Gaming, Society and The Individual

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Traditionally, gaming was solely the
pursuit of a hardcore minority, but the
yet frankly there is considerable
evidence to the contrary. Przybylski
fact it is often impossible to
succeed in them without the
rise of mobile gaming over the past and Mishkin (2015) found that it is cooperation of others. Rather
five years has significantly expanded in fact the duration of game play, than being socially isolating,
this user base. While there remains a not the content of the game itself they may actually improve real-
dedicated core that plays anything up that is likely to have a detrimental world social skills—a notion

to 40 hours a week—the equivalent to influence on behavior. Furthermore, that seems to be supported by

a full-time job—hundreds of millions according to Ferguson (2010), many the research. Kovess-Masfety
now play for a more leisurely half studies are purely observational and et al. (2016) found that children
an hour to an hour a day. From the use measures to evaluate aggression who frequently play video
early arcade games of the 70s and that do not correspond to real-world games are actually more likely

console wars of the 90s, to the current violence, and that it is consequently to have superior intellectual and
boom in massively multiplayer online impossible to demonstrate a cause- social skills than those who play
games (MMOG) and virtual reality, and-effect relationship. In this area no games at all. Furthermore,
gaming has become ingrained in at least, it seems there simply isn’t in a review of recent research,

all aspects of modern society. While enough robust data to support Granic et al. (2014) concluded
gaming is often reputed to have a common wisdom. that gaming encourages
negative impact on child development both collaborative behavior
Another commonly held belief is that
and behavior, an emerging body of and social interaction. While
gaming leads to the social isolation of
research suggests we may have been gamers undoubtedly spend
our youth. It is largely perceived as an
a little quick to judge. less time socializing offline,
insular activity that has a profoundly
the perception that gaming is
Perhaps the most well publicized negative impact on the individual’s

socially isolating, simply isn’t

concern is that gaming is causally ability to interact with their peers.
borne out by the research.
linked to increased levels of violent While a superficially attractive theory,
behavior, especially amongst it fails to consider the role and 4
However, one issue that is
children and adolescents. The general prominence of massively multiplayer a little less clear-cut is the
perception is that violent video online gaming (MMOG). These games, impact of gaming on academic
games incite real-world violence, by definition, require interaction; in performance.


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A wealth of studies has identified a strong health (Kovess-Masfety et al. 2016) and,
correlation between excessive gaming and according to a study by the Max-Planck
poor performance on standardized testing. Institute (2013), may even help prevent
While no causal link has been clearly neurodegenerative diseases.
demonstrated, researchers attribute the
However, as the vast majority of games

effect to sleep deficit and a propensity to
require little to no physical movement,
skip class. Gamers also tend to demonstrate
one might reasonably claim them to be a
higher levels of aggression to their peers,
contributory factor in childhood obesity.
and are generally more hostile towards
However, children also spend prolonged
teachers, neither of which correlate with
periods of time watching TV and using
good grades.
mobile devices, both of which contribute

Yet perhaps somewhat counter-intuitively, to a more sedentary lifestyle. It would
gaming has been shown to be of benefit therefore be unjust to infer that gaming
to children with attention deficit disorder alone is the direct cause of obesity.
(ADD). Furthermore, Bavelier et al. (2014) 6
In conclusion, while there is research to
found that habitual action gamers are
suggest that gaming can have a negative
actually better analytical decision makers
impact on academic performance and
and can work faster and with a higher
our physical health, the commonly held
level of accuracy than their non-gaming
beliefs that video games lead to violent
counterparts—all of which are hugely
behavior and are socially isolating simply
beneficial in an academic environment.
aren’t borne out by the evidence. In fact,
Another key area for discussion is collaboration and, by extension, social
the impact of gaming on physical and interaction, are intrinsic parts of massively
mental development. Gamers have multiplayer online gaming. Furthermore,

repeatedly demonstrated greater hand-eye gaming can enhance fine motor skills and
coordination, improved dexterity, and better may well prevent a range of mental health
spatial awareness than their non-gaming issues. However, as gaming continues to
counterparts—largely due to the sheer speed encroach on all aspects of society, one
at which they are expected to interpret thing remains clear—we must continue to
and react to visual stimulus. Furthermore, study its impact on all aspects of our lives.

gaming is arguably beneficial to mental


Bavelier, D. et al. (2014) Action video game play facilitates the Kühn, S. et al. (2014) Playing Super Mario induces structural
development of better perceptual templates. Proceedings of the brain plasticity: gray matter changes resulting from training
national academy of sciences. 111(47) with a commercial video game. Molecular Psychiatry. 19(2),
Ferguson, C.J. (2010) Blazing Angels or Resident Evil? Can 265–271
Violent Video Games Be a Force for Good? Review of General Przybylski, A. K., & Mishkin, A. F. (2016) How the quantity
Psychology. 14(2), 68-81 and quality of electronic gaming relates to adolescents’

Granic, I., Lobel, A. and Engels, R. C. M. E. (2013) The benefits of academic engagement and psychosocial adjustment.
playing video games. American Psychological Association. 69(1), Psychology of Popular Media Culture. 5(2), 145–156
Kovess-Masfety, V. et al. (2016) Is time spent playing video
games associated with mental health, cognitive and social skills
in young children? Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol. 51(3),



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