Uskanov Javohir 5 Blue: Cambridge Lower Secondary Grade 5

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Cambridge Lower Secondary

Grade 5
NAME Uskanov Javohir
Grade Section
5 blue
Computing Maximum time allowed: 1 hour 15 minutes


Write your name, grade, and section.

Section B:
You can use any Spreadsheet Software (MS Excel etc.) and Database Software (MS Access etc.).
First, save all your files to a folder and then Zip the folder. Name this zipped file as
Yourname_Grade_Section. Send or share your work with your teacher on the desired online or
offline platform, for example, Google classroom, flash drive, etc.
The maximum number of marks is 55. Total Marks [ /56]
This document consists of 4 printed pages.
Section A
1. Multiple choice question [ /10]
Circle the most appropriate choice a) or b) or c)
I. URL stands for
a) University Reader Locator b) Uniform Resource Locator c) Universal Reference

II. is an example of an

a) MAC address b) IP address c) Computer address

III. A server is a computer that performs one or more tasks that other computers can request from
a) True b) False c) None
IV. The correct order for wireless connection range is:

a) Bluetooth – 10 m b) wi-fi 2.4GHz c) None

wi-fi 5GHz – 12–30 m wi-fi 5GHz
wi-fi 2.4GHz – 26–92 m Bluetooth
V. The correct order for wireless connection speed is:

a) wi-fi 2.4GHz b) Bluetooth – 1–3Mbps c) None

wi-fi 5GHz wi-fi 2.4GHz – 450–600Mbps
Bluetooth wi-fi 5GHz – 1300MBps

VI. 5G stands for

a) Five greats b) 5th Generation c) 4th Generation

VII. There are many reasons why errors can happen when transmitting data, one of which is
objects in the way.
a) True b) False c) None

VIII. ____________________ mixes up data so it cannot be understood.

a) Encryption b) Decryption c) Secure

IX. One of the methods to confirm that a website is secure is to check that it has a
a) Locker b) Padlock c) Key

X. One of the methods of encryption is

a) Python b) Caesar’s cipher c) Cipher

2. Short Questions

I. What does IP stand for? [ /1]

Internet Protocol

II. Why is 5GHz wi-fi better than 2.4? [ /1]


III. Why is 5GHz wi-fi better than 2.4? [ /1]


IV. Why is 2.5GHz wi-fi better than 5? [ /1]


V. When is Bluetooth used? [ /1]

when devises so close to each other
VI. What are IP addresses assigned to? [ /1]
devices that need to connect to a network

3. Long Questions
I. What is the purpose of an IP address? [ /2]



II. Describe the DNS process of converting a URL to an IP [ /4]









Section B
1. Create the below spreadsheet.
I. In Cell D16 apply the formula =Sum (D6:D13) and in Cell D17 =B3-D16 [ /10]
II. Apply conditional formatting to the Cost column so that cells are highlighted or filled with
red color for those cells that have values greater than 10 (>10). Values that are less than 10
(<10) are highlighted or filled with green color.
Save your file as Section-B_Q1 [ /4]
I. Create a database that has the information given below. Name the table as Student and save
it. StudentID is the primary key.
Insert or fill the table with 5 records. [ /16]

II. Create a query. Appy less than in the criteria. For example, show those students that are
studying lower than stage 8, the criteria will be <8. Name and save the query as Stage <8.
Save your file as Section-B_Q2
[ /4]

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