9 v Battery
- 3 pcs 1.5 v AA Battery
5 pcs. Carbon Resistor (Different value)
NI Multisim

III. Introduction

The volt-ohm-milliammeter (VOM) is a three-in-test instrument. This is the reason why it

is also called multi tester. The three test instruments namely, voltmeter, ammeter and
ohmmeter are combined and enclosed in one case.


A voltmeter measures electrical potential between its terminals. Voltmeters are always
placed in parallel with the circuit or circuit element where the voltage measurement is
desired. Since the voltage across two or more parallel elements is the same, the voltage
measured by the meter will be the same as the element to which the meter is connected.
When using a non-auto-ranging meter, select the highest possible range and reduce the
range as necessary until the desired level
of accuracy is reached. Always start with a range higher than the expected value to
prevent damage to the meter.


An ammeter measures the current that flows between its terminals. An ammeter is always
placed in series with the circuit or circuit element where the current flow is of interest.
Since the current in each element of a series circuit is the same, the current flow through
the meter will be the same as the current flow to the element of interest. Never connect
an ammeter in parallel unless you intend to measure the short circuit current of a circuit

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or circuit element and you have made sure that destructive current levels won’t be
reached. When using a non-auto-ranging meter, select the highest possible range and
reduce the range as necessary until the desired level of accuracy is reached. Always start
with a range higher than the expected value to prevent damage to the meter.


An ohmmeter measures the electrical resistance between its terminals. An ohmmeter is

connected to the circuit or circuit element of interest after the element of interest has been
isolated from the rest of the circuit. The element of interest must be isolated from the rest
of the circuit so that its resistance value isn’t obscured by the resistance values of the
other circuit components connected to the element of interest. Never connect an
ohmmeter to an energized circuit or the meter could be destroyed. There is an additional
caveat for an analog ohmmeter; it must be zeroed every time the resistance range is
changed. To zero the analog ohmmeter, touch its probes together (the needle will deflect
to approximately full scale, use the “zeroing” knob to adjust the needle to read zero. The
analog meter can now be used in this range.

The important parts of the multi tester include the ranges, the range switch, the zero-ohm
adjustment, scales, and the deflecting pointer.

The ranges are commonly divided into four: the ohmmeter range, DC voltage range, AC
voltage range and the DC current range in milliamperes (mA).

The ohmmeter range is located at the top portion. This range is usually marked Rx1,
Rx10, and Rx100. This range is used if the multi tester will measure resistance or check
the continuity of the circuit.

The DC voltage range is located at the left portion. It is usually marked DCV 500; 250;
100 and 10. This voltage range is used if the multi tester will measure the amount of DC

The AC voltage range is located at the right portion of the range. The AC voltage range
is usually marked ACV 500; 250; 100 and 10. This voltage range is used if the multi tester
will measure the amount of AC voltage.

The DC current range is located at the lower portion of the range. This is usually marked
DCmA, 250; 25 and 0.05. The DC current range is used when measuring and checking
the amount of DC current in milliamperes.

The Range Switch is located at the center of the range. The range switch is used to adjust
the multi tester to the correct function desired.

The Zero-ohm adjustment is used only when the multi tester is functioning as an
ohmmeter. It is adjusted every time the range of the ohmmeter is changed.

The scales include the ohmmeter scale, voltmeter scale and milliammeter scale.

The ohmmeter scale is located at the top portion. The calibrations of the ohmmeter scale
generally start from the right towards the left side. The numerical calibration starts from
zero at the right and gradually increases towards the left side of the scale.

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The voltmeter scale is located below the ohmmeter scale. The calibrations of the
voltmeter scale are opposite to that of the ohmmeter scale. The voltmeter scale starts from
zero at the left side and gradually increases towards the right. This is both used for AC
and DC voltages.
The milliammeter scale is located follows the same scale for measuring voltages. The
only difference is that the multi tester takes the current reading.

The deflecting pointer is also called the deflection needle. It is that part of the multi tester
which moves across the scale when measuring resistance, voltage or current. The point
where the needle stops, gives the reading of the multi tester.


1. Never leave a multimeter on any ohm’s scale. If the meter must left on, set it to its
highest DC voltage range.
2. Never make a resistance measurement on a circuit element while the circuit is
3. Always turn test equipment off (if possible) when it is not in use.
4. Never connect any meter to any circuit before adjusting the function and range
controls appropriately.


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IV. Procedure

Measuring Resistance Value

1. Turn selector knob to ohmmeter range.

2. The range use should be equal to the lowest range available but higher than measured
value (e.g. for 150 ohms use Rx1k); then
3. Put test probe on both end of the component and read the measure value where the
deflecting needle stop.

Measuring Voltage Value

1. Turn selector knob to ACV or DCV range.

2. Range to be use should be highest on the range available on the measured value.
3. For DC voltage put test probe black for (–) and red for (+), for AC voltage each probe on
each ac line.
4. Read measure value where deflecting needle stop.


1. Identify the value of a given ranges


Range: 2.5 v Range: 10 v Range: Rx10
1.60 v 6.6 v 120 Ω

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Range: 20 v Range: 1000 v Range: Rx1k
0.48 v 260 v 60 kΩ



Range: 50 v Range: 250 v Range: Rx10k
20 v 125 v 220 kΩ

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V. Evaluation

A. Multiple Choice: Choose the letter of your answer on the line before the sentence.
c. 1. It is located at the right portion of the range. It is usually marked ACV 500; 250; 100 and
10. This voltage range is used if the multi tester will measure the amount of AC voltage.
a. Range Switch b. DC current range
c. AC voltage range d. Ohmmeter scale

b. 2. It is that part of the multi tester which moves across the scale when measuring resistance,
voltage or current. The point where the needle stops, gives the reading of the multi tester.
a. milliammeter scale b. deflecting pointer
c. selector switch d. Zero-Ohm adjuster

a. 3. An instrument used for measuring electric current. Its basic units of measurement are
milliampere and ampere represented by the capital letter A.
a. Ammeter b. Voltmeter c. Ohmmeter d. VOM
____4. It is an instrument used to measure current and must be connected in series with the
a. Voltmeter b. Ohmmeter
c. Ammeter d. Galvanometer

____5. It is used only when the multi tester is functioning as an ohmmeter. It is adjusted every
time the range of the ohmmeter is changed.
a. milliammeter scale b. deflecting pointer
c. selector switch d. Zero-Ohm adjuster

B. Conclusion

As a result, I conclude that we must understand the various components of the
analog multi-tester in order to understand its various functions. To learn how to
read alternating current, direct current, ohms, and milliamperes. In order to avoid
accidents, we must also be aware of the precautions to take before using it.

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