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Preface othe Second Elton ‘Cuaron 1. Electrical Drives—An introduction Curres 2, Dynamics of Electrical Drives Cuaerax 3, Control of Electrical Drives Electrical Drives AAdvantage of Electcl Dives 2 La Ghove of lect Daves 9 1'5 Stats of de and ae Drives 21 Fundamental Toque Equations 1 22 Speed Torque Convention ed Maliqaadiant Operation 12 23 Bauivalen Vales of Deve Parameters 4 222 Lk nt emt ete 1S Components of Load Torgues 18 ‘Nature and Classi of Load Togues 19 Cacao of Time and Enery-Lass in Transient Operations 20 Steady Sate Stbly 23 Load Equaisation 24 Problems 28 1" Modes of Operation 32 32 Speed Cont and rive Casiexions 33 Cece: Loop Consol of ives 35 ose Hal coed Rec Separely Eaced Moe Muliadet Open of Seay Sad Mow Fol om uly coma Mecier Tia $141 Sy omnte ae a ene 517 Sats ron Pome or a Ri S18 ChopperConraid dc Dmves 12 ee 19° Chopper Contrt of Separately Excited de Minies 3 er 2 Soar Cine tam a opp 3 522, Conner Ragen Costa Gea 15 suction Motor Drives ‘th Unlined Roo Inpedances 148 sof Indition MF fom Now Sia otage Supply 8 1856 Unlined suring se 5? Paring aug 56 Ror ae 15S Braking 158 i fc RepsraeWaig 1662 Pango Fiano mer 1 deo operon 1 Danes 198 from Corrent Sour 230 Cuaeren 9. Src om Fe ene Soy 3d 1) See ee ae ot 4 [RE Moses of i egueney come 256 » ti Sel sone Sychrnots Motor Dive Commuted Thysor iver 26 Sarng Large Syacironus Macnes 266 Sei-conrlled Synehonows Mate Dive Permanent Magnet a Motor Dives 267 79. Sinasoidal PMAC Mor Daves 268 781 Sn re eg ei A ee an ae Brushless de or Tapetaidl PMAC) Motor Dees 701 bao ee ene poral 25 Stepper Motor and Switched Reluctance Moor 41 Soper x Spin Maas 28 31 lop ee sees 7 oo wna Sate ca tele ioe a Coneren 1 Tomes n ect Dave Spey 13 tevraeeienooeeaamena eS eee ae 117 Inprovemeo of Pet Far 30 19. Improvement of Quality of Say 38 "10 Use oF Single to The Pe Semicond Comene 111 Regulated Pevenve Manes of Ml Electrical Drive Systems and Components IP Becca Dave Syreme 68 i ponents Us fo Oniing Signals ooking and Scquening Oersins. ad Preston 377 : tenes cn Problems Ble fed Mes Conois Drives 335 Acres 7 Neca eae ng Semcondctr Cory or Chopper Con ae Moors 342 ISH inti mcr vi ELECTRICAL DRIVES, “Movin cont rege ing ube find and ones pata systems aling il paper machines ete ll aching tt Rn machines ete. Stes employed fr motion etal oe elle rer ande rime mover soc desl opel eninge eam ine a Ion snd ars pin hn ou mt a ‘Block diagram of an electrical dives showin Fg 1. Lodi pis given th, © fins, pumps. obo, wating chine mach nil Ustlly lod requement an be pete interns seed ah tn eo having sped ogue charters and capes oma to ad "chosen. Power modlator performs nto ate of te felon fur a [= [premier | fe Ef beat command Fg: 11 lt dam fan lel ne i) Modulates flow of power rom he ous oe tein ih pane pent ego chances egy ade Ti) Dlg wale oprny, cha stu bang snd caren item aes xe cut iar may casa Voge ip : whch see ape ra te eu pt como oa “he ea oe te Oa Fs m bove adv " coceny alteady avaiable fom 3 ame a bs il aoe : > i omer ino acted ety By ¢ paca a emer te > 0, ih mR el eine iad pe nd pena eat ee teh i it ne ca ice alana ety ja tga Stine cca wh ane a a Ss P AB» co py ca ma bm maa .rapecivly. The hat tng in by te exes Fe ety xtc de mah mag % reat hemi ce a yeas oro nei ol ac ee ou kat 0 nen a hems Poor, 1489.4 and M2387 9m Hamas cures nd incon me (esti Te gsr bi bape press te 300" faders praieWhe mt ay ise a on fae ae peg he errant hh gn ih ino uc eh cing na sor vine Sentence x occ oy pe Ns ch whe vasa of poe da eee SS ot ee sevao een wl vee ua uot ange We OWien i held con “run egal of oping arent ly in he inion he ire he oe 1 fee ta mere pr vod igh To pve eng a ei feats lowing th «elo a ate ae ste A Aleit id wining onc scott conned ss he ames eS lope crust, and although il eis ing cme) ie a ng a i vas a a he en fang Oo ete Vos someon cma ue of spray ares ssa 1 at Sons 5 DOR ra ian Bre etter ocr. i on ea ga Migaed above te W ee 7 ood oe Ingest ontcance nt pete ona Pace set gr scan! cays cane oe Se hee a Sapte War Len ive. cplanedia S39 Eee Feet apa he cg ge Min estpy sone ns cn soe ma he apa oe ar of Wc Leona ive ens «soe ie Be ds ces acomave on span ee Oe ‘eelnpt or ae The eaten oa ee Mess gu on or cs pend ee ane eg Sa phe ine no eo om ‘Peay re i ont and nope ube inc monn swe fn er am bing on ed Te st aan Me latownin ig 32 Hoe tes a mp ain ote mina Se arm cave ace eh rr Teen aera ec Bacto, nyo er Peerage Mortage costed AND UNCONTROLLED RECTIFIER CONTROL tcesebe nly ier sing 2-0 sfrre Ppimayater som oowed yor word Remacetiabematecicottovrarsc sme Oe igs Far high pone appicas edo mh lp uno ad xem fart aca oto adap ssn fe comes tgs Ft eno dont io? rh Pe 30 He cen > cen eae dane i ah oa eae ide ele creat s coalesce $9 CONTROLLED RECTIFIER FED de DRIVES nl fers ae use led ioe fon 2 (Gel fer fe dc des also Snowe Sal Wat sad sige Sowesemenly ses coe ut a qua i hh ey oo fee Ae tyros a copble of concn ce ye slo proving cen ony One etn Ret a Segmented ets Seema rye. ense ru coOSTROLLED — ‘OF de SEPARATELY EXCITED . em tom eae Shee tet rk Sc ete ae = Ntnontras wep cS roma ga 2, sd wea ee cy SE Ren a osesan ES wertsece ‘onion oe he vc can be id inetd = si ea en ea a Leeann sm ik : le 51.0 dag a Ea vem : : ‘also pe i A ie he pana Bi pm Ferny K PAB aoa. 02-05 « ase +2 eee or StS the dv eating le nee)" fermen 65.2" ao. sito te pea gn cen co Ping Wi Asin con 0-6 ee ey 1442 Seana sin B85 7 16 a Se ae el $5 pm a reco tne 285 Ca Fon i of Fang 5.1 fra 1 ioc 5004 hes = S055 Mira pet ponte pais gent ltr bes pei dco oso ee Ra Ka xh orl ro) eam sarin (8617) ~ 064s ps iso etn, Trl i gy po. ( Yale aca) ait O- Rigam 1-0 cos 03490 Sil SINGLE. PHASE HALLF-CONTROLLED RECTIFIER CONTROL OF de SEPARATELY EXCITED MOTOR Teves shown nip 5.2%. ln aceleof ase alge ely By SPINA fey fom aio ane rom (+ 2 Mato emilee sh a Fe darian dincoxinaows and continua Ito contusion ne, when Ti ed er a fie ad Dy and v, ey amare cen fcewhel rough he phy Dia {istrotage is zero. Conduction of D, reve ine Tan He and says sero uni T3 fk cinbe exsaiecd, Prtaineous Conduction AP tr rel vag con (oy ra fs os A etna 0 afar a

ae taney | eum aa sa i 2 THREE. PIASE FULLY-COVTROLLED Rep AN OF de SEPARATELY EXCITED MOG ES TFTER CONTRO + aa “sepa de iis sec ves opting ure nin a. oe m : ee oye #08 sao FS, = Fp eames cd tnd Segawa Nctacutre een 8 rer i anew see "icra be toe orc shen fa cain en ten con senses S SeToulsspnto se Bt acini caro stone br . fpr mtn toes cc fom ae (1811500 130 9m 7 P830 Seetinecncs ane ERE JeranTmLy EXCITE eteD RECTIFIER eer aes a i ll caer ary moro rag qo ope comin hf eal fap meion eqns Ton 1 oe rips The er no aes Fotis eget iene 9398 Wh eve ving four yess co eT at ae a mtr oe len ‘ haa. Bo rors oe a I ch oe ely se ble ue he dear ped hepa eee ring 9! roel ees eg a eens ‘rent a vole eter eon ge 1 pres motor cotl quan M838. Oelcn in Beare two methods sonal or he dal commen ‘Basa conroed ogee In order avoid declan eed proce same dc vtage ars he ate re nan ae ieee Pi enmny a fea tn ms ee rel one Trea iam fg vo Sense wna aia Mi enter ae She Cs Teeth wes area tong me ron 91 Sissies wea al ys tn 8 “ihe am ei tare he Bere ow rns | acest de edt eves Ihe ee linseed colin ids ch on oo 50052180 Beles strc rts eto oa fs nd anager ae hn on sansa BS msi at ond iiea e fl en Gsdeuretean be een. Wi olen ne ce V.When deren rerenc operas st thomsen coal The ponder dr ee pe fete ner » fr (anrrmpineo o4 7 Neate teens ies ee Ieee eareed Wt Lien con le SIS RECTIFIER CONTROL OF dc SERIES MOTOR Silica ter ces mts eel Ponies onesie 8 Tesi Soe nf cen witha ve iaataronemgefopeon Hen taiibongled nee Pec nck econ nicon ewe ie i acm cnn Sic 1 mers tm fy (1) ad he 8c ad anion tom ome Dyn Braking a, During ers fren indatance are dost in Baking rea Ry Sn te magnitude of ener ds ped Ry and etn 7 Fs in forage a tee some ws Bes litat te) an-5) ce = eg 2 pane hae ci kc rt tne Pepa bt sone owas pes The dove fl se ; pet i susie Oeics ast 125 _qmas-083 Hl E=L [C1 5)ky +R = 40|0 -06)2 00 AVE 431 CHOPPER CONTROL OF SERIES aig Gis cats v, nd i, waveforms wil be sme as she SAL BEBID. However. es not const but varies wi iy Dat sua pen «and x nonner. Te apy Hb seogn 108) splice, Conequn, m hgh equnce of sep deserted i Se 515 The mR rainy Sts a MOTOR “08rd at gg x01 atnay = ind E it) balances the oto oe ee ie a aig saat spsntn oS orien Steir) nrg 5) and E5105) and 3.1 ie : ne. toy] ieee cae e200 (trp 0) 05 ane i 1 ste maxim lowable noo pe fox msn pes ee OR fakin pcssibie dy ratio of O38. ‘i fa) Wt esstance us be isso arate cca othe de Sitenerding arma erent beyond 70? The Gu son Ra fom 005 00.98 ta a rite Cm Phd ag ye sles = Fiennes cd ses onde pea act geo en Bg ee eee = Seer a Bertin vos aes aps ees ve o cn 85 a 0 100 Induction Motor Dr; nes se eee ote ves etre mane 2 ag wee ed i Masonite 1 Dimer baat ona focal expe a “uma Psse DUCTION MOTORS “Becca min oe ei esl gl coe se 1 imate eordoh sts URIs meesnbots waar Ica Picton noes shown nF | Meth sited als ta ian Bde ee PRR ID cmpad eina volage V8 FAP MANION Fa. 65 ine 6a, noma at conver am : — eaten pega aa) rere tt hs nol eat sng ng —peneaeane ead anette ee. ‘ 35 0 See ‘i oc aaa ie re pda = bingo (61) DepBeSgeirecage Rotor Induction Sate ema "sone pres on me Ra i i a dtr “(Seeger niin th he a a oa Breed rue ad pes — tases an aoe a esha “a Bias ras eee oi eis I re 030) Recs. 5 = ae ane Pena spec oeion ac knw tn Meipbeec inom caren 1% pce That angie ge ft ey prose sul pram Ferien ot wood tere Bot ee oo naa (ae eens tn tt oe a cerns a ee a nda cn ie pe hy otro esi ee E ite seca ane neen eee oo sao a nd Sg gan sequence awrled by Process lage yaar a m ey Joa) fe) epee pine aia CN gy eo, Specs shonin Fl 64) Foran of star onne'os rahe ifaiedecried in Se 66.3or ac yc ohne wah lek og 64) mas be ws, rg ax wave and postive sesnence ror ane Nepe eee toric Ts rend dc oni ate tlsepiveequence ro curennsracins ee begun ence cures, an pe eae lt Ss rds trues Hoc, hee saat lis The ping ngs case wom v8? an le i rue rues copper loses od | eee hamlet Bo tiga allowed rater the same cmon, es ere et cements a me co acs 26-1 A 0s 2-25 cena at el n0ss/)2+ a3 ROTOR IMPEDANCES sig and pe cine eT merci Positive and negative sequence composes pean ao er Soo. a chemi +7 pe p0 maine Tawny Poe 2080513 fash by ssc 0e 7H he phachin omnia, 62%) Sins yarn Kan a For PEAMetW asst sts rene. Ti on ono ol oe pment rt te se Wi res dni sos aie pets wh Pes Hes eo Ol sewn Fi 6308 Hews ‘st tic comeing cl pone od cen PSF moana SBE Ki Gc inversion and omission. 6 OR feeders ees fetioie hese tones EF thse mn nai STATOR VOLTAGE CONTROL, —— “one fn and po se 0 le eyo stoys thats iin al ihe a ‘indy dspcing» vo of se np pone i ta {Bcc lm nc dnaon se oe al fae tte esos ths ve empleo fs spend range "eit votuge or peed cnt is tan wit = ees ya ng Bg ue eee : ata ay | leone Sinan ie of tysstos. For 10% Power rating, | auome sara [gent tron pe 300 Be anc sentir vote oct Ie sg sd tree pte. sllow a spew commal ete | ees at fea sat srs eter fie y oye (109). With crease HEE | gee digesters, ring lo pose ter fh dw as 0 be mintined orsaapunt wis fe hid oir aways opersied clo a bene fig 35, conning oon core lop met pted bec pessre proves cqanie aLP™ | a — past As 1002 IP : Pl 170 pm. deta connected quel sage ndustan mo | oa When vig» an nda oslo 804 Pinca coves and oor an een A bea vate of 300 = JpREQUENCY CONTROL FROM VOLTAGE Souey, x Omir a 8 Induction Motor Be er pt comedy sag py tng Piercy ie rts tut cuca and arg Kamat wins canbe conser popes to he Sete ngumeyithu&change nthe termina vg ee enka Sexe 1 eer» Sepa Serene ts gnccing cuss incr loro ose sat coo. epee inion he ae le ca ea vido retin re Bees i id sins ay oe by seheg mind wage wih feycncy vo 2s fo me Fes 613) peraton sd negtve sin for Wak W)c28i, 1) nd eer, ro 60) Kune o me ease caer ih any ede te re eo (Spe ews Abin tric oan wih ove arent whe te opin nn a ag bs on Ther ne mu open eh eng see mrt ped ard oun tue po a sown ty ie aE GSS weeny com! ponder gx ig a - ‘Stoeger a (Se conto raking operon ae valle fm eee ce sn smi nc esa eyes irre ae Seep msn ra feeennarm no onto a Sete ten mtn on cng none (V3) 12d a ay nar bee ‘ance feet on ee pase cot Pia contat alana 3 |e aa ee tw se he eg state od oe Lat amt ese p speed, wish sediment pls Spe he ahi nse pao nee Aen "Meso ae rte gutsy Hea is os Fre (Rak) > (Ay +X}, bee fa E67 cen wit peste val ; Ptapimewi V1 active caper lan its i in ryan 5 ws inns : esos iin win cuny so sosn ees tte mscunya Spee a sun poner tt ie ose fe n= H volags cure vere (Vl) ar ‘i era echoed es fee ryt tt eee ere wbonenh mien ye Teresina css aca etme e cute ls wis nse ti Nieman ne dnes ren bythe fotwing Foret eres fone] [-«.) oa ‘eto en pnd a eas by song meee ine Coney etna (9 Beate sow hn are he mea Mat ae ay mot re a ears Bates Peden as ices erin on Pectsinlags compre whe ams # as congener ue fag Vi en Ppp: sen mikes tycoon os un ne sn ea Heer cantor nar ron recs Taree Set od cnponen of so cre whch ar bee fal samen pres an dyes fw eves mes necator ae fein talyenpoyd art dja Hohn emit yanking of pulse-width tai ee silt swe we 6 hi ewes tiene hiya) wen Sih SW is oped. Generated energy fom! ts ‘te bh a ito ence ee vee Thus by lasing ad pena aa w ee ies i ero the ve fF. 634) ah daa Ss fesoeis GLO boric aca ee eee feta Pn pe merc oy remreemntetent ad ey eYCLOCONVERTER CONTRO ingen ofr ee "nme ee cs sy PUM ona Blip perigee hg coer of he dk voltage: When pas he pore en by PM ener oe alge Gaetan wil be consan unl euleaben SE REse Blatt over hen) Ft ienettemeeeas Paste pee ped ye SLC Hence the cna lege Yoda fete tence, th dik tage eb ii vet 6302 can ave the eres hy her del cones or SLC he ars perl edo 63) can have nro bake ie aul cosere, The SLC canes be aed tees > Etok olan wheras with sx atep over dc bek vl mt 3H) wl ie epenve baking capaity ia 0 Bésfpoidag lagoon pany ond cunet nth {Sesomrenet de has piso hig wee Peatopeoncan te tac ny ane win | um cree! Sv sons nh Ariat ofteinvener euces mney | ENED dng sme wih ma ime ipor aa ding mote wih large ple samt oma “ = Thesc dvs ae all pean es De a voage are progressively ened ae Peete ssica Se NA aah ve op Snr he race fig seera ents et 2 aon as cnc cra vlage eh al gee det wh ns hare Te a ‘siemicronone eae ‘ ose mpl he Sada PAB teuecy K nes mR 220.8 =30.% atte er enya i Be ests oi mr wt vedanta | annsso fare pny Me = 0 Bian, RFE a sates a aT +t Eg peezanexsea D/O Tee Bait Re om bk ppc wun te cease een Hie 1 oi re 000 pes dase 40 pe of 110, i to ops 180% o tad 1 ul a ge MOLD) x 00 ae Ge) Mensou = 07457, «07692537 = SIN ae 2 cf i re ig 20 a ee ieeeyammees mts ae ay P= a spctncn mi n Femi 05-0 agg peta tee 1852537 pneu The my iaielitroneerdifer ony nth my ak nce ns Hite oe sere sod late spt nese ha Owl ie ner eee into Hato ofits vale at 50 Ha. a Semmes ge sn rent win dnt em ae he VARIABLE FREQUENCY CONTROL, peo 606 CURRENT SOURCE ae a a a ae oo ee euler a fo mar fod are a foes ae cm 4 ce ae Ea Cre edie! by + caret source | a Pe GR im (ORT aE ee ae relationship between J, and rotor frequency (4) foe mite ly (area Sec oem Soe are story. Since moto is constait 10 oper 5 CMD eh sed 2 cu!» peed irees (CSD sow a Fg 645. Dw Toma ses mies Hal shows te me incon ree Reece oS vlnge sara PE age sie se spot. 01 SOURCE INVERTER CONTROL facets ge cette Fe 64809 oa ars men non ve ee semen oc ey ‘onatono tw dec es og a thn de to the pce os ag ca Se ris and normal cpr eee ea gg Keepenic HC tres wre ced exegh Se ean . er Fe 645.1 an al ono Soh thor bag nda ece ot ae Berit loe laters ndcince » wed Oe oo foe cipro: CC, uc he ge es a og ‘Gat Lage ale of pac segue sue mae he a ‘Gnesi: he he aang ha che coe le ata the aueny range oe ene a a el ae: ge vals of ductor Lan aps CS orig md vue $24 Regmeraine Braking an Maint Opera Metin egaensy eee to make yeh eas ener fons om ahie lie Sot Soe ere ag reo sins a 9 ne on POAC ae when nk Iie dts eee eed ra jon Ser plat VS cperas wih cre ole PWM, a a itn sche pw "Se ol en a (TRS 1 on aro ae sown inte Rue Suh he (See ctteatal metercuset wan thn tse a FO ) employed In thie phe inet saa isco oie al fe poste and he al inl of te de some, nc eo ge soon tne nt ee ‘ soig eta ag “edna al det fom liye ht ‘cone oan cin iret Sag ne ot lg ‘peed a Rose ra se see ei PeA Contd wera ‘so sew ee. cae gu whch a . ele neal sisi sh ta tr re aed coming orgies tec That |e Spe evince a8 cn eee la i 9 ere esc or alee ete. eed ieee cas MELE rat res frat ares nay et end tn wend indorsed ese 61 eee: “owt Plot oa aaa n= 05k\0-5) 1 ca Son or mit ow Sc pk Ape Gi HR = 245-04 dr ch Taf pe ee eae hel p's nee Save po Ee of + woundsr indsion now ; ‘em at wy. wen eo vs 69) 69) ys amber ce "a 9 Rig 630, Whe «5 eh a et a erties spe srs i ip Vy whe 15 rec he id pi oe ag tin eae $e option a he she ee a0 an ine Sensi nse so epee noc ve ess tet oer osama) yet =e Y= S170 a (0 Bét +0240, +2517); = 90 091% +081; +5012 «0 ns a re nt eh i + th ge ew ea wad idee Ra Seieeeliataete canta ad sn) nea See ericsson eign wae insta 3K «05 x) mpi gs = de a eta rs ee ses coon nee eco oe BM etertacvrsny scons Beit eipofscenfuga switch. o clay once she ese feeb sy sn al nae as rering now esi is hin we, has igh ess Lint ee nei oly a etiiptiea e heen a ig So eshne two mindngs—min and sulin A capaci ml the enen eee a a 1 or. Captor sn ‘haan aay wing a onan ka ag iid ae 0 cnr ad ip 64d Singles {RAKING OF SINGLEHASE INDUCTION ogg Meyers Moons Magy tt al ee 2 anise ng or ge ott eaten et) Te sts e465 capsaicin gl phe nt rayrapt oF SINGLE-PHASE INDUCTION Moros Bea20,R 950.55 2X)= 600 aso Bee MOTOR AND ITS CONTROL Seemed toe don mvs Beery ndcton en a ryt m9 See BS npc Srtaiy ees ne Batre gh ep. Mix wine can ee BRR teatre nti tetccn venga Sled shri condecor The cdo jp oi foe 1 ny Eeyore ou sone we pa = eealeleee mbt so Aelinarequite lrg ac gap, Comes spower facie and efile EH. sin varaporation cling ee Tid ang te wack. Ass 08 a 6.17) ixemployed for staring. ead fd orate ‘uns ere Sac Bitte un on pct EPA mae eam ao peearerssi Since Seen sue Bip ee : = Beeraic sm Sig 0 ad. Tessin io phe mat eternal eae ei eso hs oa oat tered The mses so! of ‘i ae rion exten ie tran odio con ga $ret sara mincon nes cate ee ON. 50 I Saiy 3a.x;-20 cnr veh nee ko oc sd a ‘nena oa ae res Tee pee rca Sonn ga oe» Goa fel Pen hea er omer a ‘oh pus pies eal "tt emma Mr en cae ose a on ET a ae Seem Te sue” nip ey eee noes cs ¥ 7 a el : Pines esntesans ae: Se pase gc ses ded he al aie foes Srpe soni nun etn “indie omc a a Ma pedo te ur ee ae Caner ts re ol ea ih al ot Bier 205, 0 Seti Cane mai. mt es 1040p when he nee age as a9 ma rely rayne Mtsapetiiceg: ic pocw ouyenieemanret | Get mortar aa Bees acess rptarsahtet BMS teprcepc ns tne stent mr he wae ma not

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