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On the basis of the following data about an economy which

consists of only two rms, nd out:

a) Value Added by rm A and B, and

b) Gross Value Added or Gross Domestic Product at Factor Cost.


Items ₹ in lakhs
i) Sales by rm A 100
ii) Purchases from rm B by Firm A 40
iii) Purchases from rm A by Firm B 60
iv) Sales by rm B 200
v) Closing Stock of Firm A 20
vi) Closing Stock of Firm B 35
vii) Opening Stock of Firm A 25
viii) Opening Stock of Firm B 45
xi) Indirect taxes paid by both rms 30

a) Gross Value Added at Market Price, and

b) National Income from the following data.

Items ₹ in lakh
(i) Value of Output:
a) Primary Sector
b) Secondary Sector
c) Tertiary Sector
(ii) Value of Intermediate inputs purchased by:
d) Primary Sector
e) Secondary Sector
f) Tertiary Sector
(iii) Indirect taxes paid by all sectors 50
(iv) Consumption of xed capital of all sectors 80
(v) Factor income received by the residents from rest of the world 10
(vi) Factor income paid to non-residents 20
(vii) Subsidies received by all sectors 20
Find Gross Value Added at Market Price:-

Items (₹ in lakh)
i) Depreciation 20
ii) Domestic Sales 200
iii) Net Change in Stocks (-) 10
iv) Exports 10
v) Single use producer goods 120

Find Net Value Added at Market Price:

Items (₹ in lakh)
i) Fixed capital good with a life span of 5 years 15
ii) Raw Materials 6
iii) Sales 25
iv) Net Change in Stock (-) 2
v) Taxes on production 1

Find Net Value Added at Factor Cost:-

Items (₹ in lakh)
i) Durable use producer goods with a life span of 10 years 10
ii) Single use producer goods 5
iii) Sales 20
iv) Unsold output produced during the year 2
v) Taxes on production 1
Calculate the Net Value Added at Factor Cost:

S.N Items (₹ in lakh)

i) Goods and Service tax 25
ii) Consumption of xed Capital 5
iii) Closing Stock 10
iv) Corporate tax 15
v) Opening stock 20
vi) Sales 540
vii) Purchase of raw materials 140

Calculate the Gross Value Added at Market Price

S.N Items (₹ in lakh)

i) Goods and service tax 40
ii) Consumption of xed capital 15
iii) Closing stock 20
iv) Sales 700
v) Subsidy 5
vi) Intermediate consumption 400
vii) Opening Stock 10

Calculate gross value added at market price.

S.N Items (₹ lakh)

i) Goods and service tax 30
ii) Sales 800
iii) Depreciation 50
iv) Net Change in stocks – 40
v) Purchase of raw materials 360
vi) Corporate tax 10
From the following data, calculate value added by rm
X and by rm Y:-

S.N Items (₹ lakh)

i) Closing stock of rm X 20
ii) Closing stock of rm Y 15
iii) Opening stock of rm Y 10
iv) Opening stock of rm X 5
v) Sales by rm X 300
vi) Purchases by rm X from rm Y 100
vii) Purchases by rm Y from rm X 80
viii) Sales by rm Y 250
ix) Import of raw material by rm X 50
x) Exports by rm Y 30

Calculate Value Added by Firms A and B from the

following data:-

S.N Items (₹ lakh)

i) Purchases by Firm B from Firm A 40
ii) Sales by Firm B 80
iii) Imports by Firm B 10
iv) Rent paid by Firm B 5
v) Opening stock of Firm B 15
vi) Closing Stock of Firm B 20
vii) Purchases by Firm A from Firm B 20
viii) Closing Stock of Firm A 20
ix) Opening Stock of Firm A 10
Calculate net value added at factor cost:-

S.N Items (₹ Crore)

i) Subsidies 5
ii) Sales 500
iii) Intermediate Consumption 200
iv) Closing Stock 40
v) Consumption of xed capital 60
vi) Indirect tax 30
vii) Opening Stock 50

From the following information about rm X, calculate

gross value added by it.

S.N Items (₹ lakh)

i) Domestic Sales 300
ii) Exports 100
iii) Production for Self Consumption 50
iv) Purchases from rm A 110
v) Purchases from rm B 70
vi) Imports of raw materials 30
vii) Change in Stock 60

From the following data, nd out value added by rm X:

S.N Items (₹ lakh)

i) Sales by Firm Y to Firm X 400
ii) Sales by Firm X to households 500
iii) Purchases by rm Z from Firm X 300
iv) Opening stock of rm X 25
v) Closing stock of rm X 75
Calculate (a) Value of output and (b) Net Value added at
factor cost from the following data:

S.N Items (₹ lakh)

i) Goods and services tax 100
ii) Sales 1000
iii) Operating Surplus 60
iv) Opening Stock 200
v) Consumption of xed capital 50
vi) Closing Stock 200
vii) Intermediate cost 600
viii) Subsidies 40

From the data of a rm given alongside, nd out net

value added at factor cost:

S.N Items
i) Total Sales 75000
ii) Purchase of raw materials and other inputs 30000
iii) Indirect tax 7500
iv) Consumption of xed capital 2500

Given the following data, nd the Net Value Added at

Factor Cost by Farmer producing wheat.

S.N Items (₹ in crore)

i) Sale of wheat by the farmer in the local market 6,80,000
ii) Purchase of a tracter 5,00,000
iii) Procurement of wheat by the government from the farmer 20,000
iv) Consumption of wheat by the farming family during the year 5,000
v) Subsidy 2,000
vi) Expenditure on the maintenance of existing capital stock 10,000
Calculate Net Value Added at Factor Cost from the
following data:-

S.N Items (₹ in crore)

i) Purchase of Machinery to be used in the production unit 100
ii) Sales 200
iii) Intermediate Costs 90
iv) Indirect taxes 12
v) Change in stock 10
vi) Excise Duty 6
vii) Stock of Raw Material 5

From the following data relating to a rm, calculate its

Net Value Added at Factor Cost:

S.N Items (₹ in lakh)

i) Subsidy 40
ii) Sales 800
iii) Depreciation 30
iv) Exports 100
v) Closing Stock 20
vi) Opening Stock 50
vii) Intermediate purchases 500
viii) Purchase of Machinery for own use 200
ix) Import of raw material 60
Calculate Gross Domestic Product at Market Price by
Production Method.

S.N Items ₹ crore

Intermediate consumption of:
a) Primary sector
i) 400
b) Secondary Sector
c) Tertiary Sector
Value of Output
a) Primary Sector
ii) 900
b) Secondary Sector
c) Tertiary Sector
ii) Rent 10
ix) Emoluments of Employees 400
v) Mixed Income 650
vi) Operating Surplus 300
vii) Net Factor Income from abroad – 20
viii) Interest 5
ix) Consumption of xed capital 40
x) Net Indirect tax 10
Calculate Gross Domestic Product at market price from
the following data:-

S.N Items (₹ lakh)

Net Value added at market price by:
a) Primary Sector
i) 1000
b) Secondary Sector
c) Tertiary Sector
ii) Net Exports – 10
iii) Net Indirect tax 100
Value of Intermediate consumption in:
a) Primary Sector
iv) 300
b) Secondary Sector
c) Tertiary Sector
Consumption of xed capital in:
a) Primary Sector
v) 50
b) Secondary Sector
c) Tertiary Sector

Calculate Net Value Added at factor cost from the

following data:

Items (₹ in crore)
1. Purchase of machinery to be used in the production unit. 100
2. Sales 200
3. Intermediate costs 90
4. Indirect taxes 12
5. Changes in Stock 10
6. Excise duty 6
7. Stock of Raw Material 5
Find NVA at FC from the following.

Items (₹ in crore)
1. Sales 800
2. Taxes on production 50
3. Depreciation 70
4. Opening Stock 100
5. Closing Stock 80
6. Intermediate cost 200

Calculate GVA at MP from the following:-

Items (₹ in crore)
1. Purchase by Firm A from Firm B 100
2. Purchase by Firm B from Firm A 150
3. Sales by Firm A 200
4. Sales by Firm B 300
5. Exports by Firm B 30
6. Change in stock of Firm A – 20
7. Change in stock of Firm B 10
Calculate national income from the following data.
Assume that there are only two properties, rm A and
Firm B in the economy:

Items (₹ in crore)
1. Purchases of materials, etc. by Firm A from Firm B 20
2. Purchases of materials, etc. by Firm B from Firm A 30
3. Value of output produced by Firm A 100
4. Value of output produced by Firm B 80
5. Payment of indirect tax by Firm A 10
6. Payment of indirect tax by Firm B 5
7. Consumption of xed capital by Firm B 5
8. Consumption of xed capital by Firm A 10
9. net change in stocks of Firm A –7
10. Net change in stock of Firm B 7
11. Net factor income from abroad –5

Calculate GDP at MP and NDP at FC from the following data.

Assume that there are only two sectors A and B in the economy.

Items (₹ in crore)
1. Closing stock of sector A 20
2. Opening stock of sector B 5
3. Opening stock of sector A 30
4. Closing stock of sector B 15
5. Sales by sector B 200
6. Sales by sector A 150
7. Goods and Services tax paid by section A 15
8. Consumption of xed capital by sector B 10
9. Consumption of xed capital by sector A 10
10. Subsidies to sector B 5
11. Intermediate consumption by sector A 70
12. Intermediate consumption by sector B 60
13. Net factor income from abroad 10
From the following data, calculate “gross value added
at factor cost.”

Items (₹ in crore)
1. Sales 180
2. Rent 5
3. Subsidies 10
4. Change in stock 15
5. Purchase of raw materials 100
6. Pro ts 25

From the following data, calculate “gross value added

at factor cost.”

Items (₹ in crore)
1. Net indirect tax 20
2. Purchase of intermediate products 120
3. Purchase of machines 3oo
4. Sales 250
5. Consumption of xed capital 20
6. Change in stock 30

Calculate Net Value added at Market Price from the

following data:-

Items (₹ in crore)
1. Depreciation 5
2. Sales 100
3. Opening stock 20
4. Intermediate consumption 70
5. Excise Duty 10
6. Change in stock – 10
Calculate Gross Value Added at Factor Cost:-

Items (₹ in crore)
1. Units of output sold (units) 1000
2. Price per unit of output 30
3. Depreciation 1000
4. Intermediate cost 12000
5. Closing stock 3000
6. Opening stock 2000
7. Excise 2500
8. Sales Tax 3500

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