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Call my Bluff

Today we're going to play a little game called Call my Bluff.

In this activity we have chosen ten unusual words. Each word has two descriptions of the
word; only one of which is true. You must then guess the true definition.
Did you know the word bluff means to make somebody believe something that is not true?
It's similar to a lie but we bluff people as part of a joke or a game. It does not necessarily
have a negative meaning.
Decide which is the correct definition:

1. Bungalow
A) A house without stairs e.g. ‘My grandmother is looking to buy a bungalow as stairs are
really difficult for her now’.
B) A setting on the oven that allows you to cook at a low heat e.g. ‘Put them on bungalow so
they cook nice and slowly’.

2. Charisma
A) The paper you use to make your own cigarettes e.g. ‘I need to go to the shop because I’ve
run out of charismas’.
B) Personal magnetism or charm e.g. ‘President Obama may not be doing much for the
country, but people love him because he has so much charisma’.

3. Dollop
A) A woman who is seen to wear too much make up and dress in a flashy way e.g. ‘Joanna
Lumley looks like such a dollop sometimes’.
B) A shapeless blob of something e.g. ‘Use a medium sized dollop of shampoo to get the best

4. Gargle
A) To wash the throat and mouth with liquid e.g. ‘Gargle with this twice a day for whiter,
brighter teeth’.
B) Small weird statues found on the sides of old buildings e.g. ‘Look at the gargles on that
mansion, they’re so ugly’

5. Moist
A) A hazy and unclear sky e.g. ‘We get a lot of moist coming off the sea which can make
driving quite difficult’.
B) Slightly wet or damp e.g. ‘That towel didn’t dry at all, it’s still moist’.

6. Peculiar
A) A type of flower e.g. ‘Aren’t those beautiful peculiars’!
B) Strange or odd e.g. ‘I thought it was rather peculiar that he left the house so early this

7. Penultimate
A) The absolute ultimate e.g. ‘this is the penultimate ride if you are a roller-coaster fanatic’.
B) Next to last e.g. ‘this is the penultimate day of the Olympics’.

8. Valedictorian
A) An old Victorian cupboard e.g. ‘I found this incredible valedictorian in the charity shop
across the road’.
B) The highest academic achiever who gives the speech at a graduation ceremony e.g. ‘The
girl who was valedictorian this year is going to Harvard’.

9. Shriek
A) An ugly ogre from fairytales e.g. ‘There was a large and terrifying shriek living in the
B) A loud and high scream e.g. ‘The girl shrieked when she saw the huge spider’.

10. Mediocre
A) Average e.g. ‘His test scores this year were mediocre’.
B) A type of wood e.g. ‘I just bought the most beautiful mediocre table’.

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