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The Hindu News Analysis – 17&20th January 2024 – Shankar IAS Academy
S. Page Number*
News Articles
No. C B D H T


1 Understanding the Tenth Schedule (17/01/2024) Pg: 1 Pg: 1
Pg: 1 Pg: 1

2 Gearing up for change 8 10 6 8 6

3 ‘Divestment tally for FY24 likely about ₹15,000 crore’ 13 16 12 14 12

4 Starlink likely to secure nod for India operations 13 - - - -

What are light-emitting diodes and why are they prized as T&C T&C
light sources? (17-01-2024) Pg: 2 Pg: 2 Pg: 2 Pg: 2

6 Prelims Practice Questions @ end of the video

*C – Chennai; B – Bengaluru; D – Delhi; H – Hyderabad; T – Thiruvananthapuram


Text & Context
Pg: 1 – C, B, H, T;
Pg: 10 – D

Anti-Defection Law

• Defector - person who deserts one political

party & moves on to another political party.

• Aims of ADL.

 Bring down defection.

 Ensure stability of government.

• 52nd Constitutional amendment Act of 1985 –

added 1oth schedule.

 10th schedule disqualifies legislators who

get involved in party hopping.

Provision for disqualification

Exception from disqualification
• When a legislator voluntarily gives up
• Member voluntarily gives up the membership
membership after getting elected from a
of the party - as original party being
political party.
merged with another party then he will not
• When a legislator does not obey the
be disqualified.
decision of party whip.
• Presiding officer of the house gives up his
• Independent legislator joins a political
party membership.
party after getting elected.
• Nominated member joins a political party
• Nominated member joins a political party
before 6 months.
after 6 months.

• Sadiq Ali vs Election Commission of

India (1971)
Other provisions
 Three-test formula given by Supreme
• Decision regarding anti defection taken by
Presiding officer.
 Aims & objective of the party
 Kihoto Hollohan case 1993.
 Act as per the party’s constitution &
 Decision of the presiding officer
reflecting the inner party democracy.
regarding defection is subjected to
judicial review.  Majority in the legislative and
organization wings of the party.

UPSC 2022 Prelims Question

Q. With reference to anti-defection law in India,
consider the following statements::
1. The law specifies that a nominated
legislator cannot join any political party
within six months of being appointed to
the House.
2. The law does not provide any time-frame
within which the presiding officer has to
decide a defection case.
Which of the statements given above is/are
a) 1 only
b) 2 only
c) Both 1 and 2
d) Neither 1 nor 2

Pg: 8 – C, H;
Pg: 10 – B;
Pg: 6 – D, T;

Part A—Preliminary Examination

Paper I - (200 marks)

 General issues on Environmental ecology, Bio-

diversity and Climate Change - that do not Practice Question – Mains
require subject specialization GS – III
Part B—Main Examination Q. What are the major impacts of climate
PAPER-III change? Discuss the mitigation and
adaptation strategy employed by our
General Studies‐III: Technology, Economic country to tackle it.
Development, Bio diversity, Environment,
Security and Disaster Management.
(250 words, 15 marks)

 Conservation, environmental pollution and

degradation, environmental impact assessment

Body of the answer
• Long-term change in the temperatures and
Impacts of Climate change.
weather patterns of the world.
• Climate change on Health
• Cause - Natural & Manmade activities.
 Affects determinants of health - clean
 Natural cause - changes in the sun’s
air, safe drinking water, sufficient food.
activity & large volcanic activity.
 WHO data –
 Man-made cause - High carbon emissions,
deforestation.  2030-2050 - climate change can
cause 2,50,000 additional deaths per
• Socio-Economic threat - India.
• India to balance development and
 Risk of health infection - Covid-19.

• Climate change on Agriculture.

• Climate change on Inflation
 50% of Indian population - Agriculture.
 Affects - macro-economic policies of the
vulnerable to climate change.
 Extreme events - Droughts, floods& pest
 Supply-side shocks & increases the
attacks affects crop yields.
 Loss of farmer’s income & farmer suicide.
• Impact of C.C on Infrastructure.
 Climate-change induced irregularities
 Physical infrastructure - bridges, roads,
 El-Nino, ports, electrical grids, broadband
 Change in rainfall patterns,
 Extreme weather events destroy the
 Change in sea-surface temperatures will
existing structures and facilities.
affect the monsoon of India.

Mitigation & adaptation strategies of India.

• Impact of C.C on Poverty and migration. • National Action Plan on Climate Change
 Events - Urban floods will damage the
slums, destroys homes and livelihoods.  8 core “national missions” to work on
various sectors
 Migrate to other place- livelihood.
 Solar Energy, Enhanced Energy
 Occurrence of extreme Heatwaves-
Efficiency, Sustainable Habitat, Water,
Difficult for poor people who mostly work
Sustaining the Himalayan Ecosystem;
in outdoor jobs.
Green India etc.
 UNHCR data
• International solar alliance & Mission-LiFE.
 Weather-related events displaced an
 Global mass movement - Nudging individual
estimated 23.1 million people.
& collective actions to protect the

• India’s 5 elements of India’s climate action -

• Enforcing - Bharat stage norms-VI, promoting
Panchamrit strategy.
EV through FAME programme, odd-even rule
 Reach 500 GW Non-fossil energy capacity by
for vehicles etc.
 50% of its energy requirements from
 Scientific evidence of climate change is
renewable energy by 2030.
 Reduce carbon emissions by 1 billion tonnes
 Impacts of climate change are threat to
from now to 2030.
human wellbeing and the health of the planet.
 Reduce - carbon intensity of the economy
 Global action is needed against CC to secure
by 45% by 2030, over 2005 levels.
a liveable future.
 Achieve the target of net zero emissions by


• Disinvestment - action of government selling or

liquidating an asset or subsidiary.

• Sale of a government-owned enterprise by government

either partly or fully.


• As a strategic move for the company or for raising


Pg: 13 – C;
Pg: 16 – B;
Pg: 12 – D, T;
Pg: 14 - H

Benefits of disinvestment

• Helps in raising valuable resources for

Drawbacks of disinvestment
• Government can focus more on core activities
such as infrastructure, defense, education, • Loss of public interests.

healthcare, and law and order. • Fear of foreign control over divested assets.

• Minimum government and maximum governance. • Unemployment.

• Benefits Markets and Economy by bringing • Less number of bidders.

about greater efficiencies.

• Benefits Taxpayers as current yield on these

investments in low.

Practice Question – Prelims

Q. Which government agency in India is primarily
responsible for overseeing the disinvestment
process and strategic sale of public sector
(a) Reserve Bank of India
(b) Securities and Exchange Board of India
(c) National Investment Promotion and
Facilitation Agency
(d) Ministry of Finance


• Small satellites beaming high-speed

Internet to users with the help of ground

• SpaceX project to build a broadband

network with a cluster of orbiting

Pg: 13 – C
(International edition)


• Offering global internet coverage

• High-speed internet to rural and remote areas,

• Bridge digital divide.


• Phased-array antennas on the ground to

communicate with the satellite constellation


• Reduced latency

• Bringing internet to remote parts


• Due to lower height, their signals cover a

relatively small area. Many satellites needed.

• Increase space debris and increased risk of


• Commercial and regulatory considerations like

spectrum management, space debris
mitigation, and international cooperation.

Practice Question – Prelims

Q. What is the purpose of the Starlink project
initiated by SpaceX, led by Elon Musk?
(a) Planetary exploration
(b) Renewable energy research
(c) Asteroid mining
(d) Global internet coverage

Text & Context
Pg: 1 – C, B, H, T;
Pg: 11 – D

Light-Emitting Diodes (LEDs)

• Semiconductor devices - emit light when an

electric current is applied.

• Working principle - electroluminescence.


• Fluorescent Bulbs bulbs produce light by

exciting mercury vapor.

• mercury vapor - emits ultraviolet light

• Stimulates phosphor coating on inside of the


Advantages of LED
Practice Question – Prelims
• Energy Efficiency.
Q. Which of the following semiconductor materials
• Longevity. is commonly utilized in the fabrication of Light
Emitting Diodes (LEDs)?
• Instantaneous Illumination.
(a) Silicon
• Durability. (b) Germanium
• Color Range. (c) Gallium arsenide
(d) Zinc oxide
• Lower environmental impact.

Practice Question – Prelims

Q. Which government agency in India is primarily
responsible for overseeing the disinvestment
process and strategic sale of public sector
(a) Reserve Bank of India
(b) Securities and Exchange Board of India
(c) National Investment Promotion and
Facilitation Agency
(d) Ministry of Finance

Practice Question – Prelims

Q. Which of the following semiconductor materials
is commonly utilized in the fabrication of Light
Emitting Diodes (LEDs)?
(a) Silicon
(b) Germanium
(c) Gallium arsenide
(d) Zinc oxide

Practice Question – Prelims

Q. What is the purpose of the Starlink project
initiated by SpaceX, led by Elon Musk?
(a) Planetary exploration
(b) Renewable energy research
(c) Asteroid mining
(d) Global internet coverage

UPSC 2022 Prelims Question

Q. With reference to anti-defection law in India,
consider the following statements::
1. The law specifies that a nominated
legislator cannot join any political party
within six months of being appointed to
the House.
2. The law does not provide any time-frame
within which the presiding officer has to
decide a defection case.
Which of the statements given above is/are
a) 1 only
b) 2 only
c) Both 1 and 2
d) Neither 1 nor 2
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