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1. The words "eclose" and "environment" are important for different reasons.

"Eclose" refers to the process of an insect or other arthropod emerging from its pupal or
nymphal case as a fully developed adult. It is an important word for entomologists and
biologists who study insect development and life cycles.

"Environment" refers to the surroundings or conditions in which a person, animal, or plant lives
or operates. It is an important word for environmental scientists, conservationists, and
policymakers who study and work to protect the natural world and its resources. Understanding
the impact of human activities on the environment is crucial for addressing issues such as
climate change, pollution, and habitat loss.

2. The term "ecosystem" generally has one main meaning: a biological community of interacting
organisms and their physical environment. However, in some contexts, it can be used more
broadly to refer to any system or network of interconnected elements.

The term "environment" has multiple meanings, including:

1) The natural world and the physical surroundings in which organisms live, including air,
water, land, and other living organisms.
2) The overall conditions or circumstances affecting an individual or group, such as social or
cultural factors.
3) The setting or context in which something happens or exists.
4) The computer hardware and software used to run a particular program or application.

3. The word "eco" is often used as a prefix in words related to ecology or the environment, such
as "ecosystem" or "ecofriendly." The prefix "eco" is short for "ecology," which is the scientific
study of the relationships between organisms and their environment. Therefore, the use of "eco"
as a prefix implies a connection to ecology or the environment.

4. The word "ecology" is an unco untable noun. This is because it refers to a field of study or a
concept that cannot be easily quantified or divided into discrete units. For example, we can talk
about "the ecology of a forest" or "the ecology of a coral reef," but we cannot count "ecologies"
in the same way we can count apples or cars.

5. The stress on "ecological" is on the third syllable. The stress on "ecologist" is on the second
6. why is the word eclose followed by to emerge as an adult insect from the pupa stage: The
Lulworth Skipper normally ecloses around May? Can you think of other examples?
7. The first "c" in ecocide is pronounced like an "s" sound, as in "echo". The second "c" is
pronounced like a "k" sound, as in "code"


9. The correct sentence is: "The ecology of wetlands is very complex."

The subject of the sentence is "ecology," which is a singular noun, and so the verb "is" should
also be singular. "Wetlands" is the object of the preposition "of" and does not affect the number
of the verb. Therefore, "is" is the correct form of the verb to use in this sentence.
10. Yes, we can write "It is very important for ecologists to educate" as it is grammatically correct
and makes sense in the context of the sentence.


Environmental science seeks to better understand and manage the connections between human
society and the environment, especially the flora and wildlife that coexist with us in the natural
world. This area of research focuses on developing long-term fixes for issues where people
negatively affect local ecology. Environmental scientists use a variety of academic disciplines,
including geology, geography, physics, chemistry, and biology, to pinpoint pollution sources,
evaluate flood risks, collect soil samples, and develop remedies that enhance the environment.
Environmental scientists are employed by a variety of organizations, including the public and
private sectors. Although the government employs the most environmental scientists, the
private sector is also hiring more of them as a result of new environmental laws and regulations.
Environmental scientists can work in analysis of the environment, environmental regulation,
instruction, and resource management. Because of the size and complexity of the environmental
issues we face in the 21st century, environmental scientists are becoming more significant.
Scientists working in this area are assisting in the management of environmental changes, their
prevention, and the fight against deliberate ecocide. Environmental scientists will undoubtedly
play a bigger and bigger part in helping human civilization better understand and manage the
relationships between human society and the environment since humans are affecting fragile
ecosystems all over the world. The need of finding long-term solutions to environmental issues
will only increase, making the work of environmental scientists essential to preserving the

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