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Unit Title: Principles of Cookery II

Commencement Date: January, 2015

Expiry Date: December, 2019

Level III: National Certificate I

Credit Value: 3.0

Access Statement: Access is at the discretion of the learning

environment. However, it would be beneficial if
the learner had successfully completed BECE,
proficiency II in Hospitality and Catering
Management or had an equivalent qualification.

Unit Introduction: On completion of this unit the learner will be able

to demonstrate understanding in energy saving
practices, cooking principles and cooking methods

Learning Outcome 1. Demonstrate understanding in Energy Saving


2. Demonstrate understanding of Cooking


3. Demonstrate understanding of Cooking


Unit Title: Principles of Cookery II

Learning Outcome 1: Demonstrate understanding in Energy saving


Performance Criteria:

(a) Identify energy saving equipment

(b) Practice energy saving

(c) Clean energy saving equipment

Range Statement:

Energy saving equipment: Microwave oven, refrigerator, cooker, combination

oven, hot cupboard, bain marie,

Evidence requirement:

Written evidence of the learner’s ability to identify energy saving equipment as per PC
Performance and product evidence of the learner’s ability to practice energy saving and
to clean energy saving equipment as per PCs (b) and (c) with special reference to
microwave oven, refrigerator and cooker.


Unit Title: Principles of Cookery II

Learning Outcome 2: Demonstrate understanding of Cooking principles

Performance Criteria:
(a) State reasons for cooking food

(b) Apply the basic principles of heat transfer

(c) Explain the effect of heat on food

Range statement

Principles: Conduction; Convection; Radiation

Evidence requirement:

Written and oral evidence of the learner’s ability to state the reasons for cooking food and
explain the effect of heat on food as per PCs(a) and (c) and all the range.

Performance evidence of the learner’s ability to apply basic principles of heat transfer as
PC (b).


Unit Title: Principles of Cookery II

Learning Outcome 3: Demonstrate understanding of Cooking Methods

Performance Criteria:
(a) Explain the general rules for the various cooking methods
(b) State the advantages, disadvantages and techniques for the
various methods of cooking
(c) Apply the safety measures for the various cooking methods
(d) Select suitable equipment for the various methods of cooking

Range statement:
Various methods: Boiling; poaching; stewing; braising; steaming;
baking; grilling; frying (deep and shallow)

Techniques: Boiling: soaking, skimming, blanching and refreshing

Poaching: folding, draining, reducing for sauce
Stewing: blanching and refreshing, setting and
browning, blending in the liquid
Braising: sealing, marinating, sweating, basting,
Steaming: preparation of container, moulding,
covering and waterproofing
Baking: greasing, brushing, cooling, recovering time,
Grilling: oiling and basting, charring and searing,
flouring or crumbing
Frying: (shallow) proving, tossing, turning
(deep) coating, blanching, draining

Evidence Requirement:
Written or oral evidence of learner’s ability to explain, state advantages and
disadvantages of cooking methods as per PCs (a) – (b) and all the range.

Performance evidence of the learner’s ability to apply safety rules and select suitable
equipment for various methods of cooking as per PCs (c) - (d) with critical areas being
equipment for boiling, stewing, baking, shallow and deep frying.



1) The basic infrastructure, which will be convenient to facilitate learning for this
unit, is a normal sized classroom with all the basic requirements and a practical
room, which will be suitable for not more than twenty (20) learners for each
The required learning materials for this should be provided during facilitation.
These should include catering equipment.
1) The standard of the workshop and classroom should comply with Factories,
Offices and Shops Act 1970 (Act 328).
2) The minimum qualification of a facilitator to be able to handle this unit effectively
should be National Certificate II in hospitality and catering management or its
equivalent with a minimum of two (2) years working experience.

This part of the unit specification is offered as guidance. None of the sections of the
support notes is mandatory.


The Council for Technical and Vocational Education and Training (COTVET) allocates a
notional design length to a unit on the basis of time estimated for achievement of the
stated standards by a learner whose starting point is as described in the access statement.
The use of notional design length for this unit is 90 hours. The use of notional design
length for programme design and timetabling is advisory only.

The unit is designed to provide the learners with the knowledge and skills in principles
and methods of cooking. The development of skills and knowledge will be progressive
from working individually to working as a team in the classroom and practical room.

This mandatory unit will be undertaken in a situation where learners will be expected to
achieve a National Certificate I in Hospitality and Catering Management.


The content of this unit are weighted towards the acquisition of practical skills and
knowledge with emphasis placed on the learners’ central activity.

Learning and facilitating approaches will be adapted to the pace of the learner.
Corresponding to Learning Outcome: 1-3

Learning outcome 1:
Learners must be able to demonstrate understanding in energy saving practices.

Learning outcome 2:
Learners must be able to demonstrate understanding of cooking principles.

Learning outcome 3:
Learners must be able to demonstrate understanding of cooking methods.

Approaches to generating evidence

The achievement of the underpinning knowledge required for this unit would be assisted
by the use of hands – on experience. Facilitators should help learners to demonstrate
practical elements step by step until the learner feels confident. The safety factor should
be thoroughly emphasised consistently.

Assessment procedure:
Learning Outcome 1 PC (a) short answer questions and exercises
Learning Outcome 1 PCs (b) -(c) practical exercise with checklist
Learning Outcome 2 PCs (a) - (c) short answer questions and exercises
Learning Outcome 3 PCs (a) - (b) short answer questions and exercises
Learning Outcome 3 PCs (c) - (d) practical exercise with checklist

Corresponding to Learning Outcome 1:

The learner will be presented with learning materials to demonstrate understanding in
energy saving practices.

Corresponding to Learning Outcome 2:

The learner will be presented with learning materials and equipment to demonstrate
understanding of cooking principles.

Corresponding to Learning Outcome 3:

The learner will be presented with learning materials and equipment to demonstrate
understanding of cooking methods.

The unit forms part of the National certificate I level in Hospitality and Catering
Management and upon successful completion the learner may progress to National
certificate II in Hospitality and Catering Management. Each unit is a separate part of the

framework for the award and units are not necessarily taken in a prescribed order,
although there is a logical sequence to the acquisition of the skill and knowledge

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