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CC / OC February 15, 2004

Art: At a Paul Kos retrospective, a Architecture: Parsing the The arts: More federal money for Jazz: On ‘American Songs,’ Andy Bey
series of poised encounters, inviting symbols in a new school library whose the NEA? Sounds like a great idea, is an artist in his prime, finding the
interaction. Page 40 shape suggests an ark. Page 43 but. . . . Page 41 inner life of standards. Page 48


Long road down

Elliott Smith’s death is unsolved. The musician’s life and lyrics are just as mysterious.
By Scott Timberg

Times Staff Writer

N a bohemian stretch of Sunset Boulevard that winds through Silver Lake, there’s a stereo repair
shop with an exterior that seems, for some, oddly familiar: The coiling red and blue lines on its exter-
nal wall served as the cover for an album by a battered troubadour named Elliott Smith, a Los Angeles
musician who at the time of the record’s release, in 2000, was one of pop’s bright lights — someone who
combined dark, sometimes self-lacerating lyrics with melody inspired by the British Invasion.
Signed to the DreamWorks label, with a rabid following among critics and musicians, Smith seemed
poised to become a melancholic, low-key version of Beck. Fans — for whom an underground musician is
often a secret passed from one to another — responded passionately to the delicacy and bedroom-scale qual-
ity of his music. It made them feel like he was singing about their lives too.
Since Oct. 22, the day after Smith’s sudden death by knife wound to the chest in [See Smith, Page E46]

Robert Gauthier L os Angeles Times




Intimate, tormented Smith

[Smith, from Page E37] his Echo Park
apartment, the wall on Sunset has come
alive with their remembrances of the
musician, who moved to town in 1999 af-
ter years of wandering. Now, nearly ev-
ery space on the wall is covered with a
scrawled lyric, a fan wishing the singer
well, offering condolence (“I guess you
just weren’t made for these times”), or
expressing frustration at his unex-
pected departure. Candles, melted over
the lips of wine and beer bottles, broken
wooden speakers and arrangements of
flowers sit on the sidewalk, still tended
each day by tattooed acolytes.
Interest in Smith has spread far be-
yond Silver Lake. Tribute concerts are
taking place from Atlanta to Dublin;
closer to home, a petition is circulating
to turn part of Echo Park into a memo-
rial. Magazine stories keep coming, and
a New York journalist is working on a bi-
ography. His family is making arrange-
ments for a posthumous album.
A cult musician in life, he seems, like
English folkie Nick Drake, Joy Division
singer Ian Curtis and alt-country pio-
neer Gram Parsons, to exert fascination
in death as well.

Master of ambiguity
MITH’S music, much of
which was almost nakedly in-
timate, often concerned am-
biguity, ambivalence: He
called one record “Either/
Or,” a title he borrowed from
Kierkegaard. At least one
song, “The Biggest Lie,” which con-
cludes his self-titled 1995 album, is a
masterpiece of obfuscation: He sings
about a couple that experience joy and
sorrow and then concludes, “I just told
the biggest lie.”
“He never lets you on to which part of
the lyric he’s lying about — that happi-
ness or the sadness,” Luke Wood,
Smith’s DreamWorks A&R rep, pointed
out on a KCRW-FM appreciation. “And
that’s Elliott.” (Wood and many close to Ken Hively L os Angeles Times
Smith, including his family, declined to M A K E S H I F T M E M O R I A L : A wall outside Solutions, a Silver Lake stereo repair shop, was used on one of Smith’s album covers. Fans now write notes on the wall.
discuss him for this story.)
The ambiguity of Smith’s life has says she has spoken to police multiple Smith’s death, several musicians, in-
taken on an even deeper meaning with times and prefers not to comment fur- cluding Iggy Pop and Modest Mouse,
his death, originally judged a suicide but ther on the coroner’s report. performed songs by Smith and there
now under investigation by the LAPD She says that while Smith was heal- was a tribute by Sebadoh’s Lou Barlow
for possible foul play. The report by the thy and happy in his last months, he was leading Smith’s old band.
L.A. County Department of the Coroner dealing with “traumatic memories from “It’s gonna stay with people a long
refuses to rule on his death because of his childhood” and “biochemical imbal- time,” Preston says of the impact of
circumstances “atypical of suicide” that ances . . . due to the gradual discontinu- Smith’s music. “It’s gonna be timeless.”

“raise the possibility of homicide,” in the ation of various psychotropic medica-
words of the deputy medical examiner. tions.” Creative control
That, says Stephon Lew, the owner No drugs were found in Smith’s sys- Y most reports, Smith’s
of Solutions repair shop, who knew tem besides prescription medication. four years in Los Angeles
Smith as a customer and friend, leaves The Jan. 6 coroner’s report is almost as were fraught. His earliest
the 34-year-old musician’s death “a con- ambiguous as an Elliott Smith song: concerts were brooding
stant mystery to his fans.” “Detectives believe that this death is but effective alone-with-
For much of last year — during possibly suspicious, however, the cir- the-guitar events, while his
which, friends say, he seemed to be free cumstances are unclear at this time.” DreamWorks tours often
from drugs and newly optimistic — Neither the coroner nor the Los An- saw him with a full band and a more
Smith had talked with excitement geles Police Department has issued any extroverted style. By the end, his play-
about a double album he’d recorded new information. “The case has been ing could be unsure and his between-
and hoped to release on an independent classified as an undetermined death,” song banter disconnected.
label. Jason Lee of the LAPD’s public affairs After the tour for 2000’s “Figure 8,” a
Yet few people who knew Smith department said without elaborating; bigger, more lavish record, Smith went
speculate that his death was anything investigating officer James King did not through a bad period. “Nothing was very
but a suicide. It’s easy to see why: He Associated Press return calls. good,” he told Under the Radar maga-
was a well-known alcoholic, depressive A C A D E M Y AWA R D S : Smith sings his nominated song “Miss Misery” from Of Smith’s last three years Schnapf zine. “It touches on drug use. I got
and drug addict whose years in Los An- the film “Good Will Hunting” during the Oscar telecast March 23, 1998. says, “I’m not gonna go there.” caught up in that for almost two years.”

geles were, reportedly, especially har- He cleaned up about a year before his
rowing for him. distance of much ’90s indie rock — that “XO” and loving Schnapf’s backyard Focus on songwriting death, at Beverly Hills’ Neurotransmit-
Wood argued on KCRW that the my- inspired what Spin called “a passionate, croquet set. “He would kick my [tail]. MITH’S music — which won ter Restoration Center, which flushes a
thology of his depression and drug use almost masochistic, fandom.” He would invite himself over to destroy fans from Beth Orton to Beck patient’s system with amino acids and
grew inflated beyond reality since the The passion is now scattered by me.” to Bright Eyes to the Kinks’ saline solution.
singer used them as metaphors for love, Smith’s unresolved death. Smith told his live-in girlfriend, Jen- Ray Davies — was so per- The trouble wasn’t all physical. Ac-
relationships and other topics. Smith “When someone that big dies — and nifer Chiba, an art therapist, that sonal that its influence on cording to musicians who knew him, the
himself once dismissed his image as for the people who loved Elliott his Kafka’s dour “The Hunger Artist” would other musicians is hard to pressure of a major label — to sell more
that of a “gloomy cartoon,” and some of death was as big as Jimi Hendrix or help her understand him. But she em- trace. records, make videos and tour more
his music was more wistful than morbid, Kurt Cobain or Jim Morrison — there’s phasizes his sense of humor, how ex- Classical pianist Christopher O’Ri- often — sometimes became too much
closer to the Kinks’ “Waterloo Sunset” a sense of wanting to figure it out. It’s a cited he got reading a book about the ley, who interpreted Radiohead last for him, and Barlow has said that
and George Harrison’s songs than to way of displacing bad feelings,” says strange properties of zero. “He would year, is now performing and recording Smith’s last record was rejected by
Goth. Blake Sennett, a friend and guitarist for read parts of it out loud and it would Smith’s music. Despite his melodic and DreamWorks. (Wood disputes this and
But there’s no doubt that he had a the band Rilo Kiley. make us both laugh,” she says via lyrical gift, he says, Smith was too musi- has called the album “a sabbatical” from
dark streak. “Even with metaphors, I’ve always e-mail, “the way it was worded, what a cally sophisticated to be influential. “It’s his DreamWorks contract.)
“Give me one reason not to do it,” felt Elliott’s lyrics are as open and hon- nuisance zero was to the world of math- not like you can emulate that.” In a 2003 interview with Filter maga-
Smith sings in an unreleased song est as anyone would be with a close ematics.” But Nugent, his biographer, thinks zine, Smith expressed aggravation with
called “King’s Crossing.” friend,” says Charlie Ramirez, who runs And he enjoyed break-dancing and Smith’s example gave alternative rock “other people [telling] you what songs
In his heaven, Smith once said, the Smith website and moon-walking — “he loved to dance and an important new direction. “What he should be on it.” “He was very frustrated
George Jones was always singing. describes fellow fans as “broken- was great at it” — and had a favorite did was return indie rock to ’60s song- with DreamWorks,” says Wiskey Bis-

hearted.” Smith’s lyrics, he says, “made T-shirt that said “Bust a move.” writing, both conventional and uncon- cuit’s Preston. “He wanted out of his
Ethereal indie records me feel like someone understood, and it Friends talk about his generosity: ventional. The rest of the ‘cool’ rock contract long before that.”
ENERAL audiences was really comforting.” Chiba, who met the musician in 1999, re- world was moving away from that. In The new album, which includes
know Smith best from Benjamin Nugent, a New York-based calls Smith emptying his wallet every the early ’90s, rock conventions were al- enough material for a double record, has
his white-suited ap- freelancer who’s working on a book ten- time he came to a freeway exit with most heresy — the idea was to get away been described as a summing up of his
pearance at the 1998 tatively titled “Elliott Smith and the Big homeless people, shedding 20s and 100s. from anything that resembled a pop career. Titled “From a Basement on the
Academy Awards, Nothing,” says the Smith cult comes He saw himself, she says, as “a cham- song.” Hill,” it comprises a mix of stripped-
where he strummed from “the depth of his songwriting, the pion of the underdog.” Smith’s solo career, Nugent says, down, guitar-and-vocals numbers with
the song “Miss Misery” timeless artistry and skill,” as well as its Sennett spent weeks recording an al- started with quiet, understated music sumptuous arrangements that friends
from “Good Will Hunting,” shortly be- sense of personal connection. bum in Smith’s Van Nuys studio with its performed “when grunge was still going say recall the Beach Boys’ “Pet Sounds.”
fore Celine Dion belted out the theme “His songs provided at least the illu- state-of-the-art equipment, 1940s on and when he was in the Northwest Smith described it to Under the Radar
song from “Titanic.” sion of great intimacy with the artist,” Swedish microphones and a 1960s mix- and in a hard rock band.” While it’s hard as “impressionistic” and “a pretty big
For Smith, it was something of an Nugent says. “I think people make the ing board like the one George Martin to point to a specific group that bears departure.”
embarrassment. (“I didn’t intend to mistake of thinking they afford more in- used with the Beatles. Smith didn’t his stamp, Nugent says, “He was greatly “Lately I’ve just been making up a lot
play it,” he told Under the Radar maga- timacy than they do. The real Elliott charge the guitarist a dime. “He said he admired and listened to by other musi- of noise,” he said of a song that “has no
zine last year. “But then they said that if Smith is a lot more hidden.” built the studio with the intentions of cians,” and alternative rock has followed structure in and of itself.” Some of the

I didn’t play it, they would get . . . some- letting it be a free space for musicians.” the thoughtful, retro road he paved. songs, available in pieces on the Inter-
one like Richard Marx to do it . . . maybe Troubled and generous The studio and the possibilities of “He was extremely restrained; he net, sound likely to satisfy fans of his
Richard Marx is a universal scare tac- HE real Elliott Smith studio technology increasingly fasci- didn’t make the kind of brash, anthemic austere, beatific early work. Smith’s
tic.”) was shy and troubled nated Smith, and he was known to stay statements rock musicians are often family will soon choose a label for the re-
Lovers of left-of-the-dial pop, but powerfully intelli- there experimenting past midnight, given to,” Nugent says. “In a way he was lease.
though, already knew Smith from three gent and, at times, enor- staying up for days at a time. an anti-Dylan. He loved Dylan’s music “It will help people to hear him say
records on two independent labels. mously fun. With his jet- Whoever Smith really was, his musi- and covered ‘Ballad of a Thin Man’ in goodbye personally,” says Rilo Kiley’s
Those albums — of mostly whispered, black hair, trademark cal success was matched with hard liv- concert, but he took it away from stri- Sennett. “But people are still reel-
double-tracked vocals with gently wool cap, tattoos of the ing. dent stances and into a personal, ironic ing.”Besides his music, Smith’s legacy
strummed guitar — are so ethereal as to state of Texas and Ferdinand the Bull, In the last few years of his life, there place. And he was different from Kurt includes the Elliott Smith Memorial
seem to be coming from inside the lis- he was a frequent sight at Silver Lake were press reports of crying jags, rough Cobain because he was not into youth Fund, which helps fund a foundation for
tener’s own head. His two major label ef- bars and clubs like Largo. fights, several interventions for alcohol slogans or grandiose statements.” abused children, and the possible Echo
forts on DreamWorks, “XO” and “Figure Smith was born in 1969 in Omaha, and drugs, at least one suicide attempt Danny Preston of the band Wiskey Park memorial.
8,” show Smith playing more sweeping, grew up near Dallas, where he lived with and medication for depression and Biscuit, a neighbor who performed sev- Rick Fein, who began the petition for
less insular and in some cases less per- his mother and stepfather, years he re- hyperactivity. eral of Smith’s songs at a November the memorial, was inspired by Straw-
sonal music. called as unpleasant. At 14 he moved in Even so, the coroner’s office remains tribute show that may become an an- berry Fields, the John Lennon memorial
Some talk about these records as be- with his father in Portland, Ore. After inconclusive about his death; its report nual event, says he really got to know in Central Park. He hopes future gen-
longing to another age — perhaps the graduating from Massachusetts’ describes “the absence of hesitation Smith while learning to play his music. erations will be “inspired by the incred-
era of his beloved Beatles, Kinks and Hampshire College, where he studied wounds, stabbing through clothing, and “He has parts that fool you every ible harmonies, the ‘wall of sound’ that
Zombies — though their mix of punk at- philosophy, and mulling a career as a the presence of small incised wounds on time,” keyboardist Preston says, de- he mastered, and of course the lyrics.”
titude, indie rock reticence and, increas- firefighter, he started a band called the right arm and left hand (possible de- scribing weird chords, tricky bridges Will the new material, or the memo-
ingly, pop grandeur would have stood Heatmiser and later drifted to Portland, fensive wounds). Additionally, the girl- and deceptively simple patterns he rial, ease fans’ pain? So far, the shrine on
out as unusual in any decade. Joe Per- Brooklyn and Washington, D.C. He once friend’s reported removal of the knife learned for the concert. Preston’s other Sunset hasn’t.
nice of the chamber pop group the Per- said he never stayed put for more than a and subsequent refusal to speak with band, Future Pigeon, now performs “When they come to the wall, they’re
nice Brothers calls Smith the finest week or two. detectives are all of concern.” Smith’s “Waltz #2” and gets an emo- not happy coming,” says Solutions’ Lew,
songwriter of his generation. Rob Schnapf, who co-produced Chiba, who told investigators she tional response from fans afterward. who watches fans come and go. “They’re
It may have been the music’s emo- Smith’s last three albums, described had a fight with Smith right before his At the All Tomorrow’s Parties festi- not happy leaving. You’re left with these
tional directness — its lack of the hip Smith wearing wigs while recording death and found a brief suicide note, val in Long Beach two weeks after mixed feelings.”

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