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Module Code IPECO2H

Module Title Dealing with Texts 3

Academic Level (FHEQ) 4
Study Period A
Tutors’ full names Nguyen Hanh Dao, MA. & Phung Thi Lan Huong, MA.
Tutors’ signatures
Module Assessment Task 2 PROJECT TASK
Due date 17/2/2023
Submission venue Assignment on Canvas & in Room D4-206
Score (/10 pts) Organization (20%):
Content (50%):
Language & mechanics (30%):

Selected text...................................................................................................................................................4

Module Assessment Task 2

PROJECT TASK (60% of the module mark)

Deadline: By 17 March 2023 (Week 21).
Place: On Canvas (Turnitin) & in class (paper)

Assignment guidelines:
- Students are required to do a written assignment individually and submit it to Turnitin on Canvas.
- Each student will select ONE of three reading texts (Text 1-3) provided on specific professional
topic areas at the length of approximately 1,200 words. He/ She will write a commentary of 450-500
words on the opinions and stance of the selected reading text’s author. You are required to use
THREE other sources on the same topic as the selected reading text when writing the commentary.
- A complete assignment will be based on the template below.

- Commentaries are scored ONLY when students have identified the stance and opinions
of the selected reading text’s author.
- Students’ submission of MAT 2 will be completed when they have uploaded the
assignment to Canvas by 23.59 17/3/2023 and handed in its print paper to the tutor by
17.00 on 17/3/2023 in Room D4-206.

Selected text
Write down the APA-format reference of your selected text in the space below.

7. Walsh, D. (2022, 9 14). Study: Social media use linked to decline in mental health. MANAGEMENT Sloan School.

Write down your commentary in the space below.

Facebook usage has drastically expanded over the past ten years, changing how people connect, communicate,

and work. But because of this, experts are now raising questions about how it can affect mental health. As a result,

Dylan Walsh (Walsh, 2022) examined Makarin's findings to determine the relationship between social media and

people's health. And the analysis that follows will make this matter more evident.

Based on Makarin's findings, Walsh expressed his opinion in this article. The author has established through a

study on the topic of mental health that media use is, in fact, connected to people's mental health in general and

students' mental health in particular. Few studies have definitively proven the impact of the media, and according to

the author, Makarin's research is also an experimental study. Notwithstanding the shortcomings, this study nonetheless

contributes to individuals and society. The author also asserts that the influence of media such as Facebook needs to be

studied more carefully because it still brings good value to society.

According to the author's analysis based on Makarin's research, the use of social media networks such as

Facebook actually has an effect on the decline of people's mental health. An adult study by Allcott and colleagues

found that refraining from Facebook use for four weeks in a row can really lessen depression and improve health

users' perceived well-being (Allcott, Braghieri, Eichmeyer, & Gentzkow, 2020). Tromholt explicitly mentioned

another 1-week trial with 1095 participants that took place in Denmark in 2015 (Tromholt, 2016). By comparing

people who stopped using Facebook with those who continued to use it, this study provides causal evidence that

Facebook use negatively affects our health. Similar findings were made by the Kross study, which employed the

longitudinal daily diary approach, and revealed that individuals' post-use moods were more pessimistic the more

Facebook they used (Kross et al., 2013). But, like Makarin's study, these investigations are just experimental studies

and lack the exact data to show the magnitude of their influence, or as Walsh put it, they lack convincing human

evidence. Yet they continue to make significant discoveries and have a significant positive impact on societal


These studies, especially Makarin's, emphasize the value of studying social media phenomena like Facebook.

According to Walsh, the number of visitors to social networking sites is increasing day by day; now, so far, it has

reached 4.5 billion people (Walsh, 2022). That also proves the point that Facebook can also bring many good sides to

people such as the perception of emotional and social support from others (Akbulut & Günüç, 2012), diminished

feelings of isolation (Asante & Nyarko, 2014), or greater sense of health and wellness satisfaction (Asbury & Hall,


In conclusion, this essay has unequivocally proven that there is a connection between media use in general and

Facebook in particular and how it impacts people's mental health. However, the author's analysis of its impact is

limited to Makarin's research. Although this study still has numerous gaps and few conclusive examples, its value will

still be tremendously beneficial to society in the long run.

Write down the list of APA-format references used in your commentary in the space below.

1. Allcott, H., Braghieri, L., Eichmeyer, S., Gentzkow, M. (2020). The welfare effects of social media. American
Economic Review, 110(3), 629–676. doi: aer.20190658

2. Tromholt M (2016) The Facebook experiment: Quitting Facebook leads to higher levels of well-being.
Cyberpsychology Behavior, and Social Networking, 19, 661–666. cyber.2016.0259

3. Kross, E., Verduyn, P., Demiralp, E., Park, J., Lee, D. S., Lin, N., . . . Ybarra, O. (2013). Facebook use predicts
declines in subjective well-being in young adults. PLOS One, 8, e69841. doi:

4. Akbulut, Y., & Günüç, S. (2012). Perceived social support and Facebook use among adolescents. International
Journal of Cyber Behavior, Psychology and Learning, 2(1), 30e41. ijcbpl.2012010103

5. Asante, K. O., & Nyarko, J. (2014). The physical and behavioural consequences of Facebook use among university
students. Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 5(27), 774e781. mjss.2014.v5n27p774

6. Asbury, T., & Hall, S. (2013). Facebook as a mechanism for social support and mental health wellness. Psi Chi
Journal of Psychological Research, 18(3), 124e129.

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