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Alexis Hartsuyker

SEC-590: Student Teaching
January 11, 2024
Professional Dispositions Statement
As an educator it is my goal to facilitate learning in an environment that is safe, sensitive,
and accepting. I believe that each and every student is capable of learning regardless of their
background, economic status, or gender. When grading and interacting with students it should
be the goal of the educator to ensure that equality and fairness is demonstrated.
Communication with students should be clear and appropriate in order to make sure students
are able to achieve a high degree of success and understanding in the course. Differentiation is
necessary as an educator to ensure that all students have an equal opportunity in their
educational success.
My self-assessment supports the ideals that an ethical educator should have including
fairness, integrity, punctuality, and an understanding that all students have the ability to learn
with varying levels of support. Over the course of my studies, I have grown to understand that
support necessary for each student is uniquely different and it is my responsibility as an
educator to adapt my teaching style to accommodate for these differences. Moreover, this
lesson has taught me that it is necessary to establish an understanding of each student’s
background in an attempt to make the classroom environment as equitable as possible.
The professional dispositions are qualities that an educator must possess in order to
follow the guidelines outlined by the Model Code of Ethics for Educators. This code establishes
standards and dispositions necessary in order to be an effective educator. These documents
work together to create a foundation on which educators should base their classroom instruction
and personal values around.
Education requires you to adapt and improve when necessary in order to best meet the
needs of the students you are serving. I will continue to use advice, constructive criticism, and
classroom feedback to improve my teaching skills and best serve my students.

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