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132 Cultural Transmission and Archaeology: Issues and Case Studies

COCHRANE, E. E. 2008. Migration and Cultural

Transmission: investigating human movement as an
explanation for Fijian ceramic change, in O'BRIEN, M. J.
(Ed.) Cultural Transmission in Archaeology: Issues and
Case Studies. Washington, D.C., Society for American
Migration and Cultural Transmission:
1nvestiga6ng Human Movement as an Explanation
for Fijian Ceramic Change
Ethan E. Cochrane

P eople may move from home to home during

their lifetimes and in doing so go about their
daily activities in a series of different ecological
differentially across segments of a population. If
my simple approach works, then we can construct
more precise explanations that incorporate these
and cultural settings. Sometimes people move in aspects of migration more routinely recognized
pairs, parents and their children move, or larger by anthropological geneticists (Fix 1999).
groups relocate. Nonhuman organisms similarly In an evolutionary context, migration is similar
move about during their lifetimes, including birds to gene flow as used by population geneticists,
and their seasonal movements, coyotes inhabiting although they usually refer only to the one-way
new dens, and butterflies occupying new tenito- movement of individuals (Fix 1999). This defini-
ries that offer reproductive advantages (Baker tion of migration follows from the principles of
1978). Such relocations are generally referred to evolutionary theory used to explain cultural (in
as "migrations," although a range of behavioral the sense of extended phenotype) change: There
variation is encompassed by this term. Migration is cultural variation, the variation is transmitted
has long been a subject of archaeological inquiry between individuals, and some variants persist at
and disciplinary debate because it is both intuitive the expense of others. From these principles we
and noncontroversial that migration helps shape can postulate, for example, that some distribu-
variation in the archaeological record. The ques- tions of transmitted variants are explained by
tion is, how do we identify the archaeological sig- selection (not necessarily differential human
nature(~)of migration? Further, how do we reproduction [Leonard and Jones 19871) and other
explain the occurrence of migrations in prehistory distributions may be explained by drift. We can
(Anthony 1990; Burmeister 2000; Clark 1994; also recognize that some cultural similarities will
Rouse 1986; Snow 1995)? be homologous, at least in part a result of trans-
Migration can be integrated into a cultural mission within a population, and some similarities
transmission framework, where migration is will be analogous, possibly a product of conver-
defined as the movement of individuals between gence in separate populations.
local populations that sorts homologous similari- Not surprisingly, the methodological debate
ties. Local population here is synonymous with over how to identify migration using artifacts is
deme in a biological framework, and sorting approached differently from a transmission per-
denotes the same process referenced by the term spective. Four steps are involved. First, assem-
in evolutionary theory, simply the differential dis- blages from at least two geographic areas must be
tribution of similarities. These similarities must described by artifact classes that measure homolo-
be homologous if our explanations are to address gous similarity. Second, methods such as cladistics
the movement of individuals related through cul- or seriation are used to depict transmission rela-
tural transmission. This definition of migration is tionships between classes and assemblages. Third,
different from the colonization of uninhabited the geographic distribution of classes or assem-
landscapes and does not specify the intensity or blages are is compared with their depicted trans-
direction of movement. My goal in this chapter is mmion relationships, such as in a phylogenetic
to address questions of migration in the simplest tree, to develop hypotheses of the relative likeli-
of terms, without the added complexities of multi- hood of cultural transmission and possible migra-
directional movement and movement that occurs tion between local populations. Finally, separate
Migration and Cultural Transmission / Cochrane 133

archaeological data sets from the same geographic innovation (Cochrane 2001). Using the method
areas should be analyzed to construct plausible developed by Cox (1968) to explain past human
accounts relating the likelihood of cultural trans- migration requires the definition of migrant cul-
mission between local populations to (1) linked tural lineages and then comparison in terms of
cultural transmission and the movement of indi- relative ecological specialization.
viduals and (2) cultural transmission between local This chapter explores how migration might be
populations without such movement. incorporated into a transmission framework for
The theoretical issue of how to explain migra- explaining cultural variation. The first section
tion is also approached differently within an evo- briefly describes the history of migration research
lutionary framework. Ecological studies of animal in archaeology with emphasis on developments
migration suggest that natural selection as an relevant to cultural transmission research. Then I
explanation for migration is a good preliminary present a case study from the southwest Pacific
hypothesis, as movement and likely habitat Islands, a region where migration-based explana-
change cost energy (Baker 1978). Evolutionary tions of cultural change have figured prominently.
studies of nonhuman seasonal migration suggest The case study is a cladistic analysis of pottery
that it can often be explained by competition from Fiji and Vanuatu used to define transmission
between conspecifics or species and by inbreed- patterns indicating migration between the two
ing avoidance (Roff 2002). For example, across archipelagos. The results suggest that homologous
populations in which individuals compete for similarity can be measured across the archipelagos
resources, fitness advantages may accrue to indi- and that migration might explain this similarity.
viduals through ecological isolation (e.g., niche
specialization). However, if greater relative-fit- METHOD AND THEORY OF MIGRATION
ness advantages accrue to individuals that move EXPLANATIONS IN ARCHAEOLOGY
and obtain resources elsewhere, then such move- Although migration as an explanation for archae-
ment at a population level can be explained as a ological variation was invoked by European
result of selection. Cox (1968) uses this frame- scholars as early as the seventeenth cent~~ry, and
work to explain migration in birds and argues that by Americanists in the nineteenth century
if competition between lineages is important in (Trigger 1989), archaeological methods for identi-
the explanation of migration, then migrant line- fying migrations did not appear until the early to
ages should show less variation in phenotype mid-twentieth century. In the Americanist tradi-
r related to ecology, as the ecological isolating tion, Spier (1917) was one of the first archaeolo-
mechanism of migrant lineages is migration and gists to suggest that distributions of different arti-
not niche specialization. Cox found that migration fact classes are a result of the movement of
tends to occur in groups less able to achieve com- people. He mapped the temporal distribution of
s plete ecological isolation through other means. sites belonging to different time periods as indi-
Evolutionary theory presents us with a cated by the presence of chronologically sensitive
process-selection-with which to explain migra- ceramic types. The changing locations of sites
tion as well as a means by which to test the expla- placed in temporal sequence demonstrate "that
nation through comparison of cultural variation the center of population has shifted from period
related to ecology. This approach differs from to period" (Spier 1917:300).
most archaeological approaches to migration, Less than a decade later in Europe, Childe was
which attempt to explain movement by the inten- also tracking human migrations in prehistory.
tions of past people, largely economic but often Building on the work of Kossina (1 91 I), Childe
viewed as including a variety of additional cul- (1925, 1929) suggested that cultural groups, or
tural motives, so that "each migration has its own "peoples," can be identified by recurring associa-
causes" (Burmeister 2000550). This is a decid- tions of artifact types. Artifact types useful for
edly different explanatory tack than that provided identifying cultural groups include pots, orna-
by evolutionary theory and a cultural transmission ments, burials, and house forms. When a "total
framework, in which cause is attributed to a set of and bodily transference" of these artifact types
processes external to the artifacts studied occurs from one area to another, a migration had
(Dunnell 1982; Sellars 1962; Willer and Willer likely occurred (Childe 1929:~-vi).When only
1974)-primarily selection, transmission, and one or a few artifact types that define a cultural
134 Cultural Transmission and Archaeology: Issues and Case Studies

group appear in a spatially adjacent cultural tral variation and the operation of drift in finite
group, Childe inferred "some sort of 'relation' populations (Lipo et al. 1997; O'Brien and Lyman
between the respective areas or cultures" 2000a; Tschauner 1994). Culture historians did
(1929:vi). By relation Childe meant a form of not use such terms, instead crafting interpretations
contact between groups. Some artifact similasities of variation arranged by aggregates of historical
across cultural groups were explained as the artifact types such as phases and foci (Lyman et
transmission of adaptive similarities (although not al. 1997). These interpretations, including migra-
in those terms), as suggested by Childe's aside tion, were based on the equation of units such as
about the unremarkable "spread of an obviously phases with cultural groups and the application of
superior device (e.g., the cut-and-thrust sword)" cultural processes generalized from ethnology or
(1929:vii). For Childe, then, the identification of through direct historical analogy (e.g., Sears
migration in the archaeological record involved 1961). As Meggers (1955) noted for migration,
two observations. First, cultural groups or peoples this explanation was used when the types
are identified by a suite of certain kinds of artifact included in a phase or similar unit measured a
types that are less likely to be transmitted rapidly expanding spatial distribution (e.g.,
between neighboring cultural groups-a perspec- Ritchie and Dragoo 1960). Thus, Americanist cul-
tive that foreshadowed concepts such as cultural ture historians superficially identified migration
conservatism and cultural cores (Boyd et al. 1997; in a manner similar to European archaeologists-
Rosenberg 1994). Second, when these types- as rapid spatial expansion of a suite of artifact
house forms, burial styles-are applied to the types identifying a cultural group.
archaeological record and the suite of types iden- Archaeologists continue to explore migration as
tify chronologically rapid spatial expansions, a an explanation of archaeological variation (e.g.,
migration has likely taken place. Childe viewed Anthony 1990; Burmeister 2000; Cameron 1995;
essentially all cultural similarities as homologous, Chapman and Hamerow 1997; Crown 1994; Kirch
suggesting that independent invention is 1984; Levy and Holl2002; Rouse 1986; Snow
extremely rase in the cultural realm. 1995; Spriggs 1993; Zedefio 1995). Not surpris-
Childe's work provided the model for ingly, recent studies demonstrate that migration is
European archaeology for the next 30 years still identified by the archaeologically sudden
(Trigger 1989), and there was little additional appearance of new artifact types. In an article
methodological discussion of artifact classifica- heralding the reintroduction of migration into
tion and the identification of migrations. In the archaeological explanation, Anthony divides long-
Americas, however, a theoretical and method- distance migration into "leapfrogging" and
ological literature developed around issues of arti- "migration stream" models and suggests that
fact classification and the construction of artifact
stream migration will carry regionally
types that measure temporal change (Dunnell
defined artifact types from a circumscribed
1986; Lyman et al. 1997). The profusion of
home region to a specified destination.
chronological types resulting from this work led
Innovation in the new home might then lead
to several formal systems for constructing and
to a sort of artifactual "founder's effect,"
arranging types (e.g., Colton and Hasgrave 1937;
resulting in rapid stylistic change from what
Krieger 1944; McKern 1939; Rouse 1939;
was in any case a narrowly defined pool of
Spaulding 1953; Wheat et al. 1958). Ceramic
variability. [1990:903]
wares, series, and other aggregate units such as
phases were interpreted to be the product of cul- There is, however, little discussion of artifact clas-
turally related peoples, although there was no sification or methods for differentiating between
explicit justification for such an interpretation, the above-quoted scenario and ecological con-
except perhaps for ethnographic parallels in the straints on artifact variability in a single popula-
American Southwest (Graves 1998). tion, to name one plausible alternative explanation.
Culture historians could describe assemblages Recognizing that artifact classification must be
in terms of artifact types and then arrange those addressed in any attempt to examine migration,
assemblages into chronological order because the Burmeister (2000) suggests that archaeological
type-frequency distributions they generated meas- classes describing adaptive cultural variation may
ured the cultural transmission of selectively neu- not be suitable for investigating migration. Using
Migration and Cultural Transmission / Cochrane 135

the example of barn architecture among early develop hypotheses to explain the patterns with
European settlers in North America, Burmeister reference to the empirical distribution of classes
notes that a particular barn form constructed by in space and time. When migration is the focus of
southern German immigrants was adopted by study, we may try to explain transmission patterns
other immigrant groups because "of the function- with reference to the movement of individuals
ality of its design, which was kept simple and had and compare transmission patterns with independ-
multiple applications" (2000:541). The alterna- ent archaeological evidence such as assemblage
tive, argues Burmeister, is to examine variation chronologies, genetic affinities between individu-
associated with a particular cultural lineage, als in different regions, and transport of artifacts.
which can "be found in the material culture of the This research agenda is exemplified in the follow-
internal [nonadaptive] domain" (2000:542). ing case study.
Burmeister, however, provides no necessary and
sufficient conditions that define variation in the MIGRATIONS IN THE SOUTH PACIFIC
internal domain. The South Pacific offers many advantages to
I would argue that the most important method- archaeologists examining migration. The various
ological step in migration research is to define island groups provide environmentally bounded
artifact classes that measure homologous similar- locations for archaeological assemblages and the
ity. Only by constructing such units can we be populations that deposited them. There is also a
sure we are trachng variation within a culturally long history of research employing migration-
related population. Once assemblages are based explanations of cultural variation (e.g.,
described with such units, or classes, relationships Bellwood 1991; Green 1963; Kirch 1996; Kirch
between the classes can be defined in seriations, and Green 1987). And, for some areas of the
phylogenetic trees, or other models that depict Pacific, population diversity in terms of biology,
transmission patterns. After transmission patterns language, and ethnography has been richly
have been generated for a set of classes, we can described, giving the archaeologist additional

Figure 11.1. Map of the Pacific Islnncls with major island groups labeled. The islands of Near Oceania have been
inhabited,for approximately 35,000 years, whereas those of Remote Oceania have been occ~ipiedfor a maximum
of only 3,300 years.
136 Cultural Transmission and Archaeology: Issues and Case Studies

potential data sets to investigate in migration- In recent years, scholars have continued to
based research. interpret variation in the Fijian archaeological
The west-to-east colonization of the Pacific, record as indicating the arrival of migrant popula-
from the Bismarcks to Easter Island (Figure 11.I), tions. Best (1984, 2002) and Burley (2003) sug-
has been substantiated through radiocarbon dating gest that some Fijian ceramic change is likely a
of cultural deposits and simulated voyaging result of migrants arriving in the islands. In par-
(Anderson et al. 2000; Finney 1979; Irwin 1992). ticular, Best (2002) states that ceramic changes
Change in the material culture of an island or that occurred circa 1750 B.P. in Fiji possibly
island group is often seen by archaeologists as the resulted from the arrival of voyagers from north-
result of the arrival of new human groups (see ch. ern Vanuatu. Best argues that ceramic decoration
4). Perhaps the most well-known group of sup- on vessels from Lakeba Island in eastern Fiji is
posed immigrants are the Lapita peoples, whom similar to that on vessels from Vanuatu.
most archaeologists suggest arrived in the already Additionally, Best observes that obsidian chemi-
inhabited circum--New Guinea islands and began cally sourced to northern Vanuatu occurs in the
making Lapita pottery circa 3500 B.P. (Kirch Lakeba deposits at approximately the same time
1997). Green summarizes the consensus view, (but see Bedford and Clark 2001). Burley (2003),
noting that after examining the ceramic record at the
Sigatoka Sand Dunes on the main island of Fiji,
the onset of the Lapita horizon is an out- notes that changes that occurred circa 1500 B.P.
come of intrusions by tiny populations car- are so striking that any interpretation other than
rying with them common cultural, biologi- ethnic group replacement seems unlikely.
cal and linguistic components. The evidence Scenarios such as these are possible but diffi-
suggests that in the first instance, popula- cult to evaluate because, with few exceptions
tions speaking Eastern Malayo-Polynesian (e.g., Allen 1996; Cochrane 2002a, 2002b; Graves
and pre-Broad Oceanic moved into the and Cachola-Abad 1996; Sinoto 1962), Pacific
cluster of islands that were within the archaeologists have not constructed artifact classi-
Bismarck Archipelago and just off-shore of fications with the principle goal of measuring
the already inhabited and much larger main homologous similarity. Instead, the ability of
islands. [2003:1121 most classes to track homology is typically
The proposed migration of Lapita peoples into assumed. I examine this assumption below using
the Pacific is not the only set of possible migra- pottery from western Fiji and Vanuatu. I first look
tions that archaeologists have investigated. Fiji at several classification issues and then discuss
has been the focus of considerable debate con- how the classes I created were used in a cladistic
cerning the identification and explanation of analysis.
migration (Hunt 1986), beginning with hypothe-
ses developed by Fornander: Classification Issues
Fiji, described as "a sort of 'between place'--a
During the first and second centuries of the foyer of exchange and interaction" (Kirch
Christian era many and properly organized 2000:156), was colonized circa 2900 B.P. by pop-
migrations of the Polynesians into the ulations arriving from the west carrying Lapita
Pacific Ocean took place from various pottery (Anderson and Clark 1999; Frost 1979).
points of the archipelago. . . . [Tlheil- gen- The analysis described here focuses on excavated
eral rendezvous during this migratory and surface ceramic assemblages from the Yasawa
period was on the Fiji group, and princi- Islands of western Fiji that I collected (Cochrane
pally on the west. . . . [Tlhey were of supe- 2002a, 2004) and on published descriptions of
rior cultivation to the Papuans then and now Vanuatu pottery (Bedford 2000, 2001 ; Bedford
inhabiting that group. . . . [Tlhey stayed and Clark 2001; Bedford and Spriggs 2000). The
there long enough to introduce a large Yasawa Islands were initially inhabited circa 2700
amount of their vocables in the Fijian lan- B.P., or approximately two centuries later than the
guage and no inconsiderable part of their first occupation of Fiji. The earthenware assein-
legends and customs. [1969:2 (1878-1885)l blages in the Yasawas are distributed across the
prehistoric sequence, from late Lapita assemblages
Migration and Cultural Transmission / Cochrane 137

Figwe 11.2. Potteryfronl Fiji rmd V a n u a f ~Top:

~ . sherclsfmn Yasawa Islar7ds (slzowz half'size). Bars indicate
vessel interioi: Shei-ds genemllj decrease in age,froin top to bottom rrnclfi-oin left to right. Botfonz: scmple of
vessel dm,~.ingsfronzBedfbi-d (2000, 2001; Bedford and Clark 2001), with scale b a n in ceiztinzetei-s when
included in originals. Vessels generally decrease in age fiorn top to bottom arzdj5onz lejt to righf.

to deposits dating to the nineteenth century marine resources. Archaeologists are still refining
(Figure 11.2). There currently is little evidence for the ceramic sequence of Vanuatu (e.g., Bedford
large-scale craft specialization associated with pot- 2000, 2001; Bedford and Clark 2001; Bedford
tery manufacture in Fiji. Most pottery appears to and Spriggs 2000; Spriggs 2003, 2004), and there
have been manufactured and used within small appears to be considerable regional variation
regions (Dickinson 2001) by a population that was across the archipelago. However, the earliest
not functionally integrated into larger production deposits on Vanuatu invariably contain Lapita
systems. decorated pottery and plain pottery, largely simi-
Like Fiji, Vanuatu was first colonized by sea- lar to assemblages found across the Lapita hori-
farers carrying Lapita pottery who sailed into zon (Green 2003), including Fiji. After circa 2800
Remote Oceania leaving behind the intervisible B.P., Lapita decorated pottery no longer was
islands of Near Oceania. The first populations in made on Vanuatu, being replaced by multiple
Vanuatu arrived circa 3000 B.P. and inhabited decorative traditions found throughout the islands
locations at river mouths and bays with access to (Bedford and Clark 2001). Apparently an ace-
138 Cultural Transmission and Archaeology: Issues and Case Studies

ramie period existed on some Vanuatu islands performance characteristics of ceramic vessels
circa 1200-600 B.P. (Bedford 2001). (see Bronitsky 1986; O'Brien et al. 1994; Schiffer
To investigate the possible effects of migration et al. 1994)-may track convergent similarities in
on transmission patterns defined from Vanuatu multiple, similar selective environments. In this
and Yasawa Islands pottery, the pottery must first instance, the similarity of artifacts grouped by
be described using units (classes) designed to functional classes may be a product of unrelated
track homology. For Fiji, previous ceramic classi- transmission lineages in those selective environ-
fications have been constructed using the princi- ments. Of course, functional similarities may also
ples of numerical taxonomy. A large nuxber of be explained as transmission within a lineage and
observations are made, and statistical grouping the adaptation of a population in a selective envi-
procedures are subsequently used to arrange ronment (O'Brien and Holland 1992), but to
empirical specimens into sets (e.g., Best 1984; avoid mistaking convergent or parallel similarities
Clark 1999; Frost 1974). The meaning of these for homologous similarities it seems best in many
groups-that is, the necessary and sufficient con- cases to construct classes using dimensions that
ditions for group membership-is often not logi- measure nonfunctional similarities, what Dunnell
cally linked to a particular analytical goal (1978a) refers to as "style."Archaeologists have
(Dunnell 1986; O'Brien and Lyman 2000a, since linked Dunnell's definition of style to the
2003a). Further, the process that such units are distribution of selectively neutral variants in
measuring is unknown. Obviously, this approach transmission systems (Lipo 2001; Neiman 1995).
will not work if we require our units to measure How do we construct classes that measure neu-
predominantly homologous similarity. tral, homologous similarities? To begin, dimen-
Using evolutionary theory as a guide, classes sions that measure homologous similarity should
will more likely measure homologous similarity if contain modes (mutually exclusive observations)
the dimensions that define classifications do not whose frequency or presence and absence varies
describe functional (Dunnell 1978a) variation. over time and space and without respect to possi-
Dimensions that describe putative functional ble selective environments. As an example, in
variation-for example. variation affecting the some environments we might expect modes
Table 11.1. Description of Modes for Dimensions Describing Shouldered-Vessel Rim Sherds.

Dimension Modes

Rim curvature (C) Curves C1 and C2 (each measured between inflection point of V2 and upper termination, viewed from
vessel exterior):
1. At least one curve straight
2. Both concave
3. Both convex
4. Exterior concave, interior convex
5. Both S-shaped
6. Exterior S-shaped, interior convex
7. Exterior S-shaped, interior concave
8. Exterior convex, interior concave.
Angle 1 ( A l ) Degrees from line at V2 (0 degrees). perpendicular to central vertical axis (90 degrees), to chord
defined by L l :
1. > 9 0 degrees
2. > 70 degrees and < 90 degrees
3. < 70 degrees
Thickness 1 ( T I ) Thickness of sherd (mm) wall at V2 perpendicular to exterior and interior sherd walls:
2. > 6 and < 10 mm
Rim symmetry (S) Measured in cross section from V2 to top of rim:
1. Parallel
2. ~ x i e r i o expanded
3. Interior expanded
4. Interior and exterior expanded
5 . Contracted
6. Exterior expanded and contracted
7. Interior and exterior expanded and contracted
First temper abundance
rank (TMI) 1. Calcium carbonate (C)
2. Ferromagnesian (FM)
3. Quartzo-feldspathic (QF)
4. Lithic fragments (LF)
5. Void
Migration and Cultural Transmission 1 Cochrane 139

describing rim forms and some ceramic surface that structure variation (see Cochrane 2002a).
modifications to be distributed in this manner, as Variation in vessel rim form, surface modifica-
variation in these dimensions does not seem to tion, and temper was explored in the Fijian col-
offer any differences whose preferential transmis- lections to develop the classification presented
sion could be explained as a result of selection here. Archaeologists working in Fiji (e.g., Best
(e.g., Lipo 2001b; Sterling 2001). In contrast, the 1984; Burley and Dickinson 2004; Clark 1999;
distribution of modes describing the thickness of Cochrane 2002a, 2004; Green 1963; Hunt et al.
cooking vessels may be explained as selection 1999) have recorded variation within these
sorting culturally transmitted variation (e.g., dimensions across the archipelago's ceramic
Braun 1987). Importantly, propositions such as sequence, and it appears unrelated to different
these are historically contingent and may be falsi- selective environments. Testing the selective neu-
fied through engineering analyses (e.g., Feathers trality of these dimensions through engineering
1989; O'Brien, et al. 1994; Schiffer et al. 1994) analyses and transmission models is a goal of
and the application of population genetics-based future research. Class construction was not car-
models (e.g., Kohler, et al. 2004; Lipo 2001b; ried out with reference to Vanuatu ceramic collec-
Neiman 1995; Shennan and Wilkinson 2001) in tions, as only published pictures of typical
particular archaeological sequences. In this sense, Vanuatu materials were available. Details of the
the Yasawa Islands ceramic classifications that classificatory process and preliminary evaluation
follow are initial hypotheses about the processes of the homologous character of the classes in

Figure 11.3. Top: rrm cross sections with ternplates for nzeasurirzg character-Ashown m Table 11.1. More
characters are shown in the figure tlzan are disc~isseclhere (see Cochr-arze 2004). Bottom: sclzematic
representations of character states for rim synzmeti35 rim cuwature, rim thicknes~,and rim angle.
140 Cultural Transmission and Archaeology: Issues and Case Studies

relation to the Yasawa Islands assemblages are sion of the classification used here. However,
presented in Cochrane (2004). Classes con- Bedford does generalize about temper variation,
structed from dimensions measuring rim and tem- indicating that assemblages either contain calcare-
per variation were applied to shouldered vessels ous-tempered sherds (Bedford and Clark 2001) or
in the Yasawa Islands and Vanuatu collections. lack any calcareous sand tempers (Bedford 2001).
The classification includes the dimensions rim Comments such as these were used to determine
curvature (C), rim angle (A1), rim thickness (TI ), the appropriate mode in the TM1 dimension.
rim symmetry (S), and the first temper-abundance
rank (TMl [Table 11.1, Figure 11.31). A class def- Cladistic Analyses
inition consists of the modes for each dimension. After artifacts have been classified, we can use
For example, class 2321 1 describes a rim with several methods to define transmission patterns
both curves GI and C2 concave, angled at less that might account for class similarities and the
than 70 degrees, a rim thickness between 6 mm empirical distribution of classes in space and
and 10 mm, parallel rim symmetry, and calcare- time. The classification used here was originally
ous grains as the most abundant temper type by developed as part of a larger project to explain
rank. This classification produces a total of 2,304 transmission patterns in the Yasawa Islands
classes, with 142 of the classes containing mem- (Cochrane 2004). In that analysis, phylogenetic
bers in the Fijian assemblages. When applied to transmission patterns were explored with cladisti-
the Yasawa Islands assemblages, 14 of the 142 cally derived trees generated using maximum-par-
classes have four or more members and a total of simony methods in PAUP'"Swofford 1998).
120 rim sherds. By using these 14 classes to ana- Multiple clades, or groups of related transmission
lyze transmission patterns, we are examining only lineages at several hierarchical levels, were
the most common similarities that may result defined and arrayed against a time line (Figure
from transmission (see O'Brien and Lyman 11.4). These phylogenetic trees of ceramic classes
2003a). (taxa) share similar topologies, but are products
When the classification is applied to the pub- of different outgoups, with no outgroup identified
lished drawings of rim cross sections from as more appropriate than another (see O'Brien
Vanuatu assemblages found in Bedford's publica- and Lyman 2003a for details of cladistic analysis
tions (Bedford 2000, 2001 : Bedford and Clark of archaeological materials). The similar topolo-
2001), 18 of the possible 2,304 classes have gies depict a clade of recent ceramic classes
members. The pottery depicted in the work of evolved from a common pool of ancestral varia-
Bedford and his colleagues appears to be type tion-a "common ancestor" in cladistic terminol-
specimens or single sherds and vessels that repre- ogy-circa 500 B.P.
sent the "mean" of variation found among a col- On the bottom tree this recent clade shares a
lection of similar-looking specimens. This has common ancestor with other ceramic classes,
four ramifications for the present analysis. First, whereas in the top tree the recent clade is derived
we cannot know how Bedford's drawings repre- directly from the outgroup class. Additional
sent variation in the underlying ceramic popula- cladistic analyses of 10 classes with six or more
tion, but we can assume that they depict the most members produced similar trees. The phyloge-
common forms described by a mix of morpholog- netic trees presented here do not depict groups of
ical and decorative characteristics. Second, the people associated with different ceramic classes
type specimens must be treated as rough guides splitting off from each other in a kind of branch-
for the abundance of a particular class in an ing cultural group evolution (cf. Mace and
assemblage, given that no counts of particular Holden 2005). Indeed, there seems little empirical
forms depicted are available. Third, the ability of warrant for associating specific artifact classes
the classifications used here to track homologous with a particular set of people in this instance.
similarities cannot be rigorously evaluated. We Instead, these trees depict hypotheses about the
must assume at this point that the classification typical route of transmission, linking ceramic
built from the Fijian materials measures homolo- classes in a population within particular spatial
gous similarity when applied to the Vanuatu and temporal boundaries. If the transmission pat-
assemblages. Fourth, the illustrated rim cross sec- terns depicted in these trees are accurate, we can
tions do not depict temper variation, one dimen- suggest processes that may explain characteristics
Migration and Cultural Transmission 1 Cochrane 141

Figure 11.4. Pliylogenetic

trees representii~g
lzjpthesized relationships
ainong 14 Ynsacva Islands
c ~ m n i i cclasses using different
o ~ ~ t g r o ~Class
~ p s . defznitio~z,~
(rim c u r ~ ~ a t ~LC],
w e rim angle
[ A l l , rim thickness [TI], rim
.syiizmetiy 131, and the first
tenzpei--ahr~nrlnnc.e mnk
[TMI 1) are ,slzoci:iz next to
each rim illustration. These
are 50 percent majoriprule
co~~serisi~s trees genemted
,from 1,974 e q ~ ~ a l l y
pal:siiizonious trees.
Illustrntioiis of classes
(interior of vessel to lep)
convey chaizrcteristics ofthe
class only and clo 1201 depict
actual speci~izens.Gray rinzs
clirplc~ythe FM temper
character state for the
chasacter TMI. Branch
lengths and node positions
depict npproximate
clzroizological origins and
ertiizctions of classes only.

classes in a cladistic analy-

sis with classes from the
Yasawa Islands. To facili-
tate the analysis, classes
with the most empirical
members and associated
with particular temporal
ranges were used. For the
Yasawa assemblages this
includes five classes with
six or more members, and
for the Vanuatu assem-
blages this includes six
classes of the 18 identified
among the drawings of
Vanuatu materials. The six
of the trees having to do with, for instance, clade Vanuatu classes were chosen based on written
origin and extinction. For example, the recent descriptions referring to particular sherd and
clade, whose classes occur in assemblages across vessel drawings as the most prevalent in assem-
the Yasawa Islands, might be a product of envi- blages. The Yasawa Islands and Vanuatu ceramic
ronmental and demographic changes in Fiji that classes used for the combined analysis are listed
influenced cultural transmission (Cochrane 2004; in Table 11.2.
Cochrane and Neff 2006). Ceramic classes were grouped into an early
In a preliminary attempt to investigate popula- period and a late period. The early period con-
tion movement in this region of the southwest tains classes where the majority of their temporal
Pacific, I have combined the Vanuatu ceramic distribution occurred circa 3000-2 100 B .P., and
142 Cultural Transmission and Archaeology: Issues and Case Studies

Table 11.2. Classes Used in the Cladistic Analysis of Yasawa Islands and Vanuatu Pottery.

Class Definition (Modes) Location Temporal Distribution (years B.P.)

Yasawa Islands


the late period contains classes where the major- 12121 in the early time period and clade 2225 1-
ity of the distribution occurred circa 2100-500 2235 1-12351 in the late period.
B.P. Class 12211 was used in both analyses. Clades at different levels in the phylogenetic
Using the cladistic procedures described above, hierarchy in the early- and late-period trees con-
the six early classes are arranged into five equally tain both Vanuatu and Yasawa Islands ceramic
parsimonious trees. The outgroup is the class with classes, suggesting that these clades depict trans-
the oldest and shortest temporal distribution. Each mission within a combined Vanuatu-Yasawa
tree is described by a consistency index (CI) of Islands population. We can examine the geo-
.83 and a retention index (RI) of .80 (Figure 11.5, graphic distribution of classes within early and
top). A similar analysis of late classes produced late clades to determine the relative importance of
three equally parsimonious trees with a CI of .83 transmission, and possibly migration, between the
and RI of .80 (Figure 11.5, bottom). The outgroup two archipelagos over time.
for the late tree is the class with the oldest and The approach is simple and follows a proce-
most restricted temporal range in the Yasawa dure developed by Slatkin and Maddison (1989)
Islands ceramic classes. Using the oldest and for estimating gene flow among demes. A tree is
most temporally restricted class from Vanuatu constructed from character data that arrange
produces the same tree. Although the high CI and unique classes from two or more geographic loca-
RI values of these trees suggest that they are good tions into a series of bifurcating relationships.
approximations of a true phylogeny (ch. 5), the Geographic location, though not used to construct
small number of classes and invariant character the tree, is then mapped onto each terminal class.
states make these indexes less accurate descrip- The geographic location associated with nodes in
tions of tree robustness. the tree is determined recursively by assuming
To better estimate the ability of these trees to that geographic location is a multistate, unordered
depict phylogeny, I conducted a bootstrap analy- character and is distributed across nodes and ter-
sis of the data matrices used to construct the trees. minal classes using a parsimony criterion.
In bootstrap analysis of cladistic data a new The tree in Figure 11.6 demonstrates the pro-
matrix of classes and their modes is created by cedure. Nine terminal classes at the tips of the
randomly sampling with replacement from the tree are described by their geographic character
original data matrix, creating a pseudoreplicate. (location 1 or 2). Moving toward the root of the
This is done many times, and the most-parsimo- tree, we assign geographic states to nodes through
nious trees are then generated from each pseudo- a simple majority-rules procedure. Two terminal
replicate and combined to create a majority-rule classes, each with geographic character 1, arise
consensus tree (see Kitching et al. 1998; O'Brien from a node with geographic character I (Figure
and Lyman 2003a). Clades found in the consensus 11.6, circled). If a node gives rise to a class with
tree constructed from the pseudoreplicates are geographic character 2 and another class with
less likely to be products of chance mode associ- character 1, the node is described by both states 1
ations in the data matrix. Two clades occur in the and 2 (Figure 11.6, gray area). If a node gives rise
50 percent majority-rule consensus tree generated to a class with geographic state 1 and a node with
from 100 bootstrap replicates and are less likely a state 1 and 2, the deeper node is described by
to be chance constructions: clade 12321-22121- state 1, according to the majority rule (two 1s ver-
Migration and Cultural Transmission / Cochrane 143

Figure 11.5. Equally parsimonious phjlogerzetic trees genera fed fi-om early (fop)and late (bottoin) Vanuatu and
Yasawa Islands ceramic classes. Geographic locatiorzs of classes are desigimfed b j 'y'(Fiji) or "v" (Varzuatu)
after each class definition. Nodes are labeled with the geographic character detenvirzed thmzigh the Slntkirz and
Maddison (1989) procedure, with the rz~mberof migmtion events, "s, " given below each tree.

sus one 2). Assigning the deeper node geographic sharing a common ancestor do not themselves
state 2 would require two changes in the state share geographic characters, a migration event
(from 2 to 1, and from 2 to 1, 2 ) to account for must have occurred. In Figure 11.6 two migration
the distribution of geographic characters in the events are depicted at nodes whose characters are
subsequent node and class. When taxa or nodes underlined.
144 Cultural Transmission and Archaeology: Issues and Case Studies


Figure 11.6. Tree showing distribution of geographic chamcters aci-oss terminal classes and nodes (adapted fronz
Slatkin and Maddison 1989).The circled area highlights two ter~ilinalclasses with the snrne geogmplzic clznrncter
arising fi-om a node, and the gray area highlights a tei-nzirzal class urzd a node with diferent geographic chnracte~r
arising from a node. fivo nodes indicating migration events ha~letheir geographic character:^ underlined.

Application of the method to the early and late bination of this and migration. To explain these
ceramic trees is demonstrated in Figure 11.5. By transmission patterns as a result of migration, we
moving from the classes at the tips of the tree, need to compare the patterns with independent
through the nodes, and to the root, we can deter- evidence of migration from the two time periods.
mine the number of possible migration events
(labeled "s") necessary to account for the geo- Evaluating Proposed Migration Events
graphic distribution of classes in the phylogeny. Analysis of biological similarities between
Four of the five early trees contain two possible individuals in different geographic locations is
migration events, and one contains one possible one method for evaluating migration hypotheses.
migration event. The late trees contain one possi- Assuming genetic transmission coincides with
ble migration event. Although these data sets are migration, we might expect early skeletal assem-
small and the classifications are preliminary, the blages across Vanuatu and Fiji to display more
phylogenetic trees and geographic character genetically based similarities than late skeletal
analysis suggests more possible migration events assemblages. Investigating the accuracy of this
during the earlier portions of Vanuatu and Yasawa expectation requires large, well-dated skeletal
Islands prehistory than after circa 21 00 B.P., samples, and these are rare in Fiji and Vanuatu for
when archaeologists (e.g., Best 2002; Burley the beginning of the prehistoric sequence. A much
2003) suggest migrations from Vanuatu to Fiji larger assemblage of Fijian skeletal material
perhaps took place. Using the phrase "possible exists for a later time period (circa 2100-1600
migration events" to describe the early and late B.P.), including a single set of remains from a site
trees is shorthand for a more complicated sce- in northern Fiji and over 60 burials from southern
nario. It is more accurate to state that when the Fiji. Metric and nonmetric analyses of all these
early and late ceramic classes are arranged in remains (Pietrusewsky 1989; Pietrusewsky et al.
phylogenetic trees, the geographic distribution of 1994) suggest affinities with populations in
classes across each set of trees indicates increased Vanuatu and islands to the west, but also with
transmission between geographic areas in the populations to the east, including those from
early period relative to the later period. The geo- Samoa and Tonga. Analysis of post-2100 B.P.
graphic distribution of classes could result from Fijian skeletal material suggests that the single
spatial transmission without migration or a com- possible migration event identified in the late-
Migration and Cuirbrai Tra-5- ss z - Czc--2-5

. .
ceramic phylogenetic trees (Figure 11.5, bottom) Vanuatu obsidian in Fiji suggtsrs rhe Frexc:r-rr
may result from movement of individuals direction of movement.
between Vanuatu and Fiji, but this does not
negate the possibility of concurrent spatial cul- CONCLUSION
tural transmission between archipelagic popula- I suggest that it is possible to incorporate research
tions. The paucity of early skeletal material from on migration into a cultural transmission frame-
either archipelago inhibits comparison across the work, but some aspects of migration research
early and late periods. remain problematic. We are limited to construct-
In addition to skeletal analyses, the distribution ing only plausible arguments about migration and
of artifacts compositionally sourced to geographic artifact similarity because the only empirical evi-
provenances can also be used to evaluate cladisti- dence of past movements of populations is found
cally derived migration hypotheses. Petrographic in human biology (but see Chapter 4). We can
analysis (Dickinson 2001) of 418 sherds from a infer the movement of individuals by studying
variety of chronological contexts in Vanuatu and biological similarities as expressed in DNA (e.g.,
Fiji has identified no instances of pottery move- Renfrew and Boyle 2000) and skeletal morphol-
ment between the archipelagos (some exotic ogy (e.g., y'Edynak 1976) as well as ecological
sherds in this analysis have yet to be assigned a similarities of individuals evident in bone chem-
provenance). Only the presence of obsidian from istry (e.g., Price, et al. 2001). Our observations in
Vanuatu in Fiji that postdates 1750 B.P. indicates these fields, however, are generated and explained
the movement of individuals from Vanuatu to Fiji. within a system different from that used to make
The effect of movement on ceramic similarities is observations of material culture similarities.
possibly reflected in the migration event depicted Although many of the mechanisms and concepts
in the late-period trees constructed from Vanuatu used in biological and cultural transmission
and Yasawa Islands pottery. research are similar, in the end biological trans-
By comparing the results of both skeletal mission, as indicated by DNA similarities, for
analyses and artifact provenance work, we can example, does not necessitate cultural transmis-
suggest a plausible interpretation of the migration sion between individuals and vice versa.
events identified in the early and late phyloge- How, then, can cultural transmission research
netic trees. Although the average number of aid the study of past human migration? My
migration events across the early trees is greater answer is that a cultural transmission framework
than that across the late trees, the migration can be used to define homologous similarities and
events in the early trees appear to depict cultural lineage continuity across geographic areas instead
transmission across space, as there is currently no of only the general similarities, of unknown
evidence suggesting the movement of individuals. meaning, identified using other frameworks.
For the late trees, the single migration event Without methods for defining homologous simi-
identified seems likely a result of both the move- larities and cultural lineages, the results of migra-
ment of individuals between Vanuatu and Fiji and tion research may mistakenly equate like-looking
contemporary cultural transmission across the two artifacts with the existence of a culturally related
archipelagos after 2100 B.P. The recovery of people in multiple geographic areas.

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