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Lahore Garrison University

Department of Software Engineering

Course: Software Requirement Engineering Semester: Fall-2023

Date: Wednesday, January 17 2024 Due Date: 23-01-2024

Maximum Marks: 100

Quiz # 3
What is difference between requirement analysis and requirement validation future more
describe the requirement validation objectives?

Quiz # 4
How The requirement review process work? explain your answer with the help of diagram

Assignment # 3
1. How to initiate the software requirement gathering process?
2. How do you write a software development agreement?
3. How would you schedule meetings and ensure that all relevant stakeholders are
included despite time zone differences?

Assignment # 4
1. You are working on a project with a tight deadline, and a stakeholder requests
additional features that were not initially planned. How do you handle this situation?
2. During the requirements gathering phase, you discover that some stakeholders are not
actively participating. How do you encourage their engagement?
3. During a requirement gathering session, you encounter conflicting requirements from
two important stakeholders. How would you resolve this conflict?

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